For all of you celebrating this weekend, Happy Passover and/or Easter to you!
This week a lot has happened in the world and a lot ties into the religious sector in one way or another.
The horrific attack in Kenya. The Al-Qeada militant group, Al-Shababb, claimed responsibility for the murder of 147 people. The reports coming out of this attack are of a seek and destroy of any non-Muslim person at the university. Accounts from witnesses claim that students were asked if they were Muslim or not, and if they were not, they were shot.
In Dearborn Michigan and in Texas, we are witnessing a quiet takeover of Muslim ideals with the implementation of Sharia Law and a Sharia Court. I cannot even begin to explain how this terrifies me.
Indiana and their RFRA (Religious Freedom Restoration Act) had to be redefined, so to speak, to show that homosexuals will not be denied services based on someone else's faith.
We even have a man in the White House who is caving into Iran's demands and giving them unfettered access and abilities to build their nuclear arsenal; and those of you who believe otherwise are fooling yourselves. The Iranians have stated time and again that they will destroy the US, but nukes are going to be OK now for these "death to America" preachers. While Obama has not declared publicly that he is of the Muslim faith, a lot of the actions he is taking in the foreign policy realm is dedicated to the uplifting and/or sheltering of the Muslim religion. A religion he states to be one of peace, it's so peaceful that as Americans we hear on a consistent basis that people of that faith want to destroy America and Israel. Whether that threat comes by Iran, ISIS, or "lone wolf" attackers.
What does all of this mean? To be honest, it's really hard to not think that Christian beliefs are under attack or at least not held to the same standard. Have any of you seen the video from Dearborn MI where a video was taken in different bakeries of Muslim owners who would not make a wedding cake of a gay couple? If not, you should Google "Steven Crowder tries to but gay wedding cake at Muslim bakeries". This isn't being reported on and it happened here in the US! If everyone were to take a step back and breath you'll see that, at least here in the U.S., if you're a homosexual you are not in jeopardy of being executed. Over in the Muslim nations homosexuals are killed every day just for being gay. Again, this isn't being reported on either and that's just terrible.
It makes me wonder why there is a blind eye towards this double standard. Discrimination is discrimination, Christian or Muslim. For the Christian sides to only be cast in the negative light especially when it comes to homosexuality is baffling. Either way it can be viewed as a great thing that people believe in their faith enough to stand by their convictions, but I cannot ever remember a passage in the Bible saying to kill those who not only go against their teachings but to kill homosexuals.
This is making it difficult for me to not buy into theories that Obama and his administration are Muslim followers, or at the very least sympathizers. So far, all I have seen of this religion is a message of hate and it's going to take a good deal of convincing to show me otherwise. I just think Obama is a man who also spreads hate messages across our lands, just look back to the church he went to in Illinois. That was a place of total love and warm cuddly feelings; please note my avid sarcasm.
At no time should anyone treat another unfairly or unjustly, no religion should ever advocate that. Be kind folks because when our time comes to meet the unknown, every action is going to decide our eternal fate.
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