Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Merry Christmas

     This time of year for me is a time of reflection.  It is a time where I take a step back and look at all of the good, and of course the not so good, that came to be this year.  It's Christmas.  It makes me happy either way because I have my family by my side who I love and adore.  I have my little boy who is discovering the wonders of this time of year, and at his age of 16 months everything is being discovered by biting or by ripping it apart.  I have a handful of Christmas tree ornaments that I am going to have to superglue back together, but that's ok.  It's special for me.  Not just because it is Christmas but because I thought I would never know the joys of a baby at this time of year.
     For three years my husband and I went through numerous infertility treatments.  There were a lot of times where we almost gave up on those treatments and doctor visits, not just because of the money, but because of the toll it was taking on me physically and mentally.  Coming to terms that between all of the poking, prodding, and intrusive procedures being done to investigate the root cause as to why we were not conceiving was the deep fear that we may not be able to have a child of our own.  It was a sad time for us.  We truly wanted a child, and we might not have that opportunity. 
     That fear changed me; it changed us as a couple for the better. That possibility has made us better parents, it has made us more patient people in general.  Even when our son is in the middle of a huge crying fit and we're exhausted, there is that knowledge that we could have not had him.  It's this powerful love that we have for our baby that makes everyday, especially Christmas, so magical. 
     Christmas is a time that reminds me how everyday I need to count the blessings I was given.  It is a time that shows me that between all of the ugly going on, that there is a strong sense of goodwill within every person I come across.  People are a little nicer, more patient, more kind.  Christmas time is a time to get back to the heart of what this season represents.  When I tell someone "Merry Christmas," it isn't just in reference to celebrating the Christian messiah, it is so much more. 
     Telling someone "Merry Christmas" is a way for me to tell someone that I hope they are surrounded by love and kindness.  That I hope they have a great end to the year, and better tomorrow, despite anything negative that may have happened for them.  "Merry Christmas" is a way to wish someone well with lots of joy sprinkled in. "Merry Christmas" is hope, it's love for my fellow man.
     It's one phrase that I know when my son is old enough to say it, that he will understand the depth that it means.  Christmas time isn't something that is just for Christians.  Christmas time is for the world.  This is a time to remember that we are all centered around our family, and even if it is one day, that there is more love than hate in the world.
     So for all of you, whether you celebrate this holiday or not, Merry Christmas! 

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Washington D.C. Versus the American People

     I don't know exactly what happens to most of those we elect to go to D.C., it's like a reality vacuum that sucks you up into a shiny consequence free zone.  I've been there, to Washington D.C. and survived so it makes me wonder about others who cannot make it out of that vacuum...but good God almighty, our elected officials just approved spending $1 TRILLION dollars!  This was apparently the only option to bypass a government shutdown.  To which I echo the sentiment of most Americans in saying, why wait until the last minute to get this budget done? Clearly if this is the best they can come up with, hell, shut the government down.  Unlike some people who thrive and do their best work under pressure, D.C. does not do it's best work in a week's time nor under any pressure.  How can any of these elected officials be proud of this bill?  Where on American soil is this kind of money going to even come from?  This whole bill has me completely flabbergasted and thoroughly embarrassed of the elected representatives in our Nations Capital.
     Wasteful spending doesn't even begin to describe what is going on.  What's happened in all reality is that the Republicans we've elected have yet again yielded to the will of the Democrats.  I, for one, am utterly annoyed with this idea that in order for "government to work" we, the Republicans, have to reach across the aisle and give in every single time to the Democrats.  Planned Parenthood, illegal immigration, Obamacare, bonus incentives for people working at the VA; all things that continue to have funding.
     A lot of wasteful spending that continues to have funding because Republicans have to be the ones who are the "nice guys."  Republicans continuously to have to bow down and prove to Democrats that they are flexible with their beliefs; bending to the will of whatever program the Democrats are after at the present time.  The frustration I feel comes from what we are essentially seeing is there are no party divides over issues that matter.  Washington essentially is a one party elite ruling machine.  There is but one ruling class in D.C. and that ruling class is the liberal Democrats. What happened with the "ominous bill" isn't government working, it's RINO's laying the foundation to turn this nation into a socialist dream.
     I need, we all need, the Republican Presidential nominee to stand up to this idea of "reaching across the aisle."  Only Republicans are the ones who have to play nice, the only ones who have to concede.  I do not want any of the Republicans I vote for to say they are going to reach across the aisle.  I want them to stand up for the principals that I believe in and fight for what's going to make this nation better.  This constant barrage of valuing public perception given to us from the MSM over principal simply cannot continue to happen, election year or not.  Look at what reaching across the aisle has gotten us, nothing.  We have not won on any issue, and it shows.  If we continue to allow the MSM and Democrats to bully us in this way, we'll have nothing left but a people who are in a constant need of government handouts to survive.  To be bluntly honest, if I wanted Democrats policies to succeed,  I'd just as soon vote a Democrat in office.   At least if I did that I would know exactly what I was getting, unlike these people saying they're  a Republican just to find out they aren't.   I wouldn't feel betrayal like I do now.
     I'm not saying I want gridlock.  I want passion and a strong will.  I want someone in Congress that will convince other leaders as to how and why what we're offering is better.  I am tired of these pushovers, of these weak-willed individuals who pledge they will fight and then come to find out they are just a RINO.
     I need someone who is going to go to D.C. and fight the elite who are paying for corruption.  To fight the career Congressmen and Congresswomen who have lost touch.  I need an actual leader who knows money doesn't appear from air, nor someone who will sell the American soul for money from other nations.  I want real results.  I want my country back.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

