Sunday, June 28, 2015

Marriage Equality

     With another enormous ruling this week, the Supreme Court has declared in a 5-4 vote that same sex couples have an equal right to marry.  Of course, our nation is divided in its wake.  On one side are the people who are clinging to the ideology that love is love, no matter the gender, and then there are those who oppose it because it is not moral in the eyes of God.  Reports are flooding in from various parts of the country where certain states are still refusing to issue marriage licenses.  There are also threats against churches who refuse to perform same sex marriages by means of removing their tax exempt status.  May I suggest that everyone just go to your separate corners, have a drink, and take a nice calming breath?
     First let's examine the side that is anti-marriage equality, aka, same sex marriage.  God says it's an "abomination" as seen in Leviticus 18:22.  There is also the argument that it goes against nature because the purpose of sexual intercourse is to procreate and the first marriage was that between a man and a woman.  Religion is not something to be discarded, people's faith is just as deserving of respect as anything else.  However, there was also a time where the congregation was discouraged from seeking answers outside of the kingdom of God.  Remember all of the astronomers who tried to teach us about the celestial bodies?  How the thought of the Earth not being the center of the universe went against the social norm.  Most of those astronomers did not end up with a happily ever after.  For the longest time people believed the world to be flat and that ships could fall off the edge.  Brave sailors proved them wrong.  If we were to examine a lot of events that happened with scientific advances, we would see a lot of bright minds going against the grain on religion.   
     There are a lot of things in the Bible that are not so pretty.  Women's rights for example.  There are many Bible verses where women are clearly to be second to the men, and to that we as a society threw that nonsense out the window and ran it over a few times.  There were a lot of people very unhappy with women's suffrage, and yet we have survived as a nation, hell we've thrived!  There are also some passages in the Bible in support of slavery, but again that just is a no-go.  A lot of these held beliefs are things that are taught to us as children.  Some as adults evolve on their thinking, while some, hold fast to those teachings. 
     At the end of the day, the Bible does tell us not to judge.  Judgement will come to all of us one day.  The Bible also tells us that if we do not hold any sin we can "cast the first stone," yet I remember that we all are born with original sin, so we cannot judge others based solely on that.  No, I think what needs to happen now is if people cannot get on board with marriage equality then the best thing to do is to not spread hate, but to look away.  If God truly is opposed to same sex couples, then on judgement day let God deal with it.  On the same token, do not force churches and/or indivduals to perform ceremonies or make cakes, and then go forward with punishing them for not doing so.  If a business or church is truly against it, then let the consumer use our free market system and find someone else to perform their wedding and to provide services for it.
     Personally, I have no problem with marriage equality.  Love at the end of the day is love, and dammit we need all of it we can get.  I will admit to everyone that this was an issue I initially struggled with, and let me share with you what it was that changed my mind.  First, if being gay is indeed a sin, then why are there those feelings one develops for another present? Attraction is attraction, plain and simple.  I believe one is attracted to someone based on the person, not their gender.  Second, I look this man that I feel in love with.  If the shoe was on the other foot and heterosexuality was considered immoral and someone tried to tell me that what I felt for him was wrong then I would be more than confused, I would be angry.  I would fight to the last breath for what I feel in my heart and that is what sealed it for me.  Change can be difficult to come by, especially something as major as this.  If you cannot accept gay marriage, then at best do not spread hate.  If you are for gay marriage, then do not force people to believe in what you believe.  Let the person evolve over time through intelligent conversations and personal observations.    

