Friday, January 20, 2017

God Bless President Trump!

     Going into today I knew that it would be  historically important , but I discounted how emotional it would be.   As tears filled my eyes, I watched while Vice President Pence took the oath of office delivered by Justice Thomas.  I enthusiastically applauded as President Trump delivered his first speech after being sworn in.  The spiritual leaders selected to speak were inspirational!  I did not go into today looking for more ways to find the things that divide us.  I went into today's inauguration as a historical witness of the re-unification of our country, and the speakers and President Trump seemed to have a pulse on what the country needed to hear.
     As I listened to President Trump's speech, I was beyond inspired.  The inspiration was so palpable I actually feel as if a great weight has been lifted off of our nation.  "We share one heart, one home," President Trump said.  "This moment is YOUR moment, it belongs to you...this is YOUR country!"  These words were of our newly inaugurated President, and I sense he truly believes this!  This is our nation, my fellow Americans.  American belongs to the people, it always has, and will continue to be as long as we do our duty to make it so.  We cannot remain lazy.  We cannot remain indifferent to what our elected officials do.   We have to be awake, we have to be present!  We have to remain vigilant even in times of our country's greatness, not just show up in times of crisis! 
     President Trump made so many profound statements today but one of my favorites was this, "What truly matters is that our government is controlled by its People!"   How many of my fellow Americans easily forget this simple statement.  We are the ones to tell the elected officials what to do, not the other way around.  Our elected officials are supposed to work with the people, to represent We the People; not work for special interest groups or lobbyists.  We the People are the ones who elect our leaders, they are not appointed nor born into positions of leadership, We the People put them there.  This will continue only if we continue to be active in our democratic process. 
     Too many of the millennials have not been taught this, and because of this we are witnessing too many people being left behind and feeding so easily into hate.  We the People need not forget how our nation came to be and why we are such a unique nation. 
     We the People need to have prayer and the guidance of God placed back into our nation's capital and everyone's heart.  We can have a great nation again if, and only if, we can put aside our differences to work for the common good and one common goal.  That common goal should be the best interest of our nation's future, which is that of our nation's children.  We must stop this incessant PC culture we've created that breeds nothing but hate disguised as universal acceptance.  We must unify together! 
     President Trump assured us that "we will be protected by God," and my faith has me believe this to be true!  By the way of President Trump's speech and mannerisms, I believe that with his administration, we will indeed "make America proud again!"

God Bless President Trump!
God Bless the U.S.A!

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Election Wounds to Inauguration Euphoria

     A few more days and Donald Trump's inauguration will be cemented in history books.  He'll be sworn in, and we'll officially have a new President of the United States sitting proudly in the Oval Office.  To say I am feeling euphoric is an understatement, it is so much more than that. 
     And here you sit, my readers, my friends, my family, and you're worried.  Truly worried and honestly frightened.  I have been told that  "You can't express your support for Trump, it'll ruin your reputation."  Or you may be thinking, "He's misogynistic!  How can any strong and educated women, support that loser?!"  There may even be you closet supporters of Trump telling your spouse, "I am so ready for Obama to leave office, but to say so publicly  it will be assumed that I am racist." 
      Yes, I know.  I understand everything you are feeling.  I do!  You're surrounded by stories bigotry of company CEO's telling their employees who support Trump to quit, hailed by the members of the press and your friends on social media.  You're bombarded by celebrities and high ranking elected officials telling you that we should not support this "illegitimate" President.  The press is going out of their way to tell you that Trump will destroy our nation and, to make you even more afraid, that Trump will kill the 1st Amendment and after he wakes up from Putin's bed.  We're being told that the members of the Press may be thrown in jail and waterboarded.  We are being lead to believe that we must protect our precious Press because no one else will be able to give you the most accurate news during Trump's term in office....  These are great, but tired, scare tactics being deployed as a last ditch effort to save their own skin, so don't buy in.
     You know what I hear when all of this noise enters my ears?  Crying.  Pure, unadulterated crying; and I am lapping it up!  Their fear is hilarious!  At the end of the day my readers, my friends, my family, you know what I say to all of these scare tactics?  "Kiss my Grits!"  Seriously, forget those people trying to scare you into oblivion! 
     But, but... Pam!  We're supposed to be unified and support one another and the only way to do this is to have everyone agree on everything!  And by agree we must agree with Liberal Logic because if we don't then we'll slide back into the days of Jim Crow and segregation and it'll be like women's suffrage would never have happened....  Nonsense!  Remember when Obama was elected?  Remember the headlines and the stories that were reported for him?  He hadn't even set foot in office, had not even created one job, yet he was the next best thing to happen to America since Washington!  Don't you see how WRONG they were?!
     94 million, give or take, are out of the labor force,  company's have moved their base of operations from the US to other nations without penalty, wages are stagnate, the Middle Class is disappearing, 1 out of 7 Americans are on food stamps (according to Bloomberg), our allies are questioning our loyalty, our military is a shrinking mess, race relations are worse than when Obama took office, government funded organizations are selling aborted babies, Americans are forced to have health care that is affordable and eating away at any of their disposable income, public education is driving our children into a hole of ignorance, people are calling for the murder of police officers and all white male babies, and the US is 19 TRILLON dollars in debt.  How can you tell me that Obama's term in office is anything short of a failure?  What has this administration to make anything better?
     For all of you who are scared to be Trump supporters, please, please take a moment and look at everything that has happened these past 8 years.  What has been the only memorable event that has come from electing Obama?  America elected it's first black President.  That's it, nothing more.  Obama's legacy will be one of disillusioned hope.  There has not been any policy laid forth that has helped our nation, nor its people.
     What will Trump's legacy be?  It's too soon to tell, but I am more hopeful than I have been in years, and you should be too.
     If you are happy about this new chapter in America's history, then hold yourself in high esteem!  You've got more company then you are being lead to believe.  If you lose a few friends along the way, that just shows you their ignorance, not yours.
     If you are unhappy with the election results, the find a way to work with the new administration in a way that diplomatically benefits all.  Having hissy-fits and stomping your feet will not accomplish what you want.  You're actually going to have to present yourself in an adult-like manner and bring your facts with you to help your case.  You're going to have to do more than Tweet on social media, you're going to have to roll up your sleeves and work.  
       Our nation, and the world, depends on all of us working together.
        Lead by example.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Fake News For You!

