Do years have feelings? I subscribe to the belief that we, as human begins, and everything in the universe, is energy so can a year "feel" or comprehend the depth of what has happened within its trip around the sun? Like El Niño and La Niña, are the years identifiable by a gender? If this holds true, what makes a year feminine and or masculine? Would it be that the more fruitful the year, the more feminine it is, and the more devastation the more masculine?
If I were to take a swing at it, I would have to say that this year has been more gender neutral as we have seen both good and not so good things happen... plus I am not going to subscribe to the mindset that any outcome that is negative has to be because a "man" did it. I LOVE men and women just as equally, and both genders can be JUST as crazy when the mood hits, so I am NOT discriminating based on bathroom preference.
The outcomes of the Brexit, Trump's election, and Hollande not seeking re-election great significance is not lost on me. These are all beacons of hope in a world that has turned topsy-turvy in the name of Political Correctness and liberalism. These events give me great hope that we can tell the liberal activists out there that we tried it your way, it didn't work, now let us in the fix the mess you created.
In my everyday life with a toddler, I come across more and more parents who are going back to our parents way of "parenting". What does THAT mean? Well, that means, the children aged 5 and younger, especially with what I have seen, are being raised with a "traditional" parenting style of I am the parent, you are the child, explore the world and learn but there are boundaries! Not the typical laissez-faire attitude of parenting that has lead us to safe spaces, common core, and participation trophies. Parents now have witnessed the mistakes of the those coming before us and are righting the ship! Rejoice in knowing that things are changing in children's upbringing! After all, children are the world's future, and we need to bring them up with a strong backbone.
We have seen the dreadful with natural disasters, terrorism, and eye-popping scandals.... to the point where I just can't with these events anymore. I can't. The hatred, the fear, the corruption, the lies... it's too much, and I do not want to hash that nonsense out anymore. I am done with it. Will all of it end? No, I am rational enough to know that it won't, but 2017 will put a lot of that on its head and the confidence I have that it will be rectified is high.... And I don't just believe this because Trump was elected.
I SEE and FEEL the vibrations of positivity in the air, despite social media trolls, out of touch celebrities, and the MSM narrative. People everywhere are seeing the sunlight, much like Plato's Allegory of the Cave, and damn, it's about TIME!
Unlike some, I do not blame 2016 for the unwelcome negativity, deaths, nor its triumphs. I see a year as energy being put out by its inhabitants and we get what we put out into the universe. Energy is energy, and what you put out is what you get back, so this year put out your best. Beat out the negative that most attribute to 2016, and kick some ass in 2017! The world depends on it.
Happy New Year!
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Soul Searching
Everything seems to be falling apart all around us, doesn't it? We have Obama's puppet, John Kerry, telling Israel that they have to choose between being a democracy or being Jewish because to achieve peace you cannot be both (which is going to be a separate peace in itself). The Chinese are puffing out their chests and sending their war ships in the South China Sea. ISIS is no where near under control. Germany is not learning from their mistakes of open borders.... And still everything that ails the world continues to be America's fault. All of this is happening during the Hanukkah celebration, and only a few days past Christmas.
Through all of this we have seen some iconic celebrities pass, and one thing about these people passing really hurts my soul is that there are so many people wishing death to Trump. Not just Twitter trolls and celebrities, but some are people that I call my friends. I am 100% a fighter for your right to say what you will, and I am not for censorship, but I want to make a case against this hatred and nonsense.
First, for anyone who might be wishing death upon Trump, especially those who claim to be a holier than thou liberal, you're showing a level of immaturity that is reserved for those who are young and uneducated. You're being a bully; all the while when there is a huge amount of money being shoveled into those anti-bullying campaigns. *Tsk, tsk*
Secondly, how on Earth can those of you who wish Death on Trump be seen as acceptable yet if this same thing happened to Obama, you same people would lose your mind. There is a double standard and you cannot deny it.
Thirdly, you wish death upon someone because you disagree with their ideology, while you were a fan of his TV show and books. I have not been a supporter of Obama's since he has taken the oath of office; and yet I do not wish death to him. I DO wish him the hell out of office and out of D.C., but not death. Care to know why? It is because he is a father, a husband, a son, a grandson... he is loved by people; even if I cannot understand why.... Plus I know that while I may not agree with him, or members of my own family, or my friends, I still know that we're all placed on this planet for a reason. We all have a purpose, and I cannot wish death on someone when life is so precious.
I do sincerely hope that all of you who are wishing death upon Trump do some soul searching. Look within yourself and ask yourself why you would wish death on someone because of disagreements. How you would like it if the public wished death upon a beloved family member, or even yourself? It's downright immature and ungodly to do so.
How are you going to answer to your Maker for these profane wishes? How can you preach acceptance when your mind and hearts are completely closed minded?
Through all of this we have seen some iconic celebrities pass, and one thing about these people passing really hurts my soul is that there are so many people wishing death to Trump. Not just Twitter trolls and celebrities, but some are people that I call my friends. I am 100% a fighter for your right to say what you will, and I am not for censorship, but I want to make a case against this hatred and nonsense.