Thursday, June 25, 2015

OBAMAcare is now SCOTUScare

     Today was more than a blow to those opposed to the healthcare law passed by Obama and his blind followers, it was a blow to America.  We have a set of "Justices" who have set America on a very dangerous course.  The vote was 6-3 which will continue to allow Obamacare to remain.  After the announcement, Obama took to the airways in his Presidential glory to praise the Court and their ruling.  Let's mention here that a week ago Obama was throwing a massive hissy-fit over the Court even being able to review the case, essentially saying thy should keep their noses out of his business.  That just wasn't fair to Obama, not that it matters since the Court now is in the same money pockets as any President and or member of Congress.
     Obama took the time to point out that the campaigns that the Republicans ran on were a futile effort, since they have not done what they promised their voters they would do.  Which is true.  None of the members in Congress that are in office now have done anything mariginally close to repealing this law, no matter how many times Boehner cries and watches Keleenx's stock values sky rocket.  Obama had the audacity to say that "there can be no doubt that this law is working. It has changed, and in some cases, saved, American lives."  If he wants to call doubling insurance premiums and outrages co-pays a win, then sure.  It's destroying the middle-class, but he has to save face on something for his legacy. "The Affordable Care Act is here to stay," Obama touted at his press conference, and with the weak leadership in Congress who can't do anything but pay lip-service and bend to the will of the Democrats that is our unfortunate reality.
     The Justice that is getting a lot of heat today, and rightfully so, is Justice Roberts.  After reading his reasoning behind his decision today it is clear he is not working on the side of the law, but is now a politician who is working on the side of the administration.  One of the only things he said that was anything close to factual was that "Congress wrote key parts of the Act behind closed doors, rather than through 'the traditional legislative process'."  To me this reads that he is acknowledging the sneaky maneuvering that happened to get this bill into law.  Roberts said that their role in the Supreme Court is to "say what the law is" but went on to say that "in every case we must respect the role of the Legislature, and take care not to undo what it has done."  Has he forgotten his Constitution 101 class?  That is the entire point of the separation of powers!  You and all eight other Justices are there to put a check on the Legislature!  You are there to make sure no one who is elected by the people over steps the law! 
     Justice Scalia was one of the few who is actually clinging to common sense in this whole debacle.  He said that "we should start calling this law SCOTUScare," because at every step despite what the law actually says, the Court has done everything in its power to try and save it along the way.  Scalia points out that the savers of Obamacare have gone out of their way to say that when the law was constructed about how exchanges are funded, that they must have meant to say  the 'Exchange established by the State or the Federal Government."   Calling out Congress for not doing their job thoroughly and properly.  If we read between the lines here, it appears that the Court does not see the States as having more power then the Federal government, that their existence is unimportant.  With the States being unimportant, the Federal government surely has every right to overstep their boundaries.  Scalia acknowledges that this ruling and previous rulings in favor of Obamacare have been done because there is an "overriding principle" of the Supreme Court that this healthcare law must be saved at all costs.  The esteemed Justice Scalia also said that  an "exchange established by the "State" is an Exchange established by a State, not the Federal Governemt and no creative ambiguous interpretation should change that.  It is easy to draw the conclusion that the justices who voted to save Obamacare did so by going on the pretense that the law was intended to do good, so therefore because its heart was in the right place essentially, we need to give the lawmakers the benefit of the doubt.  Even though the law was not written as such, and that is where the problem arises.  
      It is a very sickening realization to hear that Drudge reported that hospital and insurance stocks surged after the court passed its ruling.  Now why would this be?  How is it possible that stocks can soar from a Supreme Court decision?  It's because the lawmakers and the Supreme Court are having their bank accounts padded by these companies.  Scalia said it rightly today that "....the cases will publish forever the discouraging truth that the Supreme Court of the United States favors some laws over others, and is prepared to do whatever it takes to uphold and assist its favorites.”

