Sunday, January 31, 2016

The Heat Is On In Iowa

     I wonder how much excitement is buzzing around in the homes of those going to caucus tomorrow in Iowa.  It's undoubtedly something that they all look forward to, all eyes on their state being first to prove, or disprove, the polls.  There is a lot riding on tomorrow.  I know we will see candidates drop out this week, it all just depends on who.
     All I hope for is that votes aren't cast for name recognition, nor for the allure of everything "free".  The nation needs more than lies and empty promises. Tomorrow is a day where a lot of other voters will really begin to take notice of who their choices are.
     Good luck to all those seeking election tomorrow in Iowa.... Except for Bernie and Hillary.  You two really have all the wrong ideas, so I hope Martin rocks all of your votes.  

Monday, January 25, 2016

Thanks for the Planted Questions, CNN!

     The CNN Democrat Town Hall discussion happened, and it was, to quote Hillary, "interesting".  The questions, according to CNN, were purely from the audience.... with the approval and direction from CNN of course!  Let's not let them get away with the last questionnaire of the night to Hillary, "I can see why THEY gave you this question...."  Need to make the Democratic candidates look good even at the cost of your credibility, CNN.  Now let's throw in some people claiming discrimination from the hands of "Islamophobic" Americans, a dash of star-struck awe and we have a SHOW!
     If I were a member of the Democrat party I would sit at home and wonder what happened to the party leading "diversity" in America.  These three people, well two really, are the best the entire party had to offer for 2016?  Seriously?!  Go third party, Democrat friends.
     Bernie is a Socialist, but more of a "Democratic" socialist.  I didn't know there were levels of Socialism.  I thought it was just Socialism, but ok.  He's upset the rich are getting richer, to which I ask him, Obama, and all the #FeelTheBern followers out there; why is this NOW an issue?  If the rich were, and are, getting richer, why haven't Obama, Sanders, Clinton, etc taken the platform awarded to them and FIX it?  Everything can't be free either.  If that's the case, then yes, the rich would continue to get rich because they are the ones who can afford to hide their money and to hire top rate lawyers.  Better yet, how can we fix income inequality while raising taxes on the Middle Class?  The Middle Class supports the economy, but you want to raise their taxes?  Does not make any sense?
     Much about guns was talked about, as well.  So much so that it makes me wonder if Democrats have thought about Abe Lincoln.  If Abe Lincoln were in a time of tougher gun control laws, would he have lived to see another day rather than die at the hand of John Wilkes Booth?
     The hypocritical of all things hypocritical came up when climate change was discussed.  This is going to be something us young people have to worry about since everyone who may be elected might be dead by then; this according to Martin O'Malley.  Poor guy can't get a fair shake of time.  What CNN should have done was give all three ONE full hour.  It's such a shame that a party that claims and wants "fair and equal" for all gave an unequal distribution of time to their three candidates.
     Can we PLEASE stop making a deal about them NOT sitting down?  I can talk and not sit down too!  Let me be President.  The things that impress the media now is mind blowing.
     I say this in closing.  Don't give up hope.  We can defeat this odd mash-up of Democrat hopefuls.  Be involved.  Be loud.  Be angry.  Be smart.  Be informed and spread the good word!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Conservative Radio and Tonight's SOTU

