Do years have feelings? I subscribe to the belief that we, as human begins, and everything in the universe, is energy so can a year "feel" or comprehend the depth of what has happened within its trip around the sun? Like El Niño and La Niña, are the years identifiable by a gender? If this holds true, what makes a year feminine and or masculine? Would it be that the more fruitful the year, the more feminine it is, and the more devastation the more masculine?
If I were to take a swing at it, I would have to say that this year has been more gender neutral as we have seen both good and not so good things happen... plus I am not going to subscribe to the mindset that any outcome that is negative has to be because a "man" did it. I LOVE men and women just as equally, and both genders can be JUST as crazy when the mood hits, so I am NOT discriminating based on bathroom preference.
The outcomes of the Brexit, Trump's election, and Hollande not seeking re-election great significance is not lost on me. These are all beacons of hope in a world that has turned topsy-turvy in the name of Political Correctness and liberalism. These events give me great hope that we can tell the liberal activists out there that we tried it your way, it didn't work, now let us in the fix the mess you created.
In my everyday life with a toddler, I come across more and more parents who are going back to our parents way of "parenting". What does THAT mean? Well, that means, the children aged 5 and younger, especially with what I have seen, are being raised with a "traditional" parenting style of I am the parent, you are the child, explore the world and learn but there are boundaries! Not the typical laissez-faire attitude of parenting that has lead us to safe spaces, common core, and participation trophies. Parents now have witnessed the mistakes of the those coming before us and are righting the ship! Rejoice in knowing that things are changing in children's upbringing! After all, children are the world's future, and we need to bring them up with a strong backbone.
We have seen the dreadful with natural disasters, terrorism, and eye-popping scandals.... to the point where I just can't with these events anymore. I can't. The hatred, the fear, the corruption, the lies... it's too much, and I do not want to hash that nonsense out anymore. I am done with it. Will all of it end? No, I am rational enough to know that it won't, but 2017 will put a lot of that on its head and the confidence I have that it will be rectified is high.... And I don't just believe this because Trump was elected.
I SEE and FEEL the vibrations of positivity in the air, despite social media trolls, out of touch celebrities, and the MSM narrative. People everywhere are seeing the sunlight, much like Plato's Allegory of the Cave, and damn, it's about TIME!
Unlike some, I do not blame 2016 for the unwelcome negativity, deaths, nor its triumphs. I see a year as energy being put out by its inhabitants and we get what we put out into the universe. Energy is energy, and what you put out is what you get back, so this year put out your best. Beat out the negative that most attribute to 2016, and kick some ass in 2017! The world depends on it.
Happy New Year!
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Soul Searching
Everything seems to be falling apart all around us, doesn't it? We have Obama's puppet, John Kerry, telling Israel that they have to choose between being a democracy or being Jewish because to achieve peace you cannot be both (which is going to be a separate peace in itself). The Chinese are puffing out their chests and sending their war ships in the South China Sea. ISIS is no where near under control. Germany is not learning from their mistakes of open borders.... And still everything that ails the world continues to be America's fault. All of this is happening during the Hanukkah celebration, and only a few days past Christmas.
Through all of this we have seen some iconic celebrities pass, and one thing about these people passing really hurts my soul is that there are so many people wishing death to Trump. Not just Twitter trolls and celebrities, but some are people that I call my friends. I am 100% a fighter for your right to say what you will, and I am not for censorship, but I want to make a case against this hatred and nonsense.
First, for anyone who might be wishing death upon Trump, especially those who claim to be a holier than thou liberal, you're showing a level of immaturity that is reserved for those who are young and uneducated. You're being a bully; all the while when there is a huge amount of money being shoveled into those anti-bullying campaigns. *Tsk, tsk*
Secondly, how on Earth can those of you who wish Death on Trump be seen as acceptable yet if this same thing happened to Obama, you same people would lose your mind. There is a double standard and you cannot deny it.
Thirdly, you wish death upon someone because you disagree with their ideology, while you were a fan of his TV show and books. I have not been a supporter of Obama's since he has taken the oath of office; and yet I do not wish death to him. I DO wish him the hell out of office and out of D.C., but not death. Care to know why? It is because he is a father, a husband, a son, a grandson... he is loved by people; even if I cannot understand why.... Plus I know that while I may not agree with him, or members of my own family, or my friends, I still know that we're all placed on this planet for a reason. We all have a purpose, and I cannot wish death on someone when life is so precious.
I do sincerely hope that all of you who are wishing death upon Trump do some soul searching. Look within yourself and ask yourself why you would wish death on someone because of disagreements. How you would like it if the public wished death upon a beloved family member, or even yourself? It's downright immature and ungodly to do so.
How are you going to answer to your Maker for these profane wishes? How can you preach acceptance when your mind and hearts are completely closed minded?
Through all of this we have seen some iconic celebrities pass, and one thing about these people passing really hurts my soul is that there are so many people wishing death to Trump. Not just Twitter trolls and celebrities, but some are people that I call my friends. I am 100% a fighter for your right to say what you will, and I am not for censorship, but I want to make a case against this hatred and nonsense.
First, for anyone who might be wishing death upon Trump, especially those who claim to be a holier than thou liberal, you're showing a level of immaturity that is reserved for those who are young and uneducated. You're being a bully; all the while when there is a huge amount of money being shoveled into those anti-bullying campaigns. *Tsk, tsk*
Secondly, how on Earth can those of you who wish Death on Trump be seen as acceptable yet if this same thing happened to Obama, you same people would lose your mind. There is a double standard and you cannot deny it.
Thirdly, you wish death upon someone because you disagree with their ideology, while you were a fan of his TV show and books. I have not been a supporter of Obama's since he has taken the oath of office; and yet I do not wish death to him. I DO wish him the hell out of office and out of D.C., but not death. Care to know why? It is because he is a father, a husband, a son, a grandson... he is loved by people; even if I cannot understand why.... Plus I know that while I may not agree with him, or members of my own family, or my friends, I still know that we're all placed on this planet for a reason. We all have a purpose, and I cannot wish death on someone when life is so precious.
I do sincerely hope that all of you who are wishing death upon Trump do some soul searching. Look within yourself and ask yourself why you would wish death on someone because of disagreements. How you would like it if the public wished death upon a beloved family member, or even yourself? It's downright immature and ungodly to do so.
How are you going to answer to your Maker for these profane wishes? How can you preach acceptance when your mind and hearts are completely closed minded?
Sunday, December 11, 2016
The Blinded Sheeple
After having some time to read multiple stories pertaining to the
"Russian hacking" of the DNC and the RNC I have come to a conclusion
about what I will call "hoopla" and why the American people should be
Do I disagree that there were hacks? No, clearly there were. Databases were hacked, and hacked very well, however, and I welcome you to do your own research, there has not been any evidence presented that clearly shows that the Russian government ordered these hacks to happen. There isn't, it's speculation. It could have easily been a group or person, Guccifer comes to mind, that acted on their own accord.
My fellow Americans, you should at the very least be upset. The MSM, the current administration, and diehard Liberals want you to forget what was actually in those emails that were hacked. They want you to forget that the DNC clearly has not, nor have they ever been, the warm and fuzzy "We're for the poor and minority" kind of group. They want you to forget their own elitist mentality when it comes to the grab for power and what they said about minority groups. They need you to forget how they rigged their own nomination system by systematically shoving out the beloved Bernie Sanders. They, to say it simply, want to prove how easily distracted YOU are by shoving a hyped up news story in front of you to have one more grab at undermining the election results so they can stay in power.
In this day, everyone has to know that the likelihood of a cyber attack is highly likely. You and every organization needs to protect themselves. If you don't want it leaked, don't put it in an email or stored somewhere that can be hacked. This isn't a time to discuss privacy, this is not what this is about.
As Peter Smith said when asked about how he felt learning his emails were hacked:
'"I’m not upset at all,” he said. “I try in my communications, quite frankly, not to say anything that would be embarrassing if made public.”'
And that my friends, is what it's all about. Protect yourself, protect your work, and CYA.... because if you don't, it is likely to be hacked and used against you.
Do I disagree that there were hacks? No, clearly there were. Databases were hacked, and hacked very well, however, and I welcome you to do your own research, there has not been any evidence presented that clearly shows that the Russian government ordered these hacks to happen. There isn't, it's speculation. It could have easily been a group or person, Guccifer comes to mind, that acted on their own accord.
My fellow Americans, you should at the very least be upset. The MSM, the current administration, and diehard Liberals want you to forget what was actually in those emails that were hacked. They want you to forget that the DNC clearly has not, nor have they ever been, the warm and fuzzy "We're for the poor and minority" kind of group. They want you to forget their own elitist mentality when it comes to the grab for power and what they said about minority groups. They need you to forget how they rigged their own nomination system by systematically shoving out the beloved Bernie Sanders. They, to say it simply, want to prove how easily distracted YOU are by shoving a hyped up news story in front of you to have one more grab at undermining the election results so they can stay in power.
In this day, everyone has to know that the likelihood of a cyber attack is highly likely. You and every organization needs to protect themselves. If you don't want it leaked, don't put it in an email or stored somewhere that can be hacked. This isn't a time to discuss privacy, this is not what this is about.
As Peter Smith said when asked about how he felt learning his emails were hacked:
'"I’m not upset at all,” he said. “I try in my communications, quite frankly, not to say anything that would be embarrassing if made public.”'
And that my friends, is what it's all about. Protect yourself, protect your work, and CYA.... because if you don't, it is likely to be hacked and used against you.
Thursday, December 8, 2016
PC Safe Space Cuddle Time
With Christmas rapidly approaching I am more than happy, I am grateful. Outside of the obvious things I am grateful for a loving family, good health, employment, etc., I am grateful to have independent thoughts and a BRAIN ripe for reasoning. I look around the internet, and sometimes wish I hadn't, and am STILL seeing people protesting the election, a third party candidate DEMANDING recounts that she says is for the voters (yeah, right), and most recently just finished reading an article about a woman who has lost all hope since the election and refuses to date.
It is this kind of consistent idiotic nonsense that inspires me to turn into a hermit. How are people, especially those claiming to be our betters in the elite group, be so brain dead and, for the sake of honesty, dumb? Let me break this post election "trauma" for all of you who are huddled up in your safe spaces.
First, all of you that are out there PROTESTING the election results, please go home. Go back to your families and try to figure out what you are going to do with the new year of 2017 quickly approaching. Protesting this election is not getting you anywhere, and brings me feelings of sadness for you. It also makes me wonder how you are getting all of this free time to do this protesting. Do you people have jobs? I understand that you want to make a difference, I do! You're upset that your candidate lost, but you are not going to make a difference protesting. You know what will though? Being involved in your community. Find a cause you really support and make a difference. If your cause is politics, find your local chapter of whatever party you associate yourself with; I KNOW they would love more turn out and members! Standing on a busy road or in a city square holding a sign comparing Trump to Hitler is not solving anything. (On a side note, you know what you could do? You could find a way to thoughtfully present your ideas to the new administration... but that takes tact and intensive studying.)
Dr. Jill Stein you are not fooling anyone. This recount does not help the "voter" as you continue to claim. Whenever I hear you try and sell this line, the only word screaming in my head is LIAR. You're wasting taxpayer dollars and time. Knock off your nonsense. This is a publicity stunt for you to remain relevant for the next election. (Again, I am thankful that I have a brain that can reason.)
Lastly, for everyone who has lost "hope" and is fearful of the Trump administration, I am going to give you some tough love: GROW up and be an ADULT. Get out of your safe space and greet the REAL WORLD that the rest of society lives in. I think a little bit of reality is settling in where you know the culture and sheltering that has turned you into a crumbling mess of PC cry babies is coming to an end. You may be realizing that the free ride you've been given your entire life is about to burst and you're soon going to have to earn what you want will be your new reality... well, good. I, and I know millions more, are tired of your uber sensitive feelings, everything should be free, PC, safe space cuddle time nonsense. Find out what you were put on this Earth to do, as the rest of us are.
I would like to invite all of you to continue to pray for our nation and our President elect so that we can once again be a nation of prosperous people.
I would also ask that when you encounter any of these liberal programmed children, you speak to them calmly, with reasoning and rational thoughts... and while you try not to poke your eye out talking to them, remember that retraining the brain after it has been thoroughly brainwashed for years takes time so have patience.
It is this kind of consistent idiotic nonsense that inspires me to turn into a hermit. How are people, especially those claiming to be our betters in the elite group, be so brain dead and, for the sake of honesty, dumb? Let me break this post election "trauma" for all of you who are huddled up in your safe spaces.
First, all of you that are out there PROTESTING the election results, please go home. Go back to your families and try to figure out what you are going to do with the new year of 2017 quickly approaching. Protesting this election is not getting you anywhere, and brings me feelings of sadness for you. It also makes me wonder how you are getting all of this free time to do this protesting. Do you people have jobs? I understand that you want to make a difference, I do! You're upset that your candidate lost, but you are not going to make a difference protesting. You know what will though? Being involved in your community. Find a cause you really support and make a difference. If your cause is politics, find your local chapter of whatever party you associate yourself with; I KNOW they would love more turn out and members! Standing on a busy road or in a city square holding a sign comparing Trump to Hitler is not solving anything. (On a side note, you know what you could do? You could find a way to thoughtfully present your ideas to the new administration... but that takes tact and intensive studying.)
Dr. Jill Stein you are not fooling anyone. This recount does not help the "voter" as you continue to claim. Whenever I hear you try and sell this line, the only word screaming in my head is LIAR. You're wasting taxpayer dollars and time. Knock off your nonsense. This is a publicity stunt for you to remain relevant for the next election. (Again, I am thankful that I have a brain that can reason.)
Lastly, for everyone who has lost "hope" and is fearful of the Trump administration, I am going to give you some tough love: GROW up and be an ADULT. Get out of your safe space and greet the REAL WORLD that the rest of society lives in. I think a little bit of reality is settling in where you know the culture and sheltering that has turned you into a crumbling mess of PC cry babies is coming to an end. You may be realizing that the free ride you've been given your entire life is about to burst and you're soon going to have to earn what you want will be your new reality... well, good. I, and I know millions more, are tired of your uber sensitive feelings, everything should be free, PC, safe space cuddle time nonsense. Find out what you were put on this Earth to do, as the rest of us are.
I would like to invite all of you to continue to pray for our nation and our President elect so that we can once again be a nation of prosperous people.
I would also ask that when you encounter any of these liberal programmed children, you speak to them calmly, with reasoning and rational thoughts... and while you try not to poke your eye out talking to them, remember that retraining the brain after it has been thoroughly brainwashed for years takes time so have patience.
Saturday, November 12, 2016
Open Letter to those Protesting
Dear Protesters,
I have been watching you on my Facebook and Twitter feed and I am going to tell you something that may make you upset, but here it goes... you all look ridiculous. Not ridiculous in the sense that you shouldn't protest, it's your Constitutional right after all, but ridiculous in the fact that the election is over and now there is nothing more you can do but try to move on and be productive contributing members of our society.
