"I am pleased to see the Supreme Court protect women's rights and health today," said President Obama after the 5-3 ruling that struck down HB2. A law that would require clinics to follow surgical center standards, and the doctors performing abortions would have to have accessing rights to hospitals.
Has common sense taken a vacation within the Supreme Court? If you decide to be in the pro-choice crowd, that is one thing, but to say HB2 would create an "undue burden" on a woman's right to an abortion is complete nonsense. When I heard this decision, the very first thought that crossed my mind was why on Earth wouldn't we want this? How would any woman decide to have an abortion in a dirty clinic that did not meet the same standards as a surgical center? After all, this is an intensely brutal procedure, why wouldn't you want a sterile environment? This doesn't sound like an undue burden, it sounds like the lawmakers in Texas saw some less than desirable clinics in their state.
This also chips a little more away from States rights. A state knows better than the Federal government what is happening within their state lines. This ruling is doing nothing more than sending a strong signal that Big Brother knows better than you. Or the Federal government THINKS they know better but really just end up repeatedly making a fool of themselves.
So how is it that we have become a nation so obsessed with linking abortion to women's health care? It all comes around to verbiage. Most have become so numb to the idea that what has actually been created is a life, that a child in the womb is an actual person with a soul. Instead we are being fed lies, being able to call what a woman is carrying a "fetus" instead of a baby. This fetus isn't a person but a clumping of cells that doesn't feel, which makes it is easier to stomach a procedure to end it.
In the end it really is not a song of women's health care, it is a matter of morality. The Supreme Court did not weigh in on the side of women's health, nor any undue burden. They caved to a society who have become flippant on the value of human life.
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Brain Dead and Lost
Why must we continue to write about tragedy as it pertains to terrorist attacks? It is 2016. We have been fighting ISIS for years,...at least that is what we have been told, so why are we still witnessing brutal murders claimed by this group? Why is it that the general public is being told that ISIS is losing ground, however, we watch reports on the news contradicting Obama's statements?
Yes, I know the MSM (main stream media) will try to sensationalize events, they have to get ratings. I know that we should question everything, but there are more families today who have lost a family member because our leaders are not taking the threat by ISIS seriously.
Do they WANT us to die at the hands of terrorists to forward their agenda? No, I will not go to that extreme. Do I think they are taking advantage of these attacks to take away more of our freedoms? Yes, yes I do.
It makes me wonder what is going on to continue this ripe environment for terrorist groups? We're being told they are falling back, but these attacks sing a different song. We are at war with a group of people who are easily able to recruit and enslave. We are at war with a group that has an easier time acquiring money than the Clinton Foundation. ISIS can be at this moment in our back yards and we would not know, because most are lying in wait because our government and the world wants to be blinded by the threat.
We read stories about the cruelty of ISIS but if we question their motives, we're labeled as misguided, racist, xenophobic, or uneducated. We have leaders worldwide who are in a never ending battle to show other nation's who can be the most compassionate with open borders for refuges. Meanwhile their own countrymen are being asked to shoulder a heavier burden to a grouping of people who are more than likely NOT refugees from war torn nations. Merkel sure as hell has a lot of explaining to do, just as Obama's administration, and the world around does. (With the Brexit I suspect most of the EU nations are upset that their own country will have to shoulder more of the "open border" problems now that Britain said no more.)
If Loretta Lynch and Obama has their way, we will continue the same path in regards to "fighting" ISIS. In their minds ISIS is just a misunderstood moody teenager, that needs love and affection to stop their wicked ways. Just imagine if physicians thought the same about cancer. Instead of treating it aggressively, we shift to herbal teas and campfire songs. It is this way of thinking that prompts me to also think that they view cancer as misdiagnosed severe cold.
The only way we are going to beat this threat is to put up an aggressive plan, which does not include hugs and kisses. The tactics that world leaders have been using to this point have not worked, so why do we trust them to create a plan of attack that would do anything more than what is being done now?
The world leader's are creating safe spaces world wide for the cancerous cells of ISIS to flourish because they have no idea what they are doing. War isn't always the answer for sure, but in this case if we don't demand stronger leadership, we can witness our way of life flowing down the drain.
The time for action is here. It's time to stop hiding from our enemy. Stop wishing them away. Don't let those lives lost to terrorist attacks mean nothing because our leadership is too brain dead to know what to do.
