Saturday, October 29, 2016

Blunt Talk

     Every generation is supposed to learn from the one before; from what they did right, to what they did wrong.  I think this is why I am such an avid lover of History.  I enjoy being presented issues and researching them, then being able to present an intelligent solution based on facts. 
     There are too many moments now where I find myself watching important leaders making mistakes that they FEEL is the best option, while in reality all it does is push our society deeper into an abyss.  It's terrifying at times to watch and also frustrating to witness because I do not have millions of dollars to waft under their noses to garner their attention to get them to listen!
     Politics, starting from the Federal level all the way to local offices, is controlled by money sure, but also people who believe themselves to be superior.... and it's really all our fault.
     It is our fault that we have career politicians in office who are finding excuses to increase government reach into our daily lives and wallets.  We don't pay attention.  We're too busy.  We think our vote doesn't matter so we don't participate in our democracy.
     It is our fault that we are seeing children believe their gender is a "fluid" idea.  We helped them facilitate safe spaces.  We told them not to go outside and play, unsupervised, for the fear that they will get dirty or come home with a scraped elbow. We allowed our schools forgo teaching the value of human life.  We have allowed our schools and elected officials to teach our children that they really are not special.  We have deceived our children in believing that if they have a superior talent it's best not to explore it because if Tommy or Suzie can't have the talent they have, then no one should because it isn't fair that one person have an advantage over another.
     It is our fault that we do not voice our dissent in how we are taxed.  We have allowed our government to become unaccountable.  We have allowed people having thousands and millions of dollars thrown at them from special interest groups to be continuously elected into office.
      Why has this happened?
     We've given too much stock to things that don't matter.  We've forgotten our neighbor.  We've taken our rights for granted. 
     We've been bullied.

     I urge you to open your eyes to the truth of what is happening before the lifeline being handed to us is too short to reach us in the abyss.

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