Monday, September 26, 2016

Trump Vs. Clinton

     It's done.  The first highly anticipated debate between Clinton and Trump is over, and I am almost at a loss. When I heard reports that Trump wasn't prepping like those would in a classic setting, I panicked a little bit.  After watching the debate tonight, I see why. 
     Trump did ok, but he did seem a bit out of sorts especially when asked about the birther movement.  For this lack of a coherent response, I blame his team for not giving him some kind of direction on that question... or if they did they need to find Plan B. That was his biggest flaw of the evening for me, and that is the temperament remark not withstanding. 
     Clinton was too happy for my liking, but that has a lot to do with Trump's answers.  I do not think she did herself any favors this evening.  Clinton showed exactly who she is, an elitist woman who is held to different set of rules than everyone else.  Clinton was smug and did not have to answer to her staff starting the birther movement., nor really any tough questions for that matter.  She stood firm on her work and acted like she has actually worked for this nation. 
     I enjoyed that Clinton plugged her book which apparently outlines her ideas... so you can learn about her vision for the USA while padding her hefty bank account. 
     I enjoyed Trump for the points he brought up with the inner city violence, NATO, jobs leaving the US.  That was good!

     There wasn't a winner, but on the same token, Trump didn't lose.  He needs to be prepped better for the next debate. 
     At the end of the election cycle, I think we all can agree that Hillary Clinton is NOT the solution our nation needs.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Lies, Voting, and Millenials

     Every day I struggle with being lumped into the section of people often referred to as millennials, and in all honestly I am sick of it.  I am not necessarily sick of being lumped into what is apparently a grouping of people who doesn't care about the direction of the nation, I know myself better than that.  What I am sick of is being a common leverage ball for political campaigns. 
     For example: "If you want to attract businesses, you need to appeal to millennials, therefore you need X, Y, and Z."  One of my personal favorites,"Millennials don't care about home ownership or owning a car."  
     It's rather exhausting being used as a political pawn, not to mention demeaning. 
     To err on the side of fairness, millennials are partly to blame for the one-size- fits-all umbrella we find ourselves under because they believed the lies being fed to them.  Millennials believed that no matter win or lose, we were "all winners" for just showing up.  We were taught to question everything, including the greatness of this country, but to trust those in government.  Millennials bought into the notion that change can happen, but they do nothing to promote change.  That the government is beyond all things, more qualified and more knowledgeable in knowing what is the best path for you to go down.  That a college education is the key element in you getting a high paying job.  Millennials have bought into allowing everyone into this country because it is the right thing to do, and to worry about your own job opportunities is racist, unfair, and bigoted. 
     Congratulations, millennials.  You have played right into the hands of the very government body you were trained to protest and despise.  Like it or not, you are a puppet of government control and overreach.
     Can we expect a rising of all the young people, of the millennials?  No, not at this time.  We're jobless, weighed down under student loan debt, a savings account that reads $0, no high salaried job prospects, belittled to minimum wage part-time work at numerous locations because of Obamacare, competing with non-US citizens for minimum wage jobs and government assistance, and yet still remain woefully ignorant of that fact because millennials believe garbage being stuffed into their heads. 
     Millennials have a lot of power within their grasp and yet choose to let their parent and grandparents do the work for them.  The millennials are screaming and protesting for change, and yet the ones making the decisions are the very group of people who set into place policies that put us behind in education, that pollute the environment, and keep giving tax-dollars to their wealthy friends.  All because most, not all, millennials have bought the idea that their vote doesn't matter. 
     So what happens, millennials, when our parents and grandparents are not here to make those difficult decisions for us?
     Millennials have paid a one-way ticket to "Ignoranceville" because that is easier then being involved... plus being an informed citizen takes away from recreational drug use, online gaming, and let's be honest, thinking can really hurt.
       People who see and hear me and are more in awe not by what I say as an informed citizen, but more so that someone my age is involved.  That someone my age cares about our nation and the people being elected to lead it.  That is frustrating and insulting.  I care.  I had great parents who wanted me to care and to be a free thinker.  It is because they were my parents and not my friend, and it is for that I thank my parents every single day. 
     Wake-up millennials, and have a big steamy cup of reality. 


Sunday, September 11, 2016

15 Years Ago We Were One

     I know that like many of you, I remember where I was when I heard the news of the attacks on the Pentagon, the Twin Towers, and of United Flight 93.  I was 17 years old.
     Like many people my age, I had no deep understanding of what that attack would bring.  Sure there would be a war, but now that I am 32 with a husband and child of my own, I know now that I did not truly comprehend the effects.
     15 years later and we still are fighting a war against like minded individuals who lead those attacks on American soil on 9-11-2001.  15 years later, we have evolved into one world that is on a never ending battle that neither side is winning. 
   Collaboration, appeasement, ignorance... none of this is working.  I ask myself, is this track we are on now anything the victims would have wanted? 

     9-11 is a day of remembrance.  A day to mourn those lost to our nation and those who lost a family member.  Today should be a day where political rhetoric stops, and we all come together as a nation united.  
    Today I remember us as a nation united.  I remember us a nation where it did not matter where you originated from, if you lived here, you were American.  Flags proudly lined our homes, streets, and businesses.  We can go back to that pride and patriotism if we as a nation are brave enough and can let love defeat hate. 
    The more we allow the darkness to cloud our judgement, the more the terrorists who conducted the attacks on 9-11 win. 
     We cannot let them win.  The survivors of those who died that day deserve better then that. 

     May God be with those lost that day.  Let His blessings be with those who survived and are directly impacted. 
     God Bless America.  God Bless Us All.