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Reality and Our Preception

     It's been a roller coaster of a week so far and it's not even close to being over!  My head is spinning so fast my head has those cartoon birds circling it.  To be honest, it has been a terrifying news cycle and hopefully the knot at the end of the rope is going to be enough for us to hang on to.
     Since when has anything Obama issued or pushed for been a good thing?  The Obamacare bill was not read in it entirety, and now look where we are.  Now we have this super secret squirrel spy bill of the TPP being fast tracked that the Republican controlled Senate JUST passed today.  It was not open for debate, which is why it was "fast tracked" to begin with, and despite what Paul Ryan says it was not a transparent bill.  Now let's not forget here that the Democrats on Capitol Hill came out in full force behind Pelosi AGAINST this bill.  Yes, we have indeed entered the Twilight Zone.  Just more proof that these RINOs in D.C. are all about where their next campaign donation comes from.  To all of these officials being sneaky and not acting in the best interest of the American people, just remember that your sins and misdeeds will be answered by your children and theirs, so step on the correct path.
     There are new videos circulating of ISIS and how they are continuing their reign of terror and occupation.  In their newest videos, it shows people being lowered into a pool enclosed in a cage and, according to reports, there also is a camera under the water to record their actual death. According to these same reports, ISIS also fires explosives at a car that has been stuffed of their prisoners as another way of exterminating their opposition.  This is serious stuff they are doing over there, but hardly anyone in the mainstream media is upset by these reports.  Selling women into the sex trade, beheading enemies, torturing people, it's just another day, no big deal.  To make the Middle East more turbulent, we have started to talk about entering an agreement in which the US and allies would HELP Iran with their nuclear program.  Yes, we would help a group of people who publicly condemns America and calls for our destruction by giving them nuclear aid.  For Kerry and Obama to think this is the way foreign relations are won and done, it's simply terrifying.  But the biggest threat that we have to beat is global warming, not ISIS, not Iran. 
     On a very personal level, I would like to address the families and friends in the wake of the tragic murders in Charleston.  I saw some of the live feed of each of the representative's statements on behalf of the victims.  There are many things that I felt when I heard of the news of this man going into that church to commit the unthinkable, but your statements to Roof moved my soul.  If you have not read their statements, you need to.  I cannot even begin to say I know your suffering or your loss, because what happened was beyond tragic.  What was said to Roof was something I NEVER expected to hear from anyone who has to live through this tragedy.  The message that came through loud and clear was that of forgiveness.  A message that was echoed through everyone's words.  To hear it done in that quantity was beautiful.  It makes me so hopeful for the future.  Your words also made me wish I could be that strong, that loving.  Thank you for those words, and may God bless.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Why Ignorance Is Bliss

     Over the last few weeks I have to say I am flabbergasted at what I hear being reported on in the world.  What I find to be more eye opening is just talking to my friends, co-workers, or random people and their obvious lack of knowledge as to what these stories are.  If I did not comprehend why other nation's disliked America I can see it more and more now as an adult.  Be honest, most of the people you know probably don't care about politics or anything other than what is going on in their bubble.  If it has to do with anything really deep, it's just glossed over as something that can't be changed or something that you only talk about in hushed tones so as not to offend the person next to you.  I'm such an outspoken person I am getting to the point where I notice that I am losing friends because of how politically charged and active my posts are.  While I like these people I consider friends, it is taxing to be one of the few people in my little corner of the world who actually gives a damn.
     I find it just as mind-numbing to be around those people who have this giant love fest for Obama, Hillary, and/or the Democratic party as a whole.  To the graduating class of the Coast Guard, Obama told these men and women that "climate change is a serious threat to global security,"  that this is going to be the largest threat that our nation will have to face.  Seriously?  When Bush left office the national debt was about $10.6 trillion, but now under Obama we are at about $18 trillion dollars!  Let's mention here that Obama is running around claiming he's reduced the national deficit, and let me note here I am not an economics nor a math major, but an increase in the national debt from 10 to 18 doesn't seem like a reduction.  Obama's wife keeps running around stirring the racial pot of aggravation at every opportunity she can, whether it be on TV or at a college graduation.  If anyone is paying attention, most of the population doesn't judge people based on the color of their skin, however, the reason WHY it keeps coming up is because those few souls that still do are getting more air time than the ones of us who couldn't care less.  It is because of the majority of us NOT caring about the color of people's skin is causing the Democrats, Sharpton, and Jackson alike to panic because without people caring about skin color, they lose money and power.  Then there's Bill Clinton's arm candy of a wife, Hillary Clinton.  She's running around claiming she will stick it to the wealthy and Robin Hood it and give their money to the poor.  She's only going to target those who oppose her and her buddies, hate to break it to you.  She also claimed she will do whatever it takes to keep America "safe" but that little dead horse of Benghazi still reeks over on the side.  The absurd comments she is making about voting being discriminatory all because of voter ID laws.  Everything she is, is just a scandal.
     Our taxes are increasing every day. Just think, when was the last time you got a decent tax return?  Our national security is a laughing joke to the rest of the world; so much so Iran called Obama's actions one of an "accomplice to the ISIS" group.  Paul Ryan is now aiding Obama in trying to pass this secret TPP deal.  We're almost to the point where America is going to be owned by the Chinese because we do not have anyone in Washington who is trying to fix anything that is wrong.  The Republican and Democrat party line is fuzzy at best, as they are all starting to bottom-feed from each other's pockets.  I cannot remember the last time an elected official did anything that helped their state or constituents, it's all about the donors.  Follow the money trail, it's sickening.  The middle class in this nation is dwindling away, and yet no one has the guts to talk about it on Capital Hill because they are the cause of it.  Russia is free to do whatever they want to because actually working to keep them from invading neighboring countries takes time away from bike rides or golf games.  Yet there IS more than enough time for people to voice their aggravation with Beyonce over her over-hyped announcement which turned out to be her announcing to her fans that she is now Vegan.  Yep, very angry people about that announcement.
     If we threw out pop culture, what WOULD a vast majority of the public do with their time?

