Sunday, August 30, 2015
The Fallacy of Modern Day Feminism
Every so often I will have someone ask if I am a feminist and my immediate response is no. I am not a feminist, and this is surprising to most people. There are many strong celebrity women out there who are also deciding to not label themselves as a feminist (Carrie Underwood, Taylor Swift, Madonna, and Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting to name a few.) Much to the dismay of the left, and the general low information voter crowd, many are labeling themself as a humanist because the word f'eminist" has changed in our modern era. Modern day feminists are demanding government funded abortions, free government funded contraceptives, fighting social norms so they can skip shaving their under arms or legs and they are also fighting to "free the nipple." Is it any wonder why a lot of women cringe when they hear they are trying to be labeled as a feminist? These modern day feminists are nothing more than a group of selfish, hateful women who are a hollow rendition of what a real feminist should be.
Real feminism in the U.S. was a hard, up-hill battle that did so much for women. Without them, women would still be viewed as property as they are still in much of the world. It took women like Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton decades of continuous fighting to be able to convince men that women had just as much a right to vote as they did. Eleanor Roosevelt headed a committee designed under JFK to oversee equal workplace practices. Soon after, came the Equal Pay Act. Historical Feminists lead the way for girls to be allowed the equal right to education, to be seen as more than a fixture to hang off a man's arm. Modern day feminism is becoming more and more unnecessary here in the US, however, in other parts of the world women need someone to still be their voice for equality. A modern day American feminist has no idea what oppression is.This point makes it frustrating for me when I hear about them hammering away for something trivial as what was noted above.
In many parts of the world, real feminism is still needed. For many girls around the world, they are still viewed as nothing more than an object to please a man. In order for most of these girls to become pleasing to men, they have to undergo a female genital mutilation, aka FGM. To not undergo this procedure limits a girls options for a "good" match in marriage. She is also doomed to live out the rest of her life being viewed as "unclean." A FGM is performed because it is still widely believed that girls have to be pure (aka a virgin), when they are married. By performing the FGM it is believed to limit their sexual desires so it increases the chances of maintaining their virginity. According to CNN, of the 125 million girls who have had this procedure completed, one in four live in Egypt. The practice is seen mainly in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and is creeping into Europe according to the WHO. It is such an aggressive issue that the UK has banned this practice and has told girls in their country that, should they be worried they are to be taken out of the country to have this proceedure done, they are to tell a teacher, police office, etc. The UK offers jail time of up to 14 years for anyone who is caught being part in this ritual. Not all of these female circumcisions are completed with the supervision of a doctor. Some are performed with dulled knives, rusty equipment, and in some obscene cases, are done with a sharp fingernail. According to an article by Abigail Haworth, girls families in Indonesia were at one point paid 80,000 rupiah and given a bag of food for each daughter they brought and had "cut."
There are many children who are too commonly married before they reach the age of eighteen. Many of these young girls who are forced into marriage at a young age are never able to continue school, leaving them with no notable skills. This does nothing more than help the cycle of poverty in a constant, spinning continuum. In some cases, like what is happening to Syrian refugees, mothers worry about the safety of their daughters without the protection of their fathers and marry them off. According to an article written in National Geographic, one out of nine girls in developing countries will be married by fifteen. Most of these girls will be married to a man who is twice their age. Sex slavery/trafficking is another defeating sentence for girls and women. We don't even need to even look too far outside of our borders to know this is happening.
For most of the world, we need to have a strong feminine voice advocating against the atrocities that women and girls face on a daily basis. Most of these governments turn a blind eye to the consistent brutality girls face because they want to be the superior sex. This is not the case in the U.S. Women are a strong, equal force driving our nation. Which is why the modern day feminist is substantially unnecessary. Every time I hear a politician, or women in general, discuss how they are continuously discriminated against in the USA, I think I can hear the real feminists banging their angry fists in their graves.
Sunday, August 23, 2015
The Offensively Offensive Problem of Political Correctness
Being politically correct is damaging our nation. It's because we as a society, in general, can and will be offended by anything we as an individual deem as offensive. Which started the fun phrase of," I'm offended that you're offended" because not everything in life has to be so serious. As soon as December hit I remember shopping with my mom as a child and every where we went instead of saying "have a nice day" at the end of the transaction, it turned to "Merry Chirstmas!" Oh the modern day horror! Last year I had enough and decided to say it to people I had interactions with because first, I am over being lectured by a societal norm I have never met, but I also want to embrace the happiness that the season represents. If I say "Merry Christmas" to you and you say it back, great! If it isn't your holiday, then tell me and I'll wish you the most amazing Hanukkah or whatever it is you celebrate.