Yes, I know the MSM (main stream media) will try to sensationalize events, they have to get ratings. I know that we should question everything, but there are more families today who have lost a family member because our leaders are not taking the threat by ISIS seriously.
Do they WANT us to die at the hands of terrorists to forward their agenda? No, I will not go to that extreme. Do I think they are taking advantage of these attacks to take away more of our freedoms? Yes, yes I do.
It makes me wonder what is going on to continue this ripe environment for terrorist groups? We're being told they are falling back, but these attacks sing a different song. We are at war with a group of people who are easily able to recruit and enslave. We are at war with a group that has an easier time acquiring money than the Clinton Foundation. ISIS can be at this moment in our back yards and we would not know, because most are lying in wait because our government and the world wants to be blinded by the threat.
We read stories about the cruelty of ISIS but if we question their motives, we're labeled as misguided, racist, xenophobic, or uneducated. We have leaders worldwide who are in a never ending battle to show other nation's who can be the most compassionate with open borders for refuges. Meanwhile their own countrymen are being asked to shoulder a heavier burden to a grouping of people who are more than likely NOT refugees from war torn nations. Merkel sure as hell has a lot of explaining to do, just as Obama's administration, and the world around does. (With the Brexit I suspect most of the EU nations are upset that their own country will have to shoulder more of the "open border" problems now that Britain said no more.)
If Loretta Lynch and Obama has their way, we will continue the same path in regards to "fighting" ISIS. In their minds ISIS is just a misunderstood moody teenager, that needs love and affection to stop their wicked ways. Just imagine if physicians thought the same about cancer. Instead of treating it aggressively, we shift to herbal teas and campfire songs. It is this way of thinking that prompts me to also think that they view cancer as misdiagnosed severe cold.
The only way we are going to beat this threat is to put up an aggressive plan, which does not include hugs and kisses. The tactics that world leaders have been using to this point have not worked, so why do we trust them to create a plan of attack that would do anything more than what is being done now?
The world leader's are creating safe spaces world wide for the cancerous cells of ISIS to flourish because they have no idea what they are doing. War isn't always the answer for sure, but in this case if we don't demand stronger leadership, we can witness our way of life flowing down the drain.
The time for action is here. It's time to stop hiding from our enemy. Stop wishing them away. Don't let those lives lost to terrorist attacks mean nothing because our leadership is too brain dead to know what to do.
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Sanders stands behind Clinton
Is Bernie admitting defeat when he says he will likely be voting for Hillary in the fall? The numbers are not adding up for him to win the nomination, a point he declared while speaking with Chris Cuomo. If this is the case, why am I not seeing breaking news with him declaring his candidacy for president is over? News is coming out instead, that Sanders' press secretary has left his campaign. Does this not sound like someone who has completely given up on his campaign? So why not just admit defeat and leave? Is he holding onto some small thread that Clinton will be locked away by summer's end with her email scandal?
Let's get wild and pull a theoretical scenario here, let's say I am "with Bernie." I am a Bernie supporter. He has my vote 100%. Why am I supporting him? For starters, he is not being supported by the traditional banks, hedge fund, Wall Street morons who cause more harm than good. He is bringing an unflattering light to the Democrats and their candidate selection process with their "SUPER delegates". Sanders is able to engage people who have never voted before because he has a "new" age spin on what politics and government should be. He is a person representing the "every man", but most of all he is not corrupt like Hillary Clinton. Go, Bernie, Go!
As a Bernie Sander's supporter, I am LIVID! How DARE he openly say he is going to endorse the very woman we are all against! There are not a lot of Bernie supporters in the Hillary camp! She is the very idea of EVERYTHING wrong with government. Hillary is the living embodiment of corruption, greed, political favors, special interest group thug that needs to be extinguished from D.C. Yeah, we all hate Trump, because he's racist and sexist, but how COULD you Bernie?! You sold out. You might not be officially out of the race, but you're saying you will cast your vote for someone we are trying so hard to be rid of.
Now back to reality, no more hyothetical support for Bernie.
His latest tweet on his official page reads as follows:
"We must take on the greed and power of corporate America, and create a government and an economy that works for all, not just the 1 percent."
