Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Fallacy of Modern Day Feminism

     Every so often I will have someone ask if I am a feminist and my immediate response is no.  I am not a feminist, and this is surprising to most people.  There are many strong celebrity women out there who are  also deciding to not label themselves as a feminist (Carrie Underwood, Taylor Swift, Madonna, and Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting to name a few.)  Much to the dismay of the left, and the general low information voter crowd, many are labeling themself as a humanist because the word f'eminist" has changed in our modern era. Modern day feminists are demanding government funded abortions, free government funded contraceptives, fighting social norms so they can skip shaving their under arms or legs and they are also fighting to "free the nipple."  Is it any wonder why a lot of women cringe when they hear they are trying to be labeled as a feminist?  These modern day feminists are nothing more than a group of selfish, hateful women who are a hollow rendition of what a real feminist should be.
     Real feminism in the U.S. was a hard, up-hill battle that did so much for women.  Without them, women would still be viewed as property as they are still in much of the world.  It took women like Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton decades of continuous fighting to be able to convince men that women had just as much a right to vote as they did.  Eleanor Roosevelt headed a committee designed under JFK to oversee equal workplace practices. Soon after, came the Equal Pay Act.  Historical Feminists lead the way for girls to be allowed the equal right to education, to be seen as more than a fixture to hang off a man's arm.  Modern day feminism is becoming more and more unnecessary here in the US, however, in other parts of the world women need someone to still be their voice for equality.  A modern day American feminist has no idea what oppression is.This point makes it frustrating for me when I hear about them hammering away for something trivial as what was noted above.
     In many parts of the world, real feminism is still needed.  For many girls around the world, they are still viewed as nothing more than an object to please a man.  In order for most of these girls to become pleasing to men, they have to undergo a female genital mutilation, aka FGM.  To not undergo this procedure limits a girls options for a "good" match in marriage. She is also doomed to live out the rest of her life being viewed as "unclean."  A FGM is performed because it is still widely believed that girls have to be pure (aka a virgin), when they are married. By performing the FGM it is believed to limit their sexual desires so it increases the chances of maintaining their virginity. According to CNN, of the 125 million girls who have had this procedure completed, one in four live in Egypt.  The practice is seen mainly in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and is creeping into Europe according to the WHO.  It is such an aggressive issue that the UK has banned this practice and has told girls in their country that, should they be worried they are to be taken out of the country to have this proceedure done, they are to tell a teacher, police office, etc.  The UK offers jail time of up to 14 years for anyone who is caught being part in this ritual.  Not all of these female circumcisions are completed with the supervision of  a doctor.  Some are performed with dulled knives, rusty equipment, and in some obscene cases, are done with a sharp fingernail. According to an article by Abigail Haworth, girls families in Indonesia were at one point paid 80,000 rupiah and given a bag of food for each daughter they brought and had "cut."
     There are many children who are too commonly married before they reach the age of eighteen.  Many of these young girls who are forced into marriage at a young age are never able to continue school, leaving them with no notable skills. This does nothing more than help the cycle of poverty in a constant, spinning continuum.  In some cases, like what is happening to Syrian refugees, mothers worry about the safety of their daughters without the protection of their fathers and marry them off.  According to an article written in National Geographic, one out of nine girls in developing countries will be married by fifteen.  Most of these girls will be married to a man who is twice their age.  Sex slavery/trafficking is another defeating sentence for girls and women.  We don't even need to even look too far outside of our borders to know this is happening.
     For most of the world, we need to have a strong feminine voice advocating against the atrocities that women and girls face on a daily basis.  Most of these governments turn a blind eye to the consistent brutality girls face because they want to be the superior sex.  This is not the case in the U.S.  Women are a strong, equal force driving our nation.  Which is why the modern day feminist is substantially unnecessary.  Every time I hear a politician, or women in general, discuss how they are continuously discriminated against in the USA, I think I can hear the real feminists banging their angry fists in their graves.

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