Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Merry Christmas

     This time of year for me is a time of reflection.  It is a time where I take a step back and look at all of the good, and of course the not so good, that came to be this year.  It's Christmas.  It makes me happy either way because I have my family by my side who I love and adore.  I have my little boy who is discovering the wonders of this time of year, and at his age of 16 months everything is being discovered by biting or by ripping it apart.  I have a handful of Christmas tree ornaments that I am going to have to superglue back together, but that's ok.  It's special for me.  Not just because it is Christmas but because I thought I would never know the joys of a baby at this time of year.
     For three years my husband and I went through numerous infertility treatments.  There were a lot of times where we almost gave up on those treatments and doctor visits, not just because of the money, but because of the toll it was taking on me physically and mentally.  Coming to terms that between all of the poking, prodding, and intrusive procedures being done to investigate the root cause as to why we were not conceiving was the deep fear that we may not be able to have a child of our own.  It was a sad time for us.  We truly wanted a child, and we might not have that opportunity. 
     That fear changed me; it changed us as a couple for the better. That possibility has made us better parents, it has made us more patient people in general.  Even when our son is in the middle of a huge crying fit and we're exhausted, there is that knowledge that we could have not had him.  It's this powerful love that we have for our baby that makes everyday, especially Christmas, so magical. 
     Christmas is a time that reminds me how everyday I need to count the blessings I was given.  It is a time that shows me that between all of the ugly going on, that there is a strong sense of goodwill within every person I come across.  People are a little nicer, more patient, more kind.  Christmas time is a time to get back to the heart of what this season represents.  When I tell someone "Merry Christmas," it isn't just in reference to celebrating the Christian messiah, it is so much more. 
     Telling someone "Merry Christmas" is a way for me to tell someone that I hope they are surrounded by love and kindness.  That I hope they have a great end to the year, and better tomorrow, despite anything negative that may have happened for them.  "Merry Christmas" is a way to wish someone well with lots of joy sprinkled in. "Merry Christmas" is hope, it's love for my fellow man.
     It's one phrase that I know when my son is old enough to say it, that he will understand the depth that it means.  Christmas time isn't something that is just for Christians.  Christmas time is for the world.  This is a time to remember that we are all centered around our family, and even if it is one day, that there is more love than hate in the world.
     So for all of you, whether you celebrate this holiday or not, Merry Christmas! 

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Washington D.C. Versus the American People

     I don't know exactly what happens to most of those we elect to go to D.C., it's like a reality vacuum that sucks you up into a shiny consequence free zone.  I've been there, to Washington D.C. and survived so it makes me wonder about others who cannot make it out of that vacuum...but good God almighty, our elected officials just approved spending $1 TRILLION dollars!  This was apparently the only option to bypass a government shutdown.  To which I echo the sentiment of most Americans in saying, why wait until the last minute to get this budget done? Clearly if this is the best they can come up with, hell, shut the government down.  Unlike some people who thrive and do their best work under pressure, D.C. does not do it's best work in a week's time nor under any pressure.  How can any of these elected officials be proud of this bill?  Where on American soil is this kind of money going to even come from?  This whole bill has me completely flabbergasted and thoroughly embarrassed of the elected representatives in our Nations Capital.
     Wasteful spending doesn't even begin to describe what is going on.  What's happened in all reality is that the Republicans we've elected have yet again yielded to the will of the Democrats.  I, for one, am utterly annoyed with this idea that in order for "government to work" we, the Republicans, have to reach across the aisle and give in every single time to the Democrats.  Planned Parenthood, illegal immigration, Obamacare, bonus incentives for people working at the VA; all things that continue to have funding.
     A lot of wasteful spending that continues to have funding because Republicans have to be the ones who are the "nice guys."  Republicans continuously to have to bow down and prove to Democrats that they are flexible with their beliefs; bending to the will of whatever program the Democrats are after at the present time.  The frustration I feel comes from what we are essentially seeing is there are no party divides over issues that matter.  Washington essentially is a one party elite ruling machine.  There is but one ruling class in D.C. and that ruling class is the liberal Democrats. What happened with the "ominous bill" isn't government working, it's RINO's laying the foundation to turn this nation into a socialist dream.
     I need, we all need, the Republican Presidential nominee to stand up to this idea of "reaching across the aisle."  Only Republicans are the ones who have to play nice, the only ones who have to concede.  I do not want any of the Republicans I vote for to say they are going to reach across the aisle.  I want them to stand up for the principals that I believe in and fight for what's going to make this nation better.  This constant barrage of valuing public perception given to us from the MSM over principal simply cannot continue to happen, election year or not.  Look at what reaching across the aisle has gotten us, nothing.  We have not won on any issue, and it shows.  If we continue to allow the MSM and Democrats to bully us in this way, we'll have nothing left but a people who are in a constant need of government handouts to survive.  To be bluntly honest, if I wanted Democrats policies to succeed,  I'd just as soon vote a Democrat in office.   At least if I did that I would know exactly what I was getting, unlike these people saying they're  a Republican just to find out they aren't.   I wouldn't feel betrayal like I do now.
     I'm not saying I want gridlock.  I want passion and a strong will.  I want someone in Congress that will convince other leaders as to how and why what we're offering is better.  I am tired of these pushovers, of these weak-willed individuals who pledge they will fight and then come to find out they are just a RINO.
     I need someone who is going to go to D.C. and fight the elite who are paying for corruption.  To fight the career Congressmen and Congresswomen who have lost touch.  I need an actual leader who knows money doesn't appear from air, nor someone who will sell the American soul for money from other nations.  I want real results.  I want my country back.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

We Can Right This Liberal Train

     The current American Government is an insulting imitation of what the Founding Fathers fought so hard for.  There were so many men, women and children who died fighting for the idea of what our nation was supposed to be, and to see what it is becoming is gut wrenching and beyond infuriating.  How is it possible that now so many American people are openly following and supporting those who WANT to control every aspect from their lives?  Is it the idea of fairness, making the "playing field" even for us all?  No because we already have that.  Everyone can be whatever they want to be no matter what social class they are born into.  The American dream was never promised to be easy, just accessible.  So what's happened?  The American voter happened.
     We as Americans are lucky to be in this country, there is no doubt about it.  We have so many things going our way that we don't even think about it enough to really understand how grateful we should be.  We have access to clean water, we have public schools that every child can attend, we don't have to worry about a government coup every year or so, and at the end of the day, we have the freedom to express ourselves in any way possible because we have protected sacred rights.  Rights that most of us learn about as a child, and until our rights are threatened, we don't think about how glorious these things are.  So how did the American voter become a detriment to our nation?  It's because we are allowing our nation to fail.
     Never in my thirty years on this planet have I seen a small subsection of one ideology pushing so hard and having their slanted view win.  We are allowing liberals to run this nation into the ground and it all started with our need to not be labeled as mean, unfair, unkind or racist.  The birth of Political Correctness started this whole snowball effect of nonsense and a radical rift ripping our nation in two.  We just had a terrorist attack in this nation, the first since September 11, 2001, and our "commander in chief" hasn't even VISITED the site or any of the victims.  Why?  This attack does not fit into Obama's ideology, and that's why he's ignoring the security issues of the American people.
     I'll be honest and tell you I wanted him to step up.  I wanted him to show passion on behalf of Americans who lost their lives, but he mouthed some kind of rhetoric about gun control and how Americans have a skewed view of Islam.  We're the ones begging for a leader and we aren't getting it because Obama is what embodies liberalism; maintaining his own agenda regardless of the circumstances.  The American voter allowed this person in office.  The American voter continues to allow politicians like Pelosi, Reid, and McCain to continue to push legislation through that is harming our country.
     Some of this is due to some who lack understanding how critical it is to vote regardless if it is a Presidential election year or not. Some of it has to do with the knowledge that big money is consistently is running our leaders and our disgust of it.  We're also getting discouraged with the process by putting people in place who say they will do one thing and then turn around and do the exact things we didn't want them to do to begin with.  Either way, we have systems in place to put a stop to this.  We as American voters just don't.
     I do have hope because the more I talk to people from every walk of life, the more I hear how angry they are with the direction we are going as a nation.  For every person I talk to who is for Obama and liberalism, there is at least 10 people to kick out that viewpoint.  We as a people just need to have that one thing happen to our nation as a whole that makes us angry enough to put a stop to liberals and their detrimental thinking.  At the end of the day, we have to show up and vote.  We have to get out and regardless if we are not on the winning side, we have to put a stop to this wild ride of liberalism.  If we don't, we have NO one to blame but ourselves.  This constant reporting from the mainstream media saying Hillary or even Sanders is going to beat basically every Republican candidate is a scare tactic to keep us from voting.  Don't fall for it.  We can win, and the liberals, MSM, and big money elites know it. 

