Friday, July 8, 2016


     Last night while I was thinking about the events that happened in Louisiana and Minnesota, a thought hit me; I will never know what it is like to be a person of color.  I will never know what is it like to have someone look at my skin color and worry about whether or not I am a criminal or if I have a good credit score.  I will not know what it is like to question whether or not the police department is profiling me.  I won't be able to begin to understand some people's fear for their lives or that of their children should they be detained by an officer.  I just won't.... 
     In my state of Virginia, the Loving v. Virginia case in 1967 tore away the barriers keeping people of different races from marrying one another.  It's crazy to even think that there was a law PROHIBITING such a thing in our nation, much less that it happened just 17 years before I was born.  What is even more disturbing is that there are still people who think this way in 2016 AND there are minorities who feel that same kind of hatred towards white people!!!   
     Let me be completely honest and candid.  I CAN say that as a white woman I have understand the stigma surrounding me.  People think that because of my skin color that I have had an easy life.  Which is a humorous idea onto itself, as I have had my fair share of struggles, but I do not let that consume me.  While I did grow up in a nice neighborhood and had a stay-at-home mom and a father who supported my endeavors; my life is a direct result of my actions and choices.  I know what kind of person I am.  I know my heart and soul.  I know what I bring to this world and will not let someone's message of hate keep me from seeing the good in people.
    I try every day to be some kind of light in someone's life because, dammit, life is HARD!  Life is hard enough with juggling how to pay bills, be a good parent, a responsible citizen to wonder at the dislike that someone of a different color may hold of me.
    I do not want to be judged based on my skin color just like those who have more melanin in their skin than I.  That's the way it should be.  We should all want to help one another regardless of skin color, religion, sexual preference, political stance, and income level.
    What has happened this past week by the deaths surrounding Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and now those of the Dallas police officers... my heart can't take any more of it. Just like most of the nation and world, I am so sick and tired of the hate.  No one should ever have to be afraid of the police, and the police should never have to be afraid of their citizens. 
      Dallas Police Chief David Brown said, "We don't feel much support these days.  Let's not make today most day's." 
     Dear God in Heaven, what kind of a culture have we developed and let take over to have a police chief say such a thing? 
     Today, in the wake of these tragedies, don't politicize these deaths.  Don't use these deaths to forward any kind of agenda other than peace and love and mutual respect. 
     Tell your family members that you love them and say the same to a complete stranger.
     Life is too short, too precious, not to spread a message of love, kindness, and respect.



Wednesday, July 6, 2016

The Statement Heard Around the World

     FBI Director Comey came out yesterday with a public recommendation that evidence suggests Hillary Clinton should not face charges regarding her private email server.  In his statement Comey alluded that her actions were careless but not malicious.  Obama even chimed in and said she has owned up to her actions so the slate is clean.  She has learned from her mistakes and won't do it again.  Pinkie swear!  *insert eye roll here* 
     There was no political influence in this case???  Everything in D.C. is influenced by politics; from what we can and cannot eat, to what businesses are allowed to flourish, our military operations, to the FBI.  Nothing in this day and age is not influenced by the corrupted politicians in Washington D.C.  We all are not naïve to their actions, so why try to lie to the American public? 
     Let's examine this issue carefully. 
     Comey said that "our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case" against Hillary Clinton.  What that really means is that no prosecutor would be willing to go out on their own, risk their career, and bring the case against Clinton.  Should some brave prosecutor go through with this not only would they try to prosecute a very powerful and influential family, but they would do so knowing that the government would do everything within their power to protect one of their own. 
     There wasn't intent to commit any wrong doing?!  The intent to break the law was there the moment she created that server to hide her emails!  Are we forgetting that the person who set up this server has immunity from the Justice Department?  Wise up, folks!  No one is granted immunity unless information they can provide is important and imperative to an investigation.  Are those defending Clinton's actions forgetting that SHE decided what emails were handed over for the investigation? That her server was hacked by Guccifer and Heaven only knows who else?
      This is a slap in the face for anyone demanding transparency and equality. 
     "To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now."- Comey
     For anyone who questions whether or not justice was served, read the above statement.  Let it sink in.  Examine every word.  Comey publically admitted that Clinton, and a vast majority of elected officials, are above the rule of law that the rest of American society is subject to.  If you or I had been in a government office, and done the same thing, we would be forced to suffer the consequences.  Our lives would be over, but not Clinton.  She is above the law. 
     What we witnessed yesterday proves she does not have to follow our laws, and yet her campaign is promising that she is "Fighting For Us".  Indeed she IS "fighting for us".  She is "fighting" to keep the general American public down so she may expand her power and station.  We are not her equals, we are a speck of dirt on her expensive clothes.  She is a liar.  She is a cheater.  She is now officially above our nation's laws. She is protected, and we are not.
      If you vote for her, you have to know going in that she will not protect you.  Your life and rights will be decided on the generosity of her campaign donors, and yes this includes foreign governments.  If she is above the law, that means she, and anyone appointed by her, is above our Constitution. 
     Hillary Clinton is dangerous and CANNOT be our next President.

Monday, July 4, 2016

July 4th

     The Sons of Liberty began as a result of the British Government levying taxes against the Colonies without representation.  The unrest of the people in the Colonies was palpable.  How dare anyone tax them without their consent?!   
     The passion people feel for items "Made in America" can be traced back to the Daughters of Liberty.  These lady patriots began boycotting British goods so as to not pay the salaries of judges or governors who were loyal to the King of England.   
     The Sons and Daughters of Liberty were the building blocks of what turned into a movement throughout the Thirteen Colonies to bring forth the American Revolution.
     As a nation, we celebrate the brave men and women of the Revolution who had found their passion to fight the oppressive governance from the King of England.  It is because of these courageous souls (past, present, and future) that we can lay claim to be, "The land of the Free, Home of the Brave." 
     Today we are facing a current administration, both federal and local, who seem to have forgotten that to not follow the will of the people shall have dire consequences to their comfortable grip of power.  This time, this election cycle, it is clear that we the people, have to come together to "institute a new Government" in light of our current government's "abuses and usurpation."
     Freedom isn't free, and the price of our liberty should not depend on the whim of those in government for their personal gain.
     It is time to remember the brave and tyrannous actions that founded our nation.  It is time to tell  politicians that their actions have consequences.  That our taxes are not to be used to for their profit, nor that of their friends.  It is time to take our government back!  It is time for our Revolution!