The bell has rung repeatedly for all of the candidates the GOPe has endorsed. The fat lady has sung their sad song of defeat on numerous occasions this election cycle. So what is the GOPe next move? Try anything and everything to hold on to their power.
Power has got to be more addictive than any drug out there. Why else would the establishment not want to throw their support behind the leading nominee? Why wouldn't they try to win? It is because neither of these people are promising them that they will help them maintain that power they have become so addicted to.
You've got Trump and Cruz left for the Republican ticket; Kasich is behind Rubio who is already OUT of the race, so I am not counting on Kasich to make a come back. The options look dim for the Gope, right? They are going to have to finally accept the will of the people supporting their party, right? No! They still have the convention!
There is still hope for the GOPe, right? The cynical side says they will get what they want either way, even if that means allowing Hillary to win. If the GOPe chooses not to accept the primary and caucus voting results they will face backlash that may mean their demise IF the people rise up against them.
What the GOPe is doing to bring down Trump and Cruz is equivalent to a child not getting their candy at the check out line in the grocery store. Yelling, kicking, screaming, hitting... all because they are not getting their way.
The GOP Elites are spoiled children in need of a good spanking.
Boehner says Cruz is "Lucifer in the flesh" and that he is a "miserable S.O.B." Really? Come on now. Boehner is a spineless DC conformist, why do his opinions matter? He's part of the GOPe. He has a few favors to keep. He is part of the distrust of the American government.
Politics is a dirty grouping of people in search of power. That power stems from money, LOTS of money. Those who have a majority of it typically end up coming out on top. Those who don't have a staggering amount of cash flow are usually left in the dust unless they are willing to have a louder voice than their opponent. Just because politics is a who's who with buckets of money being burned in a fireplace doesn't mean that the people have to accept it.
The optimistic side of me is noticing distain and unrest with traditional ways things are done in politics and that is why we are seeing movements such as Trump, Cruz, and (I hate to say it) even Sanders.
The GOPe will not last if they continue down their current path of ideology. Those in charge of the GOP aren't necessarily conservative, they just have a lot of vested interest whether it be for their business, but it all boils down to money. Which is why when I hear of them complaining that person X isn't "conservative enough" I get a kick out of it. Where is the compromise that the Democrats and GOPe clamor for? After all, isn't that what they tell the people how things should get done in DC? That logic dictates that they should support and try to help the winner of the vote win this November.
The bell is starting to ring louder for those within the GOPe. Either way, I think we are about to witness a new Republican party emerging.
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