Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Jihad vs. The World

     What is this aversion to calling out evil?  Seeing the reports from Fort Hood, to San Bernardino, and now Orlando... we're missing out on the most important issue facing us.  We're not facing the problem.  We're glossing over it because we are falling into hype of nonsense brought to us by the PC nation lead by President Obama.

We have got to ban guns!
Wait.  Just wait.  No we do not need to ban guns.  Guns are not the problem.  Banning guns, of any caliber, is not going to stop these types of terrorist attacks on American citizens or anyone else in the world.  No guns just means the people who want to cause harm will find a different way.
People have owned guns for years without this nonsense happening.
My Parents and grandparents did not go around thinking that the way to deal with their problems was to shoot the party who disagreed  with them, so no, banning guns will not end this madness.

We have to ban Muslims!
I understand this sentiment, I really do.  Whenever there is an attack on our people, on the very foundation of what we believe, it is easy to get caught up in that hate and fear.
No, banning Muslims is not going to end this war.
Would it be beneficial to improve our vetting system?  Yes.  Should we put a temporary halt to immigration for everyone and taking in refugees until this is worked out? Yes.  A million times yes!
Not all who follow the faith want to kill those who are not fellow believers.  Like I have said before, the vast majority of people on this planet just want to live peacefully and raise their family. 
The murderer in Orlando was born an American citizen, so even to ban Muslims from entering the country would not have stopped him. 

     If you have paid attention, you can see where we as a nation, where we as a world, have gone wrong.
     We stopped allowing our kids to be competitive.  In order to not allow anyone to have their feelings get hurt, we've been resorting to giving away participation ribbons.  Even more, schools are pushing the envelope to have the student who may not do well academically will become a straight A student with lax grading systems.  Meanwhile those students who want to be challenged are being lost to a system where they are viewed as privileged.  Students are being taught that our country has committed the most evil atrocities the world has ever seen.  To burn or desecrate the flag is admirable.   To be patriotic is unseemly. The country that I grew up in is a complete 180 from what I see today.
     We have to stop being afraid to call a terrorist a terrorist.  The world needs leaders who know the difference between allowing people to freely practice their religion and being vigilant to communities that are a threat. 
     When I read reports saying the suspect in the Orlando shootings has been investigated by the FBI twice, and reports from co-workers were dismissed because the ones reporting him were believed to have been bigoted.... That makes my brain hurt.  When the wife says he was scouting out Disney as a possible location... why didn't she report this before hand? 

     We all know why we are in this mess.  It all stems from political correctness. 

     Shame on all of the politicians using this as a platform for gun control.  Every firearm purchased by the murderer was done so legally.  Shame on anyone who has lost their compassion for those murdered because they are against the LGTB lifestyle.  (No one, absolutely no one, deserves to be brutally murdered because you disagree with someone's lifestyle choices.)  Shame on Obama for sidelining the issue of terrorism whether domestic or abroad for the issue of climate change.  Shame on the administration for not taking the threat from ISIS seriously.

     Whether I directly know anyone from this shooting is irrelevant.  American men and women were murdered on American soil in another terrorist attack.  I am heartbroken. 

   I am furious!

   I demand results to fix the ever increasing threat to my fellow Americans and people around the world from ISIS!


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