Dear Anti-Trump Rioters/Protesters/Demonstrators,
There is so much unrest in our nation, worldwide even, that it goes beyond imagination. This unrest, this unease, is palpable. Like many of you I am beginning to believe that this is a tangible being, as if one day we will wake up to news of it leaving a slime trail of darkness on the city streets. Yet I, like many others, believe this unrest has grown way beyond what it should.
Which has me wonder of you Anti-Trump protesters, how can any of you legitimately justify your destructive actions and the vile tone you have adopted? You want to stand up for your beliefs which is one of the pillars of freedoms this nation is all about; and as an American I encourage you to voice your dissent as it is your right. Yet those of you in the Anti-Trump crowd forget that it is through this dissent that we learn from those with different view points, and that your point is more effective when it is delivered with tact, and this is something you do not have. It is this lack of tact that is your downfall.
Tact comes when you can deliver your point without violence, destruction, or assault, but with words that are so well articulated and a point so thoughtfully prepared that those who stand in opposition from your views are persuaded of their own free will to listen. It is here where you lose everything that you are trying accomplish and it is here that your "movement" dies a painful death. You Anti-Trump protesters are not convincing Americans who voted for Trump to listen to you and to unite on common ground; you're pushing them away with your foolish protests that quickly turn into destructive riots and assaults on your fellow Americans. In simple terms, your demonstrations are leading no where.
Which makes many wonder, what are your next steps with this Anti-Trump movement? Are you planning to go to your local elected officials office and see how you can work with them to share and accomplish your goals of "securing America" from what you perceive to be a threat in the Oval Office? Or is the whole movement about causing chaos, destruction, hate, and fear?
If you want to be successful your movement, you would stop this nonsense and reevaluate what it is you want to accomplish. If you are truly dedicated to this cause and really believed in what you were doing, you would not hide your faces. If you truly want people to listen to you and take you seriously, you would not destroy buildings nor would you physically attack others with opposing view points. You would find someone who could channel that energy and tactfully articulate your mission. You would stop with the cliché comparison of liking President Trump to Hitler because all you are doing is lessening the severity of the genocide Hitler put defenseless human beings through.
If you cannot stop with this destructive behavior, then I ask that you stop protesting and focus on your self and your family. Act in a manner to keep them safe, and soon I think you will see that God, the Universe, whatever you may believe in, has a way of settling the hearts of mankind.
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Thursday, February 16, 2017
A Day Without Immigrants... You Mean Illegals
Stay home illegal aliens and those of you who have no idea the burden illegal immigrants pose on our nation, that's just fine. For those of us who understand what this is all about, this silly call to action as nothing but pure nonsense, go about your day as usual. For those who stay in our nation undocumented feeding off of our system, you should be humbled and grateful, yet here you are flamboyantly flaunting your illegal status because you think someone like me will be moved to tears and want you to continue staying here as an illegal immigrant? That's not going to happen. All of you taking today off are full of yourselves and appreciate nothing you have here, and you miss the point entirely on what it means to be American.
Let me specifically address a growing concern many of us have for all of you calling for open borders and reject any nationalistic identity: How can one demand that the US take in all of the worlds sick, the poor, those seeking social justice and yet use the same tongue to bash the US for being overreaching as a leader in our world? Let me inform all of you who deeply believe in this liberal ideology that takes more and more of hardworking Americans money to support people who flee a repressive government: continuing on this path is just , and will continue to be, a temporary Band-Aid. Why? The problem facing these immigrants fleeing from their home land is not being fixed. The source of the problem will continue on its path of repression and fear, and people worldwide will still live in poverty and face social injustice daily because we don't call on other countries to fix their nonsense. No what we do is continue on the easy route of ignoring these injustices and continue on accepting people afflicted by crisis.