     I have heard from other bloggers, TV "reporters", and by the President of the United States that conservative radio is causing unrest and anger among the American people.  You know what I think is causing the MSM, liberal bloggers, POTUS to say this?  There is a nerve hit when someone voices an opinion in opposition to them.  Obama can't handle opposition or any kind of push back, and he has mindless reporters coming in defending him. 
    We also need to examine that having opposition does not work when you are trying to establish a socialist regime under the guise of democracy.  No, opposition doesn't work for them, the only thing that works is being deaf, blind, and accepting to all policies put in place.
   Let's face it, being a Republican is difficult. Being labeled conservative is even worse.  We're made to look like Neanderthals, dragging women around by their hair and communicating with each other via grunts and groans.  It's exhausting to feel like I need to defend my values daily. 
    I am a college educated woman.  I have a good grip between right and wrong, but am continuously subjected to this endless barrage by the MSM and our leadership telling me I am out of touch with reality.  To which I counter, you have no idea what reality is anymore.  You live in D.C. and if you were to venture out, you would be blindsided by what reality actually is. 
     Conservative radio hosts are spreading hate, you say.  Have you listened to any of them for more than the sound clip you hear on your government controlled media centers?  Rush Limbaugh keeps me tuning in everyday not because he has brainwashed me, nor because he helps fuel this hatred you say lives deep within me, but he helps me to stay sane in a vast sea of nonsense.  In my native city of Virginia Beach, I listen to Steve Batton.  I can get some good old-fashioned honest reporting and balance to the onslaught of liberal garbage being passed off as news.  In case some of were not taught this growing up, it's always good to have opposing view points; it helps you learn, to see the world from a different view point, to grow intellectually. 
  Which brings me to tonight and the SOTU.  Tonight I am fully expecting to be lied to in Obama's last address.  I am expecting this SOTU to be maddening in a way that has occurred since he made his second SOTU address. 
     This "empty chair" in memorandum of gun violence victims; give me a break.  If I were one of these victims family members I would ask Obama where his concern was the moment these tragic events occurred.  Why did he choose to lecture people about owning a gun instead of dealing with the issue when it occurred?  Why did you tell all of us that climate change was the number one cause of all the ills of the world and completely forget about these tragedies? If guns really are the problem then why hasn't that resonated with the people of Chicago; where gun control laws are very strict, but there are still numerous reports of murders on a daily basis.  
     I do not want to hear that we're heading in the correct direction when things obviously aren't getting any better.  Our taxes and debt keep increasing but no one knows how to use this money they are given.... That's a sentiment I feel on a local, state, and federal level.  We aren't secure in our fight against ISIS.  In a nation where we're supposed to be the most free, we're seeing people being penalized for not having health insurance.  Our government cares more about non US citizens than our own.  Refugees are going to be given the moon, and yet those who served in our armed forces are living on the street and have to beg for reliable health care. 
      I can't imagine anything being said tonight to make me believe that we're better than before Obama took office, but I will listen any way.  I will get angry without having to listen to any one else's comments.  I will voice my opposition and continue to fight for what is right.
     We need divine intervention now more than ever before,and hopefully we get it soon.
     God Bless the USA!


Sunday, January 3, 2016

Hello, 2016! We're Going to Bring the Noise!

     New Year's resolutions are usually an interesting mix.  They are a reflection of our hopes and dreams.  A "re-do" button that everyone can take part in.  A new year brings new possibilities to every person who would wants it, who can focus their discipline on their goal. 
     With this new year I hope that every single American pays attention to what all of the candidates say.  I hope that everyone watches what the media and establishment on both sides do to try to sway the public to vote for the person who will do their bidding.  Let this year be the year of the educated voter, of the voter who is ready to revolt against the oppressive regime that is in power, both federally and locally.  This year needs to be the year that the "good" guys know that the will of the people matter more than who has the most gold.  2016 needs to be the year that we take our country back or forever tell stories to our children and great-grandchildren of a time where our freedoms mattered.
     Sounds a little far fetched?  Not really.  PC culture and the liberal agenda is on the fast-track to ruin our way of life and has the possibility to redefine our Constitution because many are afraid to stand up to those who want to destroy.  This election is paramount to our democracy; for our way of life.  We need to be informed of issues that matter because the Left is going to come in and try to redefine normalcy and what is acceptable behavior, speech, actions, and whatever else they want to force upon us.  Being informed goes beyond being a headline reader, this will require you as an American to dig into stories.  Do research on issues that matter to you, look at it's history.
     My hope is that this year we have someone out there who is brave and willing to go against the DC establishment.  We need a leader to guide us in these turbulent times!  I think we have a handful of people who can do so, but as the voter we need to not think our voice doesn't matter.  We need to be involved.  We need to take power away from people who have had it too long. 
     I am going to be more involved this year.  I want to be one of the voices against the hypocritical tyranny in this world.  In order to do so, I know it requires time and effort on my behalf.  I am willing to give it because I honestly know and believe that I can make a difference.  That this world needs someone who is willing to push back against nonsense.
    With that I ask you, can you make a difference?  Will you be able to start a movement to put America back on track?  What can we do as a people to make ourselves better, to make ourselves relevant again?  It all starts with you.  Get involved.  Be informed.  Be better than you were in 2015, and we can win!