If he really and truly believes this, then how on EARTH can he say he will vote for Clinton? Clinton is everything in the above Tweet. I am wondering if all of these special meetings he is having with Obama and others on the Hill is affecting his discontent with the status quo. If I were to have such an impassioned following of supporters, I would tell them to vote their conscience and write my name in! Have you lost your spine, Bernie? You are turning into a coward if you think a vote for Hillary is the "right" thing to do to keep Trump from office. The personal conviction within yourself and what your movement means isn't heartfelt if you're saying you'll end up voting for the person who is everything your campaign is fighting.
The only ones "feeling the Bern" are your supporters.
Let's get wild and pull a theoretical scenario here, let's say I am "with Bernie." I am a Bernie supporter. He has my vote 100%. Why am I supporting him? For starters, he is not being supported by the traditional banks, hedge fund, Wall Street morons who cause more harm than good. He is bringing an unflattering light to the Democrats and their candidate selection process with their "SUPER delegates". Sanders is able to engage people who have never voted before because he has a "new" age spin on what politics and government should be. He is a person representing the "every man", but most of all he is not corrupt like Hillary Clinton. Go, Bernie, Go!
As a Bernie Sander's supporter, I am LIVID! How DARE he openly say he is going to endorse the very woman we are all against! There are not a lot of Bernie supporters in the Hillary camp! She is the very idea of EVERYTHING wrong with government. Hillary is the living embodiment of corruption, greed, political favors, special interest group thug that needs to be extinguished from D.C. Yeah, we all hate Trump, because he's racist and sexist, but how COULD you Bernie?! You sold out. You might not be officially out of the race, but you're saying you will cast your vote for someone we are trying so hard to be rid of.
Now back to reality, no more hyothetical support for Bernie.
His latest tweet on his official page reads as follows:
"We must take on the greed and power of corporate America, and create a government and an economy that works for all, not just the 1 percent."
If he really and truly believes this, then how on EARTH can he say he will vote for Clinton? Clinton is everything in the above Tweet. I am wondering if all of these special meetings he is having with Obama and others on the Hill is affecting his discontent with the status quo. If I were to have such an impassioned following of supporters, I would tell them to vote their conscience and write my name in! Have you lost your spine, Bernie? You are turning into a coward if you think a vote for Hillary is the "right" thing to do to keep Trump from office. The personal conviction within yourself and what your movement means isn't heartfelt if you're saying you'll end up voting for the person who is everything your campaign is fighting.
The only ones "feeling the Bern" are your supporters.
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Jihad vs. The World
What is this aversion to calling out evil? Seeing the reports from Fort Hood, to San Bernardino, and now Orlando... we're missing out on the most important issue facing us. We're not facing the problem. We're glossing over it because we are falling into hype of nonsense brought to us by the PC nation lead by President Obama.
We have got to ban guns!
Wait. Just wait. No we do not need to ban guns. Guns are not the problem. Banning guns, of any caliber, is not going to stop these types of terrorist attacks on American citizens or anyone else in the world. No guns just means the people who want to cause harm will find a different way.
People have owned guns for years without this nonsense happening.
My Parents and grandparents did not go around thinking that the way to deal with their problems was to shoot the party who disagreed with them, so no, banning guns will not end this madness.
We have to ban Muslims!
I understand this sentiment, I really do. Whenever there is an attack on our people, on the very foundation of what we believe, it is easy to get caught up in that hate and fear.
No, banning Muslims is not going to end this war.
Would it be beneficial to improve our vetting system? Yes. Should we put a temporary halt to immigration for everyone and taking in refugees until this is worked out? Yes. A million times yes!
Not all who follow the faith want to kill those who are not fellow believers. Like I have said before, the vast majority of people on this planet just want to live peacefully and raise their family.
The murderer in Orlando was born an American citizen, so even to ban Muslims from entering the country would not have stopped him.
If you have paid attention, you can see where we as a nation, where we as a world, have gone wrong.
We stopped allowing our kids to be competitive. In order to not allow anyone to have their feelings get hurt, we've been resorting to giving away participation ribbons. Even more, schools are pushing the envelope to have the student who may not do well academically will become a straight A student with lax grading systems. Meanwhile those students who want to be challenged are being lost to a system where they are viewed as privileged. Students are being taught that our country has committed the most evil atrocities the world has ever seen. To burn or desecrate the flag is admirable. To be patriotic is unseemly. The country that I grew up in is a complete 180 from what I see today.