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Can't We All Just be American?

     I remember a time growing up that the idea of me being categorized as anything other than American wasn't a thing.  Now we are all in a sub-set of some kind of category as to what kind of  American we are.  There's African-American, Mexican-American, Irish-American, Straight-American, Gay-American; essentially you have to find that camp of what to be labeled as and be content.  For example, the world almost came to a screeching halt when actress Raven Symone came out and publicly declared that she wasn't "African-American", that she was simply an American.  The backlash that came about was intense and completely uncalled for.  At the end of the day, she wasn't wrong.  She is American, and the only reason why people had such an issue with her declaring she wasn't African-American was because that goes against everything we are taught to believe. 
     With everything from marketing to elections, it helps those trying to get their brand across to know who to campaign their cause or product to.  Which is fine to an extent, since you wouldn't want to appeal coffee to a toddler, but these labels are doing more to harm than help.  Think about all of the forms we have to fill out with banks, schools and work.  At the end of the day, does a bank really need to know if I am of "Non-Hispanic" origin and am just Caucasian?  Some of the questions are becoming more invasive and unnecessary, yet, there they are with no end in sight.  If we were to stop labeling ourselves, then where would the so-called "race experts" have to do with themselves?  I think that as hard as it is to part with a favorite pair of shoes, it is just as hard for many to come to the realization that race just doesn't matter as it used to. 
     There used to be a need for affirmative action, now we all would be fooling ourselves if we said we wouldn't want the person most qualified to complete the job greasing the wheels.  For all of the people who are beside themselves with excitement over the possibility of having the first female President, many more of us cannot stomach the idea of voting someone in office only because of their gender.  With the Obama years still ahead, and what has come to pass, this has to be further evidence of a nation weary of labels and firsts.  There are many more open interracial couples then ever before, and do you think that those families and any children that they have can fit nicely into the labels that are out there now? 
     Where does this need come from to have every single person labeled as anything other than American?  For me, when I hear someone label themselves as "category"-American, it does more to harm our nation by causing a division among ourselves.  We're the only nation that I know of that does this.  Germans do not label each other in such a way, they are all just Germans.  What's worse is that this need for categorization is driving such a deep rift in our society because it pits everyone against another sub-set. Even during election season it is difficult to not get upset when the media and officials debate on how Republicans and/or Democrats can win the black vote or the female vote; it's no longer a novel idea to appeal to all Americans and that's disheartening.  If we cannot break down these barriers caused by these labels, we will continue to be at odds against one-another.