This issue goes way deeper than a drug and crime ridden Mexico, war torn Syria, China, Russia, South America, Cuba, North Korea, India, basically anywhere and wherever people face injustice. Americans are being lead to the slaughter because we're being labeled as evil if we do not bend to the will of other repressive governments. Instead of towing their line, why don't we start demanding that instead of being the world's doormat that we stand up and demand that all of these nations that are oppressive and fail to offer their citizens basic human rights fix their governments so their people can live a life of harmony and peace? We need to stand united and tell these other nation's to fix what is ripping their nation apart so their people can stay home. That's the issue that liberals REFUSE to address each and every day, and the simple reason as to WHY is because it all comes down to politics. How easy it is for Americans to forget that refugees and illegals are nothing but pawns in American politics. Illegals and refugees are used so one side can appear more compassionate than another to win over the low information crowd. If our nation's leaders took social injustice as seriously as you believe they do, then we would not have the likes of Castro nor al-Assad murdering their people for power. No, if anything our elected officials are happy with the status-quo and seeing how to tug at our heartstrings while our homeless veterans are forgotten, our debt keeps rising, our GDP turns to dust, and our children are so under educated that they cannot compete with the world market. All of this is about politics, not compassion.
Immigrants will still try to flee to America because, whether your liberal education will allow you to agree, we are the best country on the planet. That's why people want to come to America. Who wouldn't want to pursue the "American Dream"? Of course any of us not in support of this call to action of open borders are openly labeled as racists or worse yet, nationalists, who do not care about the plight of those suffering around the world .... WRONG. Those of us opposed to open borders and illegal immigration do care, we just want the same rules applying to us as to others living in our nation. We ask those who come into our nation do so legally, that they learn our customs, language, and traditions, that they have pride in being an American. That we take care of our own and persuade others around the world to follow in our country's footsteps.
Yes, many of our family members came to America, mine being one. The difference that millenials and liberals don't realize is that they did so legally, and that they embraced everything that America had to offer while still paying homage to their roots. That's not being done today, and that's why there is an uproar. Come to America, but do so by following our laws.
Let me specifically address a growing concern many of us have for all of you calling for open borders and reject any nationalistic identity: How can one demand that the US take in all of the worlds sick, the poor, those seeking social justice and yet use the same tongue to bash the US for being overreaching as a leader in our world? Let me inform all of you who deeply believe in this liberal ideology that takes more and more of hardworking Americans money to support people who flee a repressive government: continuing on this path is just , and will continue to be, a temporary Band-Aid. Why? The problem facing these immigrants fleeing from their home land is not being fixed. The source of the problem will continue on its path of repression and fear, and people worldwide will still live in poverty and face social injustice daily because we don't call on other countries to fix their nonsense. No what we do is continue on the easy route of ignoring these injustices and continue on accepting people afflicted by crisis.
This issue goes way deeper than a drug and crime ridden Mexico, war torn Syria, China, Russia, South America, Cuba, North Korea, India, basically anywhere and wherever people face injustice. Americans are being lead to the slaughter because we're being labeled as evil if we do not bend to the will of other repressive governments. Instead of towing their line, why don't we start demanding that instead of being the world's doormat that we stand up and demand that all of these nations that are oppressive and fail to offer their citizens basic human rights fix their governments so their people can live a life of harmony and peace? We need to stand united and tell these other nation's to fix what is ripping their nation apart so their people can stay home. That's the issue that liberals REFUSE to address each and every day, and the simple reason as to WHY is because it all comes down to politics. How easy it is for Americans to forget that refugees and illegals are nothing but pawns in American politics. Illegals and refugees are used so one side can appear more compassionate than another to win over the low information crowd. If our nation's leaders took social injustice as seriously as you believe they do, then we would not have the likes of Castro nor al-Assad murdering their people for power. No, if anything our elected officials are happy with the status-quo and seeing how to tug at our heartstrings while our homeless veterans are forgotten, our debt keeps rising, our GDP turns to dust, and our children are so under educated that they cannot compete with the world market. All of this is about politics, not compassion.
Immigrants will still try to flee to America because, whether your liberal education will allow you to agree, we are the best country on the planet. That's why people want to come to America. Who wouldn't want to pursue the "American Dream"? Of course any of us not in support of this call to action of open borders are openly labeled as racists or worse yet, nationalists, who do not care about the plight of those suffering around the world .... WRONG. Those of us opposed to open borders and illegal immigration do care, we just want the same rules applying to us as to others living in our nation. We ask those who come into our nation do so legally, that they learn our customs, language, and traditions, that they have pride in being an American. That we take care of our own and persuade others around the world to follow in our country's footsteps.
Yes, many of our family members came to America, mine being one. The difference that millenials and liberals don't realize is that they did so legally, and that they embraced everything that America had to offer while still paying homage to their roots. That's not being done today, and that's why there is an uproar. Come to America, but do so by following our laws.