Sunday, December 6, 2015

The USA and Our PC Culture & Leadership That Is Killing Us

     On December 2, 2015, we witnessed a terrorist attack on our soil where fourteen innocent people lost their lives and twenty-one people were injured.  Fourteen people who were an after thought for the President and the mainstream media because, dear Heaven, the narrative of Islam as a religion of peace that they have been forcing down our throats is at risk, again. Fourteen people whose lives were marginalized because showing the face of the Muslim woman who decided to rip families apart, was a violation of Muslim modesty. Fourteen people who are now no longer with their families and deserve our prayers are now a political platform for gun control laws.  Fourteen people who I argue are victims of not only Islamic terrorists, but of the Obama administration, political correctness, and the mainstream media.  If it wasn't for the three latter mentioned, these victims may still be with us. 
     ISIS and those who support the Islamic call of jihad tell us repeatedly that they are coming for the infidels.  We see their videos, read about their operations, hear about it on TV, and yet we as Americans are detached from it.  We know the threat, however, it is dismissed because we are told by Obama that ISIS is contained.  Then comes the very next day of Obama uttering that statementcomes news of an Islamic terrorist attack in Paris; a nation where guns are not allowed by its citizens.  ISIS has penetrated our security and that of all nations because the world is competing in a race among to see who can be more PC and therefore viewed as the most compassionate.  With this PC and compassion comes promises that each and every person is going to be "vetted" in order to appease the citizens worried about their security.
     For those who are loud in voicing their concern with the vetting process, then they are deemed to not be compassionate, racist, and Islamophobic.   Even with the terror attack in Paris and the one that just happened here, it is clear to see those vetting systems have failed.  We will continue to witness these systems fail as long as we have a leadership who refuse to call our enemy what it is.  We have a war going on with Islamic extremists.  For anyone to tell you we are not, they are either delusional or have fallen for Obama's and the mainstream medias PC narrative.  By not calling our enemy what they are, we are giving the enemy more power and more protection to continue their mission.
     Now that this terrorist attack has happened there is more noticeable concern over gun control legislation than the victims.  We are being told by Pelosi that we are not allowed to offer prayers, and we are witnessing news outlets telling us God is not helping. In California they bolster one of the more strict gun laws in the nation, and yet these murderers were able to assemble a weapons arsenal that contained more than 6,000 rounds of ammunition.  Before names of the victims were even released Obama was on TV saying we're allowing people on the no fly list abilities to have guns and once again demanding stricter legislation.  Want to go that route?  Ok, let's do that.
     If Paris does not allow their own citizens to arm themselves, then how would tougher gun control laws have helped them?  If guns really are the problem, then how is it possible that a report of a man in London was wielding a machete in a subway this week and injured 3 people while claiming his actions were for Syria   If Obama really cared about this issue, why isn't he using his pen and phone and issuing an executive action?  It's because guns are not the problem, it is the PEOPLE getting the guns that are, and Obama knows that just as we "normal" citizens do.  Tell me the last attack in America where guns were used that were purchased illegally by the attacker.  Yes the NRA does put in a lot of money to Washington and our politicians, but how were these terrorists in Paris and California able to compile their weapons where guns aren't allowed or there is a lot of regulation to limit gun access?  It's because those who intend to do the most harm will always find a way.  Whether it be guns, biological weapons, knives, bombs, whatever.  Evil always finds a way. 
     Before the reports finally came out confirming that this was indeed a terrorist act, CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, held a press conference with Farook's brother in law, doing damage control.  The media was so nervous that even when terrorism was named the culprit, they were still saying it is a mix of "work place violence."  Obama is adding fuel to the growing sense of fear in American by sticking to his talking points that this attack and what happened in Paris, and even ISIS themselves, are not a part of Islam.  Try as they might, these attackers, these "extremists" hold their core beliefs in Islam.  The lawyers for Farook and his family even asked us to take the Islamic religion out of it.  To this I say, we will once they will.
     The Islamic religion is being used as a base to justify the actions of these terrorists.  Are all Muslims, terrorists?  No.  Do all Muslims agree that they should kill in the name of Allah? No, however, their religion is being used as a basis for ISIS. Extremist Islamic views are being used to train kids to become brainwashed with the joys of  becoming a martyr and wanting to be a suicide bomber.  ISIS is using texts in the Koran to justify the selling of women and children as sex slaves.  CAIR, Obama, and the MSM can say it is a religion of peace, however, there is a version of their Koran that is fueling these beliefs of these terrorists. To say these terrorists aren't acting in the name of Islam is delusional and detrimental to our security.  Just as detrimental as Obama and his administration not only calling ISIS a JV team, and saying that solving climate change would put an end to ISIS and all extremists.  (Insert eye-roll here.)
     If the neighbor  of Farook wasn't so afraid of the PC police coming after them, then maybe they would have spoken up and an investigation would have come to fruition.  Obama, CAIR, and the MSM are so busy defending their Islamic religion narrative, they have entirely forgotten the victims.  The administration and MSM are so concerned over not acknowledging home grown terrorism, that they are placing all of the radicalization on the wife, Malik.  Obama and his administration are so concerned over their narrative being ruled as incorrect, that they are putting us in even more danger.  We're supposed to not worry about Syrian refugees coming here but the vetting system we have is clearly not working for those in non-war torn nations.
     What we saw this past week was a nation that is growing more concerned over Islamic terrorism, and a government with a media who refuses to acknowledge what is really happening.  They are sweeping any concerns we have under the rug and are calling us racists and Islamophobic in the process.  We have families who have lost loved ones, yet Obama, politicians, or the MSM care about them but more about their credibility of their narrative by protecting our PC culture and having one more reason to ask for more gun laws.  No, no longer do the victims matter.  No longer are we blaming those who decided to commit the crime, Obama, his administration, and the MSM find excuses for their behavior.  It is because of their attitudes towards protecting their narrative that these fourteen people lost their lives and that we continue to be an easy target, primed for an attack.  


Monday, November 30, 2015

"World Leaders" Unite to Discuss Climate Change

     How exciting a week we have ahead of us while the world leaders come together to discuss our Earth's future.  At least for the duration of this week, we will be asked to ignore real threats to our security so that those at the Paris summit can feel self righteous and important.  In their morally superior intellect bubble, this is probably the only way they know how to make a lasting impact on the big bad USA.  While we have an unsecured border, a shrinking middle class, terrorists who aren't being taken seriously and allowed to do whatever they please, and we keep spending money that isn't ours. Those are just a small sample of issues I would think we would want solved, especially the terrorist thing.  But with an open mind, and me putting aside my anger at this idiocy, let's play along with Obama and the world that climate change is the biggest threat to us at this very moment. 
     The Earth is a complicated place.  In 2015 there are still underdeveloped nations, aka Third World Nations, whose people barely make an average of $1 US dollar per day.  If we were to look at these underdeveloped nations, we will typically see grandiose government corruption, a people who are generally not educated, life expectancy is usually low, and the governing body has an equally corrupt "law enforcement" group.  How is it even possible with a corrupt group of leaders these Third World nations can the people get to a point of living beyond just day-to-day?  It won't happen, despite being told that if we cease climate change we can save everyone and bring about world peace.  All this is a bunch of nonsense.
     One of the issues we need to talk about is this idea of a carbon tax.  An idea of "taxing/charge a company/individual by the amount of carbon they put into the environment."  Does this sound familiar?  Look back in history when indulgences were used to help absolve one of sin, it goes along the same way of thinking.  What this carbon tax is is something that is going to be used just as easily by the rich.  Wealthy corporations will pass along the fees to their consumers, just like we saw with increased fuel prices.  When fuel prices increased, the price of everything from cheese to shoes increased to off-set the rising cost of fuel.  Nothing was improved with these products, there was just an increased charge on the business and their bottom line was affected.  While the larger corporations can handle that by offsetting to their customers, small businesses cannot.  Small businesses will not be able to survive such a thing.  Shoppers will see that if they go to another store they could get the same or equal product for less, and enjoy their savings. 
     A carbon tax will also stifle innovation.  Think of this, at one point ALL large companies we know today were once small; Starbuck's, Ben and Jerry's, WalMart, Amazon, Apple, Google, the list goes on and on.  If anything had happened to stifle the imagination of these people, we would not be where we are now as a society.  That's because the theory of "laissez faire" works.  When people are allowed to do what they were born to do, we have amazing breakthroughs with technology and the human condition.
     What the "leaders" in Paris should examine is how to reward those who don't put out as much carbon, and end this cycle of punishment with the purposed carbon tax.  Just like training a puppy, positive reinforcement is the best method.  Also, it's time for these environmentalists to put up or shut up.  How many of these people are completely off grid right now?  How many of them currently have solar panels on their homes?  Here's one better, bring me Al Gore and his electric bill.  I would LOVE to measure his carbon footprint.  All of these "green" products are fabulous, but with money being tight with the majority of people, and in third world nations where there is not enough money to go around, the average person cannot afford these items.  For me, examining the green movement and the carbon tax boils down to the government wanting to find a way to collect more money from its citizens.  Money that most governments don't know how to properly manage to begin with.   

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Vive La France!

