Today was more than a blow to those opposed to the healthcare law passed by Obama and his blind followers, it was a blow to America. We have a set of "Justices" who have set America on a very dangerous course. The vote was 6-3 which will continue to allow Obamacare to remain. After the announcement, Obama took to the airways in his Presidential glory to praise the Court and their ruling. Let's mention here that a week ago Obama was throwing a massive hissy-fit over the Court even being able to review the case, essentially saying thy should keep their noses out of his business. That just wasn't fair to Obama, not that it matters since the Court now is in the same money pockets as any President and or member of Congress.
Obama took the time to point out that the campaigns that the Republicans ran on were a futile effort, since they have not done what they promised their voters they would do. Which is true. None of the members in Congress that are in office now have done anything mariginally close to repealing this law, no matter how many times Boehner cries and watches Keleenx's stock values sky rocket. Obama had the audacity to say that "there can be no doubt that this law is working. It has changed, and in some cases, saved, American lives." If he wants to call doubling insurance premiums and outrages co-pays a win, then sure. It's destroying the middle-class, but he has to save face on something for his legacy. "The Affordable Care Act is here to stay," Obama touted at his press conference, and with the weak leadership in Congress who can't do anything but pay lip-service and bend to the will of the Democrats that is our unfortunate reality.
The Justice that is getting a lot of heat today, and rightfully so, is Justice Roberts. After reading his reasoning behind his decision today it is clear he is not working on the side of the law, but is now a politician who is working on the side of the administration. One of the only things he said that was anything close to factual was that "Congress wrote key parts of the Act
behind closed doors, rather than through 'the traditional legislative
process'." To me this reads that he is acknowledging the sneaky maneuvering that happened to get this bill into law. Roberts said that their role in the Supreme Court is to "say what the law is" but went on to say that "in every case we must respect the role of the Legislature, and
take care not to undo what it has done." Has he forgotten his Constitution 101 class? That is the entire point of the separation of powers! You and all eight other Justices are there to put a check on the Legislature! You are there to make sure no one who is elected by the people over steps the law!
Justice Scalia was one of the few who is actually clinging to common sense in this whole debacle. He said that "we should start calling this law SCOTUScare," because at every step despite what the law actually says, the Court has done everything in its power to try and save it along the way. Scalia points out that the savers of Obamacare have gone out of their way to say that when the law was constructed about how exchanges are funded, that they must have meant to say the 'Exchange
established by the State or the Federal Government." Calling out Congress for not doing their job thoroughly and properly. If we read between the lines here, it appears that the Court does not see the States as having more power then the Federal government, that their existence is unimportant. With the States being unimportant, the Federal government surely has every right to overstep their boundaries. Scalia acknowledges that this ruling and previous rulings in favor of Obamacare have been done because there is an "overriding principle" of the Supreme Court that this healthcare law must be saved at all costs. The esteemed Justice Scalia also said that an "exchange established by the "State" is an Exchange established by a
State, not the Federal Governemt and no creative ambiguous interpretation should change that. It is easy to draw the conclusion that the justices who voted to save Obamacare did so by going on the pretense that the law was intended to do good, so therefore because its heart was in the right place essentially, we need to give the lawmakers the benefit of the doubt. Even though the law was not written as such, and that is where the problem arises.
It is a very sickening realization to hear that Drudge reported that hospital and insurance stocks surged after the court passed its ruling. Now why would this be? How is it possible that stocks can soar from a Supreme Court decision? It's because the lawmakers and the Supreme Court are having their bank accounts padded by these companies. Scalia said it rightly today that "....the cases will publish forever the discouraging truth that the Supreme
Court of the United States favors some laws over others, and is prepared
to do whatever it takes to uphold and assist its favorites.”
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