With Christmas rapidly approaching I am more than happy, I am grateful. Outside of the obvious things I am grateful for a loving family, good health, employment, etc., I am grateful to have independent thoughts and a BRAIN ripe for reasoning. I look around the internet, and sometimes wish I hadn't, and am STILL seeing people protesting the election, a third party candidate DEMANDING recounts that she says is for the voters (yeah, right), and most recently just finished reading an article about a woman who has lost all hope since the election and refuses to date.
It is this kind of consistent idiotic nonsense that inspires me to turn into a hermit. How are people, especially those claiming to be our betters in the elite group, be so brain dead and, for the sake of honesty, dumb? Let me break this post election "trauma" for all of you who are huddled up in your safe spaces.
First, all of you that are out there PROTESTING the election results, please go home. Go back to your families and try to figure out what you are going to do with the new year of 2017 quickly approaching. Protesting this election is not getting you anywhere, and brings me feelings of sadness for you. It also makes me wonder how you are getting all of this free time to do this protesting. Do you people have jobs? I understand that you want to make a difference, I do! You're upset that your candidate lost, but you are not going to make a difference protesting. You know what will though? Being involved in your community. Find a cause you really support and make a difference. If your cause is politics, find your local chapter of whatever party you associate yourself with; I KNOW they would love more turn out and members! Standing on a busy road or in a city square holding a sign comparing Trump to Hitler is not solving anything. (On a side note, you know what you could do? You could find a way to thoughtfully present your ideas to the new administration... but that takes tact and intensive studying.)
Dr. Jill Stein you are not fooling anyone. This recount does not help the "voter" as you continue to claim. Whenever I hear you try and sell this line, the only word screaming in my head is LIAR. You're wasting taxpayer dollars and time. Knock off your nonsense. This is a publicity stunt for you to remain relevant for the next election. (Again, I am thankful that I have a brain that can reason.)
Lastly, for everyone who has lost "hope" and is fearful of the Trump administration, I am going to give you some tough love: GROW up and be an ADULT. Get out of your safe space and greet the REAL WORLD that the rest of society lives in. I think a little bit of reality is settling in where you know the culture and sheltering that has turned you into a crumbling mess of PC cry babies is coming to an end. You may be realizing that the free ride you've been given your entire life is about to burst and you're soon going to have to earn what you want will be your new reality... well, good. I, and I know millions more, are tired of your uber sensitive feelings, everything should be free, PC, safe space cuddle time nonsense. Find out what you were put on this Earth to do, as the rest of us are.
I would like to invite all of you to continue to pray for our nation and our President elect so that we can once again be a nation of prosperous people.
I would also ask that when you encounter any of these liberal programmed children, you speak to them calmly, with reasoning and rational thoughts... and while you try not to poke your eye out talking to them, remember that retraining the brain after it has been thoroughly brainwashed for years takes time so have patience.
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