I will admit that I voted for Trump, and I am relieved he won. I am not going to hide that fact, even though I would be standing in the unemployment line should Matt Maloney have his way if I worked for his company, but nothing has happened yet. Trump has not been sworn in, no legislation has been passed, and yet your protesting an outcome of an election that you demanded we respect the outcome of. That is the part I do not fully understand and, admittedly, makes me very angry. The election did not go your way despite the polls and MSM telling you it would so that's shocking for sure, and yet here you are continuing your own hateful rhetoric after the election... this makes you look more than ridiculous, it makes you a hypocrite.
Tell me, what is it you hope to accomplish with these riots and protests? Everyone knew that half of the nation would not be happy with the outcome even before the first ballot was cast, but instead of being upset over the Popular Vote vs. Electoral College, why not be angry at those who choose to stay home and not vote? All you are doing is proving to those who voted for Trump, and essentially against the establishment, how right our views are of those who support Clinton.
I will not sit here and tell you that I would take a Clinton win lying down, in fact I would be terrified and just as angry. I would not be able to sleep and there would be talks of leaving the country... but that would not lead to disruptive protests and destruction. Even President-elect Trump said that the protesters "have passion for our great country," and eloquently called out the professional protesters. He's supporting you and is asking for you to unite and know our nation will come together as one.
We all know you're unhappy, but you are not bringing up anything new with these protests. You're continuing on with the same old lines the MSM told you to be upset over without researching the facts nor reading the transcripts. Don't play into the label you have been given, and please, at the very least, stop with the violent and crude protesting. Find a way to work with this administration.
We're all Americans. Trump is our President. God Bless us all.
Pam Witham
I have been watching you on my Facebook and Twitter feed and I am going to tell you something that may make you upset, but here it goes... you all look ridiculous. Not ridiculous in the sense that you shouldn't protest, it's your Constitutional right after all, but ridiculous in the fact that the election is over and now there is nothing more you can do but try to move on and be productive contributing members of our society.
I will admit that I voted for Trump, and I am relieved he won. I am not going to hide that fact, even though I would be standing in the unemployment line should Matt Maloney have his way if I worked for his company, but nothing has happened yet. Trump has not been sworn in, no legislation has been passed, and yet your protesting an outcome of an election that you demanded we respect the outcome of. That is the part I do not fully understand and, admittedly, makes me very angry. The election did not go your way despite the polls and MSM telling you it would so that's shocking for sure, and yet here you are continuing your own hateful rhetoric after the election... this makes you look more than ridiculous, it makes you a hypocrite.
Tell me, what is it you hope to accomplish with these riots and protests? Everyone knew that half of the nation would not be happy with the outcome even before the first ballot was cast, but instead of being upset over the Popular Vote vs. Electoral College, why not be angry at those who choose to stay home and not vote? All you are doing is proving to those who voted for Trump, and essentially against the establishment, how right our views are of those who support Clinton.
I will not sit here and tell you that I would take a Clinton win lying down, in fact I would be terrified and just as angry. I would not be able to sleep and there would be talks of leaving the country... but that would not lead to disruptive protests and destruction. Even President-elect Trump said that the protesters "have passion for our great country," and eloquently called out the professional protesters. He's supporting you and is asking for you to unite and know our nation will come together as one.
We all know you're unhappy, but you are not bringing up anything new with these protests. You're continuing on with the same old lines the MSM told you to be upset over without researching the facts nor reading the transcripts. Don't play into the label you have been given, and please, at the very least, stop with the violent and crude protesting. Find a way to work with this administration.
We're all Americans. Trump is our President. God Bless us all.
Pam Witham
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Blunt Talk
Every generation is supposed to learn from the one before; from what they did right, to what they did wrong. I think this is why I am such an avid lover of History. I enjoy being presented issues and researching them, then being able to present an intelligent solution based on facts.
There are too many moments now where I find myself watching important leaders making mistakes that they FEEL is the best option, while in reality all it does is push our society deeper into an abyss. It's terrifying at times to watch and also frustrating to witness because I do not have millions of dollars to waft under their noses to garner their attention to get them to listen!
Politics, starting from the Federal level all the way to local offices, is controlled by money sure, but also people who believe themselves to be superior.... and it's really all our fault.
It is our fault that we have career politicians in office who are finding excuses to increase government reach into our daily lives and wallets. We don't pay attention. We're too busy. We think our vote doesn't matter so we don't participate in our democracy.
It is our fault that we are seeing children believe their gender is a "fluid" idea. We helped them facilitate safe spaces. We told them not to go outside and play, unsupervised, for the fear that they will get dirty or come home with a scraped elbow. We allowed our schools forgo teaching the value of human life. We have allowed our schools and elected officials to teach our children that they really are not special. We have deceived our children in believing that if they have a superior talent it's best not to explore it because if Tommy or Suzie can't have the talent they have, then no one should because it isn't fair that one person have an advantage over another.
It is our fault that we do not voice our dissent in how we are taxed. We have allowed our government to become unaccountable. We have allowed people having thousands and millions of dollars thrown at them from special interest groups to be continuously elected into office.
Why has this happened?
We've given too much stock to things that don't matter. We've forgotten our neighbor. We've taken our rights for granted.
We've been bullied.
I urge you to open your eyes to the truth of what is happening before the lifeline being handed to us is too short to reach us in the abyss.
There are too many moments now where I find myself watching important leaders making mistakes that they FEEL is the best option, while in reality all it does is push our society deeper into an abyss. It's terrifying at times to watch and also frustrating to witness because I do not have millions of dollars to waft under their noses to garner their attention to get them to listen!
Politics, starting from the Federal level all the way to local offices, is controlled by money sure, but also people who believe themselves to be superior.... and it's really all our fault.
It is our fault that we have career politicians in office who are finding excuses to increase government reach into our daily lives and wallets. We don't pay attention. We're too busy. We think our vote doesn't matter so we don't participate in our democracy.
It is our fault that we are seeing children believe their gender is a "fluid" idea. We helped them facilitate safe spaces. We told them not to go outside and play, unsupervised, for the fear that they will get dirty or come home with a scraped elbow. We allowed our schools forgo teaching the value of human life. We have allowed our schools and elected officials to teach our children that they really are not special. We have deceived our children in believing that if they have a superior talent it's best not to explore it because if Tommy or Suzie can't have the talent they have, then no one should because it isn't fair that one person have an advantage over another.
It is our fault that we do not voice our dissent in how we are taxed. We have allowed our government to become unaccountable. We have allowed people having thousands and millions of dollars thrown at them from special interest groups to be continuously elected into office.
Why has this happened?
We've given too much stock to things that don't matter. We've forgotten our neighbor. We've taken our rights for granted.
We've been bullied.
I urge you to open your eyes to the truth of what is happening before the lifeline being handed to us is too short to reach us in the abyss.
Sunday, October 16, 2016
The Marginal Futility in Voting
My fellow Americans, heed my words. These next few weeks, all you are going to hear is the same narrative; Hillary is good, Trump is bad. All of the polls are going to say Hillary has won this election before the last ballot has been cast, so all of those still choosing to vote for Trump will be exercising their right to vote in futility. This will be ALL that you will hear on Main Stream Media; it is meant to deter you, to worry you, to break you. I ask those who might become discouraged, to not listen to the MSM for the next couple of weeks. Go take an election vacation, finish a project you've been putting off, or go apple picking, just do NOT give up on this election!
I have said countless times, Trump was not my first choice, but he is the candidate left with a clear path for American freedoms on this ticket.
But Pam, what about Johnson? I KNOW, trust me, I know! It was tempting for me as he would have been an appealing alternative. Yet he's for amnesty and pro-choice, and I am not for either of these two issues, those are just two values I am unwilling to waver. This wasn't a choice I made lightly, but I DO hope and know that Johnson will pull a lot of disenfranchised Bernie supporters from Hillary.
But Pam, you're a woman. Don't you want a woman as President, especially after the crude remarks Trump has made in reference to women? Yes, sweet Lord in Heaven, I DO want a woman President. I want a woman to go in that oval office not as a First Lady, but as the Commander in Chief, and I want her to be the biggest Bad-Ass in American history! I cannot wait for the day that this is a reality, however, it would be a historical injustice to let that person be Hillary Clinton.
A woman who is rude and vulgar in her own right. A woman who continues a farce of a marriage to a man who has cheated on her on numerous occasions, while on the same token publicly shaming the women who her husband sexually abused. A woman who has become a millionaire by living a life as a career politician. A woman who has money given to her foundation from countries that continues to throw gay people off roof tops, and treat women as commodities and second class citizens. A woman who lives and is treated to a different set of rules than average American citizens. A woman who will promise constituents everything under the sun to get elected, while keeping her hand held open for money by those she claims to be fighting against. A woman who helped create the mess called our National Security. A woman who claims to be an advocate of children, but supports later term abortions on a baby who can survive outside of the womb. A woman who at the end of the day,has stated publicly that she is proud to not represent me nor my values. A woman who advocates more for illegal immigrants rights and open boarders than protecting American citizens well-being, safety, and our Constitution. A woman who is really her own kind of "deplorable."
Hillary Clinton is a lie. Her campaign is a lie. Those who support her are doing so to protect their interests. Don't believe me? Obama is out there campaigning on Hillary's behalf, saying she is the answer to America's prayers! Yet in 2008 he hit her hard on her funding and being out of touch with American voters, how she fought for NAFTA, and how she is easily manipulated by special interest. I fail to understand how ANY of that talk has changed from 2008 to 2016, Mr. Obama.
I am going to cast my ballot on November 8 for Trump, and I do so knowing full well that I am making the most informed and educated choice for America. I do so KNOWING that while he is not the option I wanted from the beginning, he is the option that is currently best for America.
For all of you who were Trump supporters who are wavering because of leaked tapes or sexual misconduct allegations, you do know you are turning into the puppet the elites and MSM want you to be. They WANT you to be so discouraged that you don't vote, that you start believing in the lies that the Clinton campaign is spinning.
Ask yourself an obvious question, why are these women just coming out now? Shame can for sure be an answer, but we are ONE month out from voting in the election. These brave women come out of the darkness,pop up into the light of day to tell us how awful Trump is. These women who could have damaged Trump earlier on and PREVENTED him from getting the nomination stayed silent, until now. The tapes with Billy Bush and Howard Stern are released and highly circulated one month before the election when they were obviously available before the Republican Convention. It smells "fishy", doesn't it?
You know what I see with these attacks? That the elites and the MSM knows Trump can win. They know their power is THREATENED. For those who may be unaccustomed to this idea I'll break it down for you. When you're in a position of power and there is a chance that power can be taken away, you have to do ANYTHING to maintain that power you covet. Power is money, and the elites and MSM LOVE their money just as deeply as their power. Plus, the leaks coming out damning Hillary have to have a grand story to bury her misdeeds, thus you see all of these allegations and hear these tapes.
That is why all of these allegations keep coming up on Trump, and trying to damage him. He CAN win. We see that with the crowds he is able to draw at his rallies, we see the voters he is able to draw by his platform, and those Elites KNOW he will not support nor continue their cause.
Be smarter than what the MSM and the Elite's label you as. Don't be their puppet easily distracted by reality TV, the new I-Phone, or celebrity gossip. Hear the call for change this November. Make sure to vote!
I have said countless times, Trump was not my first choice, but he is the candidate left with a clear path for American freedoms on this ticket.
But Pam, what about Johnson? I KNOW, trust me, I know! It was tempting for me as he would have been an appealing alternative. Yet he's for amnesty and pro-choice, and I am not for either of these two issues, those are just two values I am unwilling to waver. This wasn't a choice I made lightly, but I DO hope and know that Johnson will pull a lot of disenfranchised Bernie supporters from Hillary.
But Pam, you're a woman. Don't you want a woman as President, especially after the crude remarks Trump has made in reference to women? Yes, sweet Lord in Heaven, I DO want a woman President. I want a woman to go in that oval office not as a First Lady, but as the Commander in Chief, and I want her to be the biggest Bad-Ass in American history! I cannot wait for the day that this is a reality, however, it would be a historical injustice to let that person be Hillary Clinton.
A woman who is rude and vulgar in her own right. A woman who continues a farce of a marriage to a man who has cheated on her on numerous occasions, while on the same token publicly shaming the women who her husband sexually abused. A woman who has become a millionaire by living a life as a career politician. A woman who has money given to her foundation from countries that continues to throw gay people off roof tops, and treat women as commodities and second class citizens. A woman who lives and is treated to a different set of rules than average American citizens. A woman who will promise constituents everything under the sun to get elected, while keeping her hand held open for money by those she claims to be fighting against. A woman who helped create the mess called our National Security. A woman who claims to be an advocate of children, but supports later term abortions on a baby who can survive outside of the womb. A woman who at the end of the day,has stated publicly that she is proud to not represent me nor my values. A woman who advocates more for illegal immigrants rights and open boarders than protecting American citizens well-being, safety, and our Constitution. A woman who is really her own kind of "deplorable."
Hillary Clinton is a lie. Her campaign is a lie. Those who support her are doing so to protect their interests. Don't believe me? Obama is out there campaigning on Hillary's behalf, saying she is the answer to America's prayers! Yet in 2008 he hit her hard on her funding and being out of touch with American voters, how she fought for NAFTA, and how she is easily manipulated by special interest. I fail to understand how ANY of that talk has changed from 2008 to 2016, Mr. Obama.
I am going to cast my ballot on November 8 for Trump, and I do so knowing full well that I am making the most informed and educated choice for America. I do so KNOWING that while he is not the option I wanted from the beginning, he is the option that is currently best for America.
For all of you who were Trump supporters who are wavering because of leaked tapes or sexual misconduct allegations, you do know you are turning into the puppet the elites and MSM want you to be. They WANT you to be so discouraged that you don't vote, that you start believing in the lies that the Clinton campaign is spinning.
Ask yourself an obvious question, why are these women just coming out now? Shame can for sure be an answer, but we are ONE month out from voting in the election. These brave women come out of the darkness,pop up into the light of day to tell us how awful Trump is. These women who could have damaged Trump earlier on and PREVENTED him from getting the nomination stayed silent, until now. The tapes with Billy Bush and Howard Stern are released and highly circulated one month before the election when they were obviously available before the Republican Convention. It smells "fishy", doesn't it?
You know what I see with these attacks? That the elites and the MSM knows Trump can win. They know their power is THREATENED. For those who may be unaccustomed to this idea I'll break it down for you. When you're in a position of power and there is a chance that power can be taken away, you have to do ANYTHING to maintain that power you covet. Power is money, and the elites and MSM LOVE their money just as deeply as their power. Plus, the leaks coming out damning Hillary have to have a grand story to bury her misdeeds, thus you see all of these allegations and hear these tapes.
That is why all of these allegations keep coming up on Trump, and trying to damage him. He CAN win. We see that with the crowds he is able to draw at his rallies, we see the voters he is able to draw by his platform, and those Elites KNOW he will not support nor continue their cause.
Be smarter than what the MSM and the Elite's label you as. Don't be their puppet easily distracted by reality TV, the new I-Phone, or celebrity gossip. Hear the call for change this November. Make sure to vote!