     My heart aches.  I mourn for those I don't know.  I grieve for families that I have never seen their faces.  May all affected by these attacks last night in Paris feel the love and support  being channeled to them from millions of people worldwide.  My prayers are directed at you during this time.
     My anger knows no bounds.  We were warned by ISIS! This terror group warned us that they will infiltrate and destroy those who did not follow their religion, who were not a part of their movement.  Yet with this PC culture that the world is seeming to adopt in attempts to pacify these terror groups, we made their operation easier.  If I were given a diagnosis from my doctor that I had cancer, I would fight it!  Not try to reason with something trying to destroy me.  It is this kind of warrior spirit that has been missing from this fight against terrorism, and we need it back!
     My resolve is firm.  We need to demand our elected officials open their eyes to the threat that is now landing in New Orleans.  We have accepted our first wave of "refugees."  There is no way to firmly know who these people are.  We must ask hard questions of Obama and anyone in support of these refugees coming in. Why do they care more about these non-American citizens, why are they spending money on people who are probably ISIS affiliates to come into our nation, and why they are so flippant on national security?  Demand answers.  Flood their emails, phones, offices, and social media pages!   Demand that they end the threat to our security and sovereignty!
     What happened in Paris I hope is a warning not only to the U.S. but to the world.  These ISIS leaders and followers do not have any reason in their minds or hearts.  They want to destroy and conquer.  This is not Islamophobia, this is not a lack of compassion, this is reality.  We are living in a world where a religious organization who values death more than life is out to murder without discrimination, and no one can debate that fact.  These men and women a part of ISIS want death because that is the highest honor.  To die for their cause is seen as glory. 
     The French President knows what last night was, an act of war.  Is war what we all want?  No.  Not a single person who values life wants war.  Einstein is famous for saying, "insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."  We have for almost 8 years under Obama to try it his way with dealing with these madmen,  yet things are not getting any better they are getting worse.  Even Obama's statement yesterday before the attacks when he said ISIS is "contained" and "not gaining strength" was a bold lie and he knew it.  He was paying lip service.  It's time to step up and take these threats out.
     Stand firm in your resolve and demand results!  Results won't come by painting your faces, changing your Facebook picture, nor lighting buildings in the colors of the French flag.  It will come in the form of a "big stick".  It's time to put an end to these terrorists and we are going to have to use force. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Dr. Alveda King

     It's not every day that someone has an opportunity to speak with a person so embedded in our national history, but I am so honored to be able to say I had that opportunity when I was able to speak with Dr. Alveda King.  She's the daughter of civil rights activist Rev. A.D King and niece of Martin Luther King Jr., this is a woman who continues in their footsteps of equality and trailblazing with the pro-life movement.  She is a Director of African American Outreach with Priests for Life, a member of the NAACP, a woman of God serving as a Christian minister and author. 
     In our conversation we discuss Planned Parenthood and her pro-life work, her books, Obama, and the Black Lives Matter Movement.  I am confident that at the end, you will see that she truly comes from a place of love. 

     Here is the link for our interview:

     To learn more about Dr. Alveda King and all of her works, please follow this link to her Priests for Life Page:

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


     Millenials. I found this out about a few months ago that this is a group of people I am lumped into.   When I heard that I was indeed a part of this category, I cringed.  I didn't want to be a part of this group.  This grouping of people who are being labeled as not knowing nor caring about real life issues.  Millennials are often characterized as a group of people with their heads in the clouds, not knowing or caring about anything more than the environment.  A grouping of people who when one comes out as conservative, they are looked upon like they have five heads.  It's hard, really hard, to have come to terms with the fact that I am in this group because of all of the attention and negative press surrounding them.  I feel like it is a vastly misunderstood and reported group.  We're not the problem.
     Based on the references I saw on Google, a millennial is someone who "came to adulthood around the year 2000."  That's me alright, but let me tell you about the people who are my age.  We do care about the government because what they are doing affects our prospects, retirement options, and our ability to receive Social Security we've been paying into for half of our lives.  We care deeply about the power of the people, and that's why we vote.  Millennials are a group of people who work hard because we saw and were taught by our parents who wanted to ensure we became a well rounded individual.  Yes some, and I'd argue a good majority of the ones I know, have mostly conservative roots.  We believe in a higher power and know the importance of a strong military as we were old enough to understand the importance of 9-11 when it happened.  We're uncompromisingly patriotic and don't feel like we have to apologize for being a great nation. 
     Are most more environmentally aware?  Yes, recycling has now become more prominent in our lives, but we're not braggadocios and holier-than-thou about it.  Do we see gay marriage as a big deal?  I'd still say that is a 50-50 ratio in my humble opinion, but I think most would agree it is more accepted by our generation than our parents.  The prospect of war isn't something we enter into with reckless abandon, however, it is something that we do not take off the table immediately.  We're becoming more aware of where our food comes from and how it is processed.  Millennials as a whole I believe are much like our parents with a dusting of liberalism, and that is not at all a bad thing.  Each generation becomes different than their parents is one way or another.  It's evolving.  It's healthy.  My parents were much more liberal on certain issues than their parents.
     What is becoming a problem and should be focused more on than millennials are those kids that are in school/college now.  For me, these are the ones to watch and ones who need to be persuaded to leave the unicorn  rainbow valley of liberalism they have ventured down.  When I went to the Trump rally in Norfolk, VA this past weekend, I did not see many college kids, and that was a little surprising.  The kids in school now are the ones who are being taught that the US is a detriment to the world.  They are the ones who are being feed a shiny view of socialism.  This is the danger, not millenials.  We had parents who would have cut through that nonsense quickly out of the classroom but on our own we were smart enough to know how great our country was.  I am coining the phrase for those kids in school now the "Give me's".  Not that it is their fault entirely.  They don't see any path that gives them the light at the end of the tunnel their grandparents had for work, retirement, home ownership, or life's great prospects in general. 
     Millennials do have enough sense to see what this country has to offer.  We are a hard working bunch, so don't discount us.  Watch out for the ones still being feed by our outrageously liberal school systems.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Last Night's "Debate"

     If you would have told me that last night I would have to keep pausing the TV in order to hear what the candidates were saying because I would be laughing so much, I probably would have believed you.  It seems that CNBC wanted to do nothing more than pose those "Got-Ya" questions to the Republican hopefuls, but oh how those tables were turned on them on numerous occasions last night.  It would be so much more simplistic if those in the media and the establishment would get it through their thick skulls that the people are catching on and are disgusted by their obvious bias.  The control the "donor class" has on what happens to this nation is seeming to slip from their fingers, and I smell panic.
     All I can say is Bush needs to go.  Aside from CNBC, Bush was the only candidate who lost big time last night. In both debates, he is the most obvious one who cannot contribute anything to this nation to improve it.  He's bought and paid for by big Super PACs.  He isn't a sincere politician.  Attacking Rubio last night was a huge, embarrassing flop.  At the end of the day, Bush needs to call it and just leave the race.  He has said he has better things he could be doing, and I implore him to go and do whatever he deems to be better than running for President.  He will not have an unexpected come back to the top. 
     I would have thought the moderators going into this debate would have learned from FOX's sad performance and done better.  Especially since they needed this to go well for their reputation.  CNBC needs viewers, they need better ratings, and all they did was further prove the bias in the media is real and they had no intention on sticking to the issues.  Last night also should have taught us how profoundly different liberals and conservatives are.  At no point last night was ISIS, Syria, the refugee crisis, China, Russia, Obamacare, Planned Parenthood, the middle class, nor veterans affairs discussed.  Instead we heard a lot of personal attack questions, questions about fantasy football, marijuana, and their golden ticket of climate change.  Liberal's stupidity was on full display last night and boy was it overwhelmingly sad.
     All of the Republican candidates, except Bush, have something to offer.  These people who were on stage last night all have something I'd say I like about them.  They have more talent, more sincerity than all of the remaining Democrat candidates combined, as echoed by Cruz.  I think deep down the media and the establishment knows that and it terrifies them.  I think it is setting in to the powerful donors running this nation into oblivion and the press who are in the game to help them achieve and maintain that power are starting to wonder how they are going to survive if their establishment pick doesn't succeed.  I think it is becoming apparent that the people of this nation who are working hard and living paycheck to paycheck are tired of not getting ahead, and they are done with not getting what they were promised from the previous election. 
     I will leave you with this, and it is vital to the success of America.  The only way we as a nation are going to get back to where we were prior to Obama is to vote.  Make a scene when you see corruption, and make it a loud boom.  We need to take our government back in order to take our nation back. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Refugee Crisis

