Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Baltimore and the Riots

     I do hope that the next mayoral election in Baltimore sends Stephanie Rawlings-Blake out of office.  What person in her position would actually advocate to ALLOW for a destruction zone of her city is beyond my comprehension.  Shame on you for even suggesting this and advocating these actions.  You won nothing by doing so. How on Earth you make it through the next election will be beyond my understanding of all things rational.  Of all things "boneheaded", that one was a whopper.
     Let's talk to all of the violent protesters out there.  You are a stereotypical havoc on our society.  There is nothing impressive with what you are doing, and know that your wild actions will NOT change a thing.  It is imperative that you find in your heart that what you are doing would never even be endorsed by MLK Jr.  Every item you steal, store you ransack and projectiles you hurl at an officer is a direct contradiction to the kind of change people before fought and died for.  
     For the Sharpton's and Jackson's out there who parade themselves as "civil rights" leaders, you guys are frauds.  You know it, and I know it.  If you did not show up to things like this and stir up the masses, then you would become irrelevant.  I am pretty sure that you guys see the writing on the wall where you are no longer needed very soon, and I am sure that's terrifying.  After all, this kind of nonsense is how you guys have power and wealth.  
     I am going to say something here that has been needed to be said for a long time now.  I am partly blaming this entire mess going on, on the media.  Mainly those of the large networks.  What you "journalists" are doing is sensationalizing headlines, and not reporting news.  You are, for the sake of ratings and or social media activity, reporting on the headline grabbing material and not reporting the meat and potatoes of the story any more.  You are in effect causing people to focus on their emotions, and letting all reason out the window.  It's time that media outlets start telling us the full story and not just what is going to get the headlines.  Report BOTH sides, not just bits and pieces.  It's getting old.
     Go home.  All of you who do not live in the city of Baltimore, just go home.  Parents you need to be parents and keep your kids out of the streets.  I commend the woman who was recorded slapping her child who was participating in the riots.  Bravo!  You are what kids need more of!  I hope you get your own talk show from this, too!  Remove the emotional jump reaction we all have to news stories, folks.  Learning how to investigate before reacting is a skill, a very valuable one.  For now, since we cannot remove emotions and hear all sides before passing judgement, make sure you all read the whole story before jumping.  Justice will come.  If it isn't in this lifetime, it will be the next.  

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Heath Care Reform in America