Sunday, October 9, 2016
Pretty Red Bows
There isn't any other way to put into words what I am thinking. I cannot see Trump winning the office of President. I tried, REALLY tried, to put a positive spin on everything he was Tweeting, saying, doing... now that these tapes have been released, I just do not see any path other than Clinton winning the office of President. Now I may be a little dramatic, but I do think this is turning into a reality.
If Trump isn't going to go after Bill and Hillary Clinton in regards to the sexual scandals surrounding them, then he is a fool. For him not to do so does make me wonder if the rumors are true that Trump is here to make sure Clinton wins. This is politics. You use the smoking guns that are available to you... that is, unless, you don't want to win.
I am not condoning what Trump said in those private tapes. It really isn't that shocking he said what he did. Your favorite movie star, singer, model, or whatever public figure who is famous or very wealthy for example, they think the same way. That is because when someone is famous or wealthy, they are treated very differently. These people learn and expect to have people to fall all over themselves to be around them, to make sure they have whatever their hearts desire. "Groupies" give them use of their bodies however the star sees fit because they want to be a part of that person's story for a time. So when I say what Trump said isn't shocking, it's because it's nothing new. We all know the stories about girls waiting backstage for rock stars after a concert. Nothing new.
It is the SAME concept of how women threw, and for whatever reason still throw, themselves at Bill Clinton. He is not the most attractive man on the planet, but some people are throwing themselves to be at his sexual pleasure because they are attracted to that kind of power, wealth, and prestige. Some people are just attracted to that kind of thing because we, as a society, have given these kinds of people a God complex.
As a woman, I am not offended over the things Trump said in that tape. I am more thrown off by the timing of their release. Why wait until now to post these tapes? Why not post them months ago?
I think it is time for Trump to examine what staying in the race means for our nation. He is going to have to do something completely drastic to survive the debate tonight, and he is going to need to do something even more drastic to win. Maybe if he performs poorly this evening, he may consider leaving.
If he does drop out, that begins a whole new question as to who could fill his place and defeat Hillary?
If Trump isn't going to go after Bill and Hillary Clinton in regards to the sexual scandals surrounding them, then he is a fool. For him not to do so does make me wonder if the rumors are true that Trump is here to make sure Clinton wins. This is politics. You use the smoking guns that are available to you... that is, unless, you don't want to win.
I am not condoning what Trump said in those private tapes. It really isn't that shocking he said what he did. Your favorite movie star, singer, model, or whatever public figure who is famous or very wealthy for example, they think the same way. That is because when someone is famous or wealthy, they are treated very differently. These people learn and expect to have people to fall all over themselves to be around them, to make sure they have whatever their hearts desire. "Groupies" give them use of their bodies however the star sees fit because they want to be a part of that person's story for a time. So when I say what Trump said isn't shocking, it's because it's nothing new. We all know the stories about girls waiting backstage for rock stars after a concert. Nothing new.
It is the SAME concept of how women threw, and for whatever reason still throw, themselves at Bill Clinton. He is not the most attractive man on the planet, but some people are throwing themselves to be at his sexual pleasure because they are attracted to that kind of power, wealth, and prestige. Some people are just attracted to that kind of thing because we, as a society, have given these kinds of people a God complex.
As a woman, I am not offended over the things Trump said in that tape. I am more thrown off by the timing of their release. Why wait until now to post these tapes? Why not post them months ago?
I think it is time for Trump to examine what staying in the race means for our nation. He is going to have to do something completely drastic to survive the debate tonight, and he is going to need to do something even more drastic to win. Maybe if he performs poorly this evening, he may consider leaving.
If he does drop out, that begins a whole new question as to who could fill his place and defeat Hillary?
Monday, September 26, 2016
Trump Vs. Clinton
It's done. The first highly anticipated debate between Clinton and Trump is over, and I am almost at a loss. When I heard reports that Trump wasn't prepping like those would in a classic setting, I panicked a little bit. After watching the debate tonight, I see why.
Trump did ok, but he did seem a bit out of sorts especially when asked about the birther movement. For this lack of a coherent response, I blame his team for not giving him some kind of direction on that question... or if they did they need to find Plan B. That was his biggest flaw of the evening for me, and that is the temperament remark not withstanding.
Clinton was too happy for my liking, but that has a lot to do with Trump's answers. I do not think she did herself any favors this evening. Clinton showed exactly who she is, an elitist woman who is held to different set of rules than everyone else. Clinton was smug and did not have to answer to her staff starting the birther movement., nor really any tough questions for that matter. She stood firm on her work and acted like she has actually worked for this nation.
I enjoyed that Clinton plugged her book which apparently outlines her ideas... so you can learn about her vision for the USA while padding her hefty bank account.
I enjoyed Trump for the points he brought up with the inner city violence, NATO, jobs leaving the US. That was good!
There wasn't a winner, but on the same token, Trump didn't lose. He needs to be prepped better for the next debate.
At the end of the election cycle, I think we all can agree that Hillary Clinton is NOT the solution our nation needs.
Trump did ok, but he did seem a bit out of sorts especially when asked about the birther movement. For this lack of a coherent response, I blame his team for not giving him some kind of direction on that question... or if they did they need to find Plan B. That was his biggest flaw of the evening for me, and that is the temperament remark not withstanding.
Clinton was too happy for my liking, but that has a lot to do with Trump's answers. I do not think she did herself any favors this evening. Clinton showed exactly who she is, an elitist woman who is held to different set of rules than everyone else. Clinton was smug and did not have to answer to her staff starting the birther movement., nor really any tough questions for that matter. She stood firm on her work and acted like she has actually worked for this nation.
I enjoyed that Clinton plugged her book which apparently outlines her ideas... so you can learn about her vision for the USA while padding her hefty bank account.
I enjoyed Trump for the points he brought up with the inner city violence, NATO, jobs leaving the US. That was good!
There wasn't a winner, but on the same token, Trump didn't lose. He needs to be prepped better for the next debate.
At the end of the election cycle, I think we all can agree that Hillary Clinton is NOT the solution our nation needs.
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Lies, Voting, and Millenials
Every day I struggle with being lumped into the section of people often referred to as millennials, and in all honestly I am sick of it. I am not necessarily sick of being lumped into what is apparently a grouping of people who doesn't care about the direction of the nation, I know myself better than that. What I am sick of is being a common leverage ball for political campaigns.
For example: "If you want to attract businesses, you need to appeal to millennials, therefore you need X, Y, and Z." One of my personal favorites,"Millennials don't care about home ownership or owning a car."
It's rather exhausting being used as a political pawn, not to mention demeaning.
To err on the side of fairness, millennials are partly to blame for the one-size- fits-all umbrella we find ourselves under because they believed the lies being fed to them. Millennials believed that no matter win or lose, we were "all winners" for just showing up. We were taught to question everything, including the greatness of this country, but to trust those in government. Millennials bought into the notion that change can happen, but they do nothing to promote change. That the government is beyond all things, more qualified and more knowledgeable in knowing what is the best path for you to go down. That a college education is the key element in you getting a high paying job. Millennials have bought into allowing everyone into this country because it is the right thing to do, and to worry about your own job opportunities is racist, unfair, and bigoted.
Congratulations, millennials. You have played right into the hands of the very government body you were trained to protest and despise. Like it or not, you are a puppet of government control and overreach.
Can we expect a rising of all the young people, of the millennials? No, not at this time. We're jobless, weighed down under student loan debt, a savings account that reads $0, no high salaried job prospects, belittled to minimum wage part-time work at numerous locations because of Obamacare, competing with non-US citizens for minimum wage jobs and government assistance, and yet still remain woefully ignorant of that fact because millennials believe garbage being stuffed into their heads.
Millennials have a lot of power within their grasp and yet choose to let their parent and grandparents do the work for them. The millennials are screaming and protesting for change, and yet the ones making the decisions are the very group of people who set into place policies that put us behind in education, that pollute the environment, and keep giving tax-dollars to their wealthy friends. All because most, not all, millennials have bought the idea that their vote doesn't matter.
So what happens, millennials, when our parents and grandparents are not here to make those difficult decisions for us?
Millennials have paid a one-way ticket to "Ignoranceville" because that is easier then being involved... plus being an informed citizen takes away from recreational drug use, online gaming, and let's be honest, thinking can really hurt.
People who see and hear me and are more in awe not by what I say as an informed citizen, but more so that someone my age is involved. That someone my age cares about our nation and the people being elected to lead it. That is frustrating and insulting. I care. I had great parents who wanted me to care and to be a free thinker. It is because they were my parents and not my friend, and it is for that I thank my parents every single day.
Wake-up millennials, and have a big steamy cup of reality.
For example: "If you want to attract businesses, you need to appeal to millennials, therefore you need X, Y, and Z." One of my personal favorites,"Millennials don't care about home ownership or owning a car."
It's rather exhausting being used as a political pawn, not to mention demeaning.
To err on the side of fairness, millennials are partly to blame for the one-size- fits-all umbrella we find ourselves under because they believed the lies being fed to them. Millennials believed that no matter win or lose, we were "all winners" for just showing up. We were taught to question everything, including the greatness of this country, but to trust those in government. Millennials bought into the notion that change can happen, but they do nothing to promote change. That the government is beyond all things, more qualified and more knowledgeable in knowing what is the best path for you to go down. That a college education is the key element in you getting a high paying job. Millennials have bought into allowing everyone into this country because it is the right thing to do, and to worry about your own job opportunities is racist, unfair, and bigoted.
Congratulations, millennials. You have played right into the hands of the very government body you were trained to protest and despise. Like it or not, you are a puppet of government control and overreach.
Can we expect a rising of all the young people, of the millennials? No, not at this time. We're jobless, weighed down under student loan debt, a savings account that reads $0, no high salaried job prospects, belittled to minimum wage part-time work at numerous locations because of Obamacare, competing with non-US citizens for minimum wage jobs and government assistance, and yet still remain woefully ignorant of that fact because millennials believe garbage being stuffed into their heads.
Millennials have a lot of power within their grasp and yet choose to let their parent and grandparents do the work for them. The millennials are screaming and protesting for change, and yet the ones making the decisions are the very group of people who set into place policies that put us behind in education, that pollute the environment, and keep giving tax-dollars to their wealthy friends. All because most, not all, millennials have bought the idea that their vote doesn't matter.
So what happens, millennials, when our parents and grandparents are not here to make those difficult decisions for us?
Millennials have paid a one-way ticket to "Ignoranceville" because that is easier then being involved... plus being an informed citizen takes away from recreational drug use, online gaming, and let's be honest, thinking can really hurt.
People who see and hear me and are more in awe not by what I say as an informed citizen, but more so that someone my age is involved. That someone my age cares about our nation and the people being elected to lead it. That is frustrating and insulting. I care. I had great parents who wanted me to care and to be a free thinker. It is because they were my parents and not my friend, and it is for that I thank my parents every single day.
Wake-up millennials, and have a big steamy cup of reality.
Sunday, September 11, 2016
15 Years Ago We Were One
I know that like many of you, I remember where I was when I heard the news of the attacks on the Pentagon, the Twin Towers, and of United Flight 93. I was 17 years old.
Like many people my age, I had no deep understanding of what that attack would bring. Sure there would be a war, but now that I am 32 with a husband and child of my own, I know now that I did not truly comprehend the effects.
15 years later and we still are fighting a war against like minded individuals who lead those attacks on American soil on 9-11-2001. 15 years later, we have evolved into one world that is on a never ending battle that neither side is winning.
Collaboration, appeasement, ignorance... none of this is working. I ask myself, is this track we are on now anything the victims would have wanted?
9-11 is a day of remembrance. A day to mourn those lost to our nation and those who lost a family member. Today should be a day where political rhetoric stops, and we all come together as a nation united.
Today I remember us as a nation united. I remember us a nation where it did not matter where you originated from, if you lived here, you were American. Flags proudly lined our homes, streets, and businesses. We can go back to that pride and patriotism if we as a nation are brave enough and can let love defeat hate.
The more we allow the darkness to cloud our judgement, the more the terrorists who conducted the attacks on 9-11 win.
We cannot let them win. The survivors of those who died that day deserve better then that.
May God be with those lost that day. Let His blessings be with those who survived and are directly impacted.
God Bless America. God Bless Us All.
Like many people my age, I had no deep understanding of what that attack would bring. Sure there would be a war, but now that I am 32 with a husband and child of my own, I know now that I did not truly comprehend the effects.
15 years later and we still are fighting a war against like minded individuals who lead those attacks on American soil on 9-11-2001. 15 years later, we have evolved into one world that is on a never ending battle that neither side is winning.
Collaboration, appeasement, ignorance... none of this is working. I ask myself, is this track we are on now anything the victims would have wanted?
9-11 is a day of remembrance. A day to mourn those lost to our nation and those who lost a family member. Today should be a day where political rhetoric stops, and we all come together as a nation united.
Today I remember us as a nation united. I remember us a nation where it did not matter where you originated from, if you lived here, you were American. Flags proudly lined our homes, streets, and businesses. We can go back to that pride and patriotism if we as a nation are brave enough and can let love defeat hate.
The more we allow the darkness to cloud our judgement, the more the terrorists who conducted the attacks on 9-11 win.
We cannot let them win. The survivors of those who died that day deserve better then that.
May God be with those lost that day. Let His blessings be with those who survived and are directly impacted.
God Bless America. God Bless Us All.
Monday, August 29, 2016
Colin Kaepernick
We all know what Colin Kaepernick is doing. He has decided to sit during the national anthem to protest racially charged shootings between police and people of color. Let me be honest here, I doubt his intentions and the validity of why he is doing this.
A person should be able to stand up and extend their voice against any social injustice. No one should pretend to be something they are not in order to not go against the social grain of normality. This whole thing is just odd. I say that because I remember, vividly remember, when the Rams had a handful of players coming out onto the field last season with their hands up... when the "hands up, don't shoot" movement began after the death of Michael Brown.
Where was he then when this movement began? I looked back on headlines containing his name and could not find anything showing me that he made any waves during this movement.
I look at Kaepernick and I see someone who is on the edge of being released from a NFL football team. Someone who is trying to make a pre-emptive excuse for his downfall within the NFL. He is not the player he was when he lead his team to the Superbowl and currently is that team's third string QB. I think he is embarrassed and is sick of having that pointed out; thus let's open the door for him to "protest" a social injustice and forget his lack of skill on the field.
What is peculiar to me is how the NFL is allowing this type of nonsense. Heaven forbid a player wear the wrong socks, shoes, or any other type of equipment on game day. They get FINED for that!
When it comes to standing up for our national anthem though the 49ers released this statement:
"The national anthem is and always will be a special part of the pre-game ceremony. In respecting such American principles as freedom of religion and freedom of expression, we recognize the right of an individual to choose and participate, or not, in our celebration of the national anthem."
What a line of nonsense! How can the 49ers release such garbage? If the NFL continues to allow this, they can no longer lay claim to supporting our troops. How can they when they allow a multi-millionaire player to sit?
I fully support everyone's right to freedom of speech and expression, but not from someone who is doing this for all of the wrong reasons. Kaepernick isn't doing right by any social injustice, his team, this nation, nor himself.
If Kaepernick REALLY wants to see change, go DO something! Stop sitting on your rear end and flapping off your gums. Talk means nothing! You have to get dirty and sweaty to actually make a difference. If we're really talking social injustice, where is he when innocent people are murdered on the streets of Chicago, or any where else in this world?