     Just like Americans are dealing with an influx of people crossing our borders, all of Europe is dealing with a seemingly never ending deluge of refugees.  It seems almost incomprehensible to imagine, the steady flow of thousands upon thousands of people seeking asylum in one's nation could possibly be happening in 2015, but it is.  Once Merkel acted hastily and without seeking the thoughts of her people, the borders of Germany are now open, and from all accounts, it is a pure mess.
     German citizens are cleaning up trash and reportedly also cleaning toilets in migrant centers.  Refugee camps are having an issue with prostitution and rape.  Actual Syrian refugees are giving up their passports to those who helped "traffic" them to Merkel's promiseland so their legitimate passports can be used for someone else.  Reports are coming out, not just from Europeans but from refugees, that the people coming into Europe are not escaping war, but are ISIS fighters.  I can look at a wide variety of pictures and am concerned with how many men I see.  These men leaving this "war torn" nation of Syria surely outnumber the women and children coming into Europe.  That is what is troubling.  Is it possible that ISIS is fulfilling their prophecy of silently infiltrating the EU in part to stage a grand attack?
      While I was researching the refugee crisis I came across a term I had not heard of before.  Eurabia.  Interestingly enough, this term refers to a conspiracy theory lead in part of Arab and French powers to weaken the European culture by allowing the Islam and Arab culture to dominate.  Essentially this alignment is two fold; one goal is to increase European power to rally against the U.S., which would then lead to hostility between Europe and Israel, so says its author Bat Ye'or.  It's a really complex and woven web of deceit and political power.  This theory of Eurabia is claimed by most to be Islamophobic and an alarm sounding with no merit behind it. But for one second let's say it's not.
     I am the first to admit that this theory seems a little far fetched.  Why on Earth would France want to try and shake the boat with the US?  After all, we did save them from the Nazi's.  Could it be possible they think, like our President and other liberals, that the U.S. is too big for our britches?  I wasn't giving in until I saw a story that came out today.  With tensions rising at the Temple Mount, France called for international observers at the holy site.  This type of agreement  was not sought by France from Israel since agreements were already made but not written down a year ago between Israel, Palestine, and Jordan.  Not saying that France should not voice an opinion as to international solutions, however, this had bizarre written all over it.  Why not involve Israel in a decision involving one of their sites they consider holy?
     Is it possible that ISIS fighters are mixing into the pure chaos of the refugees flocking into Europe? Absolutely!  Is it likely that other nations plot ways to take down the American might?  More than likely, and I would argue this happens on a daily basis.  Which is why I cannot discount this theory of Eurabia.  For those who think this is nothing more than Islamahobia, I counter with this.  How much longer can every nation try to be the most tolerant and the most accepting before their very nation is gone to those cultures they are trying to forever cater to?

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The Pandering Democratic Hopefuls

     After the feathers have been ruffled from the debate last night one thing is abundantly clear to me:  The priorities of the Democrat party and their followers are in complete contrast with Republicans.  The blind following the blind about Climate Change being the nation's number one security threat continues to blow me away.  To say that Climate Change is our leading national security threat is like someone worrying about the color of the paint in the kitchen while the faucet spews water everywhere from an uncontrollable leak.  Those who use this argument are completely blind to the actual threat facing us, because it is a neatly packaged buzz word that the low information voter crowd has completely gobbled up.  If climate change was a real threat, don't you think that Al Gore and all of his followers would be completely off the power grid by now? 
     Climate change aside, the Democratic hopefuls show a complete irony in everything that they represent.  How can they continue to make appearances with a straight face by saying they are the party representing diversity?  If we're really hammering home the diversity aspect, why are all of the hopefuls white people?  Were there not any minority candidates they could have persuaded to show up?  Each and every one of them claim to hate the rich.  They all want to take the rich elite down, yet each and every one of them are wealthy.  They are exactly what they claim to hate on behalf of their voters.  They represent the same old song and dance we're disgusted over in Washington (and they all have deep roots in politics), yet they are going to bring about change?  Ironic.
     Were the questions tough?  At times.  I'll give Cooper credit, he did ask questions I would have asked.  Like asking Hillary about her being a rich elite, that was great.  All in all, the answers to the questions were by far lacking luster.  All the candidates, except Webb, don't believe in people having access to guns to defend themselves.  This whole idea about being able to hold gun manufacturers responsible for crimes was mind-blowing.  We're not talking about holding car manufacturers liable should someone drive intoxicated, nor are we talking about holding fast food chains in contempt should someone have a heart attack.  The whole gun issue is nothing more than a topic where candidates can tell voters what they want to hear and blame the gun loving Republican party for all the gun violence in the world.
     Words like "free" and "rights" were over-used.  It is everyone's right to free government funded community college.  It's everyone's right, including non U.S. citizens, to have American health care provided for them.  Behind all of these free programs is the looming knowledge that American citizens will be heavily taxed, even more so than we are now, to fund these government operations.  Nothing in the English language is more telling of how expensive something will be until you hear the word "free".  There is no such thing.
     I loved hearing how American jails were more populated than any other nation in the world, and that really comes down to one thing.  We're allowing our young people to believe that they don't need an education to succeed.  Just ask a group of kids who they idolize, and I bet you won't find one that doesn't have to do with the entertainment industry.  We're allowing our kids to seek professions outside of the intellectual world.  That's our culture.  I would have liked that question asked, actually.  How WOULD the candidates stress the importance of education to children who see no value in it whatsoever?  No amount of free education will do anything to empower one's will.
     During the entire debate, including the love fest between Sanders and Clinton,  the knowledge that this grouping of people were the best that the Democrat party had to offer weighed heavily on me.  Most of them are running on a campaign of higher taxes, allowing anyone in the country regardless of their skill level, down with the Republicans, more abortions for all, and free, free, free!  This is a group pandering to get votes, pandering to the lowest level of the human conviction.  Let us take care of everything for you, because you do not know how, and we'll provide you with all your heart desires.  It's all really a bunch of smoke and mirrors, but the fact that people are falling for their nonsense is troublesome.  Life isn't easy, but it is the struggle and the will to succeed that makes a person. 
     And yes, ALL LIVES MATTER.  Those who did not answer as such are only pandering to the masses, or they are just telling you which voters they care about. 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

My interview with Councilman John Moss

     I love talking to passionate people serving in office.  My interview that is available for you now is with Virginia Beach's own John Moss.  If you have not heard this man speak, you're in for an informative listening experience. 
     We discuss the casualty of Virginia Beach pushing an antiquated light rail system that is to be constructed and ready for use by 2038.  We talk about politicians and how some are driven to serve those who contributed to their campaigns rather than the city that they represent.  The GOP presidential run and other fun things.


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Planned Parenthood Hearings 9-29-2015

     Today Planned Parenthood, Cecile Richards, testified before Congress trying to defend her organization amid the scandalous videos coming forth showing them selling infant body parts and tissues.  Richards maintained a level of decorum during her questioning, to which I would say, was almost a level of not grasping the severity of her corporations dilemma.  I can even go as far as to say she has absolutely no regard for the lives of the unborn.  With that said, this issue is far more than a religious issue.  This is far more than a misunderstanding of women's health care needs.  This is a humanity issue. 
     I need to know why on Earth Planned Parenthood is able to fund certain candidates campaigns.  How is it possible that federal funds go for the placement of people in office who support abortions?  That is why she is there after all, she is fighting for the government to not stop funding her organization.  A federally funded organization that allows for the selling of baby body parts without fear of reprisal because Planned Parenthood has bought that safety net.  That's what this is all about.  Being free and clear of any legal and moral obligation to the nation. 
     I laughed when I read how people and Congressmen and Congresswomen were dismayed at Richards being asked tough questions.  How some talked over her and made remarks that weren't as flattering about her and her organization.  It's a hearing, this isn't afternoon tea.  It's going to get nasty, just like many hearings before this one. 
     Planned Parenthood is not about women's health.  If it was, how is it when they turn a $127 million profit within the past year, that they can still demand $530 million from the government?  Richards even admitted today that something close to 89% of their revenue comes from abortions.  Let's examine that statement, shall we?  If this is supposed to be a place to provide healthcare, however, almost 90% of their revenue comes from abortions, that is not healthcare.  That is essentially a back-up plan to not using protection. 
     As posted in a previous blog, I did some research in the area and found that their services were not any cheaper, but right in line with the costs of doctor's offices within the area.  So tell me how they are a crucial organization to women's health care?  Planned Parenthood is not the end all be all of women's healthcare options, there are hundreds of OB/GYN's in the area who can provide the same services.  No, this is just another federally funded organization who are being threatened because their misdeeds were finally made public and are now on defense.  
     We need a more educated public in regards to pregnancy prevention.  Schools in Virginia were not allowed to teach about contraception, only abstinence, because of funding issues if they were to discuss condom use.  Let's throw that nonsense right out and teach people about contraception.  ObamaCare has made everything within women's healthcare covered, including birth control pills, and that's costing us a pretty penny to fund.  
     De-fund Planned Parenthood.  This archaic staple that may have been a woman's only option for healthcare services once upon a time is now in competition with other doctor's offices.  Tax payers are funding ObamaCare that covers everything Planned Parenthood does, so cut out some more wasteful spending.   And for the sake of our society, throw every kind of legal charge against these people within the organization selling baby body parts!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Post CNN debate.... and it's lack of a winner

     After the Debate on CNN last week, I was waiting to post my opinion.  That's because the whole debate completely underwhelmed me.  I know that people are saying Fiorina won, and while I will admit that she had some explosive moments, I don't think anyone really came out on top.  The CNN debate was by far better than Fox, however, I still do not believe we got down to the heart of anyone's campaign.  It was very telling that two separate candidates had to tell the moderator that they wanted to get to issues and not eat the worm dangling from the hook to unload on one another.  I think I speak for everyone here when I say I've had ENOUGH with the media trying to bait candidates into talking negatively about another candidate.  Issues are what voters care about.  Those people who want to see them fight each other like we've never graduated high school, are holding us back from prosperity.
     Scott Walker leaves the race, proceeds to call on other candidates to leave as well, so someone can rightly eliminate Trump.  Which leads me to believe that politicians and the DC elite still do not get the voters' dismay leading to us following the "UN-politician".  The whole allure behind people like Trump, Carson and Fiorina is that they do not have the deep ties to Washington.  The anger Republicans feel is being glossed over by the Washington elite and by the media. Some think those of us who support these candidates are having a hissy-fit and will soon return to our senses. Yet we keep electing officials into office who are promising to fix the problems Obama had brought to this nation, but they (Boehner and MCconnell) keep telling us our election efforts aren't enough.   We sent Republicans to Washington in a massive landslide and we're still getting nothing accomplished. To put it simply, we're angry.  We demand results.  Work with what you have and keep your promise to the citizen's of this nation! 
     On a personal level, I admire Cruz.  He is intelligent and has bold, well thought out ideas.  I like Trump.  His no nonsense attitude is refreshing.  Carson's recent "double-downing" of not advocating for a Muslim president who doesn't renounce the faith showed me a new side of him that is thrilling!  Rubio is intelligent and has a lot to offer.  I need Bush to follow Walker's instructions and leave the race, he is part of the Washington elite that needs to be shut down.  I cannot be alone in thinking this because of how he is polling.  Fiorina rubs me the wrong way.  There is too much uncertainty with her; there is something about her that I don't trust.
     Keep pushing the issues, candidates.  We need a miracle to rebuild the damage caused by Obama.   

