It's been a roller coaster of a week so far and it's not even close to being over! My head is spinning so fast my head has those cartoon birds circling it. To be honest, it has been a terrifying news cycle and hopefully the knot at the end of the rope is going to be enough for us to hang on to.
Since when has anything Obama issued or pushed for been a good thing? The Obamacare bill was not read in it entirety, and now look where we are. Now we have this super secret squirrel spy bill of the TPP being fast tracked that the Republican controlled Senate JUST passed today. It was not open for debate, which is why it was "fast tracked" to begin with, and despite what Paul Ryan says it was not a transparent bill. Now let's not forget here that the Democrats on Capitol Hill came out in full force behind Pelosi AGAINST this bill. Yes, we have indeed entered the Twilight Zone. Just more proof that these RINOs in D.C. are all about where their next campaign donation comes from. To all of these officials being sneaky and not acting in the best interest of the American people, just remember that your sins and misdeeds will be answered by your children and theirs, so step on the correct path.
There are new videos circulating of ISIS and how they are continuing their reign of terror and occupation. In their newest videos, it shows people being lowered into a pool enclosed in a cage and, according to reports, there also is a camera under the water to record their actual death. According to these same reports, ISIS also fires explosives at a car that has been stuffed of their prisoners as another way of exterminating their opposition. This is serious stuff they are doing over there, but hardly anyone in the mainstream media is upset by these reports. Selling women into the sex trade, beheading enemies, torturing people, it's just another day, no big deal. To make the Middle East more turbulent, we have started to talk about entering an agreement in which the US and allies would HELP Iran with their nuclear program. Yes, we would help a group of people who publicly condemns America and calls for our destruction by giving them nuclear aid. For Kerry and Obama to think this is the way foreign relations are won and done, it's simply terrifying. But the biggest threat that we have to beat is global warming, not ISIS, not Iran.
On a very personal level, I would like to address the families and friends in the wake of the tragic murders in Charleston. I saw some of the live feed of each of the representative's statements on behalf of the victims. There are many things that I felt when I heard of the news of this man going into that church to commit the unthinkable, but your statements to Roof moved my soul. If you have not read their statements, you need to. I cannot even begin to say I know your suffering or your loss, because what happened was beyond tragic. What was said to Roof was something I NEVER expected to hear from anyone who has to live through this tragedy. The message that came through loud and clear was that of forgiveness. A message that was echoed through everyone's words. To hear it done in that quantity was beautiful. It makes me so hopeful for the future. Your words also made me wish I could be that strong, that loving. Thank you for those words, and may God bless.
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