Political correctness is simply exhausting. Let's take the word "gay" for example. Fred and Barney would have a "gay ol' time" together, and it had nothing to do with homosexuality. Gay used to mean to be happy, joyful, full of merriment. Then it evolved into describing a homosexual person, mainly a homosexual man. As a 90's child I remember it developing into meaning stupid or lame, which wasn't PC and hurt a small fraction of people's feelings so commercials went out trying to persuade us not to use the word gay to describe those emotions. To which I say no, no I will not. Let's also sidebar here and, just for fun, show that the word lesbian evolved as saying you were gay wasn't inclusive enough for the female population of homosexuals. Ponder THAT for a second, that right there is political correctness at work!
Now let's list some things that need to end with this hyper-sensitivity to everything that some random, small, and simple minded group of people deemed to be offensive that really isn't offensive but they are offended so we should be too. Yet they think it is offensive because they want to control our behavior.
1.) Hyphenated Americans. Let's end this Mexican-American, Latino-American, African-American, Jewish-American, Irish-American, etc. I believe that if you legally live in these borders, you are an American. Period. No hyphenating needed. Be proud to live in this nation, we're one of the best places to live. We don't have nobility, we don't have a dictator, we have the ability to say what we want without fear of persecution. Celebrate your ancestry! If someone were to renounce their American citizenship and move to Canada, do you think that they call themselves American-Canadian? NO, it's just silly. Having this small group label us in such a way only goes further to divide us as a nation of people. We're stronger together than we are divided and that's what this PC group wants from this division of hyphenated labels.
2.) Gender labels. Target has removed labels of their toy aisles because of labels and unicorns and happy butterflies. Ugh. Blah! We are trying so hard to show that there aren't any differences between men and women, and to be so inclusive that we're taking away what makes us special as an individual. News flash, we are either a female or a male, and that is OK.
3.) Muslims. NO, not all of them are out to destroy. Not all of them spend every waking hour of their day thinking of ways to eliminate non-Muslims. However! There are some that are really evil who do want that and we're ignoring those who do want to harm us so we don't offend that group of people. Stop bending over backwards to hide that evil part of that religion to not offend them. By not acknowledging this group of evil we are setting ourselves up for a wake-up call none will want to face.
4.) American Pride. It is more than acceptable to be proud to be an American. Despite public schools and college campuses teaching us that we're the center of all evil in the world. Wear those American shirts, wave those flags, and do so with no shame. If the USA wasn't that awesome, then no one would want to risk death to be here.
5.) Illegal Immigrants. Yes, we do care about people suffering. Let's stop with this bending over backwards to accommodate illegals in our country and not care about our own starving in the streets. We who are against amnesty aren't wanting to give American citizenship to people who didn't honor our nation's laws to begin with. The media was focusing this whole week on whether or not the term "anchor baby" was offensive and missed the ENTIRE point on why people are upset about this issue completely.
6.) Entertainment. Jokes are just that, stop being offended over humor. Movies don't have to meet a certain quota of certain race mixes just to be diverse.
7.) Stereotypes. Not all are negative, and stop acting like the positive ones are Earth turning evil.
If you're offended at all by this article, you're probably part of the problem.
Political correctness is simply exhausting. Let's take the word "gay" for example. Fred and Barney would have a "gay ol' time" together, and it had nothing to do with homosexuality. Gay used to mean to be happy, joyful, full of merriment. Then it evolved into describing a homosexual person, mainly a homosexual man. As a 90's child I remember it developing into meaning stupid or lame, which wasn't PC and hurt a small fraction of people's feelings so commercials went out trying to persuade us not to use the word gay to describe those emotions. To which I say no, no I will not. Let's also sidebar here and, just for fun, show that the word lesbian evolved as saying you were gay wasn't inclusive enough for the female population of homosexuals. Ponder THAT for a second, that right there is political correctness at work!
Now let's list some things that need to end with this hyper-sensitivity to everything that some random, small, and simple minded group of people deemed to be offensive that really isn't offensive but they are offended so we should be too. Yet they think it is offensive because they want to control our behavior.
