I have heard from other bloggers, TV "reporters", and by the President of the United States that conservative radio is causing unrest and anger among the American people. You know what I think is causing the MSM, liberal bloggers, POTUS to say this? There is a nerve hit when someone voices an opinion in opposition to them. Obama can't handle opposition or any kind of push back, and he has mindless reporters coming in defending him.
We also need to examine that having opposition does not work when you are trying to establish a socialist regime under the guise of democracy. No, opposition doesn't work for them, the only thing that works is being deaf, blind, and accepting to all policies put in place.
Let's face it, being a Republican is difficult. Being labeled conservative is even worse. We're made to look like Neanderthals, dragging women around by their hair and communicating with each other via grunts and groans. It's exhausting to feel like I need to defend my values daily.
I am a college educated woman. I have a good grip between right and wrong, but am continuously subjected to this endless barrage by the MSM and our leadership telling me I am out of touch with reality. To which I counter, you have no idea what reality is anymore. You live in D.C. and if you were to venture out, you would be blindsided by what reality actually is.
Conservative radio hosts are spreading hate, you say. Have you listened to any of them for more than the sound clip you hear on your government controlled media centers? Rush Limbaugh keeps me tuning in everyday not because he has brainwashed me, nor because he helps fuel this hatred you say lives deep within me, but he helps me to stay sane in a vast sea of nonsense. In my native city of Virginia Beach, I listen to Steve Batton. I can get some good old-fashioned honest reporting and balance to the onslaught of liberal garbage being passed off as news. In case some of were not taught this growing up, it's always good to have opposing view points; it helps you learn, to see the world from a different view point, to grow intellectually.
Which brings me to tonight and the SOTU. Tonight I am fully expecting to be lied to in Obama's last address. I am expecting this SOTU to be maddening in a way that has occurred since he made his second SOTU address.
This "empty chair" in memorandum of gun violence victims; give me a break. If I were one of these victims family members I would ask Obama where his concern was the moment these tragic events occurred. Why did he choose to lecture people about owning a gun instead of dealing with the issue when it occurred? Why did you tell all of us that climate change was the number one cause of all the ills of the world and completely forget about these tragedies? If guns really are the problem then why hasn't that resonated with the people of Chicago; where gun control laws are very strict, but there are still numerous reports of murders on a daily basis.
I do not want to hear that we're heading in the correct direction when things obviously aren't getting any better. Our taxes and debt keep increasing but no one knows how to use this money they are given.... That's a sentiment I feel on a local, state, and federal level. We aren't secure in our fight against ISIS. In a nation where we're supposed to be the most free, we're seeing people being penalized for not having health insurance. Our government cares more about non US citizens than our own. Refugees are going to be given the moon, and yet those who served in our armed forces are living on the street and have to beg for reliable health care.
I can't imagine anything being said tonight to make me believe that we're better than before Obama took office, but I will listen any way. I will get angry without having to listen to any one else's comments. I will voice my opposition and continue to fight for what is right.
We need divine intervention now more than ever before,and hopefully we get it soon.
God Bless the USA!
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