The current American Government is an insulting imitation of what the Founding Fathers fought so hard for. There were so many men, women and children who died fighting for the idea of what our nation was supposed to be, and to see what it is becoming is gut wrenching and beyond infuriating. How is it possible that now so many American people are openly following and supporting those who WANT to control every aspect from their lives? Is it the idea of fairness, making the "playing field" even for us all? No because we already have that. Everyone can be whatever they want to be no matter what social class they are born into. The American dream was never promised to be easy, just accessible. So what's happened? The American voter happened.
We as Americans are lucky to be in this country, there is no doubt about it. We have so many things going our way that we don't even think about it enough to really understand how grateful we should be. We have access to clean water, we have public schools that every child can attend, we don't have to worry about a government coup every year or so, and at the end of the day, we have the freedom to express ourselves in any way possible because we have protected sacred rights. Rights that most of us learn about as a child, and until our rights are threatened, we don't think about how glorious these things are. So how did the American voter become a detriment to our nation? It's because we are allowing our nation to fail.
Never in my thirty years on this planet have I seen a small subsection of one ideology pushing so hard and having their slanted view win. We are allowing liberals to run this nation into the ground and it all started with our need to not be labeled as mean, unfair, unkind or racist. The birth of Political Correctness started this whole snowball effect of nonsense and a radical rift ripping our nation in two. We just had a terrorist attack in this nation, the first since September 11, 2001, and our "commander in chief" hasn't even VISITED the site or any of the victims. Why? This attack does not fit into Obama's ideology, and that's why he's ignoring the security issues of the American people.
I'll be honest and tell you I wanted him to step up. I wanted him to show passion on behalf of Americans who lost their lives, but he mouthed some kind of rhetoric about gun control and how Americans have a skewed view of Islam. We're the ones begging for a leader and we aren't getting it because Obama is what embodies liberalism; maintaining his own agenda regardless of the circumstances. The American voter allowed this person in office. The American voter continues to allow politicians like Pelosi, Reid, and McCain to continue to push legislation through that is harming our country.
Some of this is due to some who lack understanding how critical it is to vote regardless if it is a Presidential election year or not. Some of it has to do with the knowledge that big money is consistently is running our leaders and our disgust of it. We're also getting discouraged with the process by putting people in place who say they will do one thing and then turn around and do the exact things we didn't want them to do to begin with. Either way, we have systems in place to put a stop to this. We as American voters just don't.
I do have hope because the more I talk to people from every walk of life, the more I hear how angry they are with the direction we are going as a nation. For every person I talk to who is for Obama and liberalism, there is at least 10 people to kick out that viewpoint. We as a people just need to have that one thing happen to our nation as a whole that makes us angry enough to put a stop to liberals and their detrimental thinking. At the end of the day, we have to show up and vote. We have to get out and regardless if we are not on the winning side, we have to put a stop to this wild ride of liberalism. If we don't, we have NO one to blame but ourselves. This constant reporting from the mainstream media saying Hillary or even Sanders is going to beat basically every Republican candidate is a scare tactic to keep us from voting. Don't fall for it. We can win, and the liberals, MSM, and big money elites know it.
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