Sunday, September 20, 2015

My Interview with Delegate Scott Taylor

This week I had an amazing opportunity to interview Delegate Scott Taylor. For those who may not know who he is as I do locally,  he just had a new book published this year Trust Betrayed, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and the Selling Out Of America's National Security,   he is also the founder of OPSEC.
This interview is full of so much information, I'm sure you'll be amazed!


Friday, September 11, 2015

In Memoriam & Introspection

     Each and every anniversary of the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 it is becoming more and more difficult to not return to that morning.  I cannot say that I personally knew anyone at Ground Zero, in that desolate field in Pennsylvania, nor at the Pentagon.  What I can say is that I saw faces covered in soot, and some people's final moments as they jumped from the burning towers. It's never easy losing a loved one, but I cannot imagine how the surviving loved ones make it through this day.  All of the videos, recordings, photos; it's enough to make anyone question humanity.
     No one can deny the American spirit was strong that day, and for many months after. We all had flags on our front step.  We all had a real committed goal to punish those who attacked our people.  We were a united people. What's very apparent now, 14 years later, is that instead of being united we're more divided now than we were before the terror attacks.  We are a group of people who are igniting a race war.  We are a people who are being taught that taking pride in our nation is next to a sin.  We are a people who are being lead by an administration that wants to unfreeze billions of dollars to a group of people who daily chant "Death to America!"  How could this have happened?
     The Iran nuclear "Deal" is a far cry away from keeping control of a terrorist organization.  Self lead inspections and no American hostages later, America is a loser with our national security.  Why is this "deal" the best our leadership could have done?  All this has done is to pass off a real threat to the next generation, but by that time, it could be too late.  On top of this terrible Iran Deal, we are now going to take in Syrian refugees.  Why haven't we done anything to stop this civil war to eliminate the need for people to flee?  More importantly, why aren't other Muslim nations taking them in?  The Southern border not being secure is one security threat, no one knows where these illegals are and yet we're going to add onto our plate with more?  Especially from an area where American sentiment isn't all rainbows and butterflies, it's very scary to think of what may happen.
     All the hope that I could ever ask for is that anyone for the Iran Deal to look on any of the photos from 9-11-01.  Look at the tragedy that happened on our soil that day.  Can you imagine those same jihadists having a nuclear bomb?  That's a very clear reality we may have to face soon.
     I want my America back.  I want that national pride and fierce devotion to our national security that we had following 9-11-01.  I want those that we lost that day to be the catalyst to remind us that we have to pull together, be strong together.  Stop allowing this ridiculous nonsense pull us apart at the seams because if that happens the terrorists win and our great nation will be for not.
     Never forget, America.  Never forget. 

Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Fallacy of Modern Day Feminism

     Every so often I will have someone ask if I am a feminist and my immediate response is no.  I am not a feminist, and this is surprising to most people.  There are many strong celebrity women out there who are  also deciding to not label themselves as a feminist (Carrie Underwood, Taylor Swift, Madonna, and Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting to name a few.)  Much to the dismay of the left, and the general low information voter crowd, many are labeling themself as a humanist because the word f'eminist" has changed in our modern era. Modern day feminists are demanding government funded abortions, free government funded contraceptives, fighting social norms so they can skip shaving their under arms or legs and they are also fighting to "free the nipple."  Is it any wonder why a lot of women cringe when they hear they are trying to be labeled as a feminist?  These modern day feminists are nothing more than a group of selfish, hateful women who are a hollow rendition of what a real feminist should be.
     Real feminism in the U.S. was a hard, up-hill battle that did so much for women.  Without them, women would still be viewed as property as they are still in much of the world.  It took women like Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton decades of continuous fighting to be able to convince men that women had just as much a right to vote as they did.  Eleanor Roosevelt headed a committee designed under JFK to oversee equal workplace practices. Soon after, came the Equal Pay Act.  Historical Feminists lead the way for girls to be allowed the equal right to education, to be seen as more than a fixture to hang off a man's arm.  Modern day feminism is becoming more and more unnecessary here in the US, however, in other parts of the world women need someone to still be their voice for equality.  A modern day American feminist has no idea what oppression is.This point makes it frustrating for me when I hear about them hammering away for something trivial as what was noted above.
     In many parts of the world, real feminism is still needed.  For many girls around the world, they are still viewed as nothing more than an object to please a man.  In order for most of these girls to become pleasing to men, they have to undergo a female genital mutilation, aka FGM.  To not undergo this procedure limits a girls options for a "good" match in marriage. She is also doomed to live out the rest of her life being viewed as "unclean."  A FGM is performed because it is still widely believed that girls have to be pure (aka a virgin), when they are married. By performing the FGM it is believed to limit their sexual desires so it increases the chances of maintaining their virginity. According to CNN, of the 125 million girls who have had this procedure completed, one in four live in Egypt.  The practice is seen mainly in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and is creeping into Europe according to the WHO.  It is such an aggressive issue that the UK has banned this practice and has told girls in their country that, should they be worried they are to be taken out of the country to have this proceedure done, they are to tell a teacher, police office, etc.  The UK offers jail time of up to 14 years for anyone who is caught being part in this ritual.  Not all of these female circumcisions are completed with the supervision of  a doctor.  Some are performed with dulled knives, rusty equipment, and in some obscene cases, are done with a sharp fingernail. According to an article by Abigail Haworth, girls families in Indonesia were at one point paid 80,000 rupiah and given a bag of food for each daughter they brought and had "cut."
     There are many children who are too commonly married before they reach the age of eighteen.  Many of these young girls who are forced into marriage at a young age are never able to continue school, leaving them with no notable skills. This does nothing more than help the cycle of poverty in a constant, spinning continuum.  In some cases, like what is happening to Syrian refugees, mothers worry about the safety of their daughters without the protection of their fathers and marry them off.  According to an article written in National Geographic, one out of nine girls in developing countries will be married by fifteen.  Most of these girls will be married to a man who is twice their age.  Sex slavery/trafficking is another defeating sentence for girls and women.  We don't even need to even look too far outside of our borders to know this is happening.
     For most of the world, we need to have a strong feminine voice advocating against the atrocities that women and girls face on a daily basis.  Most of these governments turn a blind eye to the consistent brutality girls face because they want to be the superior sex.  This is not the case in the U.S.  Women are a strong, equal force driving our nation.  Which is why the modern day feminist is substantially unnecessary.  Every time I hear a politician, or women in general, discuss how they are continuously discriminated against in the USA, I think I can hear the real feminists banging their angry fists in their graves.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

