Monday, March 28, 2016

Prevailing Terrorism

     Like an open concept floor plan, Europe continues to be a safe-haven for ISIS and their operations.  Partly due to the open border policy and partly due to the blind eye that the government has towards terrorist threats that aren't considered Politically Correct.  Europe knows the danger but is in no way able to confront it nor manage it.... Seriously though, who thinks it is a good idea to publish information of a newly captured ISIS combative?
     Now the Taliban in Pakistan, who are trying to remind people how dangerous they are, bombed an Easter Celebration.  All those souls who were lost are gone just for celebrating a different religion in the Middle East.
     Sadly, I do believe these kinds of attacks will continue to happen. They will continue until the world, and this includes world leaders, unite against this deadly religious ideology....  And I am sorry to say that we won't have this happen unless we have American leadership on this front who oppose and acknowledge terrorism.
     It has taken John Kerry and the Obama administration at least 7 years to publically condemn the slaughtering of Christians when we all knew this was happening in the world.  The proof was right before them but they refused, for whatever reason, to publicly recognize this evil.   Obama in one of his many "I'm going to apologize for the United States" speeches invoked the Crusades and slavery in one of many attempts to take the heat off those who murder in the name of Islam.  It's exceptionally rare for Obama, Kerry, or any one of his cabinet members to condemn violence carried out by ISIS or the Taliban with any passionate rhetoric.  For example, when Obama was addressing the attack in Brussels while in Cuba, he began his speech to those in attendance with, "Please indulge me, I want to comment on the terror attacks that have taken place in Brussels...."  I never would have thought that publically extending our support to an ally is one of indulgence, Mr. President.  Sorry that this terrorist attack occurred while you were laughing it up with a savage dictator.  

     Do I think the President and his administration enjoys hearing of people being murdered, no, of course not.  I DO believe it is their Political Correct ideology that is preventing them from publicly criticizing religious attacks in the name of Islam.  To do so will undermine EVERYTHING of their narrative and belief system.  The Obama administration is one full of intellectual liberals who are witnessing their hopes of a utopia brought forth by them crumbling at their feet.  They are a collective bunch of cowards.

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