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Waking Up Conservative
President Trump issued an executive order in regards to the safety and security of our nation and snowflakes and liberals who did not take a moment to actually READ the policy protested and or rioted. Snowflakes and liberals who do not think there are any repercussions for their actions set fires, physically assaulted human beings, and smashed windows and glass doors when Milo was scheduled to speak at UC Berkeley. We have legitimate citizens of the United States who care more about the welfare and right of illegal immigrants receive than they do about the suffering of our nations Vets. There are students being taught that America is the most oppressive nation in human history and the only way to fix it is to adopt a socialist style of government. America's Supreme Court found in favor of forcing Obamacare on its citizens without enforcing it on our leadership or themselves. Our national debt is $19 TRILLON dollars and growing, yet American citizens are told that gender identity is a more pressing matter. American women are demanding free birth control pills and on demand abortion access in the name of equality while millions of girls are sold as child brides, undergo female genital mutilation, and are still considered property of men. The list goes on and on of complaints conservatives have against liberals, but let's address something that's going to make liberals cry; whether you, liberals, like it or not, the children being raised now are being raised with conservative values.
Surprised? I bet most of you are. Look at what is happening to the children who have been lead astray thanks in part by our educational system and mainstream liberal policies. You are witnessing a generation of lazy cry babies who are completely unprepared for life thanks to policies and teachings they grew up under. No one in their right frame of mind can say the riots occurring on college campuses followed by a latte at the college "safe space" is a good thing. Most of these kids are doomed before their life even begins because they were fed lies throughout their childhood, and that lie is liberalism.
You cannot expect parents, especially new parents, to accept these situations as normal. Parents aren't taking a back a seat. They are evaluating what is best for their child while reading the news on their smart phone. Turns out parents of children just entering elementary school or younger ARE paying attention, and they are not buying into the liberal propaganda. It's this generation of children that every liberal should be scared of... and perhaps THIS is the reason why they advocate and praise abortions.
The world is about to see a new generation of children raised by parents who are faithfully paying attention to the policies of school boards and politicians. Parents are paying more attention now to the policies made because not only does it affect what their child is taught in school, but it also affects their financial bottom line. To which I urge everyone, not just parents, to READ policies set forth and be active in your local and federal government. The office of the President is not the only office that affects you, your local officials more closely directly impact your daily life more than you even begin to realize.
Liberals, you've been warned. The conservative ideology is fixing to make a huge come back, and it'll leave your head spinning.
Surprised? I bet most of you are. Look at what is happening to the children who have been lead astray thanks in part by our educational system and mainstream liberal policies. You are witnessing a generation of lazy cry babies who are completely unprepared for life thanks to policies and teachings they grew up under. No one in their right frame of mind can say the riots occurring on college campuses followed by a latte at the college "safe space" is a good thing. Most of these kids are doomed before their life even begins because they were fed lies throughout their childhood, and that lie is liberalism.
You cannot expect parents, especially new parents, to accept these situations as normal. Parents aren't taking a back a seat. They are evaluating what is best for their child while reading the news on their smart phone. Turns out parents of children just entering elementary school or younger ARE paying attention, and they are not buying into the liberal propaganda. It's this generation of children that every liberal should be scared of... and perhaps THIS is the reason why they advocate and praise abortions.
The world is about to see a new generation of children raised by parents who are faithfully paying attention to the policies of school boards and politicians. Parents are paying more attention now to the policies made because not only does it affect what their child is taught in school, but it also affects their financial bottom line. To which I urge everyone, not just parents, to READ policies set forth and be active in your local and federal government. The office of the President is not the only office that affects you, your local officials more closely directly impact your daily life more than you even begin to realize.
Liberals, you've been warned. The conservative ideology is fixing to make a huge come back, and it'll leave your head spinning.
Thursday, February 2, 2017
Promiscuous Passé
Since the announcement of Trump's nomination of Judge Gorsuch the fake eruptions of outrage from the Left have been predictable, but one claim is wearing thin on my patience. That irritating claim is that this SCOTUS nominee, and future Supreme Court Judge, will overturn Roe v. Wade. It really did not matter who the nominee would have been, this talking point would bloom regardless, yet I am afraid that if I were to roll my eyes anymore that they would get stuck that way.
