Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Please, Don't Ever Put Words in My Mouth

     Have you read the article by a Mr. Dick Meyer entitled "Mr. President, on behalf of an ungrateful nation, thank you"?  If you have not, please understand that I cannot warn you enough that this piece will do more to raise your blood pressure than ten servings of highly salted fries.  I will admit that even after I read it I was more than half angry.  I kept wondering how someone can so blindly follow and praise this man sitting in the White House in between golf courses and numerous fundraisers.  After I had some time to reflect, and significantly cooled off, I began to see how hollow and lackluster this author's reasoning was. 
     One of the first reasons as to why Obama is just the bee's-knees is because of the Iran deal that he is dictating.  Meyer actually calls this a "diplomatic success, a giant step in defusing a long-ticking time bomb."  While most of us want a peaceful outcome, for anyone to believe that Iran is going to behave is on a high dose of mind altering medication.  This nation's supreme ruler has never ended the chants of "Death to America."  Even today Kerry has been quoted as being "disturbed" by this news, as if it is even news.  This nation not only hates the US, but it is a prime supporter of Hezbollah and the murderous regime of Syria.  It's almost like paying a blackmailer.  You can keep giving them all the money they demand, they will never be satisfied.  Not to mention that we have nothing to show for our citizens being held in Iran.  No, this is not a solid argument for you Mr. Meyer.
     Obamacare.  Yes, yes indeed.  Obamacare is his second argument as to why we should all be brown-nosed and eternally grateful.  He says that "Obama delivered one of the most important domestic programs since the New Deal."  Meyer even boasts how the Supreme Court upheld this golden ticket of American humanity.  I need to let Dick Meyer in on a huge secret that he may not be aware of.  Obamacare is going to significantly change the way we receive health care, in a negative fashion.  Waits will be longer, deductibles will be higher, and the government will have a say in what services you can have; all you need to do is look at the VA.  Government managed health care for our veterans is a sad, disturbing joke and soon this will be our reality for the nation.  Despite the promise of keeping one's plan, of lower deductibles and premiums we're seeing the exact opposite.  Don't you know that is why it wasn't implemented during an election cycle?  It's because Congress didn't want it leaking out about the cruel grip it will have on people's care.  Think about this too, if Obamacare is such a valuable institution, then why were there so many delays in implementing it?
     I laugh at every single person who tells me that we have recovered from our financial crisis.  We have, according to the Annie E. Casey Foundation, more kids living in poverty currently than they ever did during the Great Depression.  Let that sink in.  In 2015, in our land of opportunity, we have more of our nation's youth living in poverty than ever did during the most massive hit to the US economy.  Let's refer back to your beloved Obamacare.  This act declares that anyone working full-time must be offered health care by their employer.  So what did employers do to negate that huge cost?  They reduced many employees to part time.  That means less working hours, and that means many people now have to have two or more jobs to make up for the one job that they lost.  Food costs are absurd, gas prices have not budged enough to make a difference, and there again is the higher costs people have to pay due to Obamacare.  Show me where people are thriving, and I bet it is the higher class, because the middle class is becoming something of ledgend.
     I'm going to combine the last two points made because they really are the weakest points Meyer's makes.  Meyer says that Obama being black and being President is an "epic triumph."  Excuse me while I try to see how that is a reason to bow down to the your false idol, sir.  Obama's adminsitration is "as free of any in memory."  I guess he doesn't own a TV nor listen to anything other than the "I-Heart-Obama" channels that are CNN or MSNBC.  Dignity and honesty, I believe you're delusional. 
    I would like to take everyone down reality alley, and I truly hope Mr. Meyer joins us.  There is nothing good that is going to come from bowing to Iran's demands.  Around the world we are now an inadequate and paltry serving of a power we once were.  Russia laughs at us, and Iran continues their death chants, all the while knowing more concessions will be made to them by the horrid people in power.  Obamacare is nothing more than an overreach of executive power to seal Obama's legacy that is being cradled in he bosom of a bought and paid for bench of "justices".  These people serving in our Supreme Court are nothing more than a committee whose job is to seek anything that may scantily support the cause they are told to support.  We're still in a financial crisis. We are being told to pay more and more taxes for numerous unnecessary government programs because people are giving up hope in the American Dream. There is nothing in my mind that even puts Obama's skin color on a badge of achievement because, unlike what you try and say, skin color is not a big deal. The big deal is the person, not their levels of melanin.  We have a president in office who cares more about pop culture than doing right by the American people.  He is promoting his agenda of a weakened socialist state.  Here's one thing you had right, "of Obama , the American population, ask "What have you done for me lately" because that is essentially in the socialist state.  Socialism where it's population pumps money into the large collective pot to only be given a meager drop of sustenance.
     Aside from asking you to step outside of your bubble, I demand one thing from you Mr. Meyer.  Do not thank someone on my behalf.  Most of all, do not ever put words in my mouth.  What you call "ungrateful", I call informed.


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