The Offensively Offensive Problem of Political Correctness

      Being politically correct is damaging our nation.  It's because we as a society, in general, can and will be offended by anything we as an individual deem as offensive.  Which started the fun phrase of," I'm offended that you're offended" because not everything in life has to be so serious.  As soon as December hit I remember shopping with my mom as a child and every where we went instead of saying "have a nice day" at the end of the transaction, it turned to "Merry Chirstmas!"  Oh the modern day horror!  Last year I had enough and decided to say it to people I had interactions with because first, I am over being lectured by a societal norm I have never met, but I also want to embrace the happiness that the season represents.  If I say "Merry Christmas" to you and you say it back, great!  If it isn't your holiday, then tell me and I'll wish you the most amazing Hanukkah or whatever it is you celebrate. 
     Political correctness is simply exhausting.  Let's take the word "gay" for example.  Fred and Barney would have a "gay ol' time" together, and it had nothing to do with homosexuality.  Gay used to mean to be happy, joyful, full of merriment.  Then it evolved into describing a homosexual person, mainly a homosexual man.  As a 90's child I remember it developing into meaning stupid or lame, which wasn't PC and hurt a small fraction of people's feelings so commercials went out trying to persuade us not to use the word gay to describe those emotions.  To which I say no, no I will not.  Let's also sidebar here and, just for fun, show that the word lesbian evolved as saying you were gay wasn't inclusive enough for the female population of homosexuals.  Ponder THAT for a second, that right there is political correctness at work!
     Now let's list some things that need to end with this hyper-sensitivity to everything that some random, small, and simple minded group of people deemed to be offensive that really isn't offensive but they are offended so we should be too. Yet they think it is offensive because they want to control our behavior. 
1.)  Hyphenated Americans.  Let's end this Mexican-American, Latino-American, African-American, Jewish-American, Irish-American, etc.  I believe that if you legally live in these borders, you are an American.  Period.  No hyphenating needed.  Be proud to live in this nation, we're one of the best places to live.  We don't have nobility, we don't have a dictator, we have the ability to say what we want without fear of persecution.  Celebrate your ancestry!  If someone were to renounce their American citizenship and move to Canada, do you think that they call themselves American-Canadian?  NO, it's just silly.  Having this small group label us in such a way only goes further to divide us as a nation of people.  We're stronger together than we are divided and that's what this PC group wants from this division of hyphenated labels. 
2.)  Gender labels.  Target has removed labels of their toy aisles because of labels and unicorns and happy butterflies.  Ugh.  Blah! We are trying so hard to show that there aren't any differences between men and women, and to be so inclusive that we're taking away what makes us special as an individual.  News flash, we are either a female or a male, and that is OK.
3.)  Muslims.  NO, not all of them are out to destroy.  Not all of them spend every waking hour of their day thinking of ways to eliminate non-Muslims.  However! There are some that are really evil who do want that and we're ignoring those who do want to harm us so we don't offend that group of people.  Stop bending over backwards to hide that evil part of that religion to not offend them.  By not acknowledging this group of evil we are setting ourselves up for a wake-up call none will want to face.
4.)  American Pride.  It is more than acceptable to be proud to be an American.  Despite public schools and college campuses teaching us that we're the center of all evil in the world.  Wear those American shirts, wave those flags, and do so with no shame.  If the USA wasn't that awesome, then no one would want to risk death to be here. 
5.)  Illegal Immigrants.  Yes, we do care about people suffering.  Let's stop with this bending over backwards to accommodate illegals in our country and not care about our own starving in the streets.  We who are against amnesty aren't wanting to give American citizenship to people who didn't honor our nation's laws to begin with. The media was focusing this whole week on whether or not the term "anchor baby" was offensive and missed the ENTIRE point on why people are upset about this issue completely.
6.)  Entertainment.  Jokes are just that, stop being offended over humor.  Movies don't have to meet a certain quota of certain race mixes just to be diverse. 
7.)  Stereotypes.  Not all are negative, and stop acting like the positive ones are Earth turning evil.

If you're offended at all by this article, you're probably part of the problem.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Planned Parenthood: A Place of Murder for Profit

     Despite a court order calling on the Center for Medical Progress to cease releasing videos of those associated with Planned Parenthood, a SEVENTH video has been released.  In this video a "procurement specialist" is seen explaining one of the "fetuses" she witnessed after an abortion had taken place where they were going to get a brain.  Follow this link to watch, or just listen depending on your stomach:

      I ask any of you who are still on board with abortions to tell me how this was not a person?  You could tap the heart and it would still beat.  The legs were twitching of this murdered person while on the table.  A person who wasn't grieved, but a person whose organs were viewed as something "kind of neat" because you could tap the heart and it would function.  This place called Planned Parenthood is conducting partial birth abortions for more valuable tissue to be sold.  This video provides more than enough evidence to support this theory and various rumors about their practices. 

     You know how some make the arguments that we are desensitized as a society because of explicit images of death or video games?  When did we as a society become ok with labeling a person in the womb as a "fetus" and not "human" or "baby"?  I'll tell you this, when my husband and I announced we were pregnant with our son, we did not joyfully show the ultrasound photos and say, "here's our fetus!"  No he was, from the second he was conceived, a baby, a human being.   Hillary Clinton said that "a baby isn't  a baby until it leaves the hospital."  Then I go back to my same argument.  If we as a society didn't get so excited about a baby, a new addition to the family, then why on Earth would she have shared in the joy of her daughter announcing that she was expecting?  That's because a "fetus" is far more than a clump of cells that you can choose to do with as you please.  It is a baby who has as much a right to life as the woman able to decide on whether or not he or she survives.
     I did some research, because I had a lot of people tell me that Planned Parenthood offers cheaper services for women's health needs.  To which I say, with a hint of childlike humor, nah-uh, no they do not.  I called a handful of different OB GYN offices in the Virginia Beach area today and I was told around the same amount.  The pap smear and office visit would be about $170, some around $170 and some quoting around $200.  I then called the local Planned Parenthood office and was told that depending on the service it could be any where between $130 and $200.  While a $40 difference would be enough to fill my gas tank, in the general scheme of things, there really isn't a profound difference to entice me to continue to fund them tax payer dollars.
     All I am asking is that if you have a child, look at them for one moment.  There are people out there who did not consider your child to be a person until he or she has reached a certain gestational age.  More recently, there are politicians who did not view your child as a person until he or she left the hospital.  I ask again that as you look at your child, just know this.  There is a government we live under that is protecting and giving millions of our dollars to this organization who puts a price tag on partially aborted people so they can collect a profit. 

Sunday, August 9, 2015

The Republican Debate, Winners and Losers

     I will say going into the debates last Thursday I was so excited to see what was going to happen, but I think many of us would agree it was a colossal failure.  The main event, as I like to phrase it, had too many people in it and not everyone had enough air time.  Those who were moderating it had their agenda clearly visible and it was really disappointing.  I expected more from those at Fox.  I genuinely expected them to be a group of actual journalists who would act like old fashioned journalists.  Like the days of old, before money had anything to do with how a news organization reported on anything.  Despite what Fox says it was plainly obvious who they want out, based upon the money flowing around from whatever high rolling special interest group/donor.  I was overly surprised that the final question they landed on had to deal with the candidates view on religion and God. 
     I do think Trump was slow to start and needed some more coaching, but overall he did not bomb.  The poll numbers that NBC came out with this weekend show he is still LEADING.  Watching this silly little "feud" between Megyn Kelly and Trump is beyond annoying.  All of these folks that are coming around and huddling around her coming to her defense, all I can really say to this is REALLY?  This woman was once considered by many to be intelligent, so I know she knew exactly what she was doing by asking Trump the questions she did.  If she did not expect him to bite back at her for the nonsense she was spewing, that's on her.  I would say that if it was Chris Wallace who was having this "feud" with Trump, no one would be as anxious to come to his defense.  That old expression, if you can't stand the heat then get out of the kitchen applies here. 
     Cruz is now in second place according to the same NBC poll.  Which I am surprised, but not at the same time.  Cruz has developed that matter of fact attitude that has a lot of people supporting Trump.  Cruz was another candidate who many noted was not given a lot of air time.  I like Cruz.  I am surprised by his placement only because a number of the low information voters won't know who he is. 
     Dr. Ben Carson.  I was so incredibly impressed with him!  I was beyond excited to see how his mannerisms rewarded him with a lot of laughter and a lot of applause.  Not only does this man have a very smart mind, but his wit is going to serve him a long way in the race to the nomination.  It was refreshing and inspiring to hear his comments about race relations.  He turned out to be the second most searched candidate, and that shouldn't be a surprise. 
     Carly Fiorina was declared by many to be the winner of the debate, but she wasn't in the prime time slot.  Her thoughts about Hillary are on point.  The concept that she thinks the government should be a "citizen government" yet a lot of people have come to think that we need a "professional political class: to govern is wonderful! 
     Rubio is now listed as number five in the NBC poll, and this makes me very happy.  He wasn't and hasn't been an "attack" candidate but he is a very calm and composed man.  I saw him project himself in a professional manner on Thursday.  I like that he isn't diving head first into the media's attack on Trump, and I also like how he is making waves with his views on abortion.
     On a very selfish note, I am happy that Bush is down to sixth place!  I want Bush out of contention  This drop should show everyone that one of the reasons why he was polling so high initially was name recognition.  All of these reports that he is the candidate getting most of the donations bothers me.  This is showing me that the big interest groups want him to be their puppet so they can maintain their power hold.  That fact should bother anyone who is sick of the same old nonsense being delivered from D.C.  If he continues to decline in the polls I don't see how these high paying donors can ignore that their money will go to waste by an unelectable candidate.
     There is one fact that is undeniable.  Fox News seriously blew the debate.  Their questions, for the most part, were better phrased for tabloids.  Fox News was the loser of the first debate. 

