After the feathers have been ruffled from the debate last night one thing is abundantly clear to me: The priorities of the Democrat party and their followers are in complete contrast with Republicans. The blind following the blind about Climate Change being the nation's number one security threat continues to blow me away. To say that Climate Change is our leading national security threat is like someone worrying about the color of the paint in the kitchen while the faucet spews water everywhere from an uncontrollable leak. Those who use this argument are completely blind to the actual threat facing us, because it is a neatly packaged buzz word that the low information voter crowd has completely gobbled up. If climate change was a real threat, don't you think that Al Gore and all of his followers would be completely off the power grid by now?
Climate change aside, the Democratic hopefuls show a complete irony in everything that they represent. How can they continue to make appearances with a straight face by saying they are the party representing diversity? If we're really hammering home the diversity aspect, why are all of the hopefuls white people? Were there not any minority candidates they could have persuaded to show up? Each and every one of them claim to hate the rich. They all want to take the rich elite down, yet each and every one of them are wealthy. They are exactly what they claim to hate on behalf of their voters. They represent the same old song and dance we're disgusted over in Washington (and they all have deep roots in politics), yet they are going to bring about change? Ironic.
Were the questions tough? At times. I'll give Cooper credit, he did ask questions I would have asked. Like asking Hillary about her being a rich elite, that was great. All in all, the answers to the questions were by far lacking luster. All the candidates, except Webb, don't believe in people having access to guns to defend themselves. This whole idea about being able to hold gun manufacturers responsible for crimes was mind-blowing. We're not talking about holding car manufacturers liable should someone drive intoxicated, nor are we talking about holding fast food chains in contempt should someone have a heart attack. The whole gun issue is nothing more than a topic where candidates can tell voters what they want to hear and blame the gun loving Republican party for all the gun violence in the world.
Words like "free" and "rights" were over-used. It is everyone's right to free government funded community college. It's everyone's right, including non U.S. citizens, to have American health care provided for them. Behind all of these free programs is the looming knowledge that American citizens will be heavily taxed, even more so than we are now, to fund these government operations. Nothing in the English language is more telling of how expensive something will be until you hear the word "free". There is no such thing.
I loved hearing how American jails were more populated than any other nation in the world, and that really comes down to one thing. We're allowing our young people to believe that they don't need an education to succeed. Just ask a group of kids who they idolize, and I bet you won't find one that doesn't have to do with the entertainment industry. We're allowing our kids to seek professions outside of the intellectual world. That's our culture. I would have liked that question asked, actually. How WOULD the candidates stress the importance of education to children who see no value in it whatsoever? No amount of free education will do anything to empower one's will.
During the entire debate, including the love fest between Sanders and Clinton, the knowledge that this grouping of people were the best that the Democrat party had to offer weighed heavily on me. Most of them are running on a campaign of higher taxes, allowing anyone in the country regardless of their skill level, down with the Republicans, more abortions for all, and free, free, free! This is a group pandering to get votes, pandering to the lowest level of the human conviction. Let us take care of everything for you, because you do not know how, and we'll provide you with all your heart desires. It's all really a bunch of smoke and mirrors, but the fact that people are falling for their nonsense is troublesome. Life isn't easy, but it is the struggle and the will to succeed that makes a person.
And yes, ALL LIVES MATTER. Those who did not answer as such are only pandering to the masses, or they are just telling you which voters they care about.
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