Being a member of the human species in today's world is hard. You're being pulled in every different direction: from your health, to work, to education, money woes, safety.... Yikes. It's a wonder we're all still here with all the stresses we put on ourselves daily. Now comes reports about Global Warming... no, now it's climate change and how it's all our fault and we're just bad, evil people. NO stress there, right?
Al Gore was one of the first "whistle blowers" on this subject. His documentary,
An Inconvenient Truth, is a bible to those who tout the undeniable "evidence" of global warming/climate change. In this documentary, Gore presents that CO2 levels have a direct correlation with the rising of sea levels, hotter summers, and decline in the arctic ice. Scary, scary stuff. One of his pet projects to come from this documentary was the Kyoto Protocol. This called for nations to reduce their carbon imprint by reducing green house gases, but died under Clinton's presidency because it was too lenient on China and India. According to an article written by
Seth Borenstein in 2014, the carbon emissions increased in India by 5.1%, China by 4.2%, and America by 2.4%. According to the same article, 200 countries reduced their emissions, mainly European, with Spain leading the way. How is it that the U.S., with all of this information being thrown at us scientifically showing global warming.climate change is a real thing STILL increasing their emissions? More importantly I ask how is this still happening when we have the most liberal administration in history? Especially since Obama stated in his 2015 SOTU address that climate change was the number one issue that threatens our national security.
Do you remember that this same thing was happening with eggs. First it was the research that lead us all to NOT EAT THEM!!! Then came the research that said, no it's ok, no jokes this time, it's ok to eat eggs again. NO NO NO! Eat the egg WHITES, not the yolk! This information was scientifically founded, then unfounded, and then partially founded again. You have to begin to wonder why most are skeptic of information being passed down.
We're in this same boat with climate change. Gore stated in 2007, and his statements are backed by researchers, that the polar ice caps were supposed to melt completely in 22 years. However, NASA photographs comparing the ice caps in 2012 to 2013 clearly shows the ice caps not only maintaining but increasing in size! How is that even possible with the doom and gloom forecast and guilt trips being given to us daily? In Matt Walsh's blog referring to climate change, he argues that when the people in support of man made climate change changed the terminology from global warming to climate change, they did so because no matter what they said, if they referred to it as climate change instead of global warming, they could not ever be wrong because the climate is in a forever loop of changing. During the Cryogenian period, about 850 to 650 million years ago, ice covered almost all the way to the equator. There weren't any humans then, so why can't we believe that the Earth was undergoing normal planetary changes that shift the climate?
support a theory that maybe, just maybe, this whole idea of climate
change/global warming is a way to not only scare populations into
submission (believing whatever government throws at us), but also
another way to collect tax and make money. Look at recycled products. I have yet to go ANYWHERE to find any recycled products to be cheaper than non-recycled goods. What's more is that Gore and fellow proponents truly believed what they are preaching. They would be leading the way with how they travel and how their homes are powered. Don't act like any of you forget the reports that showed that his home was a huge energy waster. Not only is he profiting from his books and tours describing the end of days with climate change, but he sold his television network. Yes, he did indeed have a network, Al Jazeera where he made a $100 million profit. Let's not overlook the fact that Al Jazeera, who is funded by Qatar, is a nation whose wealth depends on the same fossil fuels he claims is killing the planet. This is hypocrisy at its finest. Furthermore can we also stop, really just stop, being surprised that summers are hot and winters are cold? Winters bring snow, and sometimes they bring a LOT of snow. It happens, it's he changing of seasons.
How about those who are advocating climate change do one of two things. Either go "off the grid" or quit acting like environmental extremists. You cannot spew out research showing that we're quickly and with 100% certainty destroying our planet if you're not willing to pave the way and show the world how to live with a minimal CO2 footprint. Can we also stop acting like the U.S. is the only cause of CO2, and overall pollution? Have you ever wondered WHY a lot of the pictures you see of people in China wear surgical masks? The air quality there is dismal, but not nearly as bad as that of New Delhi. Yet all we hear is how Americans are leading the way in the destruction of our planet because it's easy to blame the U.S. for all the world's woes.
If we're really going to be serious about this topic, let's fund research not backed by those who would profit one way or another from viable research. Stop being so meek and mild about the pollution issues and call out the nations that have enough money to get up to modern environmental standards. Those of you who really do believe in this, quit ridiculing the rest of us whom you label as non-believers of scientific fact. This, you either believe us or you're a moron mentality sounds like some, well, some religions I know.
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