You cannot make change happen by sitting down. Too many people are doing that SAME thing and it is getting us nowhere!
Fund a project to educate kids about the dangers of gangs. Talk openly to those who think the only way to be taken seriously is to be "hardcore". Encourage people to get an education! Don't just sit down, too many people are sitting down on too many things now.
In all honesty Kaepernick, you look like a fool.
A person should be able to stand up and extend their voice against any social injustice. No one should pretend to be something they are not in order to not go against the social grain of normality. This whole thing is just odd. I say that because I remember, vividly remember, when the Rams had a handful of players coming out onto the field last season with their hands up... when the "hands up, don't shoot" movement began after the death of Michael Brown.
Where was he then when this movement began? I looked back on headlines containing his name and could not find anything showing me that he made any waves during this movement.
I look at Kaepernick and I see someone who is on the edge of being released from a NFL football team. Someone who is trying to make a pre-emptive excuse for his downfall within the NFL. He is not the player he was when he lead his team to the Superbowl and currently is that team's third string QB. I think he is embarrassed and is sick of having that pointed out; thus let's open the door for him to "protest" a social injustice and forget his lack of skill on the field.
What is peculiar to me is how the NFL is allowing this type of nonsense. Heaven forbid a player wear the wrong socks, shoes, or any other type of equipment on game day. They get FINED for that!
When it comes to standing up for our national anthem though the 49ers released this statement:
"The national anthem is and always will be a special part of the pre-game ceremony. In respecting such American principles as freedom of religion and freedom of expression, we recognize the right of an individual to choose and participate, or not, in our celebration of the national anthem."
What a line of nonsense! How can the 49ers release such garbage? If the NFL continues to allow this, they can no longer lay claim to supporting our troops. How can they when they allow a multi-millionaire player to sit?
I fully support everyone's right to freedom of speech and expression, but not from someone who is doing this for all of the wrong reasons. Kaepernick isn't doing right by any social injustice, his team, this nation, nor himself.
If Kaepernick REALLY wants to see change, go DO something! Stop sitting on your rear end and flapping off your gums. Talk means nothing! You have to get dirty and sweaty to actually make a difference. If we're really talking social injustice, where is he when innocent people are murdered on the streets of Chicago, or any where else in this world?
You cannot make change happen by sitting down. Too many people are doing that SAME thing and it is getting us nowhere!
Fund a project to educate kids about the dangers of gangs. Talk openly to those who think the only way to be taken seriously is to be "hardcore". Encourage people to get an education! Don't just sit down, too many people are sitting down on too many things now.
In all honesty Kaepernick, you look like a fool.
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Yep, You're Pregnant! (Part 3)
This time we were ready. We had already had the testing done. In a sad twist of fate, the miscarriage proved we could in fact get pregnant, so the odds were higher in our favor. Clomid and more cycle monitoring for us! It was a crazy couple of cycles.
The heartbreak every month was dehumanizing when mother nature showed up. The pills made me crazy hot. What is supposed to be the fun part in the bedroom turns into a scheduled appointment. It is not fun by any stretch of the imagination, but you do it because the end result is something spectacular.
It was around October of 2013 that I was beat. I needed a break from spending $300 plus for cycle monitoring and medications. I was going to turn 30 the next year and I wanted to get in shape. I wanted that to be my focus, so the husband and I agreed to have a break. I dedicated myself to my P90X routine and there were results! I was looking good! (For those living with PCOS, you know how hard losing weight is and I was actually doing it!)
December came and we were all getting ready for Christmas. As someone who is usually always hot, I love winter, it helps me feel relatively normal. My husband and his mom went to the mall that day and I was left alone to my own devices for some time. I wandered around the house and played with our pups, Rugby and Bazinga. Around dinnertime I decided to be nice and have food ready for my husband when he got home so I started to cook. It was about halfway through the process that my brain registered that I was cold. I was surprised. It had been a long time since I felt cold, so my brain said, "Well THIS is weird." I kept cooking and was not warming up. I don't know why I thought of it, but I decided to go into the bathroom and take a pregnancy test. It would turn out negative anyway, but let's give it a shot.
I took the digital test and went back to cooking. You see, when you take a pregnancy test every week and it always comes up NO, it isn't a wonder that I completely forgot about it until 15 minutes later. I stirred the pot and went into the bathroom. Looking back at me from my bathroom counter was that white piece of plastic that read PREGNANT. I couldn't believe it! I couldn't believe it so much that I actually said "F*@& you" to the object on my counter and ran out get more pregnancy tests to prove it wrong. I remember turning off my stove but not the candle I was burning.
I left the house looking like I had seen a ghost and left my pups with an unattended fire hazard. I raced to the grocery store a few blocks from my house and went to a clerk to get them to unlock the tests. She looked at me and asked if I was ok, not even remembering what I said, I asked her for all 4 different brands of tests she had, bought 2 bottles of Gatorade and went back to the car.
On my way home, I was chugging my first Gatorade and my husband calls me. "Where are you? You left a candle burning."
"Have you been in the bathroom yet," I asked.
"No, why?"
"Just GO!"
I heard him walking into the bathroom and a few seconds later he says, calm as a monk, "Well how about that."
The heartbreak every month was dehumanizing when mother nature showed up. The pills made me crazy hot. What is supposed to be the fun part in the bedroom turns into a scheduled appointment. It is not fun by any stretch of the imagination, but you do it because the end result is something spectacular.
It was around October of 2013 that I was beat. I needed a break from spending $300 plus for cycle monitoring and medications. I was going to turn 30 the next year and I wanted to get in shape. I wanted that to be my focus, so the husband and I agreed to have a break. I dedicated myself to my P90X routine and there were results! I was looking good! (For those living with PCOS, you know how hard losing weight is and I was actually doing it!)
December came and we were all getting ready for Christmas. As someone who is usually always hot, I love winter, it helps me feel relatively normal. My husband and his mom went to the mall that day and I was left alone to my own devices for some time. I wandered around the house and played with our pups, Rugby and Bazinga. Around dinnertime I decided to be nice and have food ready for my husband when he got home so I started to cook. It was about halfway through the process that my brain registered that I was cold. I was surprised. It had been a long time since I felt cold, so my brain said, "Well THIS is weird." I kept cooking and was not warming up. I don't know why I thought of it, but I decided to go into the bathroom and take a pregnancy test. It would turn out negative anyway, but let's give it a shot.
I took the digital test and went back to cooking. You see, when you take a pregnancy test every week and it always comes up NO, it isn't a wonder that I completely forgot about it until 15 minutes later. I stirred the pot and went into the bathroom. Looking back at me from my bathroom counter was that white piece of plastic that read PREGNANT. I couldn't believe it! I couldn't believe it so much that I actually said "F*@& you" to the object on my counter and ran out get more pregnancy tests to prove it wrong. I remember turning off my stove but not the candle I was burning.
I left the house looking like I had seen a ghost and left my pups with an unattended fire hazard. I raced to the grocery store a few blocks from my house and went to a clerk to get them to unlock the tests. She looked at me and asked if I was ok, not even remembering what I said, I asked her for all 4 different brands of tests she had, bought 2 bottles of Gatorade and went back to the car.
On my way home, I was chugging my first Gatorade and my husband calls me. "Where are you? You left a candle burning."
"Have you been in the bathroom yet," I asked.
"No, why?"
"Just GO!"
I heard him walking into the bathroom and a few seconds later he says, calm as a monk, "Well how about that."
Yep, You're Pregnant! (Part Two)
When someone goes through loss there are different ways of coping with the pain. Some need time, others may need to ignore it and bury themselves in activities... for me I became overwhelmed and bitter. I was angry. Furiously angry. What a cruel trick that God had played on me. I hadn't done anything bad in my lifetime, stupid, but not damning. I was a kind person. I helped others when I could.
I could not stop wondering what I done so WRONG in my life that I was given such a gift to have it yanked away from me so quickly????!!! Why was I given this curse of infertility? How DARE this happen to me!
I had heard someone tell me that people said I wasn't the same person anymore. I used to be carefree and happy, and now I was, for lack of a better word, a buzz kill. I had changed. I don't deny it. I was a changed person. To say I was sad and angry is being polite, but no one would ever understand my struggle. Not many would ever know what it is like to go through the daily struggle with PCOS. No one will know the ugly truth surrounding how mortifying it is to have doctors poke and prod every inch of you. To know and have it confirmed that I was the problem that my husband could not have a baby he so desperately deserved chipped away at my confidence. There wasn't a single soul who could relate with what my husband and I were experiencing because we were the only ones dealing with this problem.
Sure there are infertility clinics open for more people than just myself. I know there were other people going in there for some of the same reasons because I saw them while I was there for my appointments... but no one could relate to me and my struggle. That's how far gone I felt.
So consumed with anger had I become that family members did not want to share news someone in the family was pregnant. My husband worried after me and I shut him out. It was a dark, lonely time, and it really did not have to be. There were and still are others going through this battle with infertility. The CDC reports that 6% of the US population are infertile, but I think it is much higher than that. After all, it's expensive and embarassing.
The cost of infertility care is ridiculously high in America. Even with Obamacare, none of the treatment is covered if you are a civilian; service members have an edge here because some of their treatment is covered for infertility. This care should be covered for everyone. Afterall, how hard is it to do a vaginal ultrasound and cycle monitoring? Then I remember that making babies is a booming industry, upwards of Billions of dollars a year. The paranoid person in me is easily moved into a conspiracy between those who want to maintain their high dollar businesses and those who believe this is a way to keep the population controlled... but that's for another day.
How did I finally move on? Remember how I said that my family was afraid to tell me of a family member who was pregnant? Well, they told me....
I was at work, why my husband told me on my lunch break I will never understand, but I screamed out in fury. My heart was racing... these people weren't even TRYING for heaven's sake! I was driving and close to hyperventilating. I saw a church and pulled into the parking lot. The front doors were opened and I zoomed inside avoiding every office and person I could and went into the sanctuary. I sat and buried my face in my hands and cried. I yelled at God for cursing me so. I damned all of the people who had a child who sure as hell did not deserve one. I was anything but sweet and kind that day. Whatever temper was in me was unleashed. I cried for I don't even remember how long, and by the time I was done my face doubled in size and I looked like I had been laying in the sun too long I was so red.
As I relaxed and came down, I felt better. Calmer.
Over the next few months I stopped going on infertility message boards. I stopped being a part of a local infertility group on Facebook. I would look at a woman who was swollen with pregnancy and not feel sadness or anger, but happiness. After all, I have no idea what she went through for her to be able to get there. I celebrated, genuinely celebrated, people announcing their pregnancies. Slowly I came out of my dark funk.
I was ready to try again.
I could not stop wondering what I done so WRONG in my life that I was given such a gift to have it yanked away from me so quickly????!!! Why was I given this curse of infertility? How DARE this happen to me!
I had heard someone tell me that people said I wasn't the same person anymore. I used to be carefree and happy, and now I was, for lack of a better word, a buzz kill. I had changed. I don't deny it. I was a changed person. To say I was sad and angry is being polite, but no one would ever understand my struggle. Not many would ever know what it is like to go through the daily struggle with PCOS. No one will know the ugly truth surrounding how mortifying it is to have doctors poke and prod every inch of you. To know and have it confirmed that I was the problem that my husband could not have a baby he so desperately deserved chipped away at my confidence. There wasn't a single soul who could relate with what my husband and I were experiencing because we were the only ones dealing with this problem.
Sure there are infertility clinics open for more people than just myself. I know there were other people going in there for some of the same reasons because I saw them while I was there for my appointments... but no one could relate to me and my struggle. That's how far gone I felt.
So consumed with anger had I become that family members did not want to share news someone in the family was pregnant. My husband worried after me and I shut him out. It was a dark, lonely time, and it really did not have to be. There were and still are others going through this battle with infertility. The CDC reports that 6% of the US population are infertile, but I think it is much higher than that. After all, it's expensive and embarassing.
The cost of infertility care is ridiculously high in America. Even with Obamacare, none of the treatment is covered if you are a civilian; service members have an edge here because some of their treatment is covered for infertility. This care should be covered for everyone. Afterall, how hard is it to do a vaginal ultrasound and cycle monitoring? Then I remember that making babies is a booming industry, upwards of Billions of dollars a year. The paranoid person in me is easily moved into a conspiracy between those who want to maintain their high dollar businesses and those who believe this is a way to keep the population controlled... but that's for another day.
How did I finally move on? Remember how I said that my family was afraid to tell me of a family member who was pregnant? Well, they told me....
I was at work, why my husband told me on my lunch break I will never understand, but I screamed out in fury. My heart was racing... these people weren't even TRYING for heaven's sake! I was driving and close to hyperventilating. I saw a church and pulled into the parking lot. The front doors were opened and I zoomed inside avoiding every office and person I could and went into the sanctuary. I sat and buried my face in my hands and cried. I yelled at God for cursing me so. I damned all of the people who had a child who sure as hell did not deserve one. I was anything but sweet and kind that day. Whatever temper was in me was unleashed. I cried for I don't even remember how long, and by the time I was done my face doubled in size and I looked like I had been laying in the sun too long I was so red.
As I relaxed and came down, I felt better. Calmer.
Over the next few months I stopped going on infertility message boards. I stopped being a part of a local infertility group on Facebook. I would look at a woman who was swollen with pregnancy and not feel sadness or anger, but happiness. After all, I have no idea what she went through for her to be able to get there. I celebrated, genuinely celebrated, people announcing their pregnancies. Slowly I came out of my dark funk.
I was ready to try again.
Yep, You're Pregnant! (Part 1)
For those of you who may not know, I struggled with infertility. My husband and I went through 3 years of tests, treatments, planning, heartbreaks, setbacks, and loss. There really is nothing else in world like dealing with an infertility issue. Your life becomes consumed with doctors, charts,lab work, and test results. Infertility is all you think about and talk about. It's mentally and spiritually draining.
Then the first time comes where you FINALLY have a "Pregnant" pop on a home pregnancy test. I still remember the very first time I saw that double line. It was better than a cold drink on a hot day, it was magical. Then the doctor calls and confirms via blood-work that you are indeed pregnant. I remember that day vividly:
It was the week before Thanksgiving and I was going back to the office after lunch. Once I got off the phone with the nurse, I called my husband who would not believe we were pregnant until the blood-work came back. (At that point it had been a rough year and a half for him.) He was so happy that he started crying on the phone with me while I was navigating through traffic teary-eyed myself. We told everyone and our family was overjoyed, our friends cried, it was AMAZING! FINALLY!
The day before Thanksgiving, we went to the grocery store. My husband patted my stomach and hugged me and said this would be our last trip before Thanksgiving without a baby, and we both were deep-in-the-gut happy. Thanksgiving came and it was really all we could think and talk about.... the next day I woke up and my back would not stop hurting. I went to the bathroom and saw a little bit of blood. We went to the hospital and they confirmed that my Beta levels dropped, and there was nothing we could do. We were losing the baby we had gone through so much to get.
I felt like a failure. I wasn't supposed to lose this child we had just learned we had.