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Preview of The First Republican Debate

     Thursday cannot come fast enough!  The first Republican Presidential Candidate Debate will be held in Ohio this coming week, and the excitement is heady.  I think a lot of people are going to tune in, in part to see what Trump may say to make the Friday morning headlines.  I also would like to think that most tuning in are looking to see who is going to turn out to be the front runner to represent our fractured party.  Going into Thursday here are the leaders according to a new poll by The Wall Street Journal:
Trump, Walker, Bush, Carson, Cruz, Huckabee, Paul, Rubio, Christie, and Perry.
These are the top ten, and all are very diverse in their approach and in their message.
     Trump.  He needs to come out and hit hard like he has been, but he also needs to learn to pull back on the personal attacks.  Case in point, making fun of Perry wearing glasses to try to appear more intelligent.  No, no this is funny in a high school kind of way, but is not a way for a President to act.  I think if he continues to speak bluntly about the issues that matter like immigration, education, national security, he should be fine.  Now would be a great time to come out swinging with more than just buzz words and lay out his plans for implementing the bold changes you see for America.  I do believe that he is going to have to answer to his idea that a single payer health care system is better than what we had before Obamacare was implemented.  I think he will may in the future need to address his waiving of the "conservative" banner, when he really shouldn't be waiving that flag with some of the ideas he is putting forth.  I think there is something critical that we should ask ourselves about Trump.  Is he speaking and acting in the same manner in which Obama did to draw accolades from the people?  Is Trump going to be our nation's next Obama, with bold talk , a large following, and bad ideas?  I like Trump for his blunt talk, but am worried he is covering up a very leftist way of thinking.
     Walker.  What is going to really hurt him is his lack of media attention because most is going to Trump.  Does he need to go all out and "Trump"-up his campaign?  Not necessarily, but sometimes you need to rock the boat to not get left behind.  Especially in this large pool of candidates to choose from.  I like that he is not afraid to go after Hillary, which is something that a lot of people seem to be afraid of doing lately.
     Bush.  I don't trust this man.  I trust him just about as much as I do Hillary, and that is not a compliment.  Bush has a long road to go in which he proves to me, and I believe a vast majority of people, that he is more than just a puppet for the cronies running the Republican establishment in D.C.  When a person supports common core education, I leave the conversation, thus I leave the idea for casting a vote for him.  He also supports amnesty, which goes right in line to his every day gross pandering to win the Hispanic vote.  Jeb Bush for me is a greasy, slippery eel.  I'm not buying that anything he wants is for the good of the nation, and neither do most voters.  I say this again to the Republican establishment trying to force feed him to us;  if Hillary is given the Democratic nomination and we offer Bush as the other option, we're going to lose.
     Thursday is going to be important, if for nothing more than whittling the field down to a few (if not more) candidates.  I hope that the debate is vibrant and honest.  I don't want buzz words.  I want policy ideas.  I don't want to hear that you want to secure the border, I want to hear how you will do so.  I will promise this, if anyone says that they are for the replacement, not the repeal, of Obamacare I am crossing you off my list.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Choose the One with the Backbone

     Let me begin by admitting how much of a nerd I am.  I still have the very first "I voted" sticker.  Yes, when I was 18 it just happened to be a big election cycle and I happily walked myself to the voting booth and cast my ballot.  That moment meant a lot to me.  I was able to participate in a process that so many take for granted and so many don't have the ability to do.  When I was younger, I did vote along party lines, but how the tides are turning.  If you are not careful with who you select to represent the Republican Party this coming election, you are going to be in a world of surprise when you see that you lost in spite of how much money you shelled out.  I'll elaborate.
     When you choose as a group to put someone like McCain and lose, then turn around and say Romney is going to do it for us for sure, I start to question your judgement.  Actually, a lot of us in the party questioned your judgement.  Out of all of the people in the nation, these were two of our previous picks?  Not the Romney was bad, he had some great ideas, but the demographic of voters is changing.  We as a voting population need something more than great ideas.  We need someone with a backbone.  We need someone who is going to come out and systematically break down their opponent.  One of the things that destroyed Romney was he never addressed the mud being flung at him.  He was too mild mannered.  Smart man, he knew what was going to happen with Russia, but the man was perceived as having no fire.  Which is why you're seeing Trump, and now Cruz, dominating headlines.
     I, as a voter and as an American, need someone in office who will fight to be there.  The next President needs to have more than just good ideas. This backbone, this fire I speak of, is going to be critical.  We need someone in office who will go toe-to-toe for the freedoms and values our nation holds.  Otherwise, we are going to witness a fundamental change in who we are as a people, and it won't be pretty. 
    The Republican debates are less than 2 weeks away.  Even though I am sure the core of the party, (or the core of the monetary contributors) wants Bush, you're going to continue to be surprised with the attention people like Trump and Cruz are going to get because they aren't holding back.  Don't force us to vote for some ho-hum candidate, because we'll lose.  If the thought of Trump going third party terrifies you, then you should be as equally worried about choosing the wrong candidate. The wrong candidate will take away the enthusiasm I, and most voters, have. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Please, Don't Ever Put Words in My Mouth

     Have you read the article by a Mr. Dick Meyer entitled "Mr. President, on behalf of an ungrateful nation, thank you"?  If you have not, please understand that I cannot warn you enough that this piece will do more to raise your blood pressure than ten servings of highly salted fries.  I will admit that even after I read it I was more than half angry.  I kept wondering how someone can so blindly follow and praise this man sitting in the White House in between golf courses and numerous fundraisers.  After I had some time to reflect, and significantly cooled off, I began to see how hollow and lackluster this author's reasoning was. 
     One of the first reasons as to why Obama is just the bee's-knees is because of the Iran deal that he is dictating.  Meyer actually calls this a "diplomatic success, a giant step in defusing a long-ticking time bomb."  While most of us want a peaceful outcome, for anyone to believe that Iran is going to behave is on a high dose of mind altering medication.  This nation's supreme ruler has never ended the chants of "Death to America."  Even today Kerry has been quoted as being "disturbed" by this news, as if it is even news.  This nation not only hates the US, but it is a prime supporter of Hezbollah and the murderous regime of Syria.  It's almost like paying a blackmailer.  You can keep giving them all the money they demand, they will never be satisfied.  Not to mention that we have nothing to show for our citizens being held in Iran.  No, this is not a solid argument for you Mr. Meyer.
     Obamacare.  Yes, yes indeed.  Obamacare is his second argument as to why we should all be brown-nosed and eternally grateful.  He says that "Obama delivered one of the most important domestic programs since the New Deal."  Meyer even boasts how the Supreme Court upheld this golden ticket of American humanity.  I need to let Dick Meyer in on a huge secret that he may not be aware of.  Obamacare is going to significantly change the way we receive health care, in a negative fashion.  Waits will be longer, deductibles will be higher, and the government will have a say in what services you can have; all you need to do is look at the VA.  Government managed health care for our veterans is a sad, disturbing joke and soon this will be our reality for the nation.  Despite the promise of keeping one's plan, of lower deductibles and premiums we're seeing the exact opposite.  Don't you know that is why it wasn't implemented during an election cycle?  It's because Congress didn't want it leaking out about the cruel grip it will have on people's care.  Think about this too, if Obamacare is such a valuable institution, then why were there so many delays in implementing it?
     I laugh at every single person who tells me that we have recovered from our financial crisis.  We have, according to the Annie E. Casey Foundation, more kids living in poverty currently than they ever did during the Great Depression.  Let that sink in.  In 2015, in our land of opportunity, we have more of our nation's youth living in poverty than ever did during the most massive hit to the US economy.  Let's refer back to your beloved Obamacare.  This act declares that anyone working full-time must be offered health care by their employer.  So what did employers do to negate that huge cost?  They reduced many employees to part time.  That means less working hours, and that means many people now have to have two or more jobs to make up for the one job that they lost.  Food costs are absurd, gas prices have not budged enough to make a difference, and there again is the higher costs people have to pay due to Obamacare.  Show me where people are thriving, and I bet it is the higher class, because the middle class is becoming something of ledgend.
     I'm going to combine the last two points made because they really are the weakest points Meyer's makes.  Meyer says that Obama being black and being President is an "epic triumph."  Excuse me while I try to see how that is a reason to bow down to the your false idol, sir.  Obama's adminsitration is "as free of corruption...as any in memory."  I guess he doesn't own a TV nor listen to anything other than the "I-Heart-Obama" channels that are CNN or MSNBC.  Dignity and honesty, I believe you're delusional. 
    I would like to take everyone down reality alley, and I truly hope Mr. Meyer joins us.  There is nothing good that is going to come from bowing to Iran's demands.  Around the world we are now an inadequate and paltry serving of a power we once were.  Russia laughs at us, and Iran continues their death chants, all the while knowing more concessions will be made to them by the horrid people in power.  Obamacare is nothing more than an overreach of executive power to seal Obama's legacy that is being cradled in he bosom of a bought and paid for bench of "justices".  These people serving in our Supreme Court are nothing more than a committee whose job is to seek anything that may scantily support the cause they are told to support.  We're still in a financial crisis. We are being told to pay more and more taxes for numerous unnecessary government programs because people are giving up hope in the American Dream. There is nothing in my mind that even puts Obama's skin color on a badge of achievement because, unlike what you try and say, skin color is not a big deal. The big deal is the person, not their levels of melanin.  We have a president in office who cares more about pop culture than doing right by the American people.  He is promoting his agenda of a weakened socialist state.  Here's one thing you had right, "of Obama , the American population, ask "What have you done for me lately" because that is essentially in the socialist state.  Socialism where it's population pumps money into the large collective pot to only be given a meager drop of sustenance.
     Aside from asking you to step outside of your bubble, I demand one thing from you Mr. Meyer.  Do not thank someone on my behalf.  Most of all, do not ever put words in my mouth.  What you call "ungrateful", I call informed.