1.) Hyphenated Americans. Let's end this Mexican-American, Latino-American, African-American, Jewish-American, Irish-American, etc. I believe that if you legally live in these borders, you are an American. Period. No hyphenating needed. Be proud to live in this nation, we're one of the best places to live. We don't have nobility, we don't have a dictator, we have the ability to say what we want without fear of persecution. Celebrate your ancestry! If someone were to renounce their American citizenship and move to Canada, do you think that they call themselves American-Canadian? NO, it's just silly. Having this small group label us in such a way only goes further to divide us as a nation of people. We're stronger together than we are divided and that's what this PC group wants from this division of hyphenated labels.
2.) Gender labels. Target has removed labels of their toy aisles because of labels and unicorns and happy butterflies. Ugh. Blah! We are trying so hard to show that there aren't any differences between men and women, and to be so inclusive that we're taking away what makes us special as an individual. News flash, we are either a female or a male, and that is OK.
3.) Muslims. NO, not all of them are out to destroy. Not all of them spend every waking hour of their day thinking of ways to eliminate non-Muslims. However! There are some that are really evil who do want that and we're ignoring those who do want to harm us so we don't offend that group of people. Stop bending over backwards to hide that evil part of that religion to not offend them. By not acknowledging this group of evil we are setting ourselves up for a wake-up call none will want to face.
4.) American Pride. It is more than acceptable to be proud to be an American. Despite public schools and college campuses teaching us that we're the center of all evil in the world. Wear those American shirts, wave those flags, and do so with no shame. If the USA wasn't that awesome, then no one would want to risk death to be here.
5.) Illegal Immigrants. Yes, we do care about people suffering. Let's stop with this bending over backwards to accommodate illegals in our country and not care about our own starving in the streets. We who are against amnesty aren't wanting to give American citizenship to people who didn't honor our nation's laws to begin with. The media was focusing this whole week on whether or not the term "anchor baby" was offensive and missed the ENTIRE point on why people are upset about this issue completely.
6.) Entertainment. Jokes are just that, stop being offended over humor. Movies don't have to meet a certain quota of certain race mixes just to be diverse.
7.) Stereotypes. Not all are negative, and stop acting like the positive ones are Earth turning evil.
If you're offended at all by this article, you're probably part of the problem.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Planned Parenthood: A Place of Murder for Profit
Despite a court order calling on the Center for Medical Progress to cease releasing videos of those associated with Planned Parenthood, a SEVENTH video has been released. In this video a "procurement specialist" is seen explaining one of the "fetuses" she witnessed after an abortion had taken place where they were going to get a brain. Follow this link to watch, or just listen depending on your stomach:
I ask any of you who are still on board with abortions to tell me how this was not a person? You could tap the heart and it would still beat. The legs were twitching of this murdered person while on the table. A person who wasn't grieved, but a person whose organs were viewed as something "kind of neat" because you could tap the heart and it would function. This place called Planned Parenthood is conducting partial birth abortions for more valuable tissue to be sold. This video provides more than enough evidence to support this theory and various rumors about their practices.
You know how some make the arguments that we are desensitized as a society because of explicit images of death or video games? When did we as a society become ok with labeling a person in the womb as a "fetus" and not "human" or "baby"? I'll tell you this, when my husband and I announced we were pregnant with our son, we did not joyfully show the ultrasound photos and say, "here's our fetus!" No he was, from the second he was conceived, a baby, a human being. Hillary Clinton said that "a baby isn't a baby until it leaves the hospital." Then I go back to my same argument. If we as a society didn't get so excited about a baby, a new addition to the family, then why on Earth would she have shared in the joy of her daughter announcing that she was expecting? That's because a "fetus" is far more than a clump of cells that you can choose to do with as you please. It is a baby who has as much a right to life as the woman able to decide on whether or not he or she survives.
I did some research, because I had a lot of people tell me that Planned Parenthood offers cheaper services for women's health needs. To which I say, with a hint of childlike humor, nah-uh, no they do not. I called a handful of different OB GYN offices in the Virginia Beach area today and I was told around the same amount. The pap smear and office visit would be about $170, some around $170 and some quoting around $200. I then called the local Planned Parenthood office and was told that depending on the service it could be any where between $130 and $200. While a $40 difference would be enough to fill my gas tank, in the general scheme of things, there really isn't a profound difference to entice me to continue to fund them tax payer dollars.
All I am asking is that if you have a child, look at them for one moment. There are people out there who did not consider your child to be a person until he or she has reached a certain gestational age. More recently, there are politicians who did not view your child as a person until he or she left the hospital. I ask again that as you look at your child, just know this. There is a government we live under that is protecting and giving millions of our dollars to this organization who puts a price tag on partially aborted people so they can collect a profit.