First, for anyone who might be wishing death upon Trump, especially those who claim to be a holier than thou liberal, you're showing a level of immaturity that is reserved for those who are young and uneducated. You're being a bully; all the while when there is a huge amount of money being shoveled into those anti-bullying campaigns. *Tsk, tsk*
Secondly, how on Earth can those of you who wish Death on Trump be seen as acceptable yet if this same thing happened to Obama, you same people would lose your mind. There is a double standard and you cannot deny it.
Thirdly, you wish death upon someone because you disagree with their ideology, while you were a fan of his TV show and books. I have not been a supporter of Obama's since he has taken the oath of office; and yet I do not wish death to him. I DO wish him the hell out of office and out of D.C., but not death. Care to know why? It is because he is a father, a husband, a son, a grandson... he is loved by people; even if I cannot understand why.... Plus I know that while I may not agree with him, or members of my own family, or my friends, I still know that we're all placed on this planet for a reason. We all have a purpose, and I cannot wish death on someone when life is so precious.
I do sincerely hope that all of you who are wishing death upon Trump do some soul searching. Look within yourself and ask yourself why you would wish death on someone because of disagreements. How you would like it if the public wished death upon a beloved family member, or even yourself? It's downright immature and ungodly to do so.
How are you going to answer to your Maker for these profane wishes? How can you preach acceptance when your mind and hearts are completely closed minded?
Sunday, December 11, 2016
The Blinded Sheeple
After having some time to read multiple stories pertaining to the
"Russian hacking" of the DNC and the RNC I have come to a conclusion
about what I will call "hoopla" and why the American people should be
Do I disagree that there were hacks? No, clearly there were. Databases were hacked, and hacked very well, however, and I welcome you to do your own research, there has not been any evidence presented that clearly shows that the Russian government ordered these hacks to happen. There isn't, it's speculation. It could have easily been a group or person, Guccifer comes to mind, that acted on their own accord.
My fellow Americans, you should at the very least be upset. The MSM, the current administration, and diehard Liberals want you to forget what was actually in those emails that were hacked. They want you to forget that the DNC clearly has not, nor have they ever been, the warm and fuzzy "We're for the poor and minority" kind of group. They want you to forget their own elitist mentality when it comes to the grab for power and what they said about minority groups. They need you to forget how they rigged their own nomination system by systematically shoving out the beloved Bernie Sanders. They, to say it simply, want to prove how easily distracted YOU are by shoving a hyped up news story in front of you to have one more grab at undermining the election results so they can stay in power.
In this day, everyone has to know that the likelihood of a cyber attack is highly likely. You and every organization needs to protect themselves. If you don't want it leaked, don't put it in an email or stored somewhere that can be hacked. This isn't a time to discuss privacy, this is not what this is about.
As Peter Smith said when asked about how he felt learning his emails were hacked:
'"I’m not upset at all,” he said. “I try in my communications, quite frankly, not to say anything that would be embarrassing if made public.”'
And that my friends, is what it's all about. Protect yourself, protect your work, and CYA.... because if you don't, it is likely to be hacked and used against you.
Do I disagree that there were hacks? No, clearly there were. Databases were hacked, and hacked very well, however, and I welcome you to do your own research, there has not been any evidence presented that clearly shows that the Russian government ordered these hacks to happen. There isn't, it's speculation. It could have easily been a group or person, Guccifer comes to mind, that acted on their own accord.
My fellow Americans, you should at the very least be upset. The MSM, the current administration, and diehard Liberals want you to forget what was actually in those emails that were hacked. They want you to forget that the DNC clearly has not, nor have they ever been, the warm and fuzzy "We're for the poor and minority" kind of group. They want you to forget their own elitist mentality when it comes to the grab for power and what they said about minority groups. They need you to forget how they rigged their own nomination system by systematically shoving out the beloved Bernie Sanders. They, to say it simply, want to prove how easily distracted YOU are by shoving a hyped up news story in front of you to have one more grab at undermining the election results so they can stay in power.
In this day, everyone has to know that the likelihood of a cyber attack is highly likely. You and every organization needs to protect themselves. If you don't want it leaked, don't put it in an email or stored somewhere that can be hacked. This isn't a time to discuss privacy, this is not what this is about.
As Peter Smith said when asked about how he felt learning his emails were hacked:
'"I’m not upset at all,” he said. “I try in my communications, quite frankly, not to say anything that would be embarrassing if made public.”'
And that my friends, is what it's all about. Protect yourself, protect your work, and CYA.... because if you don't, it is likely to be hacked and used against you.
Thursday, December 8, 2016
PC Safe Space Cuddle Time
With Christmas rapidly approaching I am more than happy, I am grateful. Outside of the obvious things I am grateful for a loving family, good health, employment, etc., I am grateful to have independent thoughts and a BRAIN ripe for reasoning. I look around the internet, and sometimes wish I hadn't, and am STILL seeing people protesting the election, a third party candidate DEMANDING recounts that she says is for the voters (yeah, right), and most recently just finished reading an article about a woman who has lost all hope since the election and refuses to date.
