Sunday, April 12, 2015

For the Future of America's Youth

     Gather around, form a circle, hold hands with the person next to you and let's sing a few verses from "Kumbaya."  If you're not the singing type, perhaps we could make an area for you where you would be able to sooth your feelings in a plate of cookies.
     I am completely over and one hundred percent baffled hearing about how the younger generations are being coddled.  There are too many young people who will not know how life really operates because schools, parents, teachers, colleges, sports teams, and any number of competitions are doing a disservice to them.  I compel anyone who is reading to go into your closets or shelves and trash any "participation" ribbons or memorabilia you may possess.  No one cares that you participated, you were only given that in order to not hurt your feelings because you did not place in whatever event you were a part of.  I'll even give you an example of how unnecessary these participation ribbons are.  On my resume there is a part where you list awards or recognitions you have received.  Should I place on my own resume that I was "awarded" a participation ribbon for a science fair?  Do you know how that would make me look to a potential employer?  Needy, it would make me look very needy.  
     College kids, I'm aiming at you now.  Do you really and truly need "safe zones" on your campuses?  You are studying at what are supposed to be higher education centers, but you need a place to go where your feelings don't get hurt?  This makes me weep for humanity's future, but I understand.  This is what you were brought up with.  Your parents, and whoever else in your life, were so concerned about not hurting your feelings that once you were out of public school, away from your sheltered bubble and in the college atmosphere it was too much for your brain and heart to handle.  Now I digress, it isn't all the parents fault.  We are in an uber-PC time in our society, so I also blame your inability to handle criticism from this as well.  Should you be able to continue on in the struggle that is college, graduate, then be lucky to find a job with an employee who will give a pebble's thought to your feelings.  They have money to make and your feelings are not even a blip on their screen.
     Continuing on with you lovable college students, you guys have a lot to learn about what to protest.  All of those who were up in arms over the movie "American Sniper" at the University of Michigan, get over yourself.  I mean really now, please stop.  Those who were about to bow to the offended few, you're not helping matters either.  When I was a little girl and I did not like something or disagreed, I did one of two things.  I simply did not put myself in the situation I did not want to be OR I tried to persuade people to listen to my reasoning.  There are a ton of movies out now that I think are distorting minds and plain creepy, but you don't see me with a little picket sign trying to ban them do you?  No.  Why?  One, because I know these movies will continue to be made regardless of what I think, I just won't give them my precious time or money.  Two, at the end of the day it just does not matter because I can look away from it.  Simply turn my head and go off in the other direction.  A movie like "American Sniper" is what I thought was a bio-pic, so you're essentially protesting someone's life.  Bravo!  You guys are so smart.  Let's take one second to remind you emotionally charged kids are able to protest a movie like this because people before you, and people currently securing our nation, so you can do this silly little protest.  On a side note, those powers that be at the University of Michigan who bowed to these small few offended people, you should be ashamed of yourself for even needing Jim Harbaugh to be the ONLY man to publicly discredit these small opposing views!  Your football coach proverbially put his neck on the line to public ridicule for his view on airing the movie, and that's why you decided to revoke to ban of the movie?  Shameful.
     Here's the bottom line folks.  You're going to get your hearts broken in the game of love.  Those broken hearts, however, will lead you to your forever love.  You will not win everything you compete in, but if it is something you're truly passionate about, it will make you better and find ways to improve on your mistakes.  You will not be accepted by everyone you meet, but that's ok because you need to surround yourself with those who will build you up to be a better person.  If you continue to shelter yourself and that of the younger generations, we're going to end up with a nation full of PC-minded, scared of everything individuals who will be the end of us all.  If you want to protest please do so, but please protest something that is of merit.  It's dangerous to us all when we raise people who cannot handle rejection or constructive criticism.   

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