If you have not had to deal with a miscarriage, then I cannot describe the grief. It's unbearable to think of the loss of a life that will never be. There could be a million things you did right to make that life, but if one thing goes wrong in the cell division process or if nerves do not fire correctly... you end up having to start over. 80% of miscarriages happen within the first Trimester. 50% of all pregnancy ends in miscarriage, according to he March of Dimes, and out of those of us who knew we were pregnant, 15-25% end. That is a group of numbers for anyone thinking of having a child.
But you go on as best you can after. There is still a part of me every year that mourns that baby. I have no idea the gender, nor how far along we really were. Would it have made it easier? Probably not, so I don't know why I focus on it except to toss it up to my curious nature. I refer to that baby as Baby 1, our first baby.
Then the first time comes where you FINALLY have a "Pregnant" pop on a home pregnancy test. I still remember the very first time I saw that double line. It was better than a cold drink on a hot day, it was magical. Then the doctor calls and confirms via blood-work that you are indeed pregnant. I remember that day vividly:
It was the week before Thanksgiving and I was going back to the office after lunch. Once I got off the phone with the nurse, I called my husband who would not believe we were pregnant until the blood-work came back. (At that point it had been a rough year and a half for him.) He was so happy that he started crying on the phone with me while I was navigating through traffic teary-eyed myself. We told everyone and our family was overjoyed, our friends cried, it was AMAZING! FINALLY!
The day before Thanksgiving, we went to the grocery store. My husband patted my stomach and hugged me and said this would be our last trip before Thanksgiving without a baby, and we both were deep-in-the-gut happy. Thanksgiving came and it was really all we could think and talk about.... the next day I woke up and my back would not stop hurting. I went to the bathroom and saw a little bit of blood. We went to the hospital and they confirmed that my Beta levels dropped, and there was nothing we could do. We were losing the baby we had gone through so much to get.
I felt like a failure. I wasn't supposed to lose this child we had just learned we had.
If you have not had to deal with a miscarriage, then I cannot describe the grief. It's unbearable to think of the loss of a life that will never be. There could be a million things you did right to make that life, but if one thing goes wrong in the cell division process or if nerves do not fire correctly... you end up having to start over. 80% of miscarriages happen within the first Trimester. 50% of all pregnancy ends in miscarriage, according to he March of Dimes, and out of those of us who knew we were pregnant, 15-25% end. That is a group of numbers for anyone thinking of having a child.
But you go on as best you can after. There is still a part of me every year that mourns that baby. I have no idea the gender, nor how far along we really were. Would it have made it easier? Probably not, so I don't know why I focus on it except to toss it up to my curious nature. I refer to that baby as Baby 1, our first baby.
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Crystal Balls and Looking Glasses
I wish I had the ability to look into the future... just a little peek. Our world is at such a crossroads that you would think that everyone would unite in wanting the best possible positive outcome.
There are those of us who see danger and want to fix them, and those who see that we are doing fine and need not to alter the course. These different views of the our nation do nothing more than cause a greater rift among us, and make this process so much harder. Not that opposing view points are bad, they give us a chance to think and collaborate. Yet we only have one planet, one country, so how can we all unite?
That is why I want the crystal ball, to glimpse at what could be. I would want to see the world after both Trump and Clinton, and see which one is the best possible outcome.
I don't want to gamble the future of my child, my country, nor the world. This election is scary and I understand that this is going to affect more than just myself and my family.
For me, Clinton is not the answer. I have made that abundantly clear. Trump scares me but he does so much less than Clinton. Since it is 2016, why can't the public be offered more than two political parties battling over power?
As a history fanatic, I wonder if every person abreast with politics in the past felt the same way. Was the general public as concerned over Washington or Lincoln as we are with Trump and Clinton? Were there intensely heated debates over dinners that families decided they could not talk politics with one another after the election of our first President? More so, what would Washington and Lincoln say about these two front runners?
When I cast my vote in November, I just want the best possible outcome. Not the lesser of two evils.
There are those of us who see danger and want to fix them, and those who see that we are doing fine and need not to alter the course. These different views of the our nation do nothing more than cause a greater rift among us, and make this process so much harder. Not that opposing view points are bad, they give us a chance to think and collaborate. Yet we only have one planet, one country, so how can we all unite?
That is why I want the crystal ball, to glimpse at what could be. I would want to see the world after both Trump and Clinton, and see which one is the best possible outcome.
I don't want to gamble the future of my child, my country, nor the world. This election is scary and I understand that this is going to affect more than just myself and my family.
For me, Clinton is not the answer. I have made that abundantly clear. Trump scares me but he does so much less than Clinton. Since it is 2016, why can't the public be offered more than two political parties battling over power?
As a history fanatic, I wonder if every person abreast with politics in the past felt the same way. Was the general public as concerned over Washington or Lincoln as we are with Trump and Clinton? Were there intensely heated debates over dinners that families decided they could not talk politics with one another after the election of our first President? More so, what would Washington and Lincoln say about these two front runners?
When I cast my vote in November, I just want the best possible outcome. Not the lesser of two evils.
Friday, July 8, 2016
Last night while I was thinking about the events that happened in Louisiana and Minnesota, a thought hit me; I will never know what it is like to be a person of color. I will never know what is it like to have someone look at my skin color and worry about whether or not I am a criminal or if I have a good credit score. I will not know what it is like to question whether or not the police department is profiling me. I won't be able to begin to understand some people's fear for their lives or that of their children should they be detained by an officer. I just won't....
In my state of Virginia, the Loving v. Virginia case in 1967 tore away the barriers keeping people of different races from marrying one another. It's crazy to even think that there was a law PROHIBITING such a thing in our nation, much less that it happened just 17 years before I was born. What is even more disturbing is that there are still people who think this way in 2016 AND there are minorities who feel that same kind of hatred towards white people!!!
Let me be completely honest and candid. I CAN say that as a white woman I have understand the stigma surrounding me. People think that because of my skin color that I have had an easy life. Which is a humorous idea onto itself, as I have had my fair share of struggles, but I do not let that consume me. While I did grow up in a nice neighborhood and had a stay-at-home mom and a father who supported my endeavors; my life is a direct result of my actions and choices. I know what kind of person I am. I know my heart and soul. I know what I bring to this world and will not let someone's message of hate keep me from seeing the good in people.
I try every day to be some kind of light in someone's life because, dammit, life is HARD! Life is hard enough with juggling how to pay bills, be a good parent, a responsible citizen to wonder at the dislike that someone of a different color may hold of me.
I do not want to be judged based on my skin color just like those who have more melanin in their skin than I. That's the way it should be. We should all want to help one another regardless of skin color, religion, sexual preference, political stance, and income level.
What has happened this past week by the deaths surrounding Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and now those of the Dallas police officers... my heart can't take any more of it. Just like most of the nation and world, I am so sick and tired of the hate. No one should ever have to be afraid of the police, and the police should never have to be afraid of their citizens.
Dallas Police Chief David Brown said, "We don't feel much support these days. Let's not make today most day's."
Dear God in Heaven, what kind of a culture have we developed and let take over to have a police chief say such a thing?
Today, in the wake of these tragedies, don't politicize these deaths. Don't use these deaths to forward any kind of agenda other than peace and love and mutual respect.
Tell your family members that you love them and say the same to a complete stranger.
Life is too short, too precious, not to spread a message of love, kindness, and respect.
In my state of Virginia, the Loving v. Virginia case in 1967 tore away the barriers keeping people of different races from marrying one another. It's crazy to even think that there was a law PROHIBITING such a thing in our nation, much less that it happened just 17 years before I was born. What is even more disturbing is that there are still people who think this way in 2016 AND there are minorities who feel that same kind of hatred towards white people!!!
Let me be completely honest and candid. I CAN say that as a white woman I have understand the stigma surrounding me. People think that because of my skin color that I have had an easy life. Which is a humorous idea onto itself, as I have had my fair share of struggles, but I do not let that consume me. While I did grow up in a nice neighborhood and had a stay-at-home mom and a father who supported my endeavors; my life is a direct result of my actions and choices. I know what kind of person I am. I know my heart and soul. I know what I bring to this world and will not let someone's message of hate keep me from seeing the good in people.
I try every day to be some kind of light in someone's life because, dammit, life is HARD! Life is hard enough with juggling how to pay bills, be a good parent, a responsible citizen to wonder at the dislike that someone of a different color may hold of me.
I do not want to be judged based on my skin color just like those who have more melanin in their skin than I. That's the way it should be. We should all want to help one another regardless of skin color, religion, sexual preference, political stance, and income level.
What has happened this past week by the deaths surrounding Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and now those of the Dallas police officers... my heart can't take any more of it. Just like most of the nation and world, I am so sick and tired of the hate. No one should ever have to be afraid of the police, and the police should never have to be afraid of their citizens.
Dallas Police Chief David Brown said, "We don't feel much support these days. Let's not make today most day's."
Dear God in Heaven, what kind of a culture have we developed and let take over to have a police chief say such a thing?
Today, in the wake of these tragedies, don't politicize these deaths. Don't use these deaths to forward any kind of agenda other than peace and love and mutual respect.
Tell your family members that you love them and say the same to a complete stranger.
Life is too short, too precious, not to spread a message of love, kindness, and respect.
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
The Statement Heard Around the World
FBI Director Comey came out yesterday with a public recommendation that evidence suggests Hillary Clinton should not face charges regarding her private email server. In his statement Comey alluded that her actions were careless but not malicious. Obama even chimed in and said she has owned up to her actions so the slate is clean. She has learned from her mistakes and won't do it again. Pinkie swear! *insert eye roll here*
There was no political influence in this case??? Everything in D.C. is influenced by politics; from what we can and cannot eat, to what businesses are allowed to flourish, our military operations, to the FBI. Nothing in this day and age is not influenced by the corrupted politicians in Washington D.C. We all are not naïve to their actions, so why try to lie to the American public?
Let's examine this issue carefully.
Comey said that "our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case" against Hillary Clinton. What that really means is that no prosecutor would be willing to go out on their own, risk their career, and bring the case against Clinton. Should some brave prosecutor go through with this not only would they try to prosecute a very powerful and influential family, but they would do so knowing that the government would do everything within their power to protect one of their own.
There wasn't intent to commit any wrong doing?! The intent to break the law was there the moment she created that server to hide her emails! Are we forgetting that the person who set up this server has immunity from the Justice Department? Wise up, folks! No one is granted immunity unless information they can provide is important and imperative to an investigation. Are those defending Clinton's actions forgetting that SHE decided what emails were handed over for the investigation? That her server was hacked by Guccifer and Heaven only knows who else?
This is a slap in the face for anyone demanding transparency and equality.
"To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now."- Comey
For anyone who questions whether or not justice was served, read the above statement. Let it sink in. Examine every word. Comey publically admitted that Clinton, and a vast majority of elected officials, are above the rule of law that the rest of American society is subject to. If you or I had been in a government office, and done the same thing, we would be forced to suffer the consequences. Our lives would be over, but not Clinton. She is above the law.
What we witnessed yesterday proves she does not have to follow our laws, and yet her campaign is promising that she is "Fighting For Us". Indeed she IS "fighting for us". She is "fighting" to keep the general American public down so she may expand her power and station. We are not her equals, we are a speck of dirt on her expensive clothes. She is a liar. She is a cheater. She is now officially above our nation's laws. She is protected, and we are not.
If you vote for her, you have to know going in that she will not protect you. Your life and rights will be decided on the generosity of her campaign donors, and yes this includes foreign governments. If she is above the law, that means she, and anyone appointed by her, is above our Constitution.
Hillary Clinton is dangerous and CANNOT be our next President.
There was no political influence in this case??? Everything in D.C. is influenced by politics; from what we can and cannot eat, to what businesses are allowed to flourish, our military operations, to the FBI. Nothing in this day and age is not influenced by the corrupted politicians in Washington D.C. We all are not naïve to their actions, so why try to lie to the American public?
Let's examine this issue carefully.
Comey said that "our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case" against Hillary Clinton. What that really means is that no prosecutor would be willing to go out on their own, risk their career, and bring the case against Clinton. Should some brave prosecutor go through with this not only would they try to prosecute a very powerful and influential family, but they would do so knowing that the government would do everything within their power to protect one of their own.
There wasn't intent to commit any wrong doing?! The intent to break the law was there the moment she created that server to hide her emails! Are we forgetting that the person who set up this server has immunity from the Justice Department? Wise up, folks! No one is granted immunity unless information they can provide is important and imperative to an investigation. Are those defending Clinton's actions forgetting that SHE decided what emails were handed over for the investigation? That her server was hacked by Guccifer and Heaven only knows who else?
This is a slap in the face for anyone demanding transparency and equality.
"To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now."- Comey
For anyone who questions whether or not justice was served, read the above statement. Let it sink in. Examine every word. Comey publically admitted that Clinton, and a vast majority of elected officials, are above the rule of law that the rest of American society is subject to. If you or I had been in a government office, and done the same thing, we would be forced to suffer the consequences. Our lives would be over, but not Clinton. She is above the law.
What we witnessed yesterday proves she does not have to follow our laws, and yet her campaign is promising that she is "Fighting For Us". Indeed she IS "fighting for us". She is "fighting" to keep the general American public down so she may expand her power and station. We are not her equals, we are a speck of dirt on her expensive clothes. She is a liar. She is a cheater. She is now officially above our nation's laws. She is protected, and we are not.
If you vote for her, you have to know going in that she will not protect you. Your life and rights will be decided on the generosity of her campaign donors, and yes this includes foreign governments. If she is above the law, that means she, and anyone appointed by her, is above our Constitution.
Hillary Clinton is dangerous and CANNOT be our next President.
Monday, July 4, 2016
July 4th
The Sons of Liberty began as a result of the British Government levying taxes against the Colonies without representation. The unrest of the people in the Colonies was palpable. How dare anyone tax them without their consent?!
The passion people feel for items "Made in America" can be traced back to the Daughters of Liberty. These lady patriots began boycotting British goods so as to not pay the salaries of judges or governors who were loyal to the King of England.
The Sons and Daughters of Liberty were the building blocks of what turned into a movement throughout the Thirteen Colonies to bring forth the American Revolution.
As a nation, we celebrate the brave men and women of the Revolution who had found their passion to fight the oppressive governance from the King of England. It is because of these courageous souls (past, present, and future) that we can lay claim to be, "The land of the Free, Home of the Brave."
Today we are facing a current administration, both federal and local, who seem to have forgotten that to not follow the will of the people shall have dire consequences to their comfortable grip of power. This time, this election cycle, it is clear that we the people, have to come together to "institute a new Government" in light of our current government's "abuses and usurpation."
Freedom isn't free, and the price of our liberty should not depend on the whim of those in government for their personal gain.
It is time to remember the brave and tyrannous actions that founded our nation. It is time to tell politicians that their actions have consequences. That our taxes are not to be used to for their profit, nor that of their friends. It is time to take our government back! It is time for our Revolution!
The passion people feel for items "Made in America" can be traced back to the Daughters of Liberty. These lady patriots began boycotting British goods so as to not pay the salaries of judges or governors who were loyal to the King of England.
