Sunday, December 20, 2015

Washington D.C. Versus the American People

     I don't know exactly what happens to most of those we elect to go to D.C., it's like a reality vacuum that sucks you up into a shiny consequence free zone.  I've been there, to Washington D.C. and survived so it makes me wonder about others who cannot make it out of that vacuum...but good God almighty, our elected officials just approved spending $1 TRILLION dollars!  This was apparently the only option to bypass a government shutdown.  To which I echo the sentiment of most Americans in saying, why wait until the last minute to get this budget done? Clearly if this is the best they can come up with, hell, shut the government down.  Unlike some people who thrive and do their best work under pressure, D.C. does not do it's best work in a week's time nor under any pressure.  How can any of these elected officials be proud of this bill?  Where on American soil is this kind of money going to even come from?  This whole bill has me completely flabbergasted and thoroughly embarrassed of the elected representatives in our Nations Capital.
     Wasteful spending doesn't even begin to describe what is going on.  What's happened in all reality is that the Republicans we've elected have yet again yielded to the will of the Democrats.  I, for one, am utterly annoyed with this idea that in order for "government to work" we, the Republicans, have to reach across the aisle and give in every single time to the Democrats.  Planned Parenthood, illegal immigration, Obamacare, bonus incentives for people working at the VA; all things that continue to have funding.
     A lot of wasteful spending that continues to have funding because Republicans have to be the ones who are the "nice guys."  Republicans continuously to have to bow down and prove to Democrats that they are flexible with their beliefs; bending to the will of whatever program the Democrats are after at the present time.  The frustration I feel comes from what we are essentially seeing is there are no party divides over issues that matter.  Washington essentially is a one party elite ruling machine.  There is but one ruling class in D.C. and that ruling class is the liberal Democrats. What happened with the "ominous bill" isn't government working, it's RINO's laying the foundation to turn this nation into a socialist dream.
     I need, we all need, the Republican Presidential nominee to stand up to this idea of "reaching across the aisle."  Only Republicans are the ones who have to play nice, the only ones who have to concede.  I do not want any of the Republicans I vote for to say they are going to reach across the aisle.  I want them to stand up for the principals that I believe in and fight for what's going to make this nation better.  This constant barrage of valuing public perception given to us from the MSM over principal simply cannot continue to happen, election year or not.  Look at what reaching across the aisle has gotten us, nothing.  We have not won on any issue, and it shows.  If we continue to allow the MSM and Democrats to bully us in this way, we'll have nothing left but a people who are in a constant need of government handouts to survive.  To be bluntly honest, if I wanted Democrats policies to succeed,  I'd just as soon vote a Democrat in office.   At least if I did that I would know exactly what I was getting, unlike these people saying they're  a Republican just to find out they aren't.   I wouldn't feel betrayal like I do now.
     I'm not saying I want gridlock.  I want passion and a strong will.  I want someone in Congress that will convince other leaders as to how and why what we're offering is better.  I am tired of these pushovers, of these weak-willed individuals who pledge they will fight and then come to find out they are just a RINO.
     I need someone who is going to go to D.C. and fight the elite who are paying for corruption.  To fight the career Congressmen and Congresswomen who have lost touch.  I need an actual leader who knows money doesn't appear from air, nor someone who will sell the American soul for money from other nations.  I want real results.  I want my country back.

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