We Can Right This Liberal Train

     The current American Government is an insulting imitation of what the Founding Fathers fought so hard for.  There were so many men, women and children who died fighting for the idea of what our nation was supposed to be, and to see what it is becoming is gut wrenching and beyond infuriating.  How is it possible that now so many American people are openly following and supporting those who WANT to control every aspect from their lives?  Is it the idea of fairness, making the "playing field" even for us all?  No because we already have that.  Everyone can be whatever they want to be no matter what social class they are born into.  The American dream was never promised to be easy, just accessible.  So what's happened?  The American voter happened.
     We as Americans are lucky to be in this country, there is no doubt about it.  We have so many things going our way that we don't even think about it enough to really understand how grateful we should be.  We have access to clean water, we have public schools that every child can attend, we don't have to worry about a government coup every year or so, and at the end of the day, we have the freedom to express ourselves in any way possible because we have protected sacred rights.  Rights that most of us learn about as a child, and until our rights are threatened, we don't think about how glorious these things are.  So how did the American voter become a detriment to our nation?  It's because we are allowing our nation to fail.
     Never in my thirty years on this planet have I seen a small subsection of one ideology pushing so hard and having their slanted view win.  We are allowing liberals to run this nation into the ground and it all started with our need to not be labeled as mean, unfair, unkind or racist.  The birth of Political Correctness started this whole snowball effect of nonsense and a radical rift ripping our nation in two.  We just had a terrorist attack in this nation, the first since September 11, 2001, and our "commander in chief" hasn't even VISITED the site or any of the victims.  Why?  This attack does not fit into Obama's ideology, and that's why he's ignoring the security issues of the American people.
     I'll be honest and tell you I wanted him to step up.  I wanted him to show passion on behalf of Americans who lost their lives, but he mouthed some kind of rhetoric about gun control and how Americans have a skewed view of Islam.  We're the ones begging for a leader and we aren't getting it because Obama is what embodies liberalism; maintaining his own agenda regardless of the circumstances.  The American voter allowed this person in office.  The American voter continues to allow politicians like Pelosi, Reid, and McCain to continue to push legislation through that is harming our country.
     Some of this is due to some who lack understanding how critical it is to vote regardless if it is a Presidential election year or not. Some of it has to do with the knowledge that big money is consistently is running our leaders and our disgust of it.  We're also getting discouraged with the process by putting people in place who say they will do one thing and then turn around and do the exact things we didn't want them to do to begin with.  Either way, we have systems in place to put a stop to this.  We as American voters just don't.
     I do have hope because the more I talk to people from every walk of life, the more I hear how angry they are with the direction we are going as a nation.  For every person I talk to who is for Obama and liberalism, there is at least 10 people to kick out that viewpoint.  We as a people just need to have that one thing happen to our nation as a whole that makes us angry enough to put a stop to liberals and their detrimental thinking.  At the end of the day, we have to show up and vote.  We have to get out and regardless if we are not on the winning side, we have to put a stop to this wild ride of liberalism.  If we don't, we have NO one to blame but ourselves.  This constant reporting from the mainstream media saying Hillary or even Sanders is going to beat basically every Republican candidate is a scare tactic to keep us from voting.  Don't fall for it.  We can win, and the liberals, MSM, and big money elites know it. 