It is this kind of consistent idiotic nonsense that inspires me to turn into a hermit. How are people, especially those claiming to be our betters in the elite group, be so brain dead and, for the sake of honesty, dumb? Let me break this post election "trauma" for all of you who are huddled up in your safe spaces.
First, all of you that are out there PROTESTING the election results, please go home. Go back to your families and try to figure out what you are going to do with the new year of 2017 quickly approaching. Protesting this election is not getting you anywhere, and brings me feelings of sadness for you. It also makes me wonder how you are getting all of this free time to do this protesting. Do you people have jobs? I understand that you want to make a difference, I do! You're upset that your candidate lost, but you are not going to make a difference protesting. You know what will though? Being involved in your community. Find a cause you really support and make a difference. If your cause is politics, find your local chapter of whatever party you associate yourself with; I KNOW they would love more turn out and members! Standing on a busy road or in a city square holding a sign comparing Trump to Hitler is not solving anything. (On a side note, you know what you could do? You could find a way to thoughtfully present your ideas to the new administration... but that takes tact and intensive studying.)
Dr. Jill Stein you are not fooling anyone. This recount does not help the "voter" as you continue to claim. Whenever I hear you try and sell this line, the only word screaming in my head is LIAR. You're wasting taxpayer dollars and time. Knock off your nonsense. This is a publicity stunt for you to remain relevant for the next election. (Again, I am thankful that I have a brain that can reason.)
Lastly, for everyone who has lost "hope" and is fearful of the Trump administration, I am going to give you some tough love: GROW up and be an ADULT. Get out of your safe space and greet the REAL WORLD that the rest of society lives in. I think a little bit of reality is settling in where you know the culture and sheltering that has turned you into a crumbling mess of PC cry babies is coming to an end. You may be realizing that the free ride you've been given your entire life is about to burst and you're soon going to have to earn what you want will be your new reality... well, good. I, and I know millions more, are tired of your uber sensitive feelings, everything should be free, PC, safe space cuddle time nonsense. Find out what you were put on this Earth to do, as the rest of us are.
I would like to invite all of you to continue to pray for our nation and our President elect so that we can once again be a nation of prosperous people.
I would also ask that when you encounter any of these liberal programmed children, you speak to them calmly, with reasoning and rational thoughts... and while you try not to poke your eye out talking to them, remember that retraining the brain after it has been thoroughly brainwashed for years takes time so have patience.
It is this kind of consistent idiotic nonsense that inspires me to turn into a hermit. How are people, especially those claiming to be our betters in the elite group, be so brain dead and, for the sake of honesty, dumb? Let me break this post election "trauma" for all of you who are huddled up in your safe spaces.
First, all of you that are out there PROTESTING the election results, please go home. Go back to your families and try to figure out what you are going to do with the new year of 2017 quickly approaching. Protesting this election is not getting you anywhere, and brings me feelings of sadness for you. It also makes me wonder how you are getting all of this free time to do this protesting. Do you people have jobs? I understand that you want to make a difference, I do! You're upset that your candidate lost, but you are not going to make a difference protesting. You know what will though? Being involved in your community. Find a cause you really support and make a difference. If your cause is politics, find your local chapter of whatever party you associate yourself with; I KNOW they would love more turn out and members! Standing on a busy road or in a city square holding a sign comparing Trump to Hitler is not solving anything. (On a side note, you know what you could do? You could find a way to thoughtfully present your ideas to the new administration... but that takes tact and intensive studying.)
Dr. Jill Stein you are not fooling anyone. This recount does not help the "voter" as you continue to claim. Whenever I hear you try and sell this line, the only word screaming in my head is LIAR. You're wasting taxpayer dollars and time. Knock off your nonsense. This is a publicity stunt for you to remain relevant for the next election. (Again, I am thankful that I have a brain that can reason.)
Lastly, for everyone who has lost "hope" and is fearful of the Trump administration, I am going to give you some tough love: GROW up and be an ADULT. Get out of your safe space and greet the REAL WORLD that the rest of society lives in. I think a little bit of reality is settling in where you know the culture and sheltering that has turned you into a crumbling mess of PC cry babies is coming to an end. You may be realizing that the free ride you've been given your entire life is about to burst and you're soon going to have to earn what you want will be your new reality... well, good. I, and I know millions more, are tired of your uber sensitive feelings, everything should be free, PC, safe space cuddle time nonsense. Find out what you were put on this Earth to do, as the rest of us are.
I would like to invite all of you to continue to pray for our nation and our President elect so that we can once again be a nation of prosperous people.
I would also ask that when you encounter any of these liberal programmed children, you speak to them calmly, with reasoning and rational thoughts... and while you try not to poke your eye out talking to them, remember that retraining the brain after it has been thoroughly brainwashed for years takes time so have patience.
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