We have to stop being afraid to call a terrorist a terrorist. The world needs leaders who know the difference between allowing people to freely practice their religion and being vigilant to communities that are a threat.
When I read reports saying the suspect in the Orlando shootings has been investigated by the FBI twice, and reports from co-workers were dismissed because the ones reporting him were believed to have been bigoted.... That makes my brain hurt. When the wife says he was scouting out Disney as a possible location... why didn't she report this before hand?
We all know why we are in this mess. It all stems from political correctness.
Shame on all of the politicians using this as a platform for gun control. Every firearm purchased by the murderer was done so legally. Shame on anyone who has lost their compassion for those murdered because they are against the LGTB lifestyle. (No one, absolutely no one, deserves to be brutally murdered because you disagree with someone's lifestyle choices.) Shame on Obama for sidelining the issue of terrorism whether domestic or abroad for the issue of climate change. Shame on the administration for not taking the threat from ISIS seriously.
Whether I directly know anyone from this shooting is irrelevant. American men and women were murdered on American soil in another terrorist attack. I am heartbroken.
I am furious!
I demand results to fix the ever increasing threat to my fellow Americans and people around the world from ISIS!
We have got to ban guns!
Wait. Just wait. No we do not need to ban guns. Guns are not the problem. Banning guns, of any caliber, is not going to stop these types of terrorist attacks on American citizens or anyone else in the world. No guns just means the people who want to cause harm will find a different way.
People have owned guns for years without this nonsense happening.
My Parents and grandparents did not go around thinking that the way to deal with their problems was to shoot the party who disagreed with them, so no, banning guns will not end this madness.
We have to ban Muslims!
I understand this sentiment, I really do. Whenever there is an attack on our people, on the very foundation of what we believe, it is easy to get caught up in that hate and fear.
No, banning Muslims is not going to end this war.
Would it be beneficial to improve our vetting system? Yes. Should we put a temporary halt to immigration for everyone and taking in refugees until this is worked out? Yes. A million times yes!
Not all who follow the faith want to kill those who are not fellow believers. Like I have said before, the vast majority of people on this planet just want to live peacefully and raise their family.
The murderer in Orlando was born an American citizen, so even to ban Muslims from entering the country would not have stopped him.
If you have paid attention, you can see where we as a nation, where we as a world, have gone wrong.
We stopped allowing our kids to be competitive. In order to not allow anyone to have their feelings get hurt, we've been resorting to giving away participation ribbons. Even more, schools are pushing the envelope to have the student who may not do well academically will become a straight A student with lax grading systems. Meanwhile those students who want to be challenged are being lost to a system where they are viewed as privileged. Students are being taught that our country has committed the most evil atrocities the world has ever seen. To burn or desecrate the flag is admirable. To be patriotic is unseemly. The country that I grew up in is a complete 180 from what I see today.
We have to stop being afraid to call a terrorist a terrorist. The world needs leaders who know the difference between allowing people to freely practice their religion and being vigilant to communities that are a threat.
When I read reports saying the suspect in the Orlando shootings has been investigated by the FBI twice, and reports from co-workers were dismissed because the ones reporting him were believed to have been bigoted.... That makes my brain hurt. When the wife says he was scouting out Disney as a possible location... why didn't she report this before hand?
We all know why we are in this mess. It all stems from political correctness.
Shame on all of the politicians using this as a platform for gun control. Every firearm purchased by the murderer was done so legally. Shame on anyone who has lost their compassion for those murdered because they are against the LGTB lifestyle. (No one, absolutely no one, deserves to be brutally murdered because you disagree with someone's lifestyle choices.) Shame on Obama for sidelining the issue of terrorism whether domestic or abroad for the issue of climate change. Shame on the administration for not taking the threat from ISIS seriously.
Whether I directly know anyone from this shooting is irrelevant. American men and women were murdered on American soil in another terrorist attack. I am heartbroken.
I am furious!
I demand results to fix the ever increasing threat to my fellow Americans and people around the world from ISIS!
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Glass Slippers and Glass Ceilings
What a disgrace to history we have witnessed on June 7th. Hillary Clinton is the first female Presidential nominee... and I, as a woman, am mortified that I am expected to be enthusiastic for this occasion! I am being told I am supposed to feel like a glass ceiling has been shattered. That Hillary Clinton getting, but in all honesty has "bought", the nomination is a monumental stepping stone for future generations of women, and also for myself. Her nomination is a milestone for women everywhere....
