Sunday, March 22, 2015

Unpatriotic Americans Among Us

     There are times when I feel like I am in the middle of the Atlantic in a dinghy.  Why?  I've become disheartened and angry by the actions of our elected officials on what seems to be a daily basis.  I'm so perplexed at what seems to be an hourly basis at not only the lack of knowledge the American people possess, but also at the lack of trying to leave that place of ignorance.  It can be a lonely and frustrating place to be when I hear stories about my fellow countrymen and women caring more about singing competitions or dress colors than about the crisis with ISIS or even something as simple as asking people to name the faces that make up Mount Rushmore.  So sometimes, as I sit in the Atlantic in my dinghy and scream in frustration, I find other people who are just as equally frustrated as I.  I find people who are fighting the stereotype that the mainstream media is pushing us all into, and it eases my soul.
     Then the story broke of the students who voted to not allow the American flag at University of California, Irvine.  Their students, and some faculty, say it is racist and entices intimidation by nationalism.  I find it hard to understand how being proud to be an American sends a message of intimidation.  To them I say let me pull up my dinghy and place you in it to go float to a different country where your crude ways of thinking will be appreciated. 
     There are many things as Americans we had to face in our short span of becoming a nation.  There are many dark spots on our resume, but those dark spots out-number the many great things that we have done, and continue to do.  Of course, the good deeds our nation has done and still continues to accomplish isn't reported because that goes against a lot of the work the media is doing to try and disrupt patriotism.  It seems like these people who keep bowing down and apologizing to the world for our past transgressions, forget that many other nations have their black dots as well.  Germany of course has their Nazi past, which makes me wonder what kind of fluffy non-threatening name Obama and his supporters would re-brand them as.  The British territories were not all happy to join or to stay under the crown.  The plight of the French people during the French Revolution to abolish the monarchy.  The current suppression of the North Korean peoples. 
     What the U.S. has done in it's past is not a new revelation, but that does not mean we should bow down to these few people who believe that the U.S. is a problem and an evil presence in this world.  These same people who enjoy American freedoms (who live protected on our soil), have the freedom to say what they want, and who most of all are earning American money.  These bizarre few people who voted to ban the American flag on their campus should really understand how wonderful of a land we truly are.  If nothing else, these people should not receive funding from the government and should not have any tax credits if they truly believe that we promote this wild notion of threatening American nationalism which should lead the school to not proudly wave the flag.  The flag that flies high and proud in observance of all who came before them for the freedom at a life to be who they want to be.  The flag that represents numerous people who died to protect the nation, where they can lay their heads down and sleep knowing people are protecting them around the clock. 
     Not every nation would even allow you to learn of anything other than the good deeds their country has done.  Only in America do we allow our teachers to teach our students that America is, in their view, "evil" and be protected by their Constitution to do so.  I do ask of these students and teachers who share in this unpatriotic view of America to not have education credits or financial assistance of any kind from our government and try to make it on their own.  Maybe then you will come to enjoy all the good that comes with being a patriotic American.

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