I ask any of you who are still on board with abortions to tell me how this was not a person? You could tap the heart and it would still beat. The legs were twitching of this murdered person while on the table. A person who wasn't grieved, but a person whose organs were viewed as something "kind of neat" because you could tap the heart and it would function. This place called Planned Parenthood is conducting partial birth abortions for more valuable tissue to be sold. This video provides more than enough evidence to support this theory and various rumors about their practices.
You know how some make the arguments that we are desensitized as a society because of explicit images of death or video games? When did we as a society become ok with labeling a person in the womb as a "fetus" and not "human" or "baby"? I'll tell you this, when my husband and I announced we were pregnant with our son, we did not joyfully show the ultrasound photos and say, "here's our fetus!" No he was, from the second he was conceived, a baby, a human being. Hillary Clinton said that "a baby isn't a baby until it leaves the hospital." Then I go back to my same argument. If we as a society didn't get so excited about a baby, a new addition to the family, then why on Earth would she have shared in the joy of her daughter announcing that she was expecting? That's because a "fetus" is far more than a clump of cells that you can choose to do with as you please. It is a baby who has as much a right to life as the woman able to decide on whether or not he or she survives.
I did some research, because I had a lot of people tell me that Planned Parenthood offers cheaper services for women's health needs. To which I say, with a hint of childlike humor, nah-uh, no they do not. I called a handful of different OB GYN offices in the Virginia Beach area today and I was told around the same amount. The pap smear and office visit would be about $170, some around $170 and some quoting around $200. I then called the local Planned Parenthood office and was told that depending on the service it could be any where between $130 and $200. While a $40 difference would be enough to fill my gas tank, in the general scheme of things, there really isn't a profound difference to entice me to continue to fund them tax payer dollars.
All I am asking is that if you have a child, look at them for one moment. There are people out there who did not consider your child to be a person until he or she has reached a certain gestational age. More recently, there are politicians who did not view your child as a person until he or she left the hospital. I ask again that as you look at your child, just know this. There is a government we live under that is protecting and giving millions of our dollars to this organization who puts a price tag on partially aborted people so they can collect a profit.
Sunday, August 9, 2015
The Republican Debate, Winners and Losers
I will say going into the debates last Thursday I was so excited to see what was going to happen, but I think many of us would agree it was a colossal failure. The main event, as I like to phrase it, had too many people in it and not everyone had enough air time. Those who were moderating it had their agenda clearly visible and it was really disappointing. I expected more from those at Fox. I genuinely expected them to be a group of actual journalists who would act like old fashioned journalists. Like the days of old, before money had anything to do with how a news organization reported on anything. Despite what Fox says it was plainly obvious who they want out, based upon the money flowing around from whatever high rolling special interest group/donor. I was overly surprised that the final question they landed on had to deal with the candidates view on religion and God.
I do think Trump was slow to start and needed some more coaching, but overall he did not bomb. The poll numbers that NBC came out with this weekend show he is still LEADING. Watching this silly little "feud" between Megyn Kelly and Trump is beyond annoying. All of these folks that are coming around and huddling around her coming to her defense, all I can really say to this is REALLY? This woman was once considered by many to be intelligent, so I know she knew exactly what she was doing by asking Trump the questions she did. If she did not expect him to bite back at her for the nonsense she was spewing, that's on her. I would say that if it was Chris Wallace who was having this "feud" with Trump, no one would be as anxious to come to his defense. That old expression, if you can't stand the heat then get out of the kitchen applies here.
Cruz is now in second place according to the same NBC poll. Which I am surprised, but not at the same time. Cruz has developed that matter of fact attitude that has a lot of people supporting Trump. Cruz was another candidate who many noted was not given a lot of air time. I like Cruz. I am surprised by his placement only because a number of the low information voters won't know who he is.
Dr. Ben Carson. I was so incredibly impressed with him! I was beyond excited to see how his mannerisms rewarded him with a lot of laughter and a lot of applause. Not only does this man have a very smart mind, but his wit is going to serve him a long way in the race to the nomination. It was refreshing and inspiring to hear his comments about race relations. He turned out to be the second most searched candidate, and that shouldn't be a surprise.
Carly Fiorina was declared by many to be the winner of the debate, but she wasn't in the prime time slot. Her thoughts about Hillary are on point. The concept that she thinks the government should be a "citizen government" yet a lot of people have come to think that we need a "professional political class: to govern is wonderful!