     You know the hazy mind-numb feeling you have after pulling an all-nighter with your child and then having to go into work the next day?  That's how I felt after watching the farewell speech from Obama.  It wasn't even so much the gag reflex that came to pass when he was tooting his own horn describing the accomplishments we never would have thought possible if it hadn't been for him... until he came to the office of President of course!  There was so much I was unhappy with but
now we have to move on from that Love Fest to the Trump press conference.
     You want to talk about a knock out blow out???!!!  How amazing it was to have President Elect Trump call CNN "Fake News!"  My heart flutters just remembering it!  Of course every news media outlet, aka the MSM, is flustered over the treatment of one of their own from CNN.  All of this just makes me laugh and laugh and laugh... The Empire the MSM has built within the Liberal circle is crumbling and it is glorious!
     Just from observing the news conference yesterday, I would say we are all in for a great overhaul that is WAY overdue!
     Don't fret with what may come everyone, enjoy what we have right now!  Change for some is scary, but we as a nation need to unite around our President.
     Stop crying about the Electoral College.  Stop advocating riots and martial law.  Start thinking about how you can truly make a difference in our country in 2017!


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

What's In A Movie?

     Why are films, aka movies, so important?  They offer so much more than entertainment, they offer the chance for an escape; an escape from the mundane that was vital during WWII, and today.  Movies are able to give everyone and anyone a chance to transcend the reality of their everyday that doesn't take into account your skin color, religion, gender... and I think entertainers have forgotten that.

     For those of you who caught acceptance speeches last night at the Golden Globes it was a constant barrage of veiled, and not so veiled,  "Let's Bash Trump!"  In all fairness, the entertainment industry has become more and more vocal on their personal political views, with the Left leading the charge in Hollywood.  Remember the downfall of the Dixie Chicks?  It wasn't smart, and far from cool, to go on an international stage and bash your President when it's not prompted.  Everyone's entitled to your opinion, however, you gained your fame and notoriety from your talent, not your political views.
     Entertainers are missing the point when they are presented a platform to accept awards for their talent.  We're in a nation where people put in a lot of sweat and tears into being a performer, and those at the top waste the moment (or moments), they are given to be humble and gracious in accepting their awards to turn it into a town crier political opportunity.
     Meryl Streep made waves because of her 6 minute acceptance speech/Bash Trump open microphone set at the Golden Globes.  I think I lasted about two minutes... but again this woman who has graced the silver screen missed the point.  She is completely disconnected from what average American goes through, all of Tinsel Town is.  These actors and actresses have not had to watch their paychecks dwindle to meager earnings because of Obamacare.  They do not know the choices some seniors have to make between their medications and food.  They fail to see the suicidal rates among our Veteran community.   Actors and actresses, producers and directors, are all immune to average every day life.  The causes they champion are based on a distorted reality, and it's time that everyone see this for what it truly is.
     The public demands entertainment, and that's why you see entertainer's earning millions of dollars per pay movie or episode.  People want to be transported to an alternate reality just for a little while, and in doing that your personal political views are not necessary.