Sunday, December 6, 2015

The USA and Our PC Culture & Leadership That Is Killing Us

     On December 2, 2015, we witnessed a terrorist attack on our soil where fourteen innocent people lost their lives and twenty-one people were injured.  Fourteen people who were an after thought for the President and the mainstream media because, dear Heaven, the narrative of Islam as a religion of peace that they have been forcing down our throats is at risk, again. Fourteen people whose lives were marginalized because showing the face of the Muslim woman who decided to rip families apart, was a violation of Muslim modesty. Fourteen people who are now no longer with their families and deserve our prayers are now a political platform for gun control laws.  Fourteen people who I argue are victims of not only Islamic terrorists, but of the Obama administration, political correctness, and the mainstream media.  If it wasn't for the three latter mentioned, these victims may still be with us. 
     ISIS and those who support the Islamic call of jihad tell us repeatedly that they are coming for the infidels.  We see their videos, read about their operations, hear about it on TV, and yet we as Americans are detached from it.  We know the threat, however, it is dismissed because we are told by Obama that ISIS is contained.  Then comes the very next day of Obama uttering that statementcomes news of an Islamic terrorist attack in Paris; a nation where guns are not allowed by its citizens.  ISIS has penetrated our security and that of all nations because the world is competing in a race among to see who can be more PC and therefore viewed as the most compassionate.  With this PC and compassion comes promises that each and every person is going to be "vetted" in order to appease the citizens worried about their security.
     For those who are loud in voicing their concern with the vetting process, then they are deemed to not be compassionate, racist, and Islamophobic.   Even with the terror attack in Paris and the one that just happened here, it is clear to see those vetting systems have failed.  We will continue to witness these systems fail as long as we have a leadership who refuse to call our enemy what it is.  We have a war going on with Islamic extremists.  For anyone to tell you we are not, they are either delusional or have fallen for Obama's and the mainstream medias PC narrative.  By not calling our enemy what they are, we are giving the enemy more power and more protection to continue their mission.
     Now that this terrorist attack has happened there is more noticeable concern over gun control legislation than the victims.  We are being told by Pelosi that we are not allowed to offer prayers, and we are witnessing news outlets telling us God is not helping. In California they bolster one of the more strict gun laws in the nation, and yet these murderers were able to assemble a weapons arsenal that contained more than 6,000 rounds of ammunition.  Before names of the victims were even released Obama was on TV saying we're allowing people on the no fly list abilities to have guns and once again demanding stricter legislation.  Want to go that route?  Ok, let's do that.
     If Paris does not allow their own citizens to arm themselves, then how would tougher gun control laws have helped them?  If guns really are the problem, then how is it possible that a report of a man in London was wielding a machete in a subway this week and injured 3 people while claiming his actions were for Syria   If Obama really cared about this issue, why isn't he using his pen and phone and issuing an executive action?  It's because guns are not the problem, it is the PEOPLE getting the guns that are, and Obama knows that just as we "normal" citizens do.  Tell me the last attack in America where guns were used that were purchased illegally by the attacker.  Yes the NRA does put in a lot of money to Washington and our politicians, but how were these terrorists in Paris and California able to compile their weapons where guns aren't allowed or there is a lot of regulation to limit gun access?  It's because those who intend to do the most harm will always find a way.  Whether it be guns, biological weapons, knives, bombs, whatever.  Evil always finds a way. 
     Before the reports finally came out confirming that this was indeed a terrorist act, CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, held a press conference with Farook's brother in law, doing damage control.  The media was so nervous that even when terrorism was named the culprit, they were still saying it is a mix of "work place violence."  Obama is adding fuel to the growing sense of fear in American by sticking to his talking points that this attack and what happened in Paris, and even ISIS themselves, are not a part of Islam.  Try as they might, these attackers, these "extremists" hold their core beliefs in Islam.  The lawyers for Farook and his family even asked us to take the Islamic religion out of it.  To this I say, we will once they will.
     The Islamic religion is being used as a base to justify the actions of these terrorists.  Are all Muslims, terrorists?  No.  Do all Muslims agree that they should kill in the name of Allah? No, however, their religion is being used as a basis for ISIS. Extremist Islamic views are being used to train kids to become brainwashed with the joys of  becoming a martyr and wanting to be a suicide bomber.  ISIS is using texts in the Koran to justify the selling of women and children as sex slaves.  CAIR, Obama, and the MSM can say it is a religion of peace, however, there is a version of their Koran that is fueling these beliefs of these terrorists. To say these terrorists aren't acting in the name of Islam is delusional and detrimental to our security.  Just as detrimental as Obama and his administration not only calling ISIS a JV team, and saying that solving climate change would put an end to ISIS and all extremists.  (Insert eye-roll here.)
     If the neighbor  of Farook wasn't so afraid of the PC police coming after them, then maybe they would have spoken up and an investigation would have come to fruition.  Obama, CAIR, and the MSM are so busy defending their Islamic religion narrative, they have entirely forgotten the victims.  The administration and MSM are so concerned over not acknowledging home grown terrorism, that they are placing all of the radicalization on the wife, Malik.  Obama and his administration are so concerned over their narrative being ruled as incorrect, that they are putting us in even more danger.  We're supposed to not worry about Syrian refugees coming here but the vetting system we have is clearly not working for those in non-war torn nations.
     What we saw this past week was a nation that is growing more concerned over Islamic terrorism, and a government with a media who refuses to acknowledge what is really happening.  They are sweeping any concerns we have under the rug and are calling us racists and Islamophobic in the process.  We have families who have lost loved ones, yet Obama, politicians, or the MSM care about them but more about their credibility of their narrative by protecting our PC culture and having one more reason to ask for more gun laws.  No, no longer do the victims matter.  No longer are we blaming those who decided to commit the crime, Obama, his administration, and the MSM find excuses for their behavior.  It is because of their attitudes towards protecting their narrative that these fourteen people lost their lives and that we continue to be an easy target, primed for an attack.