Wednesday, March 30, 2016

So Long GOP! Don't Let the Door Hit You Where the Good Lord Split Ya!

     I have been raised to appreciate the value that comes from work, from patriotism, from being an educated individual.  I was raised by two Republican parents, who I know wanted better for me than they had.  I guess you could say I was indoctrinated to the American Dream, and by all accounts I am a believer in what the Founding Father's established.  It is because of my beliefs and how revered I hold this nation that I am happy to see the GOP failing.
     Yes, absolutely I am happy they, the GOPe, are getting push back in the form of Trump and Cruz and the people supporting them.  I am happy, no let me correct myself, I'm ecstatic that the end is looming near for the Republican Establishment! 
     Do I still consider myself to be a Republican?  Yes and no.  I consider myself to be what the Republicans first established themselves to be; a grouping of people who opposed executive tyranny, supported a free market, a party who was unabashedly unafraid to go against the Democrats.  I do not align myself with this puny excuse of wealthy politicians and lobbyists leading the party today.  I do not support this pitiful, weakened shell of Republicans in Washington who don't understand the plight of the average American.  This weakened group who has caved to the will of the Democrats time and time again.  Republicans who are so well mixed within the Democratic party that you cannot see who stands with the core values that founded the Republican party any more.  I don't want to be associated with this current majority in the Republican party, mainly because I want to fight for what I know to be right.
      These SAME Republicans and Elites who are so nervous about losing power that they asked candidates within our own party to sign a pledge to support the eventual victorious nominee.... Now there have been talks that they, the GOPe, would rather lose than have the remaining candidates elected?  That they are preparing to lose this election all to save face, but most of all to save their power.  Lovely.    
     In the words of my generation, I'm not down with that.
     I am not angry that none of the remaining candidates have said they will support the nominee. Why would I be when the leaders that be can't get their affairs in order and support what the people want?  In all likelihood we are heading to a brokered convention and it will be here that we will see the GOPe in top form.  The GOPe will hand deliver THEIR puppet,aka candidate, of choice and it's going to get ugly.  Lord help up all if they try to give us Romney again....

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