     I, like many of you, were involved in the annual insurance meeting with my company a couple of months ago.  My heath insurance costs went up, not by much only about $35 per month.  If I had decided to have my husband on my health insurance plan, I would essentially be working to paying to have health insurance for my family. What was being pushed this year were the HSA's, and let's be honest about what these things are about.  HSA's are a "holy crap" you have an illness that came from no where plan.  Basically HSA's are one of the ways the government and/or health insurance companies can get you to pay money to them and have an account set up where you have to direct certain amounts of funds for health care costs. Like most, my out of pocket deductible nearly doubled.  For those who are not as well versed in the madness that is health care insurance, what that means is that I have to spend X amount of dollars before I can even have my benefits of my insurance to "kick in" to cover my medical expenses.
     Like many of you, I also filed my taxes this year.  We were shown by the lovely gentleman who does our taxes for us how much we would OWE the government should we choose to not have health insurance.  If we did not have it this year we would have been penalized about $800, but next year it will skyrocket to around $1600.  That's a pretty hefty fee and I am sure to most people who are hurting under this economy. 
     The very idea that we as a nation stood idly by as our government passed a bill in which no one fully knew what was in it disturbs me to my core.  To quote Nancy Pelosi," We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it."  Well, now we know and it's more than irksome.  As most have discovered this year, the IRS is now collecting fines from you because you cannot afford the health "insurance" they are requiring all Americans to have.  Seems very unpatriotic to me to not only require every one to pay for this, but to not know everything that was in this bill and calling it fair and necessary is treasonous.  On a side note, for those of you who say the government is providing for "subsidies" I will tell you they are not.     
     Obamacare is requiring Americans to have insane requirements of their health insurance plans.  For women not of child bearing age, like grandmothers, you are now required to have maternity coverage.  Essentially it appears that our government is preparing itself for the onslaught of seniors having another baby boom in their golden years.  Obamacare greatly relies on the part of the population who have no health issues.  These people were to be the common core of where the funding for this new law came from, however, allowing people to stay on their parents insurance plans until they are 26 is proving to be a mistake.  It is undeniably for the sake of Obama's presidency that this law will not be fixed, and or changed, until a new leader of the free world is elected in 2016. 
     Why are we as a populous allowing our government to even have a say in our health care?  We should be able to have a right to not be covered.  More importantly than that, I do not want the government involved in anything I have going on medically.  I feel like the federal government is way too involved as it is in my every day life, hands off of my health care if you please.  Totally opposite of those feminists who demand government to pay for their contraceptives so they may continue a "risky" lifestyle.  The government, especially Democrats and Liberals, want this huge expansion of government in your life.  Obama and this government get a disturbing amount of power from controlling the most basic and private aspects of our lives.  Obama and most on Capital Hill want socialism, and they are disguising this by using words like "fair" and "free", and phrases such as "redistribution of wealth".
     Which brings me to an exceptional video brought to us by the mind of Colin Gunn.  For those who may not have heard from him, he is from Scotland and the video that is generating a lot of buzz is "Wait Till It's Free".  He goes in depth in the motives behind Obamacare and the beginning of government in our health care.  There is a very telling and sad reality of how socialized medicine in the UK operates, all the way to the darkest parts of their versions of "Death Panels" that will come into operation under Obamacare.  One of the teachings Colin is trying to get across, as well as the doctors and CEOs he interviews, is that a free market can come in and fix what is wrong with the American Health Care System.  In "Wait Til It's Free" you are exposed to what is currently happening before us and where it can lead should we stand silent and allow this nonsense to continue.  I urge you to take the time and view this profoundly educational documentary at http://www.wtifree.com
     For all of you who are still in the romantic stages with Obama and socialism, pause for just one moment.  Take a look at the world.  Look at what life is like for citizens of Russia, South America, Cuba and other socialist countries.  They have no say in anything.  Their lives are dictated to them, for them.  If we as a population of free people continue to stay silent and allow our government to intrude on our lives, especially our health care, their reality will be our future.  Why would you even think it is a great idea to have government involved in managing health care anyway?  Look at what it has done to the VA, DMV, and FDA just to name a few.  They're all mismanaged.  They're all an outline of how government run health care is going to look.  That's scary. 

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Dear Future President of 2016

     In Nashua, New Hampshire we saw a flood of Republican hopefuls this weekend trying to show they have what it takes to win the Republican nomination.  I don't think am alone in saying that some of these people who are announcing their intention to run really don't have a snowballs chance in hell, but we are going to hear a lot of powerfully moving speeches in this beginning phase of the operation.  These speeches are really lovely and satisfying to the ear, because since the Obama regime we have not heard any kind American sentiment that currently is being expressed with these potential candidates. I'll enjoy, and suggest you do so as well, this moment of American pride and sentiment regardless of who's talking.  Once all of the "excitement dust" has settled, it will be time to start getting down to the important questions of where do they stand on important issues of our times. 
     I would like to implore anyone who is thinking, or is currently in the race for nomination, to consider that now possibly more than ever, you will be entering into a race that will not only help in shaping the American future, but one that is going to be fixing the wrongs and re-branding the American image abroad.  This task is not for the faint of heart.  This next President will need a backbone constructed of steel and a mind sharper than a Japanese Katana.  Our country depends on you to protect us from the evils of terrorists abroad and being grown at home.  You will have a long road ahead of you to fix this wimpy image that's been created of us by Obama and his highly unqualified grouping running the U.S.  You're going to have to know that there are so many things you have to fix that you're going to have to surround yourself with people who know what they are doing in certain agencies. Please don't hire your friends. With this being said, I am going to begin with a short list telling you exactly what I want from my next President, so please take note.
     I demand that the next President understand the real threat that ISIS and Iran truly are.  Any time I hear someone trying to defend these kinds of groups with their PC rhetoric, you're not only demonstrating that you have no clue how to protect this nation, but that you're soft on national security.  People chanting "death to America" are not people that we should be making excuses for, let alone making deals with.  We need a strong military, with an exceptional Commander in Chief.  You are going to have to secure our boarders and start being tough on illegal immigration.  I do not want the U.S. to be this revolving door for people who refuse to follow our laws and traditions, and I do not want those people who have been here for years illegally to get a free pass.  If anyone is here they have to pass our citizenship test, plain and simple.  We need to stop with the "poor them" mentality and start demanding all that live under our nation's protection not only value what they have here, but that also freely embrace the American culture.  
     The next President must retract this overbearing reach the Federal Government now has in our public schools.  The absurdity that is Common Core needs to go, just let this die.  There is nothing this is doing to assist in helping our children reach the level of education to that of competing countries.  Remove the No Child Left Behind Act.  While standardized testing is important to an extent, this should not be the sole grounds to measure whether or not schools receive funding.  What this act has done in effect, it has turned our teachers into trained testing advisers.  Showing and prepping students on how to take a test written by someone not of the school who knows the students.  It's like having a boss who has never worked as their workers do and having unrealistic goals established for their work force.  I argue that this Act is one of the reasons why our children are at a disadvantage to that of other countries.  We must allow teachers to teach, and we must allow them to do so with out fear of losing funding if they don't test prep for the entire year.  We must trust that these teachers can do what they went to school for.
     There are so many things that the next President will need to address,that they will need to fix. They must do so in an intelligent manner that brings about an outcome that will be for the betterment of our society.  The next President has a lot of cleaning up to do and a lot of ship correcting that there will be little time to relax.  You should win on your plans, not just vague ideas.  Detail how you will fix issues plaguing our nation, do not give me buzz words.  

