Sunday, March 8, 2015

This week's news

     In terms of news, there was a TON of information that came out.  It was borderline overload actually, but too much happened to just focus on one thing.
       Netanyahu.  If you have been living under a rock and did NOT see his speech delivered to Congress, you need to take the 40 minutes and soak it all in.  Outside of him saying how supportive Obama has been, it was breathtakingly beautiful.  I think Netanyahu delivered a clear and precise message to Congress.  If you were not a believer in Iran having nuclear weapons before, you surely aren't going to be for any kind of an agreement Obama and Kerry come up with.  Of course, Obama commented right after and said there was nothing new addressed with how to deal with Iran, but he even acknowledged he didn't watch it or fully read the transcript.... That's our leader for you.  Too busy with non-important issues to be worried about what our ally said about a common threat to both of our securities. The comparison of ISIS with the Nazis is spot on. Netanyahu is a powerful speaker who can deliver powerfully moving speeches.  One of the nicest side benefits to come from it was hearing how Pelosi was almost crying at the end of it because she felt like Netanyahu downplayed all the good the US has done. Well done Netanyahu, well done sir!
     Hillary.  I want to say she's BUSTED, but it's so hard to go down that road.  First the media and some lawmakers were being distant, and now they seem to be going back and circling the wagons around her.  Can we just please get rid of her?  I don't understand her appeal.  I really don't.  Is it because she stood beside her man when he cheated on her numerous times?  Is it her ... well, that's all I've got really.  She hasn't really done anything of merit.  The fact that she did not use government sanctioned emails and had her own server installed, she's hiding something.  What's worse, what we really want to see in these emails we'll never see.  What I call "the good stuff" is gone, BUT much luck to Gowdy in his search.
     Selma.  The 50th anniversary came about this week in the midst of all the noise going on in Ferguson.  First, let's celebrate how far we have come as a nation since the times of Selma.  MLK is a role model we can all look up to for his efforts to improve the lives of African American people in an era where everything looked bleak.  Officer Wilson was cleared by the DOJ, but Ferguson has been slapped with the racist label.  Like all things involving racism it's very delicate, but Ferguson is not a model by which all police departments and officers should be measured by.
     New York and Muslim Holidays.  Mayor Bill de Blasio what were you thinking?  Why are these holidays more important then any other faith?  Kids are allowed a certain number of days to miss school, so the Muslim people who have been clammering for this for 9 years for schools to be closed for two of their holidays.  It would be like a Christian asking for Muslim countries to allow for their schools to close for Christmas, it just wouldn't happen. I'd even go as far to say that those people would either be jailed or killed for not following the Muslim faith.  You don't see the Jewish community asking for their holidays off, and they seem to be working around it just fine.  What is really going on here is America, once again, trying to show how"inclusive" they are.  What is really happening is we're showing how much America is deteriorating with Liberals in charge.


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