This repeated tired claim regarding Roe v. Wade is offensive in its root that women are citizen's solely concerned about access to abortion in the eyes of the Left. The Left does not think women concern themselves with the matters of national security, care of our Veteran's, the economy nor anything more pressing than the outcome of their sexual activity. Essentially the Leftist's concern with women worldwide ends and begins at their vagina. If you are in doubt just look at how much funding Planned Parenthood gets and how much Planned Parenthood "donates" to certain candidates. It's not a coincidence, it's by design for the need for power, and it's entrapment of the minds of millions of women nationwide.
This debate regarding Roe v. Wade and it's continued protection regarding a conservative Judge is ridiculous. Ladies, the Left truly believes that abortion access is your number one hot button issue. Women essentially don't have any thoughts or cares about our economy, crime, the education system, or national security; all women care about is their vagina and whether or not they can have an abortion. That is it, that's all women are for Leftists. If the Left can scare a women enough into believing a conservative wants to drag women back to their caves and be ruled over by a man, they have job security come any election cycle.
With this mentality of unfettered abortion access to all, we have witnessed and continue to watch our youth become sexually active at a younger age. How is it that we have children in middle school engaging in these activities? It's because we have thrown morality out the window in compromise to be accepting of our PC culture. For all of you younger generations out there, let me offer this: Sex is not a recreational sport. It is not cool to go around sleeping with as many people as possible. Being promiscuous is not something to be applauded nor something to aspire to. While it is no one's business but yours what you do behind closed doors, there will come a day where you meet the person you are supposed to spend the rest of your life with and you will wish those other partners away.
Aspiring to be the prized sexual object as commonly portrayed in movies, TV, and music is not women's liberation. It goes against everything that feminism was founded upon! Find a role model that knows how to cleverly use their appearance in connection with their mind. The saying that life is about balance applies to everything including your sexual lifestyle. Whether you want to admit it or not, sex is significant and it matters.
If we can spread that message across our nation, wouldn't it be interesting to see how the moral fabric of our nation is repaired? The issue of Roe v. Wade goes deeper than just abortion. It gets down to the heart of how Leftists view women.... And I have to ask myself, why does the Left want to place women back in their caves?
This repeated tired claim regarding Roe v. Wade is offensive in its root that women are citizen's solely concerned about access to abortion in the eyes of the Left. The Left does not think women concern themselves with the matters of national security, care of our Veteran's, the economy nor anything more pressing than the outcome of their sexual activity. Essentially the Leftist's concern with women worldwide ends and begins at their vagina. If you are in doubt just look at how much funding Planned Parenthood gets and how much Planned Parenthood "donates" to certain candidates. It's not a coincidence, it's by design for the need for power, and it's entrapment of the minds of millions of women nationwide.
This debate regarding Roe v. Wade and it's continued protection regarding a conservative Judge is ridiculous. Ladies, the Left truly believes that abortion access is your number one hot button issue. Women essentially don't have any thoughts or cares about our economy, crime, the education system, or national security; all women care about is their vagina and whether or not they can have an abortion. That is it, that's all women are for Leftists. If the Left can scare a women enough into believing a conservative wants to drag women back to their caves and be ruled over by a man, they have job security come any election cycle.
With this mentality of unfettered abortion access to all, we have witnessed and continue to watch our youth become sexually active at a younger age. How is it that we have children in middle school engaging in these activities? It's because we have thrown morality out the window in compromise to be accepting of our PC culture. For all of you younger generations out there, let me offer this: Sex is not a recreational sport. It is not cool to go around sleeping with as many people as possible. Being promiscuous is not something to be applauded nor something to aspire to. While it is no one's business but yours what you do behind closed doors, there will come a day where you meet the person you are supposed to spend the rest of your life with and you will wish those other partners away.
Aspiring to be the prized sexual object as commonly portrayed in movies, TV, and music is not women's liberation. It goes against everything that feminism was founded upon! Find a role model that knows how to cleverly use their appearance in connection with their mind. The saying that life is about balance applies to everything including your sexual lifestyle. Whether you want to admit it or not, sex is significant and it matters.
If we can spread that message across our nation, wouldn't it be interesting to see how the moral fabric of our nation is repaired? The issue of Roe v. Wade goes deeper than just abortion. It gets down to the heart of how Leftists view women.... And I have to ask myself, why does the Left want to place women back in their caves?
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