Sunday, April 12, 2015

For the Future of America's Youth

     Gather around, form a circle, hold hands with the person next to you and let's sing a few verses from "Kumbaya."  If you're not the singing type, perhaps we could make an area for you where you would be able to sooth your feelings in a plate of cookies.
     I am completely over and one hundred percent baffled hearing about how the younger generations are being coddled.  There are too many young people who will not know how life really operates because schools, parents, teachers, colleges, sports teams, and any number of competitions are doing a disservice to them.  I compel anyone who is reading to go into your closets or shelves and trash any "participation" ribbons or memorabilia you may possess.  No one cares that you participated, you were only given that in order to not hurt your feelings because you did not place in whatever event you were a part of.  I'll even give you an example of how unnecessary these participation ribbons are.  On my resume there is a part where you list awards or recognitions you have received.  Should I place on my own resume that I was "awarded" a participation ribbon for a science fair?  Do you know how that would make me look to a potential employer?  Needy, it would make me look very needy.  
     College kids, I'm aiming at you now.  Do you really and truly need "safe zones" on your campuses?  You are studying at what are supposed to be higher education centers, but you need a place to go where your feelings don't get hurt?  This makes me weep for humanity's future, but I understand.  This is what you were brought up with.  Your parents, and whoever else in your life, were so concerned about not hurting your feelings that once you were out of public school, away from your sheltered bubble and in the college atmosphere it was too much for your brain and heart to handle.  Now I digress, it isn't all the parents fault.  We are in an uber-PC time in our society, so I also blame your inability to handle criticism from this as well.  Should you be able to continue on in the struggle that is college, graduate, then be lucky to find a job with an employee who will give a pebble's thought to your feelings.  They have money to make and your feelings are not even a blip on their screen.
     Continuing on with you lovable college students, you guys have a lot to learn about what to protest.  All of those who were up in arms over the movie "American Sniper" at the University of Michigan, get over yourself.  I mean really now, please stop.  Those who were about to bow to the offended few, you're not helping matters either.  When I was a little girl and I did not like something or disagreed, I did one of two things.  I simply did not put myself in the situation I did not want to be OR I tried to persuade people to listen to my reasoning.  There are a ton of movies out now that I think are distorting minds and plain creepy, but you don't see me with a little picket sign trying to ban them do you?  No.  Why?  One, because I know these movies will continue to be made regardless of what I think, I just won't give them my precious time or money.  Two, at the end of the day it just does not matter because I can look away from it.  Simply turn my head and go off in the other direction.  A movie like "American Sniper" is what I thought was a bio-pic, so you're essentially protesting someone's life.  Bravo!  You guys are so smart.  Let's take one second to remind you emotionally charged kids are able to protest a movie like this because people before you, and people currently securing our nation, so you can do this silly little protest.  On a side note, those powers that be at the University of Michigan who bowed to these small few offended people, you should be ashamed of yourself for even needing Jim Harbaugh to be the ONLY man to publicly discredit these small opposing views!  Your football coach proverbially put his neck on the line to public ridicule for his view on airing the movie, and that's why you decided to revoke to ban of the movie?  Shameful.
     Here's the bottom line folks.  You're going to get your hearts broken in the game of love.  Those broken hearts, however, will lead you to your forever love.  You will not win everything you compete in, but if it is something you're truly passionate about, it will make you better and find ways to improve on your mistakes.  You will not be accepted by everyone you meet, but that's ok because you need to surround yourself with those who will build you up to be a better person.  If you continue to shelter yourself and that of the younger generations, we're going to end up with a nation full of PC-minded, scared of everything individuals who will be the end of us all.  If you want to protest please do so, but please protest something that is of merit.  It's dangerous to us all when we raise people who cannot handle rejection or constructive criticism.   

