Last night while I was thinking about the events that happened in Louisiana and Minnesota, a thought hit me; I will never know what it is like to be a person of color. I will never know what is it like to have someone look at my skin color and worry about whether or not I am a criminal or if I have a good credit score. I will not know what it is like to question whether or not the police department is profiling me. I won't be able to begin to understand some people's fear for their lives or that of their children should they be detained by an officer. I just won't....
In my state of Virginia, the Loving v. Virginia case in 1967 tore away the barriers keeping people of different races from marrying one another. It's crazy to even think that there was a law PROHIBITING such a thing in our nation, much less that it happened just 17 years before I was born. What is even more disturbing is that there are still people who think this way in 2016 AND there are minorities who feel that same kind of hatred towards white people!!!
Let me be completely honest and candid. I CAN say that as a white woman I have understand the stigma surrounding me. People think that because of my skin color that I have had an easy life. Which is a humorous idea onto itself, as I have had my fair share of struggles, but I do not let that consume me. While I did grow up in a nice neighborhood and had a stay-at-home mom and a father who supported my endeavors; my life is a direct result of my actions and choices. I know what kind of person I am. I know my heart and soul. I know what I bring to this world and will not let someone's message of hate keep me from seeing the good in people.
I try every day to be some kind of light in someone's life because, dammit, life is HARD! Life is hard enough with juggling how to pay bills, be a good parent, a responsible citizen to wonder at the dislike that someone of a different color may hold of me.
I do not want to be judged based on my skin color just like those who have more melanin in their skin than I. That's the way it should be. We should all want to help one another regardless of skin color, religion, sexual preference, political stance, and income level.
What has happened this past week by the deaths surrounding Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and now those of the Dallas police officers... my heart can't take any more of it. Just like most of the nation and world, I am so sick and tired of the hate. No one should ever have to be afraid of the police, and the police should never have to be afraid of their citizens.
Dallas Police Chief David Brown said, "We don't feel much support these days. Let's not make today most day's."
Dear God in Heaven, what kind of a culture have we developed and let take over to have a police chief say such a thing?
Today, in the wake of these tragedies, don't politicize these deaths. Don't use these deaths to forward any kind of agenda other than peace and love and mutual respect.
Tell your family members that you love them and say the same to a complete stranger.
Life is too short, too precious, not to spread a message of love, kindness, and respect.
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