Is Bernie admitting defeat when he says he will likely be voting for Hillary in the fall? The numbers are not adding up for him to win the nomination, a point he declared while speaking with Chris Cuomo. If this is the case, why am I not seeing breaking news with him declaring his candidacy for president is over? News is coming out instead, that Sanders' press secretary has left his campaign. Does this not sound like someone who has completely given up on his campaign? So why not just admit defeat and leave? Is he holding onto some small thread that Clinton will be locked away by summer's end with her email scandal?
Let's get wild and pull a theoretical scenario here, let's say I am "with Bernie." I am a Bernie supporter. He has my vote 100%. Why am I supporting him? For starters, he is not being supported by the traditional banks, hedge fund, Wall Street morons who cause more harm than good. He is bringing an unflattering light to the Democrats and their candidate selection process with their "SUPER delegates". Sanders is able to engage people who have never voted before because he has a "new" age spin on what politics and government should be. He is a person representing the "every man", but most of all he is not corrupt like Hillary Clinton. Go, Bernie, Go!
As a Bernie Sander's supporter, I am LIVID! How DARE he openly say he is going to endorse the very woman we are all against! There are not a lot of Bernie supporters in the Hillary camp! She is the very idea of EVERYTHING wrong with government. Hillary is the living embodiment of corruption, greed, political favors, special interest group thug that needs to be extinguished from D.C. Yeah, we all hate Trump, because he's racist and sexist, but how COULD you Bernie?! You sold out. You might not be officially out of the race, but you're saying you will cast your vote for someone we are trying so hard to be rid of.
Now back to reality, no more hyothetical support for Bernie.
His latest tweet on his official page reads as follows:
"We must take on the greed and power of corporate America, and create a government and an economy that works for all, not just the 1 percent."
If he really and truly believes this, then how on EARTH can he say he will vote for Clinton? Clinton is everything in the above Tweet. I am wondering if all of these special meetings he is having with Obama and others on the Hill is affecting his discontent with the status quo. If I were to have such an impassioned following of supporters, I would tell them to vote their conscience and write my name in! Have you lost your spine, Bernie? You are turning into a coward if you think a vote for Hillary is the "right" thing to do to keep Trump from office. The personal conviction within yourself and what your movement means isn't heartfelt if you're saying you'll end up voting for the person who is everything your campaign is fighting.
The only ones "feeling the Bern" are your supporters.
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