Sunday, April 26, 2015

Heath Care Reform in America

     I, like many of you, were involved in the annual insurance meeting with my company a couple of months ago.  My heath insurance costs went up, not by much only about $35 per month.  If I had decided to have my husband on my health insurance plan, I would essentially be working to paying to have health insurance for my family. What was being pushed this year were the HSA's, and let's be honest about what these things are about.  HSA's are a "holy crap" you have an illness that came from no where plan.  Basically HSA's are one of the ways the government and/or health insurance companies can get you to pay money to them and have an account set up where you have to direct certain amounts of funds for health care costs. Like most, my out of pocket deductible nearly doubled.  For those who are not as well versed in the madness that is health care insurance, what that means is that I have to spend X amount of dollars before I can even have my benefits of my insurance to "kick in" to cover my medical expenses.
     Like many of you, I also filed my taxes this year.  We were shown by the lovely gentleman who does our taxes for us how much we would OWE the government should we choose to not have health insurance.  If we did not have it this year we would have been penalized about $800, but next year it will skyrocket to around $1600.  That's a pretty hefty fee and I am sure to most people who are hurting under this economy. 
     The very idea that we as a nation stood idly by as our government passed a bill in which no one fully knew what was in it disturbs me to my core.  To quote Nancy Pelosi," We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it."  Well, now we know and it's more than irksome.  As most have discovered this year, the IRS is now collecting fines from you because you cannot afford the health "insurance" they are requiring all Americans to have.  Seems very unpatriotic to me to not only require every one to pay for this, but to not know everything that was in this bill and calling it fair and necessary is treasonous.  On a side note, for those of you who say the government is providing for "subsidies" I will tell you they are not.     
     Obamacare is requiring Americans to have insane requirements of their health insurance plans.  For women not of child bearing age, like grandmothers, you are now required to have maternity coverage.  Essentially it appears that our government is preparing itself for the onslaught of seniors having another baby boom in their golden years.  Obamacare greatly relies on the part of the population who have no health issues.  These people were to be the common core of where the funding for this new law came from, however, allowing people to stay on their parents insurance plans until they are 26 is proving to be a mistake.  It is undeniably for the sake of Obama's presidency that this law will not be fixed, and or changed, until a new leader of the free world is elected in 2016. 
     Why are we as a populous allowing our government to even have a say in our health care?  We should be able to have a right to not be covered.  More importantly than that, I do not want the government involved in anything I have going on medically.  I feel like the federal government is way too involved as it is in my every day life, hands off of my health care if you please.  Totally opposite of those feminists who demand government to pay for their contraceptives so they may continue a "risky" lifestyle.  The government, especially Democrats and Liberals, want this huge expansion of government in your life.  Obama and this government get a disturbing amount of power from controlling the most basic and private aspects of our lives.  Obama and most on Capital Hill want socialism, and they are disguising this by using words like "fair" and "free", and phrases such as "redistribution of wealth".
     Which brings me to an exceptional video brought to us by the mind of Colin Gunn.  For those who may not have heard from him, he is from Scotland and the video that is generating a lot of buzz is "Wait Till It's Free".  He goes in depth in the motives behind Obamacare and the beginning of government in our health care.  There is a very telling and sad reality of how socialized medicine in the UK operates, all the way to the darkest parts of their versions of "Death Panels" that will come into operation under Obamacare.  One of the teachings Colin is trying to get across, as well as the doctors and CEOs he interviews, is that a free market can come in and fix what is wrong with the American Health Care System.  In "Wait Til It's Free" you are exposed to what is currently happening before us and where it can lead should we stand silent and allow this nonsense to continue.  I urge you to take the time and view this profoundly educational documentary at
     For all of you who are still in the romantic stages with Obama and socialism, pause for just one moment.  Take a look at the world.  Look at what life is like for citizens of Russia, South America, Cuba and other socialist countries.  They have no say in anything.  Their lives are dictated to them, for them.  If we as a population of free people continue to stay silent and allow our government to intrude on our lives, especially our health care, their reality will be our future.  Why would you even think it is a great idea to have government involved in managing health care anyway?  Look at what it has done to the VA, DMV, and FDA just to name a few.  They're all mismanaged.  They're all an outline of how government run health care is going to look.  That's scary. 

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