Rubio is now listed as number five in the NBC poll, and this makes me very happy. He wasn't and hasn't been an "attack" candidate but he is a very calm and composed man. I saw him project himself in a professional manner on Thursday. I like that he isn't diving head first into the media's attack on Trump, and I also like how he is making waves with his views on abortion.
On a very selfish note, I am happy that Bush is down to sixth place! I want Bush out of contention This drop should show everyone that one of the reasons why he was polling so high initially was name recognition. All of these reports that he is the candidate getting most of the donations bothers me. This is showing me that the big interest groups want him to be their puppet so they can maintain their power hold. That fact should bother anyone who is sick of the same old nonsense being delivered from D.C. If he continues to decline in the polls I don't see how these high paying donors can ignore that their money will go to waste by an unelectable candidate.
There is one fact that is undeniable. Fox News seriously blew the debate. Their questions, for the most part, were better phrased for tabloids. Fox News was the loser of the first debate.
I do think Trump was slow to start and needed some more coaching, but overall he did not bomb. The poll numbers that NBC came out with this weekend show he is still LEADING. Watching this silly little "feud" between Megyn Kelly and Trump is beyond annoying. All of these folks that are coming around and huddling around her coming to her defense, all I can really say to this is REALLY? This woman was once considered by many to be intelligent, so I know she knew exactly what she was doing by asking Trump the questions she did. If she did not expect him to bite back at her for the nonsense she was spewing, that's on her. I would say that if it was Chris Wallace who was having this "feud" with Trump, no one would be as anxious to come to his defense. That old expression, if you can't stand the heat then get out of the kitchen applies here.
Cruz is now in second place according to the same NBC poll. Which I am surprised, but not at the same time. Cruz has developed that matter of fact attitude that has a lot of people supporting Trump. Cruz was another candidate who many noted was not given a lot of air time. I like Cruz. I am surprised by his placement only because a number of the low information voters won't know who he is.
Dr. Ben Carson. I was so incredibly impressed with him! I was beyond excited to see how his mannerisms rewarded him with a lot of laughter and a lot of applause. Not only does this man have a very smart mind, but his wit is going to serve him a long way in the race to the nomination. It was refreshing and inspiring to hear his comments about race relations. He turned out to be the second most searched candidate, and that shouldn't be a surprise.
Carly Fiorina was declared by many to be the winner of the debate, but she wasn't in the prime time slot. Her thoughts about Hillary are on point. The concept that she thinks the government should be a "citizen government" yet a lot of people have come to think that we need a "professional political class: to govern is wonderful!
Rubio is now listed as number five in the NBC poll, and this makes me very happy. He wasn't and hasn't been an "attack" candidate but he is a very calm and composed man. I saw him project himself in a professional manner on Thursday. I like that he isn't diving head first into the media's attack on Trump, and I also like how he is making waves with his views on abortion.
On a very selfish note, I am happy that Bush is down to sixth place! I want Bush out of contention This drop should show everyone that one of the reasons why he was polling so high initially was name recognition. All of these reports that he is the candidate getting most of the donations bothers me. This is showing me that the big interest groups want him to be their puppet so they can maintain their power hold. That fact should bother anyone who is sick of the same old nonsense being delivered from D.C. If he continues to decline in the polls I don't see how these high paying donors can ignore that their money will go to waste by an unelectable candidate.
There is one fact that is undeniable. Fox News seriously blew the debate. Their questions, for the most part, were better phrased for tabloids. Fox News was the loser of the first debate.
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Preview of The First Republican Debate
Thursday cannot come fast enough! The first Republican Presidential Candidate Debate will be held in Ohio this coming week, and the excitement is heady. I think a lot of people are going to tune in, in part to see what Trump may say to make the Friday morning headlines. I also would like to think that most tuning in are looking to see who is going to turn out to be the front runner to represent our fractured party. Going into Thursday here are the leaders according to a new poll by The Wall Street Journal:
Trump, Walker, Bush, Carson, Cruz, Huckabee, Paul, Rubio, Christie, and Perry.
These are the top ten, and all are very diverse in their approach and in their message.