For anyone who is waiving the American flag with your face covered in tears of joy for this moment, you've been duped. Had. Your goat has been got. There is nothing special about this woman, and by no means should anyone be using her as a role model for young girls or women anywhere.
History has forever handed us a smoke screen of what is supposed to be a historic event.
The main stream media will say "She's a pioneer for women's rights!" I am 32 years old, and I can honestly tell you my rights did NOT come from her. My rights came from women like Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Stanton, Clelia Mosher, Sojourner Truth, and men who supported their movement like the remarkable Frederick Douglas. Clinton's push for what we're labeling "women's rights" has everything to do with abortion and nothing of merit, but please continue this farce of telling Americans and the world that she is "fighting for us." When has she ever come out publicly and denounced the laws that allow for acceptable beatings of a wife from her husband for disobeying him? When has she ever threatened to cut off aid to nations who look at women as second class citizens? When has Hillary Clinton gone to the EU to demand that every child, every girl, be allowed to complete their education before their families allow for an arraigned marriage to take place? Where is their happily ever after? Show me these transcripts!
I cringe when I hear people give her credit as the Secretary of State. She has "brought the world to negotiation tables".... (Yes, I found this argument when I Goggled "Hillary Clinton Accomplishments.") If you want to talk about bringing the world together to turn the US into the EU's welcome mat and subsequently weaken the US military ... then SURE! She's fantastic.
How do you propose me to look up to, and idolize, a woman who accepts money for her foundation in exchange for political favors? How can you expect me to stand in awe of a woman who stays locked in a marriage for political gain? How much longer will I need to keep asking Hillary supporters to tell me her accomplishments and be content without an answer? This woman has done nothing more than pad her pocket while sporting the latest designer label. This woman says she understands the plight of the poor and middle class, and to claim she was broke when they left the White House.
She's nothing more than a modern day con artist who continuously scams the American people.
I say this as a woman, a mother, a wife, a daughter, a granddaughter, and a niece; Hillary Clinton has stolen a momentous night from American history, and I will do everything within my power to deny her the White House.
For anyone who is waiving the American flag with your face covered in tears of joy for this moment, you've been duped. Had. Your goat has been got. There is nothing special about this woman, and by no means should anyone be using her as a role model for young girls or women anywhere.
History has forever handed us a smoke screen of what is supposed to be a historic event.
The main stream media will say "She's a pioneer for women's rights!" I am 32 years old, and I can honestly tell you my rights did NOT come from her. My rights came from women like Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Stanton, Clelia Mosher, Sojourner Truth, and men who supported their movement like the remarkable Frederick Douglas. Clinton's push for what we're labeling "women's rights" has everything to do with abortion and nothing of merit, but please continue this farce of telling Americans and the world that she is "fighting for us." When has she ever come out publicly and denounced the laws that allow for acceptable beatings of a wife from her husband for disobeying him? When has she ever threatened to cut off aid to nations who look at women as second class citizens? When has Hillary Clinton gone to the EU to demand that every child, every girl, be allowed to complete their education before their families allow for an arraigned marriage to take place? Where is their happily ever after? Show me these transcripts!
I cringe when I hear people give her credit as the Secretary of State. She has "brought the world to negotiation tables".... (Yes, I found this argument when I Goggled "Hillary Clinton Accomplishments.") If you want to talk about bringing the world together to turn the US into the EU's welcome mat and subsequently weaken the US military ... then SURE! She's fantastic.
How do you propose me to look up to, and idolize, a woman who accepts money for her foundation in exchange for political favors? How can you expect me to stand in awe of a woman who stays locked in a marriage for political gain? How much longer will I need to keep asking Hillary supporters to tell me her accomplishments and be content without an answer? This woman has done nothing more than pad her pocket while sporting the latest designer label. This woman says she understands the plight of the poor and middle class, and to claim she was broke when they left the White House.
She's nothing more than a modern day con artist who continuously scams the American people.
I say this as a woman, a mother, a wife, a daughter, a granddaughter, and a niece; Hillary Clinton has stolen a momentous night from American history, and I will do everything within my power to deny her the White House.
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