Sunday, February 15, 2015

The War on Men

     For months now there has been a lie circulating that there is a war on women.  This supposed "war" mainly circles around abortions, abortion funding and contraception.  To which I say, please stop insulting me as a woman and think that these things are the only issues I care about.  As far as I am concerned, women need to care more about the economy and/
or education than whether or not they will be able to have access to an abortion clinic.  No, I think it is time to acknowledge what is really happening with this war on women, it's really masking a national war on men.
     The news broke that Columbia University is now requiring all students to attend a rape workshop in order to graduate or to be able to register for classes.  While maybe some need a reminder that non-consensual sex is deplorable act, it's odd that the all women's college affiliated with Columbia, Barnard College, is not required to take part in the same classes.  Now why would that be?  Any time an affiliated business should have a new policy, it is usually implicated across the board.  Even business franchise's aren't exempt from a new policy, so what can we gather from this?  I gather that this policy is implemented on Columbia's campus in order to target the male students because their administration gathers that their male students do not know any self control and think that rape is on the fore front of their minds every day.  Perhaps Columbia would like to have all of its campuses and affiliates to have nothing but females students to lessen the risk of rape?  Another story from the UVA campus where female sorority students were asked to shy away from frat parties during the "men's bid night" for their safety and well-being.  These stories show that college males are biologically inclined to rape at any given time because they have no sense of knowing right or wrong.  It also shows that women need to lock themselves in a safe house and arm themselves with poetry to be protected from the dangers of a society breeding rapists. 
     Body acceptance now is a big topic that is being thrown around women.  Self-esteem building of knowing that no matter your shape and size you're perfect, and not to compare yourself to super models or to those on the big screen.  Again, a great point that needs to be said, but what about when it comes to men?  I think that the emergence of the "metro-sexual" male is where we need to examine the beginning of the trend to empower men to not only embrace their femininity but to ditch the things that traditionally made them men.  There seems to be more of a push to forget the traditional male role models of men like John Wayne for a man who has an intensive moisturizing regime and no body hair.  And it's this type of body image that is being accepted and prided.  Women wanting men to be female versions of themselves, trying to change a man to fit into the mold they want.  Why can't we as a society want a man to be a man?  Why are we all about a woman being natural, but men have to change themselves?  Now the new trend is for a man to have a beard.  Ugh, insert eye roll here.  If we are preaching body acceptance for women, we should do the same for men.  After all feminism is all about equality, right?
     There is no doubt that there was a time in which men were abusive and all authoritative of power.  Women were without question viewed as a subservient piece of property, and women like Susan B. Anthony were a huge part in women's suffrage, but I challenge anyone to tell me that she would approve of today's anti-male feminist.  It's ok for a woman to want to cook for her husband or significant other, just because a woman does that does not mean she has thrown away all the rights others have fought for.  It's that kind of mentality that has women across the country saying they do not adhere to the feminist ideology.  Cooking and cleaning, whether it be for a man or not, does not ruin progress nor does it show a lack of strength in the woman.
     Instead of seeking equality, we are witnessing a movement where men are being demonized.  Television commercials consistently portray men as morons who could not function unless there were women around to rescue them.  Just because there is testosterone flowing throughout their bodies does not mean men are seeking to rape and subjugate a woman.  This type of mentality is damning.  There is nothing wrong with letting men be men, most of whom are an intelligent species, and just because men are men does not mean they are wired to rape. 


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