The Sons and Daughters of Liberty were the building blocks of what turned into a movement throughout the Thirteen Colonies to bring forth the American Revolution.
As a nation, we celebrate the brave men and women of the Revolution who had found their passion to fight the oppressive governance from the King of England. It is because of these courageous souls (past, present, and future) that we can lay claim to be, "The land of the Free, Home of the Brave."
Today we are facing a current administration, both federal and local, who seem to have forgotten that to not follow the will of the people shall have dire consequences to their comfortable grip of power. This time, this election cycle, it is clear that we the people, have to come together to "institute a new Government" in light of our current government's "abuses and usurpation."
Freedom isn't free, and the price of our liberty should not depend on the whim of those in government for their personal gain.
It is time to remember the brave and tyrannous actions that founded our nation. It is time to tell politicians that their actions have consequences. That our taxes are not to be used to for their profit, nor that of their friends. It is time to take our government back! It is time for our Revolution!
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Texas HB2
"I am pleased to see the Supreme Court protect women's rights and health today," said President Obama after the 5-3 ruling that struck down HB2. A law that would require clinics to follow surgical center standards, and the doctors performing abortions would have to have accessing rights to hospitals.
Has common sense taken a vacation within the Supreme Court? If you decide to be in the pro-choice crowd, that is one thing, but to say HB2 would create an "undue burden" on a woman's right to an abortion is complete nonsense. When I heard this decision, the very first thought that crossed my mind was why on Earth wouldn't we want this? How would any woman decide to have an abortion in a dirty clinic that did not meet the same standards as a surgical center? After all, this is an intensely brutal procedure, why wouldn't you want a sterile environment? This doesn't sound like an undue burden, it sounds like the lawmakers in Texas saw some less than desirable clinics in their state.
This also chips a little more away from States rights. A state knows better than the Federal government what is happening within their state lines. This ruling is doing nothing more than sending a strong signal that Big Brother knows better than you. Or the Federal government THINKS they know better but really just end up repeatedly making a fool of themselves.
So how is it that we have become a nation so obsessed with linking abortion to women's health care? It all comes around to verbiage. Most have become so numb to the idea that what has actually been created is a life, that a child in the womb is an actual person with a soul. Instead we are being fed lies, being able to call what a woman is carrying a "fetus" instead of a baby. This fetus isn't a person but a clumping of cells that doesn't feel, which makes it is easier to stomach a procedure to end it.
In the end it really is not a song of women's health care, it is a matter of morality. The Supreme Court did not weigh in on the side of women's health, nor any undue burden. They caved to a society who have become flippant on the value of human life.
Has common sense taken a vacation within the Supreme Court? If you decide to be in the pro-choice crowd, that is one thing, but to say HB2 would create an "undue burden" on a woman's right to an abortion is complete nonsense. When I heard this decision, the very first thought that crossed my mind was why on Earth wouldn't we want this? How would any woman decide to have an abortion in a dirty clinic that did not meet the same standards as a surgical center? After all, this is an intensely brutal procedure, why wouldn't you want a sterile environment? This doesn't sound like an undue burden, it sounds like the lawmakers in Texas saw some less than desirable clinics in their state.
This also chips a little more away from States rights. A state knows better than the Federal government what is happening within their state lines. This ruling is doing nothing more than sending a strong signal that Big Brother knows better than you. Or the Federal government THINKS they know better but really just end up repeatedly making a fool of themselves.
So how is it that we have become a nation so obsessed with linking abortion to women's health care? It all comes around to verbiage. Most have become so numb to the idea that what has actually been created is a life, that a child in the womb is an actual person with a soul. Instead we are being fed lies, being able to call what a woman is carrying a "fetus" instead of a baby. This fetus isn't a person but a clumping of cells that doesn't feel, which makes it is easier to stomach a procedure to end it.
In the end it really is not a song of women's health care, it is a matter of morality. The Supreme Court did not weigh in on the side of women's health, nor any undue burden. They caved to a society who have become flippant on the value of human life.
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Brain Dead and Lost
Why must we continue to write about tragedy as it pertains to terrorist attacks? It is 2016. We have been fighting ISIS for years, least that is what we have been told, so why are we still witnessing brutal murders claimed by this group? Why is it that the general public is being told that ISIS is losing ground, however, we watch reports on the news contradicting Obama's statements?
Yes, I know the MSM (main stream media) will try to sensationalize events, they have to get ratings. I know that we should question everything, but there are more families today who have lost a family member because our leaders are not taking the threat by ISIS seriously.
Do they WANT us to die at the hands of terrorists to forward their agenda? No, I will not go to that extreme. Do I think they are taking advantage of these attacks to take away more of our freedoms? Yes, yes I do.
It makes me wonder what is going on to continue this ripe environment for terrorist groups? We're being told they are falling back, but these attacks sing a different song. We are at war with a group of people who are easily able to recruit and enslave. We are at war with a group that has an easier time acquiring money than the Clinton Foundation. ISIS can be at this moment in our back yards and we would not know, because most are lying in wait because our government and the world wants to be blinded by the threat.
We read stories about the cruelty of ISIS but if we question their motives, we're labeled as misguided, racist, xenophobic, or uneducated. We have leaders worldwide who are in a never ending battle to show other nation's who can be the most compassionate with open borders for refuges. Meanwhile their own countrymen are being asked to shoulder a heavier burden to a grouping of people who are more than likely NOT refugees from war torn nations. Merkel sure as hell has a lot of explaining to do, just as Obama's administration, and the world around does. (With the Brexit I suspect most of the EU nations are upset that their own country will have to shoulder more of the "open border" problems now that Britain said no more.)
If Loretta Lynch and Obama has their way, we will continue the same path in regards to "fighting" ISIS. In their minds ISIS is just a misunderstood moody teenager, that needs love and affection to stop their wicked ways. Just imagine if physicians thought the same about cancer. Instead of treating it aggressively, we shift to herbal teas and campfire songs. It is this way of thinking that prompts me to also think that they view cancer as misdiagnosed severe cold.
The only way we are going to beat this threat is to put up an aggressive plan, which does not include hugs and kisses. The tactics that world leaders have been using to this point have not worked, so why do we trust them to create a plan of attack that would do anything more than what is being done now?
The world leader's are creating safe spaces world wide for the cancerous cells of ISIS to flourish because they have no idea what they are doing. War isn't always the answer for sure, but in this case if we don't demand stronger leadership, we can witness our way of life flowing down the drain.
The time for action is here. It's time to stop hiding from our enemy. Stop wishing them away. Don't let those lives lost to terrorist attacks mean nothing because our leadership is too brain dead to know what to do.
Yes, I know the MSM (main stream media) will try to sensationalize events, they have to get ratings. I know that we should question everything, but there are more families today who have lost a family member because our leaders are not taking the threat by ISIS seriously.
Do they WANT us to die at the hands of terrorists to forward their agenda? No, I will not go to that extreme. Do I think they are taking advantage of these attacks to take away more of our freedoms? Yes, yes I do.
It makes me wonder what is going on to continue this ripe environment for terrorist groups? We're being told they are falling back, but these attacks sing a different song. We are at war with a group of people who are easily able to recruit and enslave. We are at war with a group that has an easier time acquiring money than the Clinton Foundation. ISIS can be at this moment in our back yards and we would not know, because most are lying in wait because our government and the world wants to be blinded by the threat.
We read stories about the cruelty of ISIS but if we question their motives, we're labeled as misguided, racist, xenophobic, or uneducated. We have leaders worldwide who are in a never ending battle to show other nation's who can be the most compassionate with open borders for refuges. Meanwhile their own countrymen are being asked to shoulder a heavier burden to a grouping of people who are more than likely NOT refugees from war torn nations. Merkel sure as hell has a lot of explaining to do, just as Obama's administration, and the world around does. (With the Brexit I suspect most of the EU nations are upset that their own country will have to shoulder more of the "open border" problems now that Britain said no more.)
If Loretta Lynch and Obama has their way, we will continue the same path in regards to "fighting" ISIS. In their minds ISIS is just a misunderstood moody teenager, that needs love and affection to stop their wicked ways. Just imagine if physicians thought the same about cancer. Instead of treating it aggressively, we shift to herbal teas and campfire songs. It is this way of thinking that prompts me to also think that they view cancer as misdiagnosed severe cold.
The only way we are going to beat this threat is to put up an aggressive plan, which does not include hugs and kisses. The tactics that world leaders have been using to this point have not worked, so why do we trust them to create a plan of attack that would do anything more than what is being done now?
The world leader's are creating safe spaces world wide for the cancerous cells of ISIS to flourish because they have no idea what they are doing. War isn't always the answer for sure, but in this case if we don't demand stronger leadership, we can witness our way of life flowing down the drain.
The time for action is here. It's time to stop hiding from our enemy. Stop wishing them away. Don't let those lives lost to terrorist attacks mean nothing because our leadership is too brain dead to know what to do.
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Sanders stands behind Clinton
Is Bernie admitting defeat when he says he will likely be voting for Hillary in the fall? The numbers are not adding up for him to win the nomination, a point he declared while speaking with Chris Cuomo. If this is the case, why am I not seeing breaking news with him declaring his candidacy for president is over? News is coming out instead, that Sanders' press secretary has left his campaign. Does this not sound like someone who has completely given up on his campaign? So why not just admit defeat and leave? Is he holding onto some small thread that Clinton will be locked away by summer's end with her email scandal?
Let's get wild and pull a theoretical scenario here, let's say I am "with Bernie." I am a Bernie supporter. He has my vote 100%. Why am I supporting him? For starters, he is not being supported by the traditional banks, hedge fund, Wall Street morons who cause more harm than good. He is bringing an unflattering light to the Democrats and their candidate selection process with their "SUPER delegates". Sanders is able to engage people who have never voted before because he has a "new" age spin on what politics and government should be. He is a person representing the "every man", but most of all he is not corrupt like Hillary Clinton. Go, Bernie, Go!
As a Bernie Sander's supporter, I am LIVID! How DARE he openly say he is going to endorse the very woman we are all against! There are not a lot of Bernie supporters in the Hillary camp! She is the very idea of EVERYTHING wrong with government. Hillary is the living embodiment of corruption, greed, political favors, special interest group thug that needs to be extinguished from D.C. Yeah, we all hate Trump, because he's racist and sexist, but how COULD you Bernie?! You sold out. You might not be officially out of the race, but you're saying you will cast your vote for someone we are trying so hard to be rid of.
Now back to reality, no more hyothetical support for Bernie.
His latest tweet on his official page reads as follows:
"We must take on the greed and power of corporate America, and create a government and an economy that works for all, not just the 1 percent."
If he really and truly believes this, then how on EARTH can he say he will vote for Clinton? Clinton is everything in the above Tweet. I am wondering if all of these special meetings he is having with Obama and others on the Hill is affecting his discontent with the status quo. If I were to have such an impassioned following of supporters, I would tell them to vote their conscience and write my name in! Have you lost your spine, Bernie? You are turning into a coward if you think a vote for Hillary is the "right" thing to do to keep Trump from office. The personal conviction within yourself and what your movement means isn't heartfelt if you're saying you'll end up voting for the person who is everything your campaign is fighting.
The only ones "feeling the Bern" are your supporters.
Let's get wild and pull a theoretical scenario here, let's say I am "with Bernie." I am a Bernie supporter. He has my vote 100%. Why am I supporting him? For starters, he is not being supported by the traditional banks, hedge fund, Wall Street morons who cause more harm than good. He is bringing an unflattering light to the Democrats and their candidate selection process with their "SUPER delegates". Sanders is able to engage people who have never voted before because he has a "new" age spin on what politics and government should be. He is a person representing the "every man", but most of all he is not corrupt like Hillary Clinton. Go, Bernie, Go!
As a Bernie Sander's supporter, I am LIVID! How DARE he openly say he is going to endorse the very woman we are all against! There are not a lot of Bernie supporters in the Hillary camp! She is the very idea of EVERYTHING wrong with government. Hillary is the living embodiment of corruption, greed, political favors, special interest group thug that needs to be extinguished from D.C. Yeah, we all hate Trump, because he's racist and sexist, but how COULD you Bernie?! You sold out. You might not be officially out of the race, but you're saying you will cast your vote for someone we are trying so hard to be rid of.
Now back to reality, no more hyothetical support for Bernie.
His latest tweet on his official page reads as follows:
"We must take on the greed and power of corporate America, and create a government and an economy that works for all, not just the 1 percent."
If he really and truly believes this, then how on EARTH can he say he will vote for Clinton? Clinton is everything in the above Tweet. I am wondering if all of these special meetings he is having with Obama and others on the Hill is affecting his discontent with the status quo. If I were to have such an impassioned following of supporters, I would tell them to vote their conscience and write my name in! Have you lost your spine, Bernie? You are turning into a coward if you think a vote for Hillary is the "right" thing to do to keep Trump from office. The personal conviction within yourself and what your movement means isn't heartfelt if you're saying you'll end up voting for the person who is everything your campaign is fighting.
The only ones "feeling the Bern" are your supporters.
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Jihad vs. The World
What is this aversion to calling out evil? Seeing the reports from Fort Hood, to San Bernardino, and now Orlando... we're missing out on the most important issue facing us. We're not facing the problem. We're glossing over it because we are falling into hype of nonsense brought to us by the PC nation lead by President Obama.
We have got to ban guns!
Wait. Just wait. No we do not need to ban guns. Guns are not the problem. Banning guns, of any caliber, is not going to stop these types of terrorist attacks on American citizens or anyone else in the world. No guns just means the people who want to cause harm will find a different way.
People have owned guns for years without this nonsense happening.
My Parents and grandparents did not go around thinking that the way to deal with their problems was to shoot the party who disagreed with them, so no, banning guns will not end this madness.
We have to ban Muslims!
I understand this sentiment, I really do. Whenever there is an attack on our people, on the very foundation of what we believe, it is easy to get caught up in that hate and fear.
No, banning Muslims is not going to end this war.
Would it be beneficial to improve our vetting system? Yes. Should we put a temporary halt to immigration for everyone and taking in refugees until this is worked out? Yes. A million times yes!
Not all who follow the faith want to kill those who are not fellow believers. Like I have said before, the vast majority of people on this planet just want to live peacefully and raise their family.
The murderer in Orlando was born an American citizen, so even to ban Muslims from entering the country would not have stopped him.
If you have paid attention, you can see where we as a nation, where we as a world, have gone wrong.
We stopped allowing our kids to be competitive. In order to not allow anyone to have their feelings get hurt, we've been resorting to giving away participation ribbons. Even more, schools are pushing the envelope to have the student who may not do well academically will become a straight A student with lax grading systems. Meanwhile those students who want to be challenged are being lost to a system where they are viewed as privileged. Students are being taught that our country has committed the most evil atrocities the world has ever seen. To burn or desecrate the flag is admirable. To be patriotic is unseemly. The country that I grew up in is a complete 180 from what I see today.
We have to stop being afraid to call a terrorist a terrorist. The world needs leaders who know the difference between allowing people to freely practice their religion and being vigilant to communities that are a threat.
When I read reports saying the suspect in the Orlando shootings has been investigated by the FBI twice, and reports from co-workers were dismissed because the ones reporting him were believed to have been bigoted.... That makes my brain hurt. When the wife says he was scouting out Disney as a possible location... why didn't she report this before hand?