Sunday, April 5, 2015

A weekend full of religious significance

     For all of you celebrating this weekend, Happy Passover and/or Easter to you! 
     This week a lot has happened in the world and a lot ties into the religious sector in one way or another.
     The horrific attack in Kenya.  The Al-Qeada militant group, Al-Shababb, claimed responsibility for the murder of 147 people.  The reports coming out of this attack are of a seek and destroy of any non-Muslim person at the university.  Accounts from witnesses claim that students were asked if they were Muslim or not, and if they were not, they were shot. 
     In Dearborn Michigan and in Texas, we are witnessing a quiet takeover of Muslim ideals with the implementation of Sharia Law and a Sharia Court.  I cannot even begin to explain how this terrifies me. 
     Indiana and their RFRA (Religious Freedom Restoration Act) had to be redefined, so to speak, to show that homosexuals will not be denied services based on someone else's faith.
     We even have a man in the White House who is caving into Iran's demands and giving them unfettered access and abilities to build their nuclear arsenal; and those of you who believe otherwise are fooling yourselves.  The Iranians have stated time and again that they will destroy the US, but nukes are going to be OK now for these "death to America" preachers.  While Obama has not declared publicly that he is of the Muslim faith, a lot of the actions he is taking in the foreign policy realm is dedicated to the uplifting and/or sheltering of the Muslim religion.  A religion he states to be one of peace, it's so peaceful that as Americans we hear on a consistent basis that people of that faith want to destroy America and Israel.  Whether that threat comes by Iran, ISIS, or "lone wolf" attackers.
     What does all of this mean?  To be honest, it's really hard to not think that Christian beliefs are under attack or at least not held to the same standard.  Have any of you seen the video from Dearborn MI where a video was taken in different bakeries of Muslim owners who would not make a wedding cake of a gay couple?  If not, you should Google "Steven Crowder tries to but gay wedding cake at Muslim bakeries". This isn't being reported on and it happened here in the US!  If everyone were to take a step back and breath you'll see that, at least here in the U.S., if you're a homosexual you are not in jeopardy of being executed.  Over in the Muslim nations homosexuals are killed every day just for being gay.  Again, this isn't being reported on either and that's just terrible.
     It makes me wonder why there is a blind eye towards this double standard.  Discrimination is discrimination, Christian or Muslim.  For the Christian sides to only be cast in the negative light especially when it comes to homosexuality is baffling.  Either way it can be viewed as a great thing that people believe in their faith enough to stand by their convictions, but I cannot ever remember a passage in the Bible saying to kill those who not only go against their teachings but to kill homosexuals. 
     This is making it difficult for me to not buy into theories that Obama and his administration are Muslim followers, or at the very least sympathizers.  So far, all I have seen of this religion is a message of hate and it's going to take a good deal of convincing to show me otherwise.  I just think Obama is a man who also spreads hate messages across our lands, just look back to the church he went to in Illinois.  That was a place of total love and warm cuddly feelings; please note my avid sarcasm.
     At no time should anyone treat another unfairly or unjustly, no religion should ever advocate that.  Be kind folks because when our time comes to meet the unknown, every action is going to decide our eternal fate.