Sunday, August 2, 2015

Preview of The First Republican Debate

     Thursday cannot come fast enough!  The first Republican Presidential Candidate Debate will be held in Ohio this coming week, and the excitement is heady.  I think a lot of people are going to tune in, in part to see what Trump may say to make the Friday morning headlines.  I also would like to think that most tuning in are looking to see who is going to turn out to be the front runner to represent our fractured party.  Going into Thursday here are the leaders according to a new poll by The Wall Street Journal:
Trump, Walker, Bush, Carson, Cruz, Huckabee, Paul, Rubio, Christie, and Perry.
These are the top ten, and all are very diverse in their approach and in their message.
     Trump.  He needs to come out and hit hard like he has been, but he also needs to learn to pull back on the personal attacks.  Case in point, making fun of Perry wearing glasses to try to appear more intelligent.  No, no this is funny in a high school kind of way, but is not a way for a President to act.  I think if he continues to speak bluntly about the issues that matter like immigration, education, national security, he should be fine.  Now would be a great time to come out swinging with more than just buzz words and lay out his plans for implementing the bold changes you see for America.  I do believe that he is going to have to answer to his idea that a single payer health care system is better than what we had before Obamacare was implemented.  I think he will may in the future need to address his waiving of the "conservative" banner, when he really shouldn't be waiving that flag with some of the ideas he is putting forth.  I think there is something critical that we should ask ourselves about Trump.  Is he speaking and acting in the same manner in which Obama did to draw accolades from the people?  Is Trump going to be our nation's next Obama, with bold talk , a large following, and bad ideas?  I like Trump for his blunt talk, but am worried he is covering up a very leftist way of thinking.
     Walker.  What is going to really hurt him is his lack of media attention because most is going to Trump.  Does he need to go all out and "Trump"-up his campaign?  Not necessarily, but sometimes you need to rock the boat to not get left behind.  Especially in this large pool of candidates to choose from.  I like that he is not afraid to go after Hillary, which is something that a lot of people seem to be afraid of doing lately.
     Bush.  I don't trust this man.  I trust him just about as much as I do Hillary, and that is not a compliment.  Bush has a long road to go in which he proves to me, and I believe a vast majority of people, that he is more than just a puppet for the cronies running the Republican establishment in D.C.  When a person supports common core education, I leave the conversation, thus I leave the idea for casting a vote for him.  He also supports amnesty, which goes right in line to his every day gross pandering to win the Hispanic vote.  Jeb Bush for me is a greasy, slippery eel.  I'm not buying that anything he wants is for the good of the nation, and neither do most voters.  I say this again to the Republican establishment trying to force feed him to us;  if Hillary is given the Democratic nomination and we offer Bush as the other option, we're going to lose.
     Thursday is going to be important, if for nothing more than whittling the field down to a few (if not more) candidates.  I hope that the debate is vibrant and honest.  I don't want buzz words.  I want policy ideas.  I don't want to hear that you want to secure the border, I want to hear how you will do so.  I will promise this, if anyone says that they are for the replacement, not the repeal, of Obamacare I am crossing you off my list.

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