We all know why we are in this mess. It all stems from political correctness.
Shame on all of the politicians using this as a platform for gun control. Every firearm purchased by the murderer was done so legally. Shame on anyone who has lost their compassion for those murdered because they are against the LGTB lifestyle. (No one, absolutely no one, deserves to be brutally murdered because you disagree with someone's lifestyle choices.) Shame on Obama for sidelining the issue of terrorism whether domestic or abroad for the issue of climate change. Shame on the administration for not taking the threat from ISIS seriously.
Whether I directly know anyone from this shooting is irrelevant. American men and women were murdered on American soil in another terrorist attack. I am heartbroken.
I am furious!
I demand results to fix the ever increasing threat to my fellow Americans and people around the world from ISIS!
We have got to ban guns!
Wait. Just wait. No we do not need to ban guns. Guns are not the problem. Banning guns, of any caliber, is not going to stop these types of terrorist attacks on American citizens or anyone else in the world. No guns just means the people who want to cause harm will find a different way.
People have owned guns for years without this nonsense happening.
My Parents and grandparents did not go around thinking that the way to deal with their problems was to shoot the party who disagreed with them, so no, banning guns will not end this madness.
We have to ban Muslims!
I understand this sentiment, I really do. Whenever there is an attack on our people, on the very foundation of what we believe, it is easy to get caught up in that hate and fear.
No, banning Muslims is not going to end this war.
Would it be beneficial to improve our vetting system? Yes. Should we put a temporary halt to immigration for everyone and taking in refugees until this is worked out? Yes. A million times yes!
Not all who follow the faith want to kill those who are not fellow believers. Like I have said before, the vast majority of people on this planet just want to live peacefully and raise their family.
The murderer in Orlando was born an American citizen, so even to ban Muslims from entering the country would not have stopped him.
If you have paid attention, you can see where we as a nation, where we as a world, have gone wrong.
We stopped allowing our kids to be competitive. In order to not allow anyone to have their feelings get hurt, we've been resorting to giving away participation ribbons. Even more, schools are pushing the envelope to have the student who may not do well academically will become a straight A student with lax grading systems. Meanwhile those students who want to be challenged are being lost to a system where they are viewed as privileged. Students are being taught that our country has committed the most evil atrocities the world has ever seen. To burn or desecrate the flag is admirable. To be patriotic is unseemly. The country that I grew up in is a complete 180 from what I see today.
We have to stop being afraid to call a terrorist a terrorist. The world needs leaders who know the difference between allowing people to freely practice their religion and being vigilant to communities that are a threat.
When I read reports saying the suspect in the Orlando shootings has been investigated by the FBI twice, and reports from co-workers were dismissed because the ones reporting him were believed to have been bigoted.... That makes my brain hurt. When the wife says he was scouting out Disney as a possible location... why didn't she report this before hand?
We all know why we are in this mess. It all stems from political correctness.
Shame on all of the politicians using this as a platform for gun control. Every firearm purchased by the murderer was done so legally. Shame on anyone who has lost their compassion for those murdered because they are against the LGTB lifestyle. (No one, absolutely no one, deserves to be brutally murdered because you disagree with someone's lifestyle choices.) Shame on Obama for sidelining the issue of terrorism whether domestic or abroad for the issue of climate change. Shame on the administration for not taking the threat from ISIS seriously.
Whether I directly know anyone from this shooting is irrelevant. American men and women were murdered on American soil in another terrorist attack. I am heartbroken.
I am furious!
I demand results to fix the ever increasing threat to my fellow Americans and people around the world from ISIS!
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Glass Slippers and Glass Ceilings
What a disgrace to history we have witnessed on June 7th. Hillary Clinton is the first female Presidential nominee... and I, as a woman, am mortified that I am expected to be enthusiastic for this occasion! I am being told I am supposed to feel like a glass ceiling has been shattered. That Hillary Clinton getting, but in all honesty has "bought", the nomination is a monumental stepping stone for future generations of women, and also for myself. Her nomination is a milestone for women everywhere....
For anyone who is waiving the American flag with your face covered in tears of joy for this moment, you've been duped. Had. Your goat has been got. There is nothing special about this woman, and by no means should anyone be using her as a role model for young girls or women anywhere.
History has forever handed us a smoke screen of what is supposed to be a historic event.
The main stream media will say "She's a pioneer for women's rights!" I am 32 years old, and I can honestly tell you my rights did NOT come from her. My rights came from women like Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Stanton, Clelia Mosher, Sojourner Truth, and men who supported their movement like the remarkable Frederick Douglas. Clinton's push for what we're labeling "women's rights" has everything to do with abortion and nothing of merit, but please continue this farce of telling Americans and the world that she is "fighting for us." When has she ever come out publicly and denounced the laws that allow for acceptable beatings of a wife from her husband for disobeying him? When has she ever threatened to cut off aid to nations who look at women as second class citizens? When has Hillary Clinton gone to the EU to demand that every child, every girl, be allowed to complete their education before their families allow for an arraigned marriage to take place? Where is their happily ever after? Show me these transcripts!
I cringe when I hear people give her credit as the Secretary of State. She has "brought the world to negotiation tables".... (Yes, I found this argument when I Goggled "Hillary Clinton Accomplishments.") If you want to talk about bringing the world together to turn the US into the EU's welcome mat and subsequently weaken the US military ... then SURE! She's fantastic.
How do you propose me to look up to, and idolize, a woman who accepts money for her foundation in exchange for political favors? How can you expect me to stand in awe of a woman who stays locked in a marriage for political gain? How much longer will I need to keep asking Hillary supporters to tell me her accomplishments and be content without an answer? This woman has done nothing more than pad her pocket while sporting the latest designer label. This woman says she understands the plight of the poor and middle class, and to claim she was broke when they left the White House.
She's nothing more than a modern day con artist who continuously scams the American people.
I say this as a woman, a mother, a wife, a daughter, a granddaughter, and a niece; Hillary Clinton has stolen a momentous night from American history, and I will do everything within my power to deny her the White House.
For anyone who is waiving the American flag with your face covered in tears of joy for this moment, you've been duped. Had. Your goat has been got. There is nothing special about this woman, and by no means should anyone be using her as a role model for young girls or women anywhere.
History has forever handed us a smoke screen of what is supposed to be a historic event.
The main stream media will say "She's a pioneer for women's rights!" I am 32 years old, and I can honestly tell you my rights did NOT come from her. My rights came from women like Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Stanton, Clelia Mosher, Sojourner Truth, and men who supported their movement like the remarkable Frederick Douglas. Clinton's push for what we're labeling "women's rights" has everything to do with abortion and nothing of merit, but please continue this farce of telling Americans and the world that she is "fighting for us." When has she ever come out publicly and denounced the laws that allow for acceptable beatings of a wife from her husband for disobeying him? When has she ever threatened to cut off aid to nations who look at women as second class citizens? When has Hillary Clinton gone to the EU to demand that every child, every girl, be allowed to complete their education before their families allow for an arraigned marriage to take place? Where is their happily ever after? Show me these transcripts!
I cringe when I hear people give her credit as the Secretary of State. She has "brought the world to negotiation tables".... (Yes, I found this argument when I Goggled "Hillary Clinton Accomplishments.") If you want to talk about bringing the world together to turn the US into the EU's welcome mat and subsequently weaken the US military ... then SURE! She's fantastic.
How do you propose me to look up to, and idolize, a woman who accepts money for her foundation in exchange for political favors? How can you expect me to stand in awe of a woman who stays locked in a marriage for political gain? How much longer will I need to keep asking Hillary supporters to tell me her accomplishments and be content without an answer? This woman has done nothing more than pad her pocket while sporting the latest designer label. This woman says she understands the plight of the poor and middle class, and to claim she was broke when they left the White House.
She's nothing more than a modern day con artist who continuously scams the American people.
I say this as a woman, a mother, a wife, a daughter, a granddaughter, and a niece; Hillary Clinton has stolen a momentous night from American history, and I will do everything within my power to deny her the White House.
Monday, May 30, 2016
Memorial Day
Memorial Day was originally referred to as "Decoration Day" which began shortly after the Civil War. According to reports, springtime gave birth to tributes to honor those who perished in the Civil War. This day was marked by prayers and the decoration of graves. People gathered to honor the fallen, then the federal government unified on one national observance day.
In our modern times, we still continue with this idea to get together with friends and family. Yes there are some who do not have a connection to the fallen and who may not truly grasp the significance, but the idea is still the same. Those who may not have a direct connection to the fallen are in a way paying a small tribute to those who lost their lives by holding these gatherings. Indirectly, they are demonstrating the freedoms that those who died for America.
We owe these souls a great deal. We can sleep at night knowing there are those awake monitoring our safety from dangers near and far. We can relax with our coffee and ease into the day because someone drew their last breath on the battlefield. We can watch parades and eat watermelon because someone chose to become a solider.
There are some will never know the brutal reality that many face. Some will never have that connection to the wife or husband who places flowers at the grave of their spouse. Some will probably never meet a child who grew up placing flags at their parent's grave. Some will not witness the ceremony on Memorial Day at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Yet one thing remains a constant; we are all Americans.
Whether you agree with the politics in the wars or not. Whether you are directly affected by those we have lost or not. Whether you show patriotism or not, we are all American.
Today is one of the few days where it doesn't matter what level of education you have. It doesn't matter what your gender, age, sexual preference, religion, political affiliation, or skin color is. Today we honor those who lost a loved one. We honor those who lost a mom or dad, brother or sister, uncle or aunt, daughter or son. Today we stand together, even for a moment, and pay respect to those who died wearing our country's uniform and to support those missing a loved one.
Today remember them and know that the freedoms we enjoy today and every day are not free.
In our modern times, we still continue with this idea to get together with friends and family. Yes there are some who do not have a connection to the fallen and who may not truly grasp the significance, but the idea is still the same. Those who may not have a direct connection to the fallen are in a way paying a small tribute to those who lost their lives by holding these gatherings. Indirectly, they are demonstrating the freedoms that those who died for America.
We owe these souls a great deal. We can sleep at night knowing there are those awake monitoring our safety from dangers near and far. We can relax with our coffee and ease into the day because someone drew their last breath on the battlefield. We can watch parades and eat watermelon because someone chose to become a solider.
There are some will never know the brutal reality that many face. Some will never have that connection to the wife or husband who places flowers at the grave of their spouse. Some will probably never meet a child who grew up placing flags at their parent's grave. Some will not witness the ceremony on Memorial Day at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Yet one thing remains a constant; we are all Americans.
Whether you agree with the politics in the wars or not. Whether you are directly affected by those we have lost or not. Whether you show patriotism or not, we are all American.
Today is one of the few days where it doesn't matter what level of education you have. It doesn't matter what your gender, age, sexual preference, religion, political affiliation, or skin color is. Today we honor those who lost a loved one. We honor those who lost a mom or dad, brother or sister, uncle or aunt, daughter or son. Today we stand together, even for a moment, and pay respect to those who died wearing our country's uniform and to support those missing a loved one.
Today remember them and know that the freedoms we enjoy today and every day are not free.
Thursday, May 19, 2016
The Foreign Concept of Terrorism
My heart goes out to all of those affected with the EgyptAir crash. Nothing will ever justify taking innocent people's life. There is no point that can ever rationalize these actions.
It makes me wonder why these things continue to happen... I don't misunderstand, I KNOW the justifications terrorists spew to believe their actions to be logical to continue to try and defeat the "infidels"... but they are not winning. They certainly are not persuading me nor any one I know to join their cause, and yet they continue on with their terror plots.
If we were to really examine this topic, the majority of Americans don't understand what it is that terrorists desire. Most Americans don't even know who the Revolutionary War was fought between, nor do they understand the complexities of D-Day. How can we expect understanding of this vast grouping of people in the world who despise Western ideals when the newest iPhone is expected to make its debut? There is more of an uproar from the masses if their internet connection does not work than about the actions of these terrorists on innocents.
Americans, especially younger generations, have a great deal of free time on their hands. There are priorities that take precedent in today's world and they do not involve studying. "News" is given to us in headlines and most do not take the time to dive further into the story. Let's talk Hitler for a second. Should you not agree with a politician's policy or even a friend they are going to be likened to Hitler, even though Stalin murdered nearly 6 million more people than Hitler. Neither comes close to the slaughter lead by Chinese leader Mao Zedong, but I presume he is off limits because of the love affair with communism. There isn't a desire to dive further into history or to be a free thinking individual because we live in the splendor of America. No matter what anyone tries to tell you, that MEANS something powerful!
Many people in other parts of the world do not have time to be bored or depressed. They have work to do in order to survive from one day to the next. Just being able to have drinking water available is a luxury not understood by many. Americans as a whole are free to invest their time into an activity or thought that truly interests them because we don't have to worry our brains with day to day survival. A vast majority have shelter, food, and water. Should you not have access to those things there are options there to have those needs met.
It's easy to see how terrorism is an unfathomable concept. We are free to be able to live our lives as we see fit and do not see a pressing threat of terrorism because we are not close to that land mass that holds Europe, the Middle East, or Russia.
It didn't help our cause that when the attacks happened in San Bernardino our administration was quick to call it "work place violence," and some people bought that line. When our administration doesn't take terrorism seriously, how can we expect citizens to grasp what truly happened? Add onto that that the current administration is telling the world we are not special and they can blame us for their ailments... yes, terrorism is not something we have to concern ourselves with.
I do believe that an overwhelming group of Americans are waking up to acknowledge what is happening in the world and know we are not the root cause of all evil. I have hope in the future and so should you.
It makes me wonder why these things continue to happen... I don't misunderstand, I KNOW the justifications terrorists spew to believe their actions to be logical to continue to try and defeat the "infidels"... but they are not winning. They certainly are not persuading me nor any one I know to join their cause, and yet they continue on with their terror plots.
If we were to really examine this topic, the majority of Americans don't understand what it is that terrorists desire. Most Americans don't even know who the Revolutionary War was fought between, nor do they understand the complexities of D-Day. How can we expect understanding of this vast grouping of people in the world who despise Western ideals when the newest iPhone is expected to make its debut? There is more of an uproar from the masses if their internet connection does not work than about the actions of these terrorists on innocents.
Americans, especially younger generations, have a great deal of free time on their hands. There are priorities that take precedent in today's world and they do not involve studying. "News" is given to us in headlines and most do not take the time to dive further into the story. Let's talk Hitler for a second. Should you not agree with a politician's policy or even a friend they are going to be likened to Hitler, even though Stalin murdered nearly 6 million more people than Hitler. Neither comes close to the slaughter lead by Chinese leader Mao Zedong, but I presume he is off limits because of the love affair with communism. There isn't a desire to dive further into history or to be a free thinking individual because we live in the splendor of America. No matter what anyone tries to tell you, that MEANS something powerful!
Many people in other parts of the world do not have time to be bored or depressed. They have work to do in order to survive from one day to the next. Just being able to have drinking water available is a luxury not understood by many. Americans as a whole are free to invest their time into an activity or thought that truly interests them because we don't have to worry our brains with day to day survival. A vast majority have shelter, food, and water. Should you not have access to those things there are options there to have those needs met.
