Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Yep, You're Pregnant! (Part 3)

     This time we were ready.  We had already had the testing done.  In a sad twist of fate, the miscarriage proved we could in fact get pregnant, so the odds were higher in our favor.  Clomid and more cycle monitoring for us!  It was a crazy couple of cycles. 
     The heartbreak every month was dehumanizing when mother nature showed up.  The pills made me crazy hot.  What is supposed to be the fun part in the bedroom turns into a scheduled appointment.  It is not fun by any stretch of the imagination, but you do it because the end result is something spectacular. 
     It was around October of 2013 that I was beat.  I needed a break from spending $300 plus for cycle monitoring and medications.  I was going to turn 30 the next year and I wanted to get in shape.  I wanted that to be my focus, so the husband and I agreed to have a break.  I dedicated myself to my P90X routine and there were results!  I was looking good!  (For those living with PCOS, you know how hard losing weight is and I was actually doing it!)
     December came and we were all getting ready for Christmas.  As someone who is usually always hot, I love winter, it helps me feel relatively normal.  My husband and his mom went to the mall that day and I was left alone to my own devices for some time.  I wandered around the house and played with our pups, Rugby and Bazinga.  Around dinnertime I decided to be nice and have food ready for my husband when he got home so I started to cook.  It was about halfway through the process that my brain registered that I was cold.  I was surprised.  It had been a long time since I felt cold, so my brain said, "Well THIS is weird."  I kept cooking and was not warming up.  I don't know why I thought of it, but I decided to go into the bathroom and take a pregnancy test.  It would turn out negative anyway, but let's give it a shot.
     I took the digital test and went back to cooking.  You see, when you take a pregnancy test every week and it always comes up NO, it isn't a wonder that I completely forgot about it until 15 minutes later.  I stirred the pot and went into the bathroom. Looking back at me from my bathroom counter was that white piece of plastic that read  PREGNANT.  I couldn't believe it!  I couldn't believe it so much that I actually said "F*@& you" to the object on my counter and ran out get more pregnancy tests to prove it wrong.  I remember turning off my stove but not the candle I was burning. 
     I left the house looking like I had seen a ghost and left my pups with an unattended fire hazard.  I raced to the grocery store a few blocks from my house and went to a clerk to get them to unlock the tests.  She looked at me and asked if I was ok, not even remembering what I said, I asked her for all 4 different brands of tests she had, bought 2 bottles of Gatorade and went back to the car.
     On my way home, I was chugging my first Gatorade and my husband calls me.  "Where are you?  You left a candle burning." 
     "Have you been in the bathroom yet," I asked.
      "No, why?"
     "Just GO!"
      I heard him walking into the bathroom and a few seconds later he says, calm as a monk, "Well how about that." 

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