Trump. He needs to come out and hit hard like he has been, but he also needs to learn to pull back on the personal attacks. Case in point, making fun of Perry wearing glasses to try to appear more intelligent. No, no this is funny in a high school kind of way, but is not a way for a President to act. I think if he continues to speak bluntly about the issues that matter like immigration, education, national security, he should be fine. Now would be a great time to come out swinging with more than just buzz words and lay out his plans for implementing the bold changes you see for America. I do believe that he is going to have to answer to his idea that a single payer health care system is better than what we had before Obamacare was implemented. I think he will may in the future need to address his waiving of the "conservative" banner, when he really shouldn't be waiving that flag with some of the ideas he is putting forth. I think there is something critical that we should ask ourselves about Trump. Is he speaking and acting in the same manner in which Obama did to draw accolades from the people? Is Trump going to be our nation's next Obama, with bold talk , a large following, and bad ideas? I like Trump for his blunt talk, but am worried he is covering up a very leftist way of thinking.
Walker. What is going to really hurt him is his lack of media attention because most is going to Trump. Does he need to go all out and "Trump"-up his campaign? Not necessarily, but sometimes you need to rock the boat to not get left behind. Especially in this large pool of candidates to choose from. I like that he is not afraid to go after Hillary, which is something that a lot of people seem to be afraid of doing lately.
Bush. I don't trust this man. I trust him just about as much as I do Hillary, and that is not a compliment. Bush has a long road to go in which he proves to me, and I believe a vast majority of people, that he is more than just a puppet for the cronies running the Republican establishment in D.C. When a person supports common core education, I leave the conversation, thus I leave the idea for casting a vote for him. He also supports amnesty, which goes right in line to his every day gross pandering to win the Hispanic vote. Jeb Bush for me is a greasy, slippery eel. I'm not buying that anything he wants is for the good of the nation, and neither do most voters. I say this again to the Republican establishment trying to force feed him to us; if Hillary is given the Democratic nomination and we offer Bush as the other option, we're going to lose.
Thursday is going to be important, if for nothing more than whittling the field down to a few (if not more) candidates. I hope that the debate is vibrant and honest. I don't want buzz words. I want policy ideas. I don't want to hear that you want to secure the border, I want to hear how you will do so. I will promise this, if anyone says that they are for the replacement, not the repeal, of Obamacare I am crossing you off my list.
Trump, Walker, Bush, Carson, Cruz, Huckabee, Paul, Rubio, Christie, and Perry.
These are the top ten, and all are very diverse in their approach and in their message.
Trump. He needs to come out and hit hard like he has been, but he also needs to learn to pull back on the personal attacks. Case in point, making fun of Perry wearing glasses to try to appear more intelligent. No, no this is funny in a high school kind of way, but is not a way for a President to act. I think if he continues to speak bluntly about the issues that matter like immigration, education, national security, he should be fine. Now would be a great time to come out swinging with more than just buzz words and lay out his plans for implementing the bold changes you see for America. I do believe that he is going to have to answer to his idea that a single payer health care system is better than what we had before Obamacare was implemented. I think he will may in the future need to address his waiving of the "conservative" banner, when he really shouldn't be waiving that flag with some of the ideas he is putting forth. I think there is something critical that we should ask ourselves about Trump. Is he speaking and acting in the same manner in which Obama did to draw accolades from the people? Is Trump going to be our nation's next Obama, with bold talk , a large following, and bad ideas? I like Trump for his blunt talk, but am worried he is covering up a very leftist way of thinking.
Walker. What is going to really hurt him is his lack of media attention because most is going to Trump. Does he need to go all out and "Trump"-up his campaign? Not necessarily, but sometimes you need to rock the boat to not get left behind. Especially in this large pool of candidates to choose from. I like that he is not afraid to go after Hillary, which is something that a lot of people seem to be afraid of doing lately.
Bush. I don't trust this man. I trust him just about as much as I do Hillary, and that is not a compliment. Bush has a long road to go in which he proves to me, and I believe a vast majority of people, that he is more than just a puppet for the cronies running the Republican establishment in D.C. When a person supports common core education, I leave the conversation, thus I leave the idea for casting a vote for him. He also supports amnesty, which goes right in line to his every day gross pandering to win the Hispanic vote. Jeb Bush for me is a greasy, slippery eel. I'm not buying that anything he wants is for the good of the nation, and neither do most voters. I say this again to the Republican establishment trying to force feed him to us; if Hillary is given the Democratic nomination and we offer Bush as the other option, we're going to lose.
Thursday is going to be important, if for nothing more than whittling the field down to a few (if not more) candidates. I hope that the debate is vibrant and honest. I don't want buzz words. I want policy ideas. I don't want to hear that you want to secure the border, I want to hear how you will do so. I will promise this, if anyone says that they are for the replacement, not the repeal, of Obamacare I am crossing you off my list.
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