It's easy to see how terrorism is an unfathomable concept. We are free to be able to live our lives as we see fit and do not see a pressing threat of terrorism because we are not close to that land mass that holds Europe, the Middle East, or Russia.
It didn't help our cause that when the attacks happened in San Bernardino our administration was quick to call it "work place violence," and some people bought that line. When our administration doesn't take terrorism seriously, how can we expect citizens to grasp what truly happened? Add onto that that the current administration is telling the world we are not special and they can blame us for their ailments... yes, terrorism is not something we have to concern ourselves with.
I do believe that an overwhelming group of Americans are waking up to acknowledge what is happening in the world and know we are not the root cause of all evil. I have hope in the future and so should you.
Monday, May 16, 2016
To Feel or Not Feel "The Bern"
As an American, I struggle with trying to identify with some of my peers that are lumped into the millennial category as myself. For the most part, I do not come into contact with a lot of Bernie supporters. I wish I could more often, I feel like meeting them would give me an opportunity to cross them over from the socialist side... even through the brilliant haze of "everything will be FREE!"
In reality, millennials cannot fully be blamed for why they are so drawn to socialism and the likes of Bernie Sanders. They are being taught a romanticized version of socialism and a bastardized version of capitalism. The educators may say this is not the case, but I don't believe them. The federal government has become more and more involved in our public school education system primarily because of funding. Those who have the gold do make the rules after all, and it is evident with public school curriculums.
The millennials coming into full swing support of Bernie do want that golden ring of FREE COLLEGE. Who can blame them? They get accepted into a school and spend four years studying for a degree, with the promise that this is America and there WILL be a sustainable paying job for them upon graduation. Most are now in entry levels jobs at a fast food restaurant still living with mom and dad, just barely paying their monthly student loan payment.
The US is in tremendous debt. We have people leading this nation who have no business running a lemonade stand, let alone a country! Of course millennials want $15 an hour to flip burgers. How else are they going to be able to provide for themselves? Small businesses are barely making it off ground because of the new Obamacare mandate. Big businesses are being wooed by other nations because of lowered taxes to move operations to their countries. Where is the promise of the American dream when there is this kind of market?
The same American opportunity that the parents of millennials had is slowly being whittled away with the current administration spending millions of dollars supporting non-American citizens. This administration cares so much more about illegals and refugees that we have kids sitting at home with no idea what to do other than collect the handouts given to them by the government.
If this is the kind of country you were brought up in, then you would believe every negative thing said about it as well. You would expect and believe that the government is the answer to your every day life and all your problems. When you're told that the only way to feed your family is to give up some freedoms, it's hard not to believe.
Work hard, or have it given to you? Where would you stand? Where are the role models for the younger generations to look up to?
In reality, millennials cannot fully be blamed for why they are so drawn to socialism and the likes of Bernie Sanders. They are being taught a romanticized version of socialism and a bastardized version of capitalism. The educators may say this is not the case, but I don't believe them. The federal government has become more and more involved in our public school education system primarily because of funding. Those who have the gold do make the rules after all, and it is evident with public school curriculums.
The millennials coming into full swing support of Bernie do want that golden ring of FREE COLLEGE. Who can blame them? They get accepted into a school and spend four years studying for a degree, with the promise that this is America and there WILL be a sustainable paying job for them upon graduation. Most are now in entry levels jobs at a fast food restaurant still living with mom and dad, just barely paying their monthly student loan payment.
The US is in tremendous debt. We have people leading this nation who have no business running a lemonade stand, let alone a country! Of course millennials want $15 an hour to flip burgers. How else are they going to be able to provide for themselves? Small businesses are barely making it off ground because of the new Obamacare mandate. Big businesses are being wooed by other nations because of lowered taxes to move operations to their countries. Where is the promise of the American dream when there is this kind of market?
The same American opportunity that the parents of millennials had is slowly being whittled away with the current administration spending millions of dollars supporting non-American citizens. This administration cares so much more about illegals and refugees that we have kids sitting at home with no idea what to do other than collect the handouts given to them by the government.
If this is the kind of country you were brought up in, then you would believe every negative thing said about it as well. You would expect and believe that the government is the answer to your every day life and all your problems. When you're told that the only way to feed your family is to give up some freedoms, it's hard not to believe.
Work hard, or have it given to you? Where would you stand? Where are the role models for the younger generations to look up to?
Sunday, May 8, 2016
A Day to Celebrate Mom
Today marks my second authentic Mother's Day. In case you wonder, it was a really nice day. I woke up and was able to cuddle my little guy back to sleep, got even more sleep for myself. Then there was coffee, lunch, and the wonderful promise of a day at the spa. Yes! Today was an excellent celebration of this mama.
Of course, I am the mom I am today because of my mom, my aunts, sister... basically because of everyone in my family AND the friends I have. If there is one very true statement, I did not ever really understand until I had baby Jameson is that it really does take a village to raise a child.
The first time I heard that statement, I was a teenager and it came from the mouth of Hillary Clinton. Surely she had to be wrong, because if she says it, then it can't be true. Alas, I am adult enough to admit and know that there is a point there. I am willing to admit that it is going to take a good number of people other than myself and my husband to help mold baby Jameson into a great man. He's going to need love and support of his parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, friends, teachers, coaches... he is going to need a strong community behind him.
He'll need guidance when he doesn't know what fork in the road to take. He will need a good solid kick in his pants when he isn't working to his fullest potential. There will be the times where he will need to have a softer hand to wipe his tears and offer comfort. One of the things I am not looking forward to is explaining to him why certain people are mean to him for no reason; that is going to suck, but he'll have a good solid base around him because that is what every kid needs.
I am amazed at the parents I see now. They aren't the push-overs we have seen a lot of. They are not the over-bearing/mind controlling types. I am seeing parents like the parents that we had growing up. You could have freedom within reason, but watch out if you abuse that trust. I do believe that it is going to be baby Jameson's generation that is going to bring us all back from the brink of this nonsense train we are witnessing.
I think that so many parents before me were too young to have their children, and their biggest goal was to be their friend and not the parent, so some basic ideals went by the wayside. I believe that those who are bringing up their children now have the best of all examples of parenting; and I honestly see some great role models these kids can look up to again. It's a great time to be a parent! There are so many tools at our disposal.
Heaven knows how much pressure we put on ourselves as parents, and I don't think that those insecurities will ever go away, but the best advice I can offer is to live in the moment. These moments go by far too quickly.
Happy Mother's Day everyone!
Of course, I am the mom I am today because of my mom, my aunts, sister... basically because of everyone in my family AND the friends I have. If there is one very true statement, I did not ever really understand until I had baby Jameson is that it really does take a village to raise a child.
The first time I heard that statement, I was a teenager and it came from the mouth of Hillary Clinton. Surely she had to be wrong, because if she says it, then it can't be true. Alas, I am adult enough to admit and know that there is a point there. I am willing to admit that it is going to take a good number of people other than myself and my husband to help mold baby Jameson into a great man. He's going to need love and support of his parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, friends, teachers, coaches... he is going to need a strong community behind him.
He'll need guidance when he doesn't know what fork in the road to take. He will need a good solid kick in his pants when he isn't working to his fullest potential. There will be the times where he will need to have a softer hand to wipe his tears and offer comfort. One of the things I am not looking forward to is explaining to him why certain people are mean to him for no reason; that is going to suck, but he'll have a good solid base around him because that is what every kid needs.
I am amazed at the parents I see now. They aren't the push-overs we have seen a lot of. They are not the over-bearing/mind controlling types. I am seeing parents like the parents that we had growing up. You could have freedom within reason, but watch out if you abuse that trust. I do believe that it is going to be baby Jameson's generation that is going to bring us all back from the brink of this nonsense train we are witnessing.
I think that so many parents before me were too young to have their children, and their biggest goal was to be their friend and not the parent, so some basic ideals went by the wayside. I believe that those who are bringing up their children now have the best of all examples of parenting; and I honestly see some great role models these kids can look up to again. It's a great time to be a parent! There are so many tools at our disposal.
Heaven knows how much pressure we put on ourselves as parents, and I don't think that those insecurities will ever go away, but the best advice I can offer is to live in the moment. These moments go by far too quickly.
Happy Mother's Day everyone!
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Picture yourself in your most happiest of places. See it. Breathe it in. Feel your surroundings. Get lost in that space that is yours and yours alone.
Enjoy how you feel. Live in that space. It is SO amazing there!
Now take a deep breath.... and let it out.
Again, let's take a deep, cleansing breath. Breathe out any hot, lingering tension you are hanging onto.
I want you, as you open your eyes and come back to reality, hold onto those wonderful and cuddly feelings. As I go on, remember how relaxed you feel.
Donald Trump is going to be the Republican nominee, and that's OK. It really is.
*If this causes panic, please go back to the beginning and complete the relaxation exercise again then continue*
I say that Trump being the nominee is ok as a life long Republican. In my seasoned 32 years I do not ever see myself switching over to the dark side of the Democrat party. Life is good over here.
My years as a Republican party member have grounded me in solid beliefs of what's right and wrong, and I am happy to have Trump on my side. Yes he was a Democrat and he made contributions to Democrats in the past, but he's says he's Republican and people DO change their belief system. He's an intelligent man, brash for sure, but he'll polish up like a shiny new penny in the upcoming weeks.
Like many of you, I have heard these Never Trump people. I have listened to and tried to persuade them to understand how not voting for Trump is going to be a vote for the Democrats. For those who are offended by that statement, or for those who disagree, please tell me how I am wrong on that stance. I will listen to you with the most open of minds, regardless if right now I believe that to be the truth.
Hillary is more than likely going to be the one that the Republicans will face in the national election. Which I am happy about! We CAN defeat her! Bring it on! She isn't unbeatable, and I don't have to list to you why she's a horrible choice for President because we've all been there, done that.
I think we will see a lot of Bernie Sanders supporters upset with him not getting the nomination that they will not vote this cycle... and I am ok with that. Not everything is supposed to be handed to you by the government, Bernie supporters. America will NOT become a socialist nation, so go ahead and sit this one out.
By no means should we allow another Democrat choose anyone on our Supreme Court. This current Supreme Court now is threatening to withhold School funds to North Carolina because of the "Bathroom Bill" is shameful and singularly a prime example as to why NO Democrat should be allowed to nominate/appoint anyone. Children should never have their education compromised. If those in the Never Trump crowd don't fully understand how important it is to keep Hillary or anyone from the Democratic party from appointing another Justice, I'm at a loss. Why would we elect someone to bring our court more to the left? It makes no sense and is morally wrong.
Democrats should not be able to keep undermining the constitution with their bizarre progressive ideas that don't benefit anyone but their special interests. (By special interests I mean their funding.)
Democrats should not be allowed to continue to bash our nation by diminishing our importance worldwide because they feel like we're the cause of all evil on this planet.
Democrats at the end of the day need to stop ruining our country to maintain their current power and wealth.
I am so tired of waking up every day and reading another story where the value of life is consistently diminished.
I am so tired of hearing from the left that my rights as a natural American citizen pale to the rights of those in our nation illegally.
I am so tired of trying to convince other Americans why they should honor our nation and not burn our flag.
Voting for someone who would be on a third party ticket is just the same as voting for the Democrats. Who would be able to come in now and pull everyone together? Who would have an honest shot at beating the two front runners as it stands now? A third party candidate would of course ease some people's conscience, but none out now are a viable option to actually win.
Trump getting elected isn't a bad thing. He wasn't my first choice, I was all in for Carson. He was my guy! As it stands now, Trump is a better choice than Hillary, and any other Democrat who may get the nomination. I will not lose sleep voting for him and neither should you.
I yearn for a non-PC leader who will, dare I say, Make America Great Again.
Enjoy how you feel. Live in that space. It is SO amazing there!
Now take a deep breath.... and let it out.
Again, let's take a deep, cleansing breath. Breathe out any hot, lingering tension you are hanging onto.
I want you, as you open your eyes and come back to reality, hold onto those wonderful and cuddly feelings. As I go on, remember how relaxed you feel.
Donald Trump is going to be the Republican nominee, and that's OK. It really is.
*If this causes panic, please go back to the beginning and complete the relaxation exercise again then continue*
I say that Trump being the nominee is ok as a life long Republican. In my seasoned 32 years I do not ever see myself switching over to the dark side of the Democrat party. Life is good over here.
My years as a Republican party member have grounded me in solid beliefs of what's right and wrong, and I am happy to have Trump on my side. Yes he was a Democrat and he made contributions to Democrats in the past, but he's says he's Republican and people DO change their belief system. He's an intelligent man, brash for sure, but he'll polish up like a shiny new penny in the upcoming weeks.
Like many of you, I have heard these Never Trump people. I have listened to and tried to persuade them to understand how not voting for Trump is going to be a vote for the Democrats. For those who are offended by that statement, or for those who disagree, please tell me how I am wrong on that stance. I will listen to you with the most open of minds, regardless if right now I believe that to be the truth.
Hillary is more than likely going to be the one that the Republicans will face in the national election. Which I am happy about! We CAN defeat her! Bring it on! She isn't unbeatable, and I don't have to list to you why she's a horrible choice for President because we've all been there, done that.
I think we will see a lot of Bernie Sanders supporters upset with him not getting the nomination that they will not vote this cycle... and I am ok with that. Not everything is supposed to be handed to you by the government, Bernie supporters. America will NOT become a socialist nation, so go ahead and sit this one out.
By no means should we allow another Democrat choose anyone on our Supreme Court. This current Supreme Court now is threatening to withhold School funds to North Carolina because of the "Bathroom Bill" is shameful and singularly a prime example as to why NO Democrat should be allowed to nominate/appoint anyone. Children should never have their education compromised. If those in the Never Trump crowd don't fully understand how important it is to keep Hillary or anyone from the Democratic party from appointing another Justice, I'm at a loss. Why would we elect someone to bring our court more to the left? It makes no sense and is morally wrong.
Democrats should not be able to keep undermining the constitution with their bizarre progressive ideas that don't benefit anyone but their special interests. (By special interests I mean their funding.)
Democrats should not be allowed to continue to bash our nation by diminishing our importance worldwide because they feel like we're the cause of all evil on this planet.
Democrats at the end of the day need to stop ruining our country to maintain their current power and wealth.
I am so tired of waking up every day and reading another story where the value of life is consistently diminished.
I am so tired of hearing from the left that my rights as a natural American citizen pale to the rights of those in our nation illegally.
I am so tired of trying to convince other Americans why they should honor our nation and not burn our flag.
Voting for someone who would be on a third party ticket is just the same as voting for the Democrats. Who would be able to come in now and pull everyone together? Who would have an honest shot at beating the two front runners as it stands now? A third party candidate would of course ease some people's conscience, but none out now are a viable option to actually win.
Trump getting elected isn't a bad thing. He wasn't my first choice, I was all in for Carson. He was my guy! As it stands now, Trump is a better choice than Hillary, and any other Democrat who may get the nomination. I will not lose sleep voting for him and neither should you.
I yearn for a non-PC leader who will, dare I say, Make America Great Again.
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