1. Bergdahl. I remember the moment when I saw this man's face in the video that showed him being transferred back to US custody. I vividly remember thinking that this was not the man who had relief on his face, but that looked comfortable in his "captivity". There was not an awkward aura like someone who was held captive for years, he looked very much at ease with these men. That was something that has always stuck with me over all of the drama surrounding his release. With that being said, there will be charges brought against him of desertion. To which I am happy about, beyond happy about, but then the report came from the Washington Post where a detailed letter came out from his lawyer detailing the years in captivity. I'll save you the melodramatic details by telling you Bergdahl claims he was beaten, starved, tortured, and did try to escape on multiple occasions. To which I say, and I say this to the person named Bowe Bergdahl himself, what did you honestly expect to happen? Did you think that you would leave your post and jaunt over to the Taliban and be welcomed with open arms? That they would revere you as a hero? Reports say you defected to the other side out of sympathy. I honestly do not care what you thought or WHY you decided to do what you did. You are solely responsible for six men losing their lives looking for you. You cannot try and explain or plead away why you should not spend the rest of your life behind bars, nor should your experience in "captivity" allow you have a reduced sentence. You are a traitor. You are a deserter. You are a disgrace to Americans everywhere. I will make my own plea on your behalf. If it is found, in some way, in the military courts that you are free to go, I hope that the families of the men who died sue you. I hope you are left penniless if they go after you. Nothing about you will ever say "served with honor and distinction".
2. Hilary Clinton. Just hand over your server. Let's save everyone's time and energy here and just hand it over. Everyone knows you're hiding something and I promise you everyone knows you're lying. You don't get your own server if you are just trading emails back and forth about wedding plans and or yoga. On a side note to the Democratic party, is she REALLY the only one you guys have to run for 2016? She's the best you can come up with?
3. Iran. This country and everything coming from it is bad news. Why would you want someone who openly says "Death to America" to have a nuclear weapon? Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei did in fact say this week while at a rally, more along the lines of, "Of course yes, death to America, because America is the original source of this pressure.” Mr. Obama and Mr. Kerry in case you forgot, we ARE America and this nation's leader wants to see us destroyed. I wonder if Israel started to chant "death to America" if you would like them more and want to continue to shine a bad light on them. I can only imagine that this deal Obama is trying to work out with Iran has to do with his legacy. Perhaps Obama thinks that if he can be the one person to allow Iran to have these deadly nuclear capabilities that there will be peace to the Middle East and he will be the one who has brought it to them. To that I say, these people want the U.S. and our people and our way of life obliterated from this planet. These kinds of people don't talk in suits in nicely decorated rooms, these kinds of people talk with bombs and guns. These people kill and you are forgetting that.
4. Indiana. Pence signed a new law allowing for religious freedoms for businesses. Basically if a baker doesn't want to make a cake for a gay couple they have that right. But why you would refuse to take a job in this economy is beyond me. Which I thought businesses had the right to refuse service to anyone at any time, but obviously not.
5. Ted Cruz. We have a runner, ladies and gentlemen! Cruz is the first to throw his hat into the ring and I have to say I am excited about this one. If you haven't heard, he did not need a teleprompter for his speech. Totally off the cuff talking, and it was full of passion! Sure some of it was a little cheesy and what you would expect for a presidential candidate to say, but it was exciting none the less. The reports that students had to attend were misleading, they attend a school where convocations are required. No big deal. Another hot button topic with Cruz running is he can't because he's not really a US citizen. Well, yes he is. Plus think about this for one second. I am sure Cruz has some nice people who are fairly wealthy funding his campaign. Don't you think these people would want to make sure they were giving their money to someone who could run for the office of president?