Sunday, July 12, 2015

"The Silent Majority is Back!"

     The Donald!  No matter what kind of insults you can throw at him, this man is doing something that other candidates wish they could.  He is speaking freely, openly and hard hitting tough issues.  I've heard of him being referred to as a clown, but how can you realistically argue with the points he makes?  If I was to listen to the mainstream media and trolls on social media, I wouldn't think he had a prayer in the world, but every time he's spoken I've been engrossed!  I have something for this man that I don't really have for the Rino's and most of the current politicians battling it out for the Republican nomination right now; this man has my respect.
     Deny me the following.  What other candidate out there is able to come out and say that our elected men and women in D.C. are "dumb" when it comes to how they are handling the illegal immigration process?  None.  Why?  That's because they have to answer for every penny they are getting in campaign contributions from people who don't want us to close the borders.  These big name donors want cheap labor, and to crack down on this would hurt their bottom line.  Who else is going to call Sharpton a "con man" if they don't give him money?  NO one would dare, they're too worried about someone pulling the racist card on them if they do.  Where else will you hear that the media is mostly full of dishonest reporting?  Unless they don't want coverage, they're keeping mum. 
     While I think there is a lot that has to be done for anyone in the Republican field to get the nomination, there isn't a single one of them who is as open as Trump.  All of the "haters" out there, especially when it comes to the issue of illegal immigration, explain to me why you're for people coming into our country undocumented.  What do you have to gain by allowing people to rip the core of our existence apart?  Why is it such a hard concept to understand that at the very least the people who want to make our money and live in our nation become a documented citizen?  It should be such a simple thing to have someone in this nation being law abiding.  It should be such a simple thing to ask that they embrace our culture, that they not be given a constant ladle of free "gimme's" from the US government.  Are all of the people who come from Mexico eventually going to become murderers and rapists? No, but Trump didn't say all of them were.  I will argue though that if we continue to allow these illegal immigrants to live freely in our land without fear of being persecuted, that it will cause a more fertile breeding ground for unwanted behavior/activites.  When did we become a group of people who were ok with immigration officers not sending back the violent offenders?  Don't you think that the murderer of Kathryn Steinle being sent back five times should have been a warning to the government and to those at ICE?  I'm over being told that I am one of the few people left in this country who want people to come in and bring useful skills, a love of what America offers, and to do so by embracing the process legally.
     I am glad that there is someone like Trump running.  This is a major issue we have to fix. We need to end this constant influx of illegals in our country, and we need to punish all sanctuary cities within the U.S.  If Trump is not successful in getting the nomination, or splitting into a third party on his own, then at least there is this:  He's bringing what some are calling the "silent majority" thoughts to the front so all have to discuss these real issues openly.  

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Knock some sense into your children!

     "I hate Americans. I hate America"  That statement was and is made on a daily basis, however, this time it was caught being said from a famous pop icon.  A pop icon that is adored and admired by many a child in this nation, Ariana Grande.  Oh how simple it must be in your world, Ariana, where you don't have to worry about budgeting for bills or worry about making a life in a simple way like most do.  You're an entertainer, and might I add one whose fame is entirely based on a fleeting fan base.  Once you have lost the "It" factor you possess, you're nothing more than a memory.  Let me come forward and educate you on something that you may have overlooked when you made your comments about hating this nation that you grew up in.
     If you were born practically anywhere else in this world, you would not be able to do what you have done in your very short lifetime.  You would not be allowed to roam around on stage, or outside, half dressed.  You would not be able to rise up from whatever class you were born into, you'd be stuck.  All of these little boys you've dated, that wouldn't be allowed without a marriage contract.  You might actually have become an intellectual instead, since the rest of the world actually values an education more than what we do in this country, but I digress.
     You have decided on a career where you are always in the spotlight.  Everything you do will be captured on camera, whether you like it or not.  That's the way it is for celebrities in this nation.  Since you chose this life, if you want to be a role model, that means you must conduct yourself with decorum the all time.   At all times you have to present yourself in a manner in which you won't have to issue public statements nor undergo false surgeries for.  Why do you think certain people are denied access to Kate Middleton?  She has an image to maintain and cannot be seen with people who would dampen that image.  When you dress a certain way, people are going to want to as well.  That's why celebrities get paid millions to endorse foods, clothes, hotels, you name it!  It's because marketers know that when someone who has a huge fan base is seen with certain products, that product sales will boost because people want what celebrities have.  Again, I go back to Kate Middleton and her dresses, hats, shoes flying off shelves once she's seen in them. 
     The hatred you say you have declared, even if you thought it was a private moment, is now public.  There is no amount of back tracking you can do now to erase it.  It's out there and won't go away.  You say your comments were directed, in part, to the childhood obesity rates in the U.S. and how we need to "educate ourselves and our children about the dangers of overeating and the poison that we put into our bodies."  Now I ask of you, if you say these donuts were being bought by a friend of yours, why didn't you do your best to educate that friend on the dangerous donut they were about to buy to consume?  If you're THAT much of an advocate of being health conscious, then you should have been able to inform them of these alleged poisons before entering that shop and SAVED them, correct?  But you didn't.  You and your friends entered the store, and acted like a bunch of middle school kids.  Why have you yet to address the licking of the donuts laid in front of you?  Did you do a detox to rid yourself of that sugar you put in your body?  Probably not.
     What you have demonstrated is that you are a very immature little girl.  You have shown the world that by no means can you mentally handle being a role model for kids, nor for healthy eating.  You're just another spoiled brat who is in the entertainment industry who values nothing.  Maybe once your fame falters, then you'll be able to get a real job and value this nation more.
     Just remember, it is because of the blood shed by millions that you're free to do what you do.  Don't  disrespect that. 

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Marriage Equality

     With another enormous ruling this week, the Supreme Court has declared in a 5-4 vote that same sex couples have an equal right to marry.  Of course, our nation is divided in its wake.  On one side are the people who are clinging to the ideology that love is love, no matter the gender, and then there are those who oppose it because it is not moral in the eyes of God.  Reports are flooding in from various parts of the country where certain states are still refusing to issue marriage licenses.  There are also threats against churches who refuse to perform same sex marriages by means of removing their tax exempt status.  May I suggest that everyone just go to your separate corners, have a drink, and take a nice calming breath?
     First let's examine the side that is anti-marriage equality, aka, same sex marriage.  God says it's an "abomination" as seen in Leviticus 18:22.  There is also the argument that it goes against nature because the purpose of sexual intercourse is to procreate and the first marriage was that between a man and a woman.  Religion is not something to be discarded, people's faith is just as deserving of respect as anything else.  However, there was also a time where the congregation was discouraged from seeking answers outside of the kingdom of God.  Remember all of the astronomers who tried to teach us about the celestial bodies?  How the thought of the Earth not being the center of the universe went against the social norm.  Most of those astronomers did not end up with a happily ever after.  For the longest time people believed the world to be flat and that ships could fall off the edge.  Brave sailors proved them wrong.  If we were to examine a lot of events that happened with scientific advances, we would see a lot of bright minds going against the grain on religion.   
     There are a lot of things in the Bible that are not so pretty.  Women's rights for example.  There are many Bible verses where women are clearly to be second to the men, and to that we as a society threw that nonsense out the window and ran it over a few times.  There were a lot of people very unhappy with women's suffrage, and yet we have survived as a nation, hell we've thrived!  There are also some passages in the Bible in support of slavery, but again that just is a no-go.  A lot of these held beliefs are things that are taught to us as children.  Some as adults evolve on their thinking, while some, hold fast to those teachings. 
     At the end of the day, the Bible does tell us not to judge.  Judgement will come to all of us one day.  The Bible also tells us that if we do not hold any sin we can "cast the first stone," yet I remember that we all are born with original sin, so we cannot judge others based solely on that.  No, I think what needs to happen now is if people cannot get on board with marriage equality then the best thing to do is to not spread hate, but to look away.  If God truly is opposed to same sex couples, then on judgement day let God deal with it.  On the same token, do not force churches and/or indivduals to perform ceremonies or make cakes, and then go forward with punishing them for not doing so.  If a business or church is truly against it, then let the consumer use our free market system and find someone else to perform their wedding and to provide services for it.
     Personally, I have no problem with marriage equality.  Love at the end of the day is love, and dammit we need all of it we can get.  I will admit to everyone that this was an issue I initially struggled with, and let me share with you what it was that changed my mind.  First, if being gay is indeed a sin, then why are there those feelings one develops for another present? Attraction is attraction, plain and simple.  I believe one is attracted to someone based on the person, not their gender.  Second, I look this man that I feel in love with.  If the shoe was on the other foot and heterosexuality was considered immoral and someone tried to tell me that what I felt for him was wrong then I would be more than confused, I would be angry.  I would fight to the last breath for what I feel in my heart and that is what sealed it for me.  Change can be difficult to come by, especially something as major as this.  If you cannot accept gay marriage, then at best do not spread hate.  If you are for gay marriage, then do not force people to believe in what you believe.  